676 research outputs found

    Synthesis of main criteria, methods and issues of multicriteria supplier selection

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    O objetivo do presente artigo é identificar na literatura quais são os principais critérios considerados no processo de decisão, os principais métodos individuais e combinados e os subproblemas da seleção de fornecedores no contexto multicritério. Cabe ressaltar que as tarefas de avaliar e identificar os melhores fornecedores para um novo produto ou serviço são essenciais ao gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos (GCS). Para executá-las apropriadamente, considerando-se a natureza multicritério da seleção de fornecedores, torna-se necessária a inclusão de uma abordagem de agregação dos critérios, cuja escolha depende basicamente dos objetivos da decisão, tipos de critérios a serem utilizados e racionalidade do decisor. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, optou-se por utilizar o procedimento da revisão sistemática da literatura que segue o protocolo proposto por Cronin, Ryan e Coughlan (2008), abrangendo artigos publicados nas bases ISI Web of Knowledge e Scopus, no período de 2001 a 2012. Além de sintetizar o conhecimento acerca do tema, o artigo ressalta os principais critérios, métodos e subproblemas da seleção de fornecedores, com isso, contribui ao identificar os aspectos que devem ser desenvolvidos em estudos futuros e ao apresentar aos gestores abordagens existentes para a tomada de decisões relativa à seleção de fornecedores de forma sistematizada.The purpose of this paper is to identify the main criteria considered in supplier selection, the main methods used and sub-problems in a multicriteria context. The tasks of identifying the best suppliers of new products or services or even for evaluating the performance of an existing supplier is essential to supply chain management (SCM). In order to perform these tasks properly, and considering the multicriteria nature of supplier selection, it is necessary to include an approach using aggregation of criteria, primarily chosen depending on the objectives of the decision, types of criteria to be used and the rationality of the decision maker. In order to achieve this objective this research used a systematic literature review of articles published in ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus for the period 2001-2012 following the protocol proposed by Cronin, Ryan and Coughlan (2008). In addition to synthesizing knowledge about the subject, the article highlights the key criteria, methods and sub-problems of selection of suppliers, contributing by identifying the aspects that should be developed in future studies. It also provides managers with existing approaches to making decisions about supplier selection in a systematic way

    Evaluasi Supplier Dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Dan Taguchi Loss Function

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    Supplier evaluation process is a strategic activity on purchasing management that aims to find out the performance of the supplier. PT. Fronte Classic Indonesia is a company manufacturing car carpet, one of the raw materials needed in producing car carpet that is calcium. The supplier in partnership with the company has performance that is less suitable. The methods used in this research Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Taguchi Loss Function. AHP is used to determine the weights of the criteria and Taguchi Loss Function is used to calculate the loss function of the respective supplier. Supplier evaluation process carried out to search for suppliers and meet the criteria of the company. The criteria used in the evaluation of suppliers are price, delivery, quality, the accuracy of goods quantity, guarantee policy, response to claims. The results showed that the suppliers who meet the criteria of the company by providing minimum losses as the best supplier


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    PT Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (P&P) Lembah Karet merupakan salah satu perusahaan pengolahan karet yang bergerak pada Crumb Rubber Factory dengan produk setengah jadi berupa karet remah (crumb rubber). PT P&P Lembah Karet dalam kegiatan produksinya membutuhkan bahan baku Bokor SIR. Pengadaan bahan baku Bokor SIR tidak hanya berasal dari satu pemasok saja, namun dari banyak petani karet yang ada di daerah Sumatera Barat, Riau, Sumatera Selatan, dan Jambi. Aktivitas memasok bahan baku Bokor SIR ini sangat penting bagi perusahaan. Hal ini karena Bokor SIR merupakan bahan baku utama dalam pengolahan crumb rubber. Pemilihan Pemasok Bokor SIR dilakukan dengan metode Grey Relational Analysis berbasis Taguchi. Konsep Taguchi Loss Function digunakan karena kriteria pemilihan pemasok dinilai dari potensi kerugian yang diakibatkan. Sedangkan Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) digunakan untuk menentukan peringkat pemasok dan menghindari adanya kekaburan informasi dalam pengambilan keputusan. Pertama-tama ditentukan kriteria pemilihan pemasok yaitu kriteria kualitas, kuantitas, kontinuitas, responsiveness, dan profil pemasok. Kemudian, dihitung bobot prioritas masing-masing kriteria dengan metode AHP. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data performansi pemasok yang berkaitan dengan kriteria-kriteria yang digunakan. Data kualitas, kuantitas, dan kontinuitas didapatkan dari dokumentasi perusahaan. Sedangkan data responsiveness dan profil pemasok didapatkan menggunakan kuesioner penilaian kriteria kualitatif. Selanjutnya, dihitung nilai taguchi loss masing-masing pemasok untuk setiap kriteria. Nilai taguchi loss pemasok dan bobot prioritas masing-masing kriteria digunakan untuk mendapatkan peringkat pemasok dengan menggunakan metode GRA. Berdasarkan pengolahan data yang dilakukan, didapatkan bobot prioritas untuk kelima kriteria yakni 0,389 kriteria kualitas, 0,269 untuk kriteria kuantitas, 0,166 untuk kriteria kontinuitas, 0,068 untuk kriteria responsiveness dan 0,108 untuk kriteria profil pemasok. Dari sepuluh pemasok, pemasok yang memiliki performansi terbaik secara keseluruhan adalah Pemasok 4 dengan nilai performansi yaitu 0,902 dan pemasok terburuk adalah Pemasok 9 dengan nilai performansi yaitu 0,446. Kata Kunci: Pemilihan Pemasok, Taguchi Loss Function, Grey Relational Analysis, Analytical Hirearchy Proces

