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    Penentuan Kebijakan Pengiriman Menggunakan Model Persediaan Terintegrasi Untuk Perishable Product Dalam Supply Chain Multi-eselon (Studi Kasus Di Tika Bakery)

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    Sepanjang persaingan dalam dunia industri semakin kuat, supply chain management menjadi halyang sangat penting. TIKA Bakery yang secara terus menerus memproduksi roti selalu berusaha untukmemenuhi permintaan konsumen dengan cepat, murah, dan kualitas produk yang tetap terjamin. Untukmencapai tujuan tersebut TIKA Bakery tidak dapat melakukannya sendiri, melainkan harus bekerja samadengan pedagang rotinya dan Trijaya Niaga Distributor selaku supplier tepung terigu. Agar koordinasidan kerjasama dalam satu supply chain tersebut tidak terjadi perbedaan dan konflik yang merugikan satusama lain, diperlukan suatu kebijakan integrasi supply chain, dimana dalam penelitian ini adalahkebijakan dalam hal aliran material. Produk yang dihasilkan TIKA Bakery termasuk perishable product,oleh karena itu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap habisnya persediaan tidak hanya permintaan tetapi jugakerusakan. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu kebijakan pengiriman untuk mendukung pengelolaan persediaanroti TIKA Bakery. Hsin Rau, dkk pada tahun 2003 mengembangkan sebuah model yang menggabungkantiga konsep, yaitu model persediaan untuk deteriorating item, sistem persediaan multi-eselon, danintegrasi supply chain. Dengan menggunakan model tersebut dihasilkan suatu usulan kebijakanpengiriman, yaitu frekuensi pengiriman bahan baku dari Trijaya Niaga Distributor ke TIKA Bakeryadalah 16 kali pengiriman, frekuensi pengiriman roti dari TIKA Bakery ke pedagang adalah 25 kalipengiriman selama satu bulan. Selain itu kebijakan pengiriman tersebut memberikan keuntungan,diantaranya yaitu jumlah roti yang kembali ke TIKA Bakery karena rusak berkurang dari 28% menjadi3,47%.Kata kunci: kebijakan, multi-eselon, perishable, integrasi As the industrial environment becomes more competitive, supply chain management has becomeessential. TIKA Bakery which continuously produces bread always tries to fulfil consumer demand in fast,cheap and well guaranteed products quality. To reach the target TIKA Bakery cannot do it alone, theyhave to work on a cooperative basis with TIKA Bakery\u27s bread retailers and Trijaya Niaga Distributor aswheat flour supplier. In order to avoid conflict and difference between one another in cooperation andcoordination of supply chain which can harm one another, they need an integration supply chain policy,which in this research is policy in the case of material stream. TIKA Bakery\u27s products includedperishable product, therefore factor that having an effect to the inventory not only the demand but alsothe damage. Because of that, need a delivery policy to support inventory management in TIKA Bakery.Hsin Rau, et al in 2003 developing a model joining three concepts, there are inventory model forperishable product, multi-echelon inventory system, and integration supply chain. By using the model thatresult a proposal in delivery policy, those are frequency delivery of raw material from Trijaya NiagaDistributor to TIKA Bakery is 16 delivery times and frequency delivery of bread from TIKA Bakery to theretailers is 25 delivery times during one month. In addition, the delivery policy gives profit, which is thequantity of bread that return to TIKA Bakery is decrease from 28% to 3,47%


