126,343 research outputs found

    Sufficient conditions for convergence of the Sum-Product Algorithm

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    We derive novel conditions that guarantee convergence of the Sum-Product algorithm (also known as Loopy Belief Propagation or simply Belief Propagation) to a unique fixed point, irrespective of the initial messages. The computational complexity of the conditions is polynomial in the number of variables. In contrast with previously existing conditions, our results are directly applicable to arbitrary factor graphs (with discrete variables) and are shown to be valid also in the case of factors containing zeros, under some additional conditions. We compare our bounds with existing ones, numerically and, if possible, analytically. For binary variables with pairwise interactions, we derive sufficient conditions that take into account local evidence (i.e., single variable factors) and the type of pair interactions (attractive or repulsive). It is shown empirically that this bound outperforms existing bounds.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. Major changes and new results in this revised version. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Message-Passing Algorithms for Quadratic Minimization

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    Gaussian belief propagation (GaBP) is an iterative algorithm for computing the mean of a multivariate Gaussian distribution, or equivalently, the minimum of a multivariate positive definite quadratic function. Sufficient conditions, such as walk-summability, that guarantee the convergence and correctness of GaBP are known, but GaBP may fail to converge to the correct solution given an arbitrary positive definite quadratic function. As was observed in previous work, the GaBP algorithm fails to converge if the computation trees produced by the algorithm are not positive definite. In this work, we will show that the failure modes of the GaBP algorithm can be understood via graph covers, and we prove that a parameterized generalization of the min-sum algorithm can be used to ensure that the computation trees remain positive definite whenever the input matrix is positive definite. We demonstrate that the resulting algorithm is closely related to other iterative schemes for quadratic minimization such as the Gauss-Seidel and Jacobi algorithms. Finally, we observe, empirically, that there always exists a choice of parameters such that the above generalization of the GaBP algorithm converges

    A Low Density Lattice Decoder via Non-Parametric Belief Propagation

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    The recent work of Sommer, Feder and Shalvi presented a new family of codes called low density lattice codes (LDLC) that can be decoded efficiently and approach the capacity of the AWGN channel. A linear time iterative decoding scheme which is based on a message-passing formulation on a factor graph is given. In the current work we report our theoretical findings regarding the relation between the LDLC decoder and belief propagation. We show that the LDLC decoder is an instance of non-parametric belief propagation and further connect it to the Gaussian belief propagation algorithm. Our new results enable borrowing knowledge from the non-parametric and Gaussian belief propagation domains into the LDLC domain. Specifically, we give more general convergence conditions for convergence of the LDLC decoder (under the same assumptions of the original LDLC convergence analysis). We discuss how to extend the LDLC decoder from Latin square to full rank, non-square matrices. We propose an efficient construction of sparse generator matrix and its matching decoder. We report preliminary experimental results which show our decoder has comparable symbol to error rate compared to the original LDLC decoder.%Comment: Submitted for publicatio
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