11 research outputs found

    VIKOR multi-criteria decision making with AHP reliable weighting for article acceptance recommendation

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    DSS is built to support the solution recommendation of a problem. AHP and VIKOR are examples of DSS method. Due to VIKOR’s subjective weighting, this study combines the AHP and VIKOR approach to create a better and more reliable decision support system. The DSS is used to recommend article acceptance using five criteria: originality, quality, clarity, significance, and relevance. The results showed that AHP-VIKOR outperforms the performance of VIKOR. AHP weighting reliably replaces the subjective VIKOR’s initial weighting. The AHP-VIKOR result is more accurate and steadier than VIKOR. Thus, AHP-VIKOR can be presented as a proposed approach for creating a recommendation of scientific article acceptance

    Implementasi Analytic Network Process untuk Penentuan Tempat Pembuangan Akhir

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    The development of life style has a negative impact that the more waste generated every day, no exception conditions in Pemalang city therefore it is necessary to focusing in the processing of waste good and efficient waste in landfill. The process of choosing landfill location is one of the important aspects and many things to be aware of. To get an objective and accurate decision is now required the processing of computerized data with modern methods using a decision support system. The method used in this system is the Analytic Network Process or abbreviated ANP. This method will be implemented on the data processing to determine the best end disposal area in a region and will be displayed visually using the map Carto. With the existence of this system will give results of ranking and overview of the best area to be built a landfill in the area. The system is built using the PHP programming language and SQL database.Perkembangan gaya hidup memiliki dampak negatif yaitu semakin banyak limbah yang dihasilkan setiap hari, tak terkecuali kondisi di Kabupaten Pemalang oleh karena itu diperlukan juga pengolahan limbah sampah yang baik dan efisien di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir. Proses pemilihan lokasi  Tempat Pembuangan Akhir itu merupakan salah satu aspek penting dan banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan. Untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang objektif dan akurat kini diperlukan pengolahan data komputerisasi dengan metode modern menggunakan sistem pendukung keputusan. Metode  yang digunakan di dalam sistem ini ialah Analytic Network Process atau disingkat menjadi ANP. Metode ini akan diimplementasikan pada pengolahan data untuk menentukan Tempat Pembuangan Akhir yang terbaik di suatu daerah dan akan ditampilkan secara visual menggunakan peta carto. Sistem ini akan  memberikan hasil peringkat dan gambaran daerah yang terbaik untuk dibangun sebuah Tempat Pembuangan Akhir pada suatu daerah. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database SQL

    An Integrated Approach for Supplier Evaluation and Selection using the Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP): A New Framework

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    Supplier selection is one of the most critical processes in supply chain management (SCM). Most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) face difficulties choosing the best supplier using conventional methods. A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach is proposed in supplier selection. This proposed framework integrates the Delphi technique as a data-gathering tool and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as the MCDM methodology for data analysis; both were used to select an effective supplier. This project applies the Delphi technique, allows experts to select the main criteria, and compares the trade-offs between the available alternatives depending on the main criteria. The criteria selected were price, delivery time, online ranking, rejection rate, and flexibility. Using the AHP approach, the criteria's weights were then assigned. The highest was for the price (43.84%), followed by the rejection rate (21.81%), online ranking (19.27%), delivery time (9.44%), and flexibility (5.64%). Lastly, a new framework was suggested using the weighted criteria collection for supplier selection


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    Decision-making processes increasingly use models based on various methods to ensure professional analysis and evaluation of the considered alternatives. However, the abundance of these methods makes it difficult to choose the proper method to solve a given problem. Also, it is worth noting whether different results can be obtained using different methods within a single decision problem. In this paper, we used three selected Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods called COMET, TOPSIS, and SPOTIS in order to examine how the obtained rankings vary. The selection of material suppliers was taken into consideration. The equal weights, entropy and standard deviation methods were used to determine the weights for criteria. Final preferences values were then compared with the WS similarity coefficient and weighted Spearman correlation coefficient to check the similarity of the received rankings. It was noticed that in the given problem, all of the methods provide highly correlated results, and the obtained positional rankings are not significantly different. However, practical conclusions indicate the need to look for improved solutions in the correct and accurate assessment of suppliers in a given period

    Intuitionistic linguistic multi-attribute decision making algorithm based on integrated distance measure

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    This study aims to integrate the intuitionistic linguistic multi-attribute decision making (MADM) method which builds upon an integrated distance measure into supplier evaluation and selection problems. More specifically, an intuitionistic linguistic integrated distance measure based on ordered weighted averaging operator (OWA) and weighted average approach is presented and applied. The desirable characteristics and families of the developed distance operator are further explored. In addition, based on the proposed distance measure, a supplier selection problem for an automobile factory is used to test the practicality of its framework. The effectiveness and applicability of the presented framework for supplier selection are examined by carrying comparative analysis against the existing techniques of aggregation