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    ABSTRAKSI Sepanjang persaingan dalam dunia industri semakin kuat, manajemen rantai pasok menjadi hal yang sangat penting. TIKA Bakery yang secara terus menerus memproduksi roti selalu berusaha untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen dengan cepat, murah, dan kualitas produk yang tetap terjamin. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut TIKA Bakery tidak dapat melakukannya sendiri, melainkan harus bekerja sama dengan pedagang rotinya dan Trijaya Niaga Distributor selaku supplier tepung terigu. Agar koordinasi dan kerjasama dalam satu rantai pasok tersebut tidak terjadi perbedaan dan konflik yang merugikan satu sama lain, diperlukan suatu kebijakan integrasi rantai pasok, dimana dalam penelitian ini adalah kebijakan dalam hal aliran material. Produk yang dihasilkan TIKA Bakery termasuk perishable product, oleh karena itu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap habisnya persediaan tidak hanya permintaan tetapi juga kerusakan. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu kebijakan pengiriman untuk mendukung pengelolaan persediaan roti TIKA Bakery. Hsin Rau, dkk pada tahun 2003 mengembangkan sebuah model yang menggabungkan tiga konsep, yaitu model persediaan untuk perishable product, sistem persediaan multi-eselon, dan integrasi rantai pasok. Dengan menggunakan model tersebut dihasilkan suatu usulan kebijakan pengiriman, yaitu frekuensi pengiriman bahan baku dari Trijaya Niaga Distributor ke TIKA Bakery adalah 16 kali pengiriman, frekuensi pengiriman roti dari TIKA Bakery ke pedagang adalah 25 kali pengiriman selama satu bulan. Selain itu kebijakan pengiriman tersebut memberikan keuntungan, diantaranya yaitu jumlah roti yang kembali ke TIKA Bakery karena rusak berkurang dari 28% menjadi 3,47%. ABSTRACT As the industrial environment becomes more competitive, supply chain management has become essential. TIKA Bakery which continuously produces bread always tries to fulfil consumer demand in fast, cheap and well guaranteed products quality. To reach the target TIKA Bakery cannot do it alone, they have to work on a cooperative basis with TIKA Bakery’s bread retailers and Trijaya Niaga Distributor as wheat flour supplier. In order to avoid conflict and difference between one another in cooperation and coordination of supply chain which can harm one another, they need an integration supply chain policy, which in this research is policy in the case of material stream. TIKA Bakery’s products included perishable product, therefore factor that having an effect to the inventory not only the demand but also the damage. Because of that, need a delivery policy to support inventory management in TIKA Bakery. Hsin Rau, et al in 2003 developing a model joining three concepts, there are inventory model for perishable product, multi-echelon inventory system, and integration supply chain. By using the model that result a proposal in delivery policy, those are frequency delivery of raw material from Trijaya Niaga Distributor to TIKA Bakery is 16 delivery times and frequency delivery of bread from TIKA Bakery to the retailers is 25 delivery times during one month. In addition, the delivery policy gives profit, which is the quantity of bread that return to TIKA Bakery is decrease from 28% to 3,47%


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    During the past decade, the grain shipping industry has become highly competitive and technologically advanced. These changes, along with the introduction of innovative shipping mechanisms, have made logistics management an important source of opportunity and risk for grain shippers. In this study, a stochastic simulation model was developed to evaluate the tradeoffs and effects of key variables on logistical performance in managing the grain supply chain. Average demurrage cost for the supply chain was $2.03 million with the greatest cost being for railcars and the least cost being for barges. Of the stochastic variables modeled, changes in export demand had the greatest impact on demurrage costs.Supply Chain, Grain Shipping, Logistics, Demurrage, Guaranteed Freight, Industrial Organization,

    Planejamento do processo de suprimento de frutas e legumes na cadeia varejista:Estudos de caso e proposta de método

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    The basic grocery supply chain and the retailers themselves make use of practices to support management of business processes with the aim of better meeting demand requirements and/or reduced costs of the processes along the supply chain. However, by researching the management of the supply chain of more specific product categories, such as fruit and vegetables, it can be observed that there is a significant difference in management of the supply chain for these products compared to basic grocery. The differences are due to, among other factors, the particularities of the supplier market, competitiveness, and the strategic importance of fruit and vegetables for the retailers. On the other hand, products with shorter shelf life, like fruit and vegetables, require more attention on managing the order-to-delivery cycle, so that the availability at point of sale is guaranteed. The lower the order-to-delivery cycle, the longer the product will be available before it becomes inappropriate for commercialization. Moreover, differently to the suppliers of basic groceries, the supplier base of fruit and vegetables in a national context are characterized by low professionalization of manpower and poor management infrastructure. In this context, the objective of this project is to “develop a method for planning the supply process of fruits and vegetables in retail supply chains”. For this purpose it was proposed to undertake case studies in different store formats, distribution centers and first-tier suppliers. As result it is expected to analyze the differences between the categories of basic groceries and fruits and vegetables, thus showing the contextual factors that lead to the need for a method for planning the supply process of fruits and vegetables in retail supply chains. Finally, it is expected to contribute by proposing a method that takes into account such particularities. This research contributes to the theory, since it groups under-researched elements in a specific sector, the fruits and vegetables, in order to contribute to the development of the subject taking into account the Brazilian context. Beside this, it is expected that the results of this thesis contribute to the practice of retail supply chains, particularly the management of supply and distribution of fruit and vegetables items

