1,462 research outputs found

    Supervised clustering of streaming data for email batch detection

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    We address the problem of detecting batches of emails that have been created according to the same template. This problem is motivated by the desire to filter spam more effectively by exploiting collective information about entire batches of jointly generated messages. The application matches the problem setting of supervised clustering, because examples of correct clusterings can be collected. Known decoding procedures for supervised clustering are cubic in the number of instances. When decisions cannot be reconsidered once they have been made – owing to the streaming nature of the data – then the decoding problem can be solved in linear time. We devise a sequential decoding procedure and derive the corresponding optimization problem of supervised clustering. We study the impact of collective attributes of email batches on the effectiveness of recognizing spam emails. 1

    Extracting News Events from Microblogs

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    Twitter stream has become a large source of information for many people, but the magnitude of tweets and the noisy nature of its content have made harvesting the knowledge from Twitter a challenging task for researchers for a long time. Aiming at overcoming some of the main challenges of extracting the hidden information from tweet streams, this work proposes a new approach for real-time detection of news events from the Twitter stream. We divide our approach into three steps. The first step is to use a neural network or deep learning to detect news-relevant tweets from the stream. The second step is to apply a novel streaming data clustering algorithm to the detected news tweets to form news events. The third and final step is to rank the detected events based on the size of the event clusters and growth speed of the tweet frequencies. We evaluate the proposed system on a large, publicly available corpus of annotated news events from Twitter. As part of the evaluation, we compare our approach with a related state-of-the-art solution. Overall, our experiments and user-based evaluation show that our approach on detecting current (real) news events delivers a state-of-the-art performance

    Bayesian Non-Exhaustive Classification A Case Study: Online Name Disambiguation using Temporal Record Streams

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    The name entity disambiguation task aims to partition the records of multiple real-life persons so that each partition contains records pertaining to a unique person. Most of the existing solutions for this task operate in a batch mode, where all records to be disambiguated are initially available to the algorithm. However, more realistic settings require that the name disambiguation task be performed in an online fashion, in addition to, being able to identify records of new ambiguous entities having no preexisting records. In this work, we propose a Bayesian non-exhaustive classification framework for solving online name disambiguation task. Our proposed method uses a Dirichlet process prior with a Normal * Normal * Inverse Wishart data model which enables identification of new ambiguous entities who have no records in the training data. For online classification, we use one sweep Gibbs sampler which is very efficient and effective. As a case study we consider bibliographic data in a temporal stream format and disambiguate authors by partitioning their papers into homogeneous groups. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is better than existing methods for performing online name disambiguation task.Comment: to appear in CIKM 201

    SOTXTSTREAM: Density-based self-organizing clustering of text streams

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    A streaming data clustering algorithm is presented building upon the density-based selforganizing stream clustering algorithm SOSTREAM. Many density-based clustering algorithms are limited by their inability to identify clusters with heterogeneous density. SOSTREAM addresses this limitation through the use of local (nearest neighbor-based) density determinations. Additionally, many stream clustering algorithms use a two-phase clustering approach. In the first phase, a micro-clustering solution is maintained online, while in the second phase, the micro-clustering solution is clustered offline to produce a macro solution. By performing self-organization techniques on micro-clusters in the online phase, SOSTREAM is able to maintain a macro clustering solution in a single phase. Leveraging concepts from SOSTREAM, a new density-based self-organizing text stream clustering algorithm, SOTXTSTREAM, is presented that addresses several shortcomings of SOSTREAM. Gains in clustering performance of this new algorithm are demonstrated on several real-world text stream datasets

    Classification under Streaming Emerging New Classes: A Solution using Completely Random Trees

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    This paper investigates an important problem in stream mining, i.e., classification under streaming emerging new classes or SENC. The common approach is to treat it as a classification problem and solve it using either a supervised learner or a semi-supervised learner. We propose an alternative approach by using unsupervised learning as the basis to solve this problem. The SENC problem can be decomposed into three sub problems: detecting emerging new classes, classifying for known classes, and updating models to enable classification of instances of the new class and detection of more emerging new classes. The proposed method employs completely random trees which have been shown to work well in unsupervised learning and supervised learning independently in the literature. This is the first time, as far as we know, that completely random trees are used as a single common core to solve all three sub problems: unsupervised learning, supervised learning and model update in data streams. We show that the proposed unsupervised-learning-focused method often achieves significantly better outcomes than existing classification-focused methods

    Online Data Stream Learning and Classification with Limited Labels

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    Mining data streams such as Internet traffic andnetwork security is complex. Due to the difficulty of storage, datastreams analytics need to be done in one scan. This limits thetime to observe stream feature and hence, further complicatesthe data mining processes. Traditional supervised data miningwith batch training natural is not suitable to mine data streams.This paper proposes an algorithm for online data streamclassification and learning with limited labels using selective selftrainingsemi-supervised classification. The experimental resultsshow it is able to achieve up to 99.6% average accuracy for 10%labeled data and 98.6% average accuracy for 1% labeled data. Itcan classify up to 34K instances per second

    A survey on machine learning for recurring concept drifting data streams

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    The problem of concept drift has gained a lot of attention in recent years. This aspect is key in many domains exhibiting non-stationary as well as cyclic patterns and structural breaks affecting their generative processes. In this survey, we review the relevant literature to deal with regime changes in the behaviour of continuous data streams. The study starts with a general introduction to the field of data stream learning, describing recent works on passive or active mechanisms to adapt or detect concept drifts, frequent challenges in this area, and related performance metrics. Then, different supervised and non-supervised approaches such as online ensembles, meta-learning and model-based clustering that can be used to deal with seasonalities in a data stream are covered. The aim is to point out new research trends and give future research directions on the usage of machine learning techniques for data streams which can help in the event of shifts and recurrences in continuous learning scenarios in near real-time
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