292 research outputs found

    Perspectives on next steps in classification of oro-facial pain - part 2: role of psychosocial factors

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    This study was initiated by a symposium, in which the present authors contributed, organised by the International RDC/TMD Consortium Network in March 2013. The purpose of the study was to review the status of biobehavioural research - both quantitative and qualitative - related to oro-facial pain (OFP) with respect to the aetiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of OFP conditions, and how this information can optimally be used for developing a structured OFP classification system for research. In particular, we address representation of psychosocial entities in classification systems, use of qualitative research to identify and understand the full scope of psychosocial entities and their interaction, and the usage of classification system for guiding treatment. We then provide recommendations for addressing these problems, including how ontological principles can inform this process

    Intégration de ressources en recherche translationnelle : une approche unificatrice en support des systèmes de santé "apprenants"

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    Learning health systems (LHS) are gradually emerging and propose a complimentary approach to translational research challenges by implementing close coupling of health care delivery, research and knowledge translation. To support coherent knowledge sharing, the system needs to rely on an integrated and efficient data integration platform. The framework and its theoretical foundations presented here aim at addressing this challenge. Data integration approaches are analysed in light of the requirements derived from LHS activities and data mediation emerges as the one most adapted for a LHS. The semantics of clinical data found in biomedical sources can only be fully derived by taking into account, not only information from the structural models (field X of table Y), but also terminological information (e.g. International Classification of Disease 10th revision) used to encode facts. The unified framework proposed here takes this into account. The platform has been implemented and tested in context of the TRANSFoRm endeavour, a European project funded by the European commission. It aims at developing a LHS including clinical activities in primary care. The mediation model developed for the TRANSFoRm project, the Clinical Data Integration Model, is presented and discussed. Results from TRANSFoRm use-cases are presented. They illustrate how a unified data sharing platform can support and enhance prospective research activities in context of a LHS. In the end, the unified mediation framework presented here allows sufficient expressiveness for the TRANSFoRm needs. It is flexible, modular and the CDIM mediation model supports the requirements of a primary care LHS.Les systèmes de santé "apprenants" (SSA) présentent une approche complémentaire et émergente aux problèmes de la recherche translationnelle en couplant de près les soins de santé, la recherche et le transfert de connaissances. Afin de permettre un flot d’informations cohérent et optimisé, le système doit se doter d’une plateforme intégrée de partage de données. Le travail présenté ici vise à proposer une approche de partage de données unifiée pour les SSA. Les grandes approches d’intégration de données sont analysées en fonction du SSA. La sémantique des informations cliniques disponibles dans les sources biomédicales est la résultante des connaissances des modèles structurelles des sources mais aussi des connaissances des modèles terminologiques utilisés pour coder l’information. Les mécanismes de la plateforme unifiée qui prennent en compte cette interdépendance sont décrits. La plateforme a été implémentée et testée dans le cadre du projet TRANSFoRm, un projet européen qui vise à développer un SSA. L’instanciation du modèle de médiation pour le projet TRANSFoRm, le Clinical Data Integration Model est analysée. Sont aussi présentés ici les résultats d’un des cas d’utilisation de TRANSFoRm pour supporter la recherche afin de donner un aperçu concret de l’impact de la plateforme sur le fonctionnement du SSA. Au final, la plateforme unifiée d’intégration proposée ici permet un niveau d’expressivité suffisant pour les besoins de TRANSFoRm. Le système est flexible et modulaire et le modèle de médiation CDIM couvre les besoins exprimés pour le support des activités d’un SSA comme TRANSFoRm

    Chairs of Excellence Annual Report 2019

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    Usability analysis of contending electronic health record systems

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    In this paper, we report measured usability of two leading EHR systems during procurement. A total of 18 users participated in paired-usability testing of three scenarios: ordering and managing medications by an outpatient physician, medicine administration by an inpatient nurse and scheduling of appointments by nursing staff. Data for audio, screen capture, satisfaction rating, task success and errors made was collected during testing. We found a clear difference between the systems for percentage of successfully completed tasks, two different satisfaction measures and perceived learnability when looking at the results over all scenarios. We conclude that usability should be evaluated during procurement and the difference in usability between systems could be revealed even with fewer measures than were used in our study. © 2019 American Psychological Association Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Volume 27, Issue 2, Summer/Fall 2018

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    INSIDE THIS ISSUE VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 2 | SUMMER / FALL 2018 ON OUR COVER: Lindsey Fitzharris ’04 has achieved celebrity historian status with her award-winning debut novel The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister’s Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine, a popular YouTube series and an active social media presence.14 Resurrecting History Lindsey Fitzharris ’04 delivers medical history to a wide audience by utilizing mediums both old and new.22 Posse Power Supporting one another has been key to the success of Illinois Wesleyan’s first class of Posse Scholars.25 An Ocean of Opportunity Research trips to the Smithsonian Marine Station have provided Jamie Blumberg ’19 with experiential learning opportunities to help launch a career in science.https://digitalcommons.iwu.edu/iwu_magazine/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Health communication processes in social media: towards a transformative intervention on the information about chronic pain

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    El dolor crònic és una condició complexa, i els pacients que la pateixen han de lluitar regularment amb problemes addicionals com la incredulitat, l’aïllament o l’estigmatització. En aquest sentit, les xarxes socials van sorgir com a plataformes on aquestes persones van trobar espais per expressar lliurement el dolor que estaven experimentant, i on van començar a formar comunitats de suport en línia per compartir les seves preocupacions amb altres pacients amb dolor que patien la mateixa inquietant malaltia. En conseqüència, el propòsit d’aquesta investigació és examinar críticament els processos de comunicació del dolor a les xarxes socials, tant des de la lògica de les institucions relacionades amb la salut com des de la perspectiva dels pacients amb dolor crònic. Aquests intercanvis d’informació es revisen utilitzant dues metodologies exploratòries a Twitter i Instagram, establint primer l’estat de la qüestió de les polítiques de comunicació en salut a les xarxes socials de les organitzacions sanitàries. Després d’avaluar aquests processos de forma independent, s’explora com la teoria del suport social podria millorar les interaccions entre els metges i els pacients amb dolor en aquestes plataformes en línia. Aquesta tesi assenyala que les dues parts interessades utilitzen les plataformes de xarxes socials de manera diferent i sense interactuar entre si. No obstant això, els principis de la teoria del suport social aplicats a l’ús d’aquests espais en línia mostren les capacitats d’obertura a abordar amb el propòsit de millorar la bretxa comunicativa entre els pacients i els metges en aquestes plataformes en xarxa. Aquesta tesi conclou que l’ús de les xarxes socials podria millorar tant la gestió com l’avaluació d’aquesta condició invisible i mal comunicada.El dolor crónico es una condición compleja, y los pacientes que la padecen tienen que lidiar regularmente con problemas adicionales como la incredulidad, el aislamiento o la estigmatización. En este sentido, las redes sociales surgieron como plataformas donde estas personas encontraron espacios para expresar libremente el dolor que estaban experimentando, y donde comenzaron a formar comunidades de apoyo en línea para compartir sus preocupaciones con otros pacientes con dolor que sufrían la misma inquietante enfermedad. En consecuencia, el propósito de esta investigación es examinar críticamente los procesos de comunicación del dolor en las redes sociales, tanto desde la lógica de las instituciones relacionadas con la salud como desde la perspectiva de los pacientes con dolor crónico. Estos intercambios de información se revisan utilizando dos metodologías exploratorias en Twitter e Instagram, estableciendo primero el estado de la cuestión de las políticas de comunicación en salud en las redes sociales de las organizaciones sanitarias. Después de evaluar estos procesos de forma independiente, se explora cómo la teoría del apoyo social podría mejorar las interacciones entre los médicos y los pacientes con dolor en estas plataformas en línea. Esta tesis señala que ambas partes interesadas utilizan las plataformas de redes sociales de manera diferente y sin interactuar entre sí. Sin embargo, los principios de la teoría del apoyo social aplicados al uso de estos espacios en línea muestran las capacidades de apertura a abordar con el propósito de mejorar la brecha comunicativa entre los pacientes y los médicos en estas plataformas en red. Esta tesis concluye que el uso de las redes sociales podría mejorar tanto la gestión como la evaluación de esta condición invisible y mal comunicada.Chronic pain is a complex condition, and patients who suffer from it have to deal regularly with added problems like disbelief, isolation, or stigmatization. In this respect, social media arose as platforms where these individuals found spaces to freely express the pain they were experiencing, and where they started to form online support communities to share their concerns with other pain patients who were suffering from the same disturbing illness. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to critically examine the processes of pain communication in social media both from the logic of health-related institutions and from the perspective of chronic pain patients. These exchanges of information are reviewed using two exploratory methodologies on Twitter and Instagram, establishing first the state of the art of social media health communication policies of health-related organizations. After evaluating these processes independently, it is explored how social support theory could improve the interactions between physicians and pain patients in these online platforms. This thesis points out that both stakeholders are using social media platforms differently, and without interacting with each other. However, the principles of social support theory applied to the use of these online spaces are showing opening capabilities to be approached with the purpose of improving the communicative gap between patients and physicians in these networked platforms. This thesis concludes that the use of social media could enhance both the management and assessment of this invisible and poorly communicated condition
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