    A Continuous Review Inventory System with Lost Sales and Emergency Orders

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    We analyze a continuous review lost sales inventory system with two types of orders—regular and emergency. The regular order has a stochastic lead time and is placed with the cheapest acceptable supplier. The emergency order has a deterministic lead time is placed with a local supplier who has a higher price. The emergency order is not always filled since the supplier may not have the ability to provide the order on an emergency basis at all times. This emergency order has a higher cost per item and has a known probability of being filled. The total costs for this system are compared to a system without emergency placement of orders. This paper provides managers with a tool to assess when dual sourcing is cost optimal by comparing the single sourcing and dual sourcing models

    Agribusiness Cases in Supply Chain Management

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    The paper uses case studies of three different agribusinesses to demonstrate the principles of supply chain management and how it is applied. Primary producers must learn to understand and take advantages of the opportunities available to them in the new systems of supply change management. The agribusiness cases demonstrate a practical application of supply chain management that can affect and be applied to farm businesses throughout the world.Agribusiness, Farm Management,


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    The purpose of this section is to review pricing mechanisms in agriculture and food. We started by constructing a taxonomy and system of classification for pricing mechanisms that is rooted in economic theory. This framework was applied to 26 pricing mechanisms observed from the following product categories: · Beef · Hogs · Grains and oilseeds · Dairy · Poultry and Eggs · Processed Food and HorticultureDemand and Price Analysis,

    Investigating the role of innovation over collaborative relation intensity in supply chains

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    This paper discusses investigating the role of innovation over collaborative relation intensity in supply chains. It was presented at the 17th international conference of the European operations management association

    Target value design: using collaboration and a lean approach to reduce construction cost

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    Target Costing is an effective management technique that has been used in manufacturing for decades to achieve cost predictability during new products development. Adoption of this technique promises benefits for the construction industry as it struggles to raise the number of successful outcomes and certainty of project delivery in terms of cost, quality and time. Target Value Design is a management approach that takes the best features of Target Costing and adapts them to the peculiarities of construction. In this paper the concept of Target Value Design is introduced based on the results of action research carried out on 12 construction projects in the USA. It has been shown that systemic application of Target Value Design leads to significant improvement of project performance – the final cost of projects was on average 15% less than market cost. The construction industry already has approaches that have similarities with elements of the Target Value Design process or uses the same terminology, e.g. Partnering and Target Cost Contracts, Cost planning, etc. Following an exploration of the similarities and differences Target Value Design is positioned as a form of Target Costing for construction that offers a more reliable route to successful projects outcomes

    Simulation Based Study of Safety Stocks under Short-Term Demand Volatility in Integrated Device Manufacturing.

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    © IEOM Society InternationalA problem faced by integrated device manufacturers (IDMs) relates to fluctuating demand and can be reflected in long-term demand, middle-term demand, and short-term demand fluctuations. This paper explores safety stock under short term demand fluctuations in integrated device manufacturing. The manufacturing flow of integrated circuits is conceptualized into front end and back end operations with a die bank in between. Using a model of the back-end operations of integrated circuit manufacturing, simulation experiments were conducted based on three scenarios namely a production environment of low demand volatility and high capacity reliability (Scenario A), an environment with lower capacity reliability than scenario A (Scenario B), and an environment of high demand volatility and low capacity reliability (Scenario C). Results show trade-off relation between inventory levels and delivery performance with varied degree of severity between the different scenarios studied. Generally, higher safety stock levels are required to achieve competitive delivery performance as uncertainty in demand increases and manufacturing capability reliability decreases. Back-end cycle time are also found to have detrimental impact on delivery performance as the cycle time increases. It is suggested that success of finished goods safety stock policy relies significantly on having appropriate capacity amongst others to support fluctuations