    Analisa Pemilihan Supplier Berbasis Kriteria Green Procurement Menggunakan Metode Analytical Network Process, Taguchi Loss Function Dan Multi-Choice Goal Programming (Pada Pt Petrokimia Gresik)

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    Globalisasi industri dan kepedulian konsumen terhadap lingkungan hidup yang semakin meningkat serta berwawasan lingkungan memaksa industri melakukan penyesuaian dengan konsep green industries termasuk dalam kegiatan supply chain management dan procurement salah satunya pemilihan supplier. Pendekatan baru pemilihan supplier tidak hanya menuntut kriteria kualitas, delivey time, harga dan pelayanan namun sudah mulai mempertimbangkan faktor lingkungan khususnya untuk indutri dengan resiko gangguan lingkungan tinggi. PT Petrokimia Gresik sebagai perusahaan pupuk kimia nasional yang berhubungan dengan berbagai material dan bahan baku kimia dengan berbagai tingkat resiko lingkungan sehingga penerapan konsep green procurement perlu dipertimbangkan. Proses pemilihan supplier digunakan integrasi analytical network process (ANP), pendekatan kualiatas taguchi loss function dan multi-choice goal programming (MCGP). pembobotan subkriteria demgan ANP diperoleh rangking pembobotan terbesar antara lain kapasitas produksi, green process, dan kesesuaian MSDS. Taguchi loss function mengidentifikasi fungsi kerugian secara finansial pada subkriteria harga penawaran, kesesuaian MSDS dan ketepatan waktu pengiriman. Diperoleh ranking prioritas supplier untuk material kapur aktif CAO 70% antara lain Melirang MW, K3PG kemudian Sawunggaling ================================================================================================= Globalization of industry and consumers concern to the environment issues forced industries to make adjustments to the green industries concept included the activities of supply chain management and procurement like supplier selection. The new approach not only requires supplier selection criteria for quality, delivey time, price and service but also have started to consider environmental factors, especially for the industry that have high risk of environmental disturbance. PT Petrokimia Gresik as the national chemical fertilizer company associated with variety of materials and chemical raw materials with different levels of risk environments so that application of the green procurement concept needs to be considered. In this research supplier selection used integrated analytical network process (ANP), taguchi loss function and multi-choice goal programming (MCGP). subcriteria weighting with ANP obtained rankings of the largest weight are production capacity, green process and suitability of MSDS. Taguchi loss function identify the functions of financial losses at price, the suitability of MSDS and on time deliver subcriteria. Retrieved ranking priority of CAO 70% active lime suppliers are Melirang MW, K3PG then Sawunggalin

    Using MACBETH method for supplier selection in manufacturing environment

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    Supplier selection is always found to be a complex decision-making problem in manufacturing environment. The presence of several independent and conflicting evaluation criteria, either qualitative or quantitative, makes the supplier selection problem a candidate to be solved by multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. Even several MCDM methods have already been proposed for solving the supplier selection problems, the need for an efficient method that can deal with qualitative judgments related to supplier selection still persists. In this paper, the applicability and usefulness of measuring attractiveness by a categorical-based evaluation technique (MACBETH) is demonstrated to act as a decision support tool while solving two real time supplier selection problems having qualitative performance measures. The ability of MACBETH method to quantify the qualitative performance measures helps to provide a numerical judgment scale for ranking the alternative suppliers and selecting the best one. The results obtained from MACBETH method exactly corroborate with those derived by the past researchers employing different mathematical approaches