    Prioritization of low-carbon suppliers based on Pythagorean fuzzy group decision making with self-confidence level

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    Business decisions often require economic analysis involving uncertainties. This study brings forward the multi-attribute group decision making (MAGDM) framework based upon Pythagorean fuzzy (PF) sets with self-confidence of decision makers. By incorporating the ideas of the order-inducing variables of the induced ordered weighted averaging (IOWA) operator, we propose two PF confidence aggregation methods, namely PF confidence induced ordered weighted averaging (PFCIOWA) operator and PF confidence induced hybrid weighted averaging (PFCIHWA) operator. The focal property of the devised operators is their ability to take into consideration both the evaluation data and its corresponding confidence levels. Moreover, a MAGDM method based on the developed operators is adopted. Finally, the practicality of the method is tested by using low carbon supplier selection prob- lems. The new approach is compared against the existing ones in order to check its applicability and validity. As an empirical case, the low carbon supplier selection problem is solved

    Developing a novel Grey integrated multi-criteria approach for enhancing the supplier selection procedure: A real-world case of Textile Company

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    upplier selection is one of the most essential activities in purchase management and plays a crucial role in the production phase. Supplier selection as a vital step of supply chain management is a multi-criteria decision-making issue. For any organization, the process of selecting the best supplier holds variable multilayered complications involving quantitative and qualitative criteria. This paper tackles the supplier selection problem in a Turkish Textile Company. The present study carries out a novel grey integrated multi-criteria approach for enhancing the supplier procedure within Textile Company with the help of the grey analytical hierarchy process G-AHP model for weighting the set of criteria, and the grey weighted aggregated sum product assessment WASPAS-G model for prioritizing the suppliers. The study starts with reviewing the previous works of multi-criteria decision-making MCDM methods and the list of existing criteria evaluation in supplier selection. Then, the range of criteria is selected based on the company requirements and the experts’ interview. In the case study, the consistency rate of the models is tested in order to verify the quality of experts’ judgments. The final results affirm that Grey integrated approach could be efficient and far more precise than the existing models for overcoming the supplier selection and evaluation obstacles in the supply chain management

    PROMETHEE-SAPEVO-M1 a Hybrid Approach Based on Ordinal and Cardinal Inputs: Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Helicopters to Support Brazilian Navy Operations

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    This paper presents a new approach based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), named PROMETHEE-SAPEVO-M1, through its implementation and feasibility related to the decision-making process regarding the evaluation of helicopters of attack of the Brazilian Navy. The proposed methodology aims to present an integration of ordinal evaluation into the cardinal procedure from the PROMETHEE method, enabling to perform qualitative and quantitative data and generate the criteria weights by pairwise evaluation, transparently. The modeling provides three models of preference analysis, as partial, complete, and outranking by intervals, along with an intra-criterion analysis by veto threshold, enabling the analysis of the performance of an alternative in a specific criterion. As a demonstration of the application, is carried out a case study by the PROMETHEE-SAPEVO-M1 web platform, addressing a strategic analysis of attack helicopters to be acquired by the Brazilian Navy, from the need to be evaluating multiple specifications with different levels of importance within the context problem. The modeling implementation in the case study is made in detail, first performing the alternatives in each criterion and then presenting the results by three different models of preference analysis, along with the intra-criterion analysis and a rank reversal procedure. Moreover, is realized a comparison analysis to the PROMETHEE method, exploring the main features of the PROMETHEE-SAPEVO-M1. Moreover, a section of discussion is presented, exposing some features and main points of the proposal. Therefore, this paper provides a valuable contribution to academia and society since it represents the application of an MCDA method in the state of the art, contributing to the decision-making resolution of the most diverse real problems.This research was funded by Centre for Research & Development in Mechanical Engineering (CIDEM), School of Engineering of Porto (ISEP), Polytechnic of Porto, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Current Application Fields of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE: A Literature Review

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    Multi-criteria decision making techniques are widely used today. In this study, it was examined the current usage areas of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE, which are in the class of outranking-based multiple criteria decision techniques, in Turkey and the world. In this regard, the studies carried out in 2016 and the first four months of 2017 were scanned with the help of Google Scholar. Thus, it is aimed to put forward the latest state of development of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE, and to give an idea about their future application forms and fields. As a result, it was seen that application problems of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE in various fields was tried to remove, and designed appropriate methods for special cases in studies. Furthermore, evaluation according to scenario variations, solving complex decision problems with metaheuristics, common usage of hesitant fuzzy implementations, proliferation of group decision preference, increasing the number of applications of hybrid techniques, used softwares, sensitivity analyses, two linguistic approaches taking an important place in fuzzification have been identified as remarkable results