440 research outputs found

    Security for the signaling plane of the SIP protocol

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    VOIP protocols are gaining greater acceptance amongst both users and service providers. This thesis will aim to examine aspects related to the security of signaling plane of the SIP protocol, one of the most widely used VOIP protocols. Firstly, I will analyze the critical issues related to SIP, then move on to discuss both current and possible future solutions, and finally an assessment of the impact on the performance of HTTP digest authentication, IPsec and TLS, the three main methods use

    Comparison of different ways to avoid internet traffic interception

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    Projecte fet en col.laboració amb la Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Department of Telematic EngineeringEnglish: The main objective of this thesis is to analyze and compare different ways to avoid the Internet traffic eavesdropping (carried out both by governments or malicious particulars). The analysis consists on a description of the different protocols and technologies involved in each option as well as the difficulties to implement them and the technical knowledge of the users in order to take profit of them

    Towards the definition of a quality model for mail servers

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    The paper presents an approach for building a Mail Server Quality Model, based on the ISO/IEC software quality standard. We start by defining the mail system domain to be used as general framework and the relevant technologies involved. Then a general overview of the ISO/IEC standard is given. The basic steps, the relevant considerations and criteria used to select the appropriated subcharacteristics and quality attributes are also presented. The selected attributes are categorized under the six ISO/IEC quality characteristics conforming the model. Finally some case studies requirements and two commercial mail server tools are used to evaluate the model.Postprint (published version

    Deploying a New Hash Algorithm

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    The strength of hash functions such as MD5 and SHA-1 has been called into question as a result of recent discoveries. Regardless of whether or not it is necessary to move away from those now, it is clear that it will be necessary to do so in the not-too-distant future. This poses a number of challenges, especially for certificate-based protocols. We analyze a number of protocols, including S/MIME and TLS. All require protocol or implementation changes. We explain the necessary changes, show how the conversion can be done, and list what measures should be taken immediately

    A secure searcher for end-to-end encrypted email communication

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    Email has become a common mode of communication for confidential personal as well as business needs. There are different approaches to authenticate the sender of an email message at the receiver‟s client and ensure that the message can be read only by the intended recipient. A typical approach is to use an email encryption standard to encrypt the message on the sender‟s client and decrypt it on the receiver‟s client for secure communication. A major drawback of this approach is that only the encrypted email messages are stored in the mail servers and the default search does not work on encrypted data. This project details an approach that could be adopted for securely searching email messages protected using end-to-end encrypted email communication. This project proposes an overall design for securely searching encrypted email messages and provides an implementation in Java based on a cryptographically secure Bloom filter technique to create a secure index. The implemented library is then integrated with an open source email client to depict its usability in a live environment. The technique and the implemented library are further evaluated for security and scalability while allowing remote storage of the created secure index. The research in this project would enhance email clients that support encrypted email transfer with a full secure search functionality

    Un nouveau modèle de correspondance pour un service de messagerie électronique avancée

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    The ease of use and efficiency of the email service contributed to its widespread adoption. It became an essential service and authorizing multiples and various uses (private, professional, administrative, governmental, military ...). However, all existing systems are technically reduced to the implementation of global policies, compiling in a static way a limited set of features. These approaches prevent differentiated adaptations of the system to the uses. The rigid and monolithic nature of these policies can moreover lead to unnecessary execution of expensive treatments or to the inability to simultaneously satisfy conflicting requirements. We address this problem of the evolution of e-mail in the general context of interpersonal communication of a sender to a receiver. We identify the sender's intention of communication, as a key parameter of any interpersonal communication, insofar as it allows to finely discriminate the successful communications, between all the ones that are understood. A second parameter which is orthogonal to the first, defined as the context of the sender, is important because it allows to determine the successful aspect of an interpersonal communication. The declination of these two parameters in the electronic mail led us to define the concept of electronic correspondence. This one is a generalization of the email the implementation of which provides a sufficient condition of qualification successful exchanges via this medium. A correspondence allows taking into account for each message, the intention of communication and context of its sender. Its implementation requires in certain points of the network, the enforcement of specific policies depending of an administrative domain and which take as argument the intention of communication and the current context of the sender. A second benefit provided by this concept concerns the level of customization of messaging reaching a maximum granularity, because it can be applied in a differentiated way, to each message instance. These works led to the description of a representative architecture and the definition of three extensions to existing standards (SUBMISSION, IMF and S/MIME). Our approach has been illustrated through two main use cases, compliant with recommended specifications for administration (RGS - Référentiel Général de Sécurité) and military (MMHS - Military Message Handling System) domains.Le service de courrier électronique en raison de sa simplicité d'utilisation combinée à son efficacité, a constitué l'un des principaux vecteurs de popularisation d'Internet. Il est devenu un service incontournable dont la richesse s'exprime au travers des usages variés et multiples qu'il autorise (privé, professionnel, administratif, officiel, militaire...). Cependant, toutes les réalisations existantes se réduisent techniquement à la mise en oeuvre de politiques globales, compilant de façon statique un ensemble limité de fonctionnalités. Ces approches ne permettent pas au système de s'adapter de façon différenciée aux usages. De plus, le caractère rigide et monolithique de ces politiques peut parfois conduire à l'exécution inutile de traitements coûteux ou à l'impossibilité de satisfaire simultanément des exigences contradictoires. Nous abordons cette problématique de l'évolution de la messagerie électronique dans le cadre général de la communication interpersonnelle d'un locuteur vers un interlocuteur. Nous identifions l'intention de communication du locuteur, comme un paramètre clé de toute communication interpersonnelle, dans la mesure où il permet de discriminer finement les communications réussies, parmi toutes celles qui sont comprises. Un second paramètre orthogonal au premier, défini comme le contexte du locuteur, s'avère déterminant lorsqu'il s'agit d'aborder la réalisation concrète des communications interpersonnelles réussies. La déclinaison de ces deux paramètres dans le cadre de la messagerie électronique nous conduit à concevoir la notion de correspondance. Cette dernière constitue une généralisation du courrier électronique dont la mise en oeuvre offre une condition suffisante de qualification des échanges réussis, via ce média. Une correspondance permet de prendre en compte pour chaque message, l'intention de communication et le contexte de son émetteur. Sa mise en oeuvre impose l'application en certains points du réseau, de politiques spécifiques au domaine administratif de référence, qui prennent en argument l'intention de communication et le contexte courant de l'émetteur. Un second bénéfice apporté par ce concept concerne le niveau de personnalisation du service de messagerie qui atteint une granularité de finesse maximale, du fait qu'il peut s'appliquer de façon différenciée, à chaque occurrence de message. Ces travaux ont abouti à la description d'une architecture représentative accompagnée de la définition de trois extensions de standards existants (SUBMISSION, IMF et S/MIME). Notre approche a été illustrée à travers deux cas d'usages importants, conformes à des spécifications recommandées pour les domaines administratif (RGS- référentiel général de sécurité) et militaire (MMHS - Military Message Handling System)

    DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities

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    Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) has turned out to be useful when two parties negotiate about a shared secret in order to establish an encrypted connection between them. To verify the public key, a certificate is used. The certificate is issued by a public, generally trusted third party Certificate Authority (CA). Usually, the web browsers have a list of trusted CAs. It is a well-known problem that the number of security risks increases when the number of CAs grows. A compromised CA can, by an attacker's malicious action or by a human error, issue a trusted certificate to a party who does not own the domain. The purpose of this Master of Science Thesis is to research the applications of the DANE protocol, which is standardized by the IETF. The research question is, how to validate a target receiver while negotiating the encrypted connection. Special focus is on the secure email system. The DANE protocol makes use of the existing Domain Name System (DNS) and its Security Extensions (DNSSEC). This Master of Science Thesis begins with a theoretical part, where the technical background and current techniques are introduced. The DANE protocol and its features are also considered in this chapter. The latter part considers the method in practice, and describes how DANE can be used for the certificate verification instead of CA. The testing phase proves that the deployment of DANE is not complex and the increase of delay and traffic are not significant. DANE provides the needed association between the DNSSEC's chain of trust and the received certificate

    Derivation of the required elements for a definition of the term middleware

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    Thirteen contemporary definitions of Middleware were analyzed. The definitions agree that any software that can do the following should be classified as Middleware (1) provide service that provides transparent application-to-application interaction across the network, (2) act as a service provider for distributed applications, and (3) provide services that are primarily used by distributed applications (e.g., RPCs, ORBs, Directories, name-resolution services, etc.) Most definitions agree that Middleware is that level of software required to achieve platform, location, and network transparency. There is some discrepancy about the OSI levels at which middleware operates. The majority of definitions limit it to levels 5, 6, and 7. Additionally, almost half of the definitions do not include database transparency as something achieved by Middleware, perhaps due to the ambiguous classification of ODBC and JDBC as software. Assuming that the number of times a service is mentioned, the majority of the definitions rank services associated with legal access to an application as core to Middleware, along with valid, standardized APIs for application development as core to the definition of middleware

    Stop the Abuse of Gmail!

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    Gmail, a highly anticipated webmail application made by Google, has been criticized by privacy advocates for breaching wiretapping laws, even before its release from beta testing. Gmail\u27s large storage space and automated processes developed to scan the content of incoming messages and create advertisements based on the scanned terms have enraged privacy groups on an international level. This iBrief will compare Gmail\u27s practices with its peers and conclude that its practices and procedures are consistent with the standards of the webmail industry. The iBrief will then propose additional measures Gmail could institute to further protect webmail users\u27 and alleviate the concerns of privacy advocates