1,321 research outputs found

    Sufficient conditions for sound tree and sequential hashing modes

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    Hash functions are usually composed of a mode of operation on top of a concrete primitive with fixed input-length and fixed output-length, such as a block cipher or a permutation. In practice, the mode is often sequential, although parallel (or tree) hashing modes are also possible. The former requires less memory, while the latter has several advantages such as its inherent parallelism and a lower cost of hash value re-computation when only a small part of the input changes. In this paper, we consider the general case of (tree or sequential) hashing modes that make use of an underlying hash function, which may in turn be sequential. We formulate a set of three simple conditions for such a (tree or sequential) hashing mode to be sound. By sound, we mean that the advantage in differentiating a hash function obtained by applying a tree hashing mode to an ideal underlying hash function from an ideal monolithic hash function is upper bounded by q2/2n+1q^2/2^{n+1} with qq the number of queries to the underlying hash function and nn the length of the chaining values. We provide a proof of soundness in the indifferentiability framework. The conditions we formulate are easy to implement and to verify, and can be used by the practitioner to build a tree hashing mode on top of an existing hash function. We show how to apply tree hashing modes to sequential hash functions in an optimal way, demonstrate the applicability of our conditions with two efficient and simple tree hashing modes and provide a simple method to take the union of tree hashing modes that preserves soundness. It turns out that sequential hashing modes using a compression function (i.e., a hash function with fixed input-length) can be considered as particular cases and, as a by-product, our results also apply to them. We discuss the different techniques for satisfying the three conditions, thereby shedding a new light on several published modes

    Asymptotic Analysis of Plausible Tree Hash Modes for SHA-3

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    Discussions about the choice of a tree hash mode of operation for a standardization have recently been undertaken. It appears that a single tree mode cannot address adequately all possible uses and specifications of a system. In this paper, we review the tree modes which have been proposed, we discuss their problems and propose remedies. We make the reasonable assumption that communicating systems have different specifications and that software applications are of different types (securing stored content or live-streamed content). Finally, we propose new modes of operation that address the resource usage problem for the three most representative categories of devices and we analyse their asymptotic behavior

    Efficient computation of hashes

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    The sequential computation of hashes at the core of many distributed storage systems and found, for example, in grid services can hinder efficiency in service quality and even pose security challenges that can only be addressed by the use of parallel hash tree modes. The main contributions of this paper are, first, the identification of several efficiency and security challenges posed by the use of sequential hash computation based on the Merkle-Damgard engine. In addition, alternatives for the parallel computation of hash trees are discussed, and a prototype for a new parallel implementation of the Keccak function, the SHA-3 winner, is introduced

    Optimization of Tree Modes for Parallel Hash Functions: A Case Study

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    This paper focuses on parallel hash functions based on tree modes of operation for an inner Variable-Input-Length function. This inner function can be either a single-block-length (SBL) and prefix-free MD hash function, or a sponge-based hash function. We discuss the various forms of optimality that can be obtained when designing parallel hash functions based on trees where all leaves have the same depth. The first result is a scheme which optimizes the tree topology in order to decrease the running time. Then, without affecting the optimal running time we show that we can slightly change the corresponding tree topology so as to minimize the number of required processors as well. Consequently, the resulting scheme decreases in the first place the running time and in the second place the number of required processors.Comment: Preprint version. Added citations, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 201

    Sufficient conditions for sound tree hashing modes

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    We consider the general case of tree hashing modes that make use of an underlying compression function. We consider such a tree hashing mode sound if differentiating it from a random oracle, assuming the underlying compression function is a random oracle can be proven to be hard. We demonstrate two properties that such a tree hashing mode must have for such a proof to exist. For each of the two properties we show that several solutions exist to realize them. For some given solutions we demonstrate that a simple proof of indifferentiability exists and obtain an upper bound on the differentiability probability of q2/2nq^2/2^n with qq the number of queries to the underlying compression function and nn its output length. Finally we give two examples of hashing modes for which this proof applies: KeccakTree and Prefix-free Merkle-Damgard

    Sufficient conditions for sound hashing using a truncated permutation

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    In this paper we give a generic security proof for hashing modes that make use of an underlying fixed-length permutation. We formulate a set of five simple conditions, which are easy to implement and to verify, for such a hashing mode to be sound. These hashing modes include tree hashing modes and sequential hashing modes. We provide a proof that for any hashing mode satisfying the five conditions, the advantage in differentiating it from an ideal monolithic hash function is upper bounded by q^2/2^{n+1} with q the number of queries to the underlying permutation and n the length of the chaining values

    Block-Cipher-Based Tree Hashing

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    First of all we take a thorough look at an error in a paper by Daemen et al. (ToSC 2018) which looks at minimal requirements for tree-based hashing based on multiple primitives, including block ciphers. This reveals that the error is more fundamental than previously shown by Gunsing et al. (ToSC 2020), which is mainly interested in its effect on the security bounds. It turns out that the cause for the error is due to an essential oversight in the interaction between the different oracles used in the indifferentiability proofs. In essence, it reduces the claim from the normal indifferentiability setting to the weaker sequential indifferentiability one. As a matter of fact, this error appeared in multiple earlier indifferentiability papers, including the optimal indifferentiability of the sum of permutations (EUROCRYPT 2018) and the recent ABR+ construction (EUROCRYPT 2021). We discuss in detail how this oversight is caused and how it can be avoided. We next demonstrate how the negative effects on the security bound of the construction by Daemen et al. can be resolved. Instead of only allowing a truncated output, we generalize the construction to allow for any finalization function and investigate the security of this for five different types of finalization. Our findings, among others, show that the security of the SHA-2 mode does not degrade if the feed-forward is dropped and that the modern BLAKE3 construction is secure in principle but that its use of the extendable output requires its counter used for random access to be public. Finally, we introduce the tree sponge, a generalization of the sequential sponge construction with parallel absorbing and squeezing

    A j-lanes tree hashing mode and j-lanes SHA-256

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    j-lanes hashing is a tree mode that splits an input message to j slices, computes j independent digests of each slice, and outputs the hash value of their concatenation. We demonstrate the performance advantage of j-lanes hashing on SIMD architectures, by coding a 4-lanes-SHA-256 implementation and measuring its performance on the latest 3rd Generation Intel® Core™. For message ranging 2KB to 132KB in length, the 4-lanes SHA-256 is between 1.5 to 1.97 times faster than the fastest publicly available implementation (that we are aware of), and between 1.9 to 2.5 times faster than OpenSSL 1.0.1c. For long messages, there is no significant performance difference between different choices of j. We show that the 4-lanes SHA-256 is faster than the two SHA3 finalists (BLAKE and Keccak) that have a published tree mode implementation. We explain why j-lanes hashing will be even faster on the future AVX2 architecture with 256 bits registers. This suggests that standardizing a tree mode for hash functions (SHA-256 in particular) would deliver significant performance benefits for a multitude of algorithms and usages

    Security of Truncated Permutation Without Initial Value

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    Indifferentiability is a powerful notion in cryptography. If a construction is proven to be indifferentiable from an ideal object, it can under certain assumptions instantiate that ideal object in higher-level constructions. Indifferentiability is a particularly useful model for cryptographic hash functions, and myriad results are known proving that a hash function behaves like a random oracle under the assumption that the underlying primitive (typically a compression function, a block cipher, or a permutation) is random. Recently, advances have been made in proving indifferentiability of one-way functions with fixed input length. One such example is truncation of a permutation. If one evaluates a random permutation on an input value concatenated with a fixed initial value, and truncates the output, one obtains a construction that is indifferentiable from a random function up to a certain bound (Dodis et al., FSE 2009; Choi et al., ASIACRYPT 2019). Security of this construction, however, is in part determined by the length of the initial value; omission of this fixed value yields an insecure construction. In this paper, we reconsider truncation of a permutation, and prove that the construction is indifferentiable from a random oracle, even if this fixed initial value is replaced by a randomized value. This randomized value may be the same for different evaluations of the construction, or freshly generated, up to the discretion of the adversary. The security level is the same as that of truncation with fixed initial value, up to collisions in the randomized value. We show that our construction has immediate implications in the context of parallel variable-length digest generation. In detail, we describe Cascade-MGF, that operates on top of any cryptographic hash function and uses the hash function output as randomized initial value in truncation. We demonstrate that Cascade-MGF compares favorably over earlier parallel variable-length digest generation constructions, namely Counter-MGF and Chained-MGF, in almost all settings

    Three Denerations of DBMS

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    This paper describes the evolution of data base technology from early computing to the sophisticated systems of today. It presents an overview of the most popular data base management systems architectures such as hierarchical, network, relational and object-oriented. The last section of this paper presents a view of the factors that will influence the future of data base technology
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