    The Application of a Decision-making Approach Based on Fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS for Selecting a Strategic Supplier

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    Supplier selection becomes very important when used in the context of strategic partnerships because of the long-term orientation of the relationship. This paper describes the application of a decision-making approach for selecting a strategic partner (supplier). The approach starts with defining a set of criteria that fits the company's condition. In the next steps, a combination of fuzzy-ANP and TOPSIS methods is used to determine the weight for each criterion and rank all the alternatives. The application of the approach in an Indonesian manufacturing company showed that the three factors that got the highest weight were “geographical location”, “current operating performance”, and “reliability”. Geographical location got the highest weight because it affects many other factors such as reaction to changes in demand, after-sales service, and delivery lead-time. Application of the approach helps decision-makers to gain effectiveness and efficiency in the decision-making process because it facilitates them to express their group's collective preferences while also providing opportunities for members to express their individual preferences. Future research can be directed at combining qualitative and quantitative criteria to develop the best criteria and methods for the selection of the best suppliers based on fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS

    Integrated FANP-f-MIGP model for supplier selection in the renewable energy sector

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    The available integrated models for choosing efficient suppliers developed so far are mostly specific to companies with mass production capabilities. However, in some sectors involved in project-type manufacturing, the same decision-making criteria cannot be applied and, plus, there is no point in determining the quantity of orders. For instance, in wind power plant projects, a single turbine supplier needs to be selected for each project. This study proposes an integrated FANP-f-MIGP model that ensures the selection of the optimal supplier for each project by applying the model to an energy firm. The criteria specific to the selection of wind power plant turbine suppliers are established, and the criteria weights are obtained by fuzzy analytic network process (FANP). As a result of the analysis, the most important criterion of all is cost. These weights constitute the coefficients of the f-MIGP model’s objective function. Under the defined constraints, by minimizing cost and risk and maximizing quality and services of the firm, the selection of an optimal wind turbine supplier from three suppliers for each of three projects is ensured. This study contributes to the literature both by the specific criteria it establishes and its proposed integrated model which allows for the selection of the best supplier in wind turbine and similar project-based productions

    Supplier evaluation in manufacturing environment using compromise ranking method with grey interval numbers

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    Evaluation of proper supplier for manufacturing organizations is one of the most challenging problems in real time manufacturing environment due to a wide variety of customer demands. It has become more and more complicated to meet the challenges of international competitiveness and as the decision makers need to assess a wide range of alternative suppliers based on a set of conflicting criteria. Thus, the main objective of supplier selection is to select highly potential supplier through which all the set goals regarding the purchasing and manufacturing activity can be achieved. Because of these reasons, supplier selection has got considerable attention by the academicians and researchers. This paper presents a combined multi-criteria decision making methodology for supplier evaluation for given industrial applications. The proposed methodology is based on a compromise ranking method combined with Grey Interval Numbers considering different cardinal and ordinal criteria and their relative importance. A ‘supplier selection index’ is also proposed to help evaluation and ranking the alternative suppliers. Two examples are illustrated to demonstrate the potentiality and applicability of the proposed method

    The Application of a Decision-making Approach based on Fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS for Selecting a Strategic Supplier

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    Supplier selection becomes very important when used in the context of strategic partnerships because of the long-term orientation of the relationship. This paper describes the application of a decision-making approach for selecting a strategic partner (supplier). The approach starts with defining a set of criteria that fits the company's condition. In the next steps, a combination of fuzzy-ANP and TOPSIS methods is used to determine the weight for each criterion and rank all the alternatives. The application of the approach in an Indonesian manufacturing company showed that the three factors that got the highest weight were "geographical location", "current operating performance", and "reliability". Geographical location got the highest weight because it affects many other factors such as reaction to changes in demand, after-sales service, and delivery lead-time.  Application of the approach helps decision-makers to gain effectiveness and efficiency in the decision-making process because it facilitates them to express their group's collective preferences  while also providing opportunities for members to express their individual preferences. Future research can be directed at combining qualitative and quantitative criteria to develop the best criteria and methods for the selection of the best suppliers based on fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS