373 research outputs found

    Intelligent Transportation Systems, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Powertrain Control, Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control, Model Predictive Control

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    Information obtainable from Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) provides the possibility of improving the safety and efficiency of vehicles at different levels. In particular, such information has the potential to be utilized for prediction of driving conditions and traffic flow, which allows us to improve the performance of the control systems in different vehicular applications, such as Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) powertrain control and Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC). In the first part of this work, we study the design of an MPC controller for a Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) system, which is an automated application that provides the drivers with extra benefits, such as traffic throughput maximization and collision avoidance. CACC systems must be designed in a way that are sufficiently robust against all special maneuvers such as interfering vehicles cutting-into the CACC platoons or hard braking by leading cars. To address this problem, we first propose a Neural- Network (NN)-based cut-in detection and trajectory prediction scheme. Then, the predicted trajectory of each vehicle in the adjacent lanes is used to estimate the probability of that vehicle cutting-into the CACC platoon. To consider the calculated probability in control system decisions, a Stochastic Model Predictive Controller (SMPC) needs to be designed which incorporates this cut-in probability, and enhances the reaction against the detected dangerous cut-in maneuver. However, in this work, we propose an alternative way of solving this problem. We convert the SMPC problem into modeling the CACC as a Stochastic Hybrid System (SHS) while we still use a deterministic MPC controller running in the only state of the SHS model. Finally, we find the conditions under which the designed deterministic controller is stable and feasible for the proposed SHS model of the CACC platoon. In the second part of this work, we propose to improve the performance of one of the most promising realtime powertrain control strategies, called Adaptive Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (AECMS), using predicted driving conditions. In this part, two different real-time powertrain control strategies are proposed for HEVs. The first proposed method, including three different variations, introduces an adjustment factor for the cost of using electrical energy (equivalent factor) in AECMS. The factor is proportional to the predicted energy requirements of the vehicle, regenerative braking energy, and the cost of battery charging and discharging in a finite time window. Simulation results using detailed vehicle powertrain models illustrate that the proposed control strategies improve the performance of AECMS in terms of fuel economy by 4\%. Finally, we integrate the recent development in reinforcement learning to design a novel multi-level power distribution control. The proposed controller reacts in two levels, namely high-level and low-level control. The high-level control decision estimates the most probable driving profile matched to the current (and near future) state of the vehicle. Then, the corresponding low-level controller of the selected profile is utilized to distribute the requested power between Electric Motor (EM) and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). This is important because there is no other prior work addressing this problem using a controller which can adjust its decision to the driving pattern. We proposed to use two reinforcement learning agents in two levels of abstraction. The first agent, selects the most optimal low-level controller (second agent) based on the overall pattern of the drive cycle in the near past and future, i.e., urban, highway and harsh. Then, the selected agent by the high-level controller (first agent) decides how to distribute the demanded power between the EM and ICE. We found that by carefully designing a training scheme, it is possible to effectively improve the performance of this data-driven controller. Simulation results show up to 6\% improvement in fuel economy compared to the AECMS

    Intelligent nonsingular terminal sliding-mode control via perturbed fuzzy neural network

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, an intelligent nonsingular terminal sliding-mode control (INTSMC) system, which is composed of a terminal neural controller and a robust compensator, is proposed for an unknown nonlinear system. The terminal neural controller including a perturbed fuzzy neural network (PFNN) is the main controller and the robust compensator is designed to eliminate the effect of the approximation error introduced by the PFNN upon the system stability. The PFNN is used to approximate an unknown nonlinear term of the system dynamics and perturbed asymmetric membership functions are used to handle rule uncertainties when it is hard to exactly determine the grade of membership functions. In additional, Lyapunov stability theory is used to discuss the parameter learning and system stability of the INTSMC system. Finally, the proposed INTSMC system is applied to an inverted pendulum and a voice coil motor actuator. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed INTSMC system can achieve favorable tracking performance and is robust against parameter variations in the plant

    Certification Considerations for Adaptive Systems

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    Advanced capabilities planned for the next generation of aircraft, including those that will operate within the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), will necessarily include complex new algorithms and non-traditional software elements. These aircraft will likely incorporate adaptive control algorithms that will provide enhanced safety, autonomy, and robustness during adverse conditions. Unmanned aircraft will operate alongside manned aircraft in the National Airspace (NAS), with intelligent software performing the high-level decision-making functions normally performed by human pilots. Even human-piloted aircraft will necessarily include more autonomy. However, there are serious barriers to the deployment of new capabilities, especially for those based upon software including adaptive control (AC) and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. Current civil aviation certification processes are based on the idea that the correct behavior of a system must be completely specified and verified prior to operation. This report by Rockwell Collins and SIFT documents our comprehensive study of the state of the art in intelligent and adaptive algorithms for the civil aviation domain, categorizing the approaches used and identifying gaps and challenges associated with certification of each approach

    Autonomous Drone Landings on an Unmanned Marine Vehicle using Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    This thesis describes with the integration of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) and an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV, also commonly known as drone) in a single Multi-Agent System (MAS). In marine robotics, the advantage offered by a MAS consists of exploiting the key features of a single robot to compensate for the shortcomings in the other. In this way, a USV can serve as the landing platform to alleviate the need for a UAV to be airborne for long periods time, whilst the latter can increase the overall environmental awareness thanks to the possibility to cover large portions of the prevailing environment with a camera (or more than one) mounted on it. There are numerous potential applications in which this system can be used, such as deployment in search and rescue missions, water and coastal monitoring, and reconnaissance and force protection, to name but a few. The theory developed is of a general nature. The landing manoeuvre has been accomplished mainly identifying, through artificial vision techniques, a fiducial marker placed on a flat surface serving as a landing platform. The raison d'etre for the thesis was to propose a new solution for autonomous landing that relies solely on onboard sensors and with minimum or no communications between the vehicles. To this end, initial work solved the problem while using only data from the cameras mounted on the in-flight drone. In the situation in which the tracking of the marker is interrupted, the current position of the USV is estimated and integrated into the control commands. The limitations of classic control theory used in this approached suggested the need for a new solution that empowered the flexibility of intelligent methods, such as fuzzy logic or artificial neural networks. The recent achievements obtained by deep reinforcement learning (DRL) techniques in end-to-end control in playing the Atari video-games suite represented a fascinating while challenging new way to see and address the landing problem. Therefore, novel architectures were designed for approximating the action-value function of a Q-learning algorithm and used to map raw input observation to high-level navigation actions. In this way, the UAV learnt how to land from high latitude without any human supervision, using only low-resolution grey-scale images and with a level of accuracy and robustness. Both the approaches have been implemented on a simulated test-bed based on Gazebo simulator and the model of the Parrot AR-Drone. The solution based on DRL was further verified experimentally using the Parrot Bebop 2 in a series of trials. The outcomes demonstrate that both these innovative methods are both feasible and practicable, not only in an outdoor marine scenario but also in indoor ones as well

    Design of a hybrid controller for voice coil motors with simple self-learning fuzzy control

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    [[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]Nov. 26-28[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Kaohsiung, Taiwa

    Navigation Techniques for Control of Multiple Mobile Robots

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    The investigation reported in this thesis attempt to develop efficient techniques for the control of multiple mobile robots in an unknown environment. Mobile robots are key components in industrial automation, service provision, and unmanned space exploration. This thesis addresses eight different techniques for the navigation of multiple mobile robots. These are fuzzy logic, neural network, neuro-fuzzy, rule-base, rule-based-neuro-fuzzy, potential field, potential-field-neuro-fuzzy, and simulated-annealing- potential-field- neuro-fuzzy techniques. The main components of this thesis comprises of eight chapters. Following the literature survey in Chapter-2, Chapter-3 describes how to calculate the heading angle for the mobile robots in terms of left wheel velocity and right wheel velocity of the robot. In Chapter-4 a fuzzy logic technique has been analysed. The fuzzy logic technique uses different membership functions for navigation of the multiple mobile robots, which can perform obs..

    Intelligent Management System for Driverless Vehicles

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    This research addresses concerns related to driverless vehicles by proposing the development of an Intelligent Management System (IMS). Emphasised in 'The Pathway to Driverless Cars Summary report and action plan' by the UK Department of Transport, key areas for improvement lie in vehicle reliability, maintenance, and passenger safety. The study targets compliance with Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Level 5 automation, concentrating on fully autonomous vehicles to enhance commuter satisfaction and overall vehicle performance. Despite advancements, challenges such as on-road safety and integration persist. The research unfolds through a two-stage development process aimed at achieving an Intelligent Management System for Driverless Vehicles (IMSDV). The initial stage, described in chapter 3 involves the creation of a 'Single Seat Driverless Pod' as a test apparatus, simulating various features found in existing driverless vehicles. This includes the development of mechanical steering components and a control system incorporating electronic hardware, sensors, actuators, controllers, wireless remote access, and software. The subsequent phase, described in chapter 4 focuses on autonomous navigation using Google Maps, intelligent motion control, localisation, and tracking algorithms within the driverless pod. The latter chapters of the thesis present the investigation of possible improvements in steering system components. A novel encapsulated vehicle wheel condition monitoring system, integrating the Internet of Things (IoT), is proposed to enhance maintainability, reliability, and passenger safety for driverless vehicles. Testing and validation are conducted in two segments. The driverless pod undergoes initial testing to validate its features and generate data for further sub-system development. Separately, the IoT-based monitoring system undergoes individual testing. The final step involves integrating the IoT capabilities into the driverless pod, testing the sub-system, and capturing relevant data. The thesis outlines the research scope, emphasising significant contributions, with a particular focus on the monitoring system for steering components in driverless vehicles, employing embedded IoT technology. This augmentation, alongside other original contribution, is strategically poised to enhance the maintainability, reliability, and safety of driverless vehicles at SAE Level 5. The concluding chapter succinctly revisits these distinctive contributions and additionally provides recommendations for advancing intelligent management systems for driverless vehicles