310,643 research outputs found

    Opiate Drug Seeking and Addiction: The Influence of Sucrose Consumption on the Acquisition and Expression of Morphine-induced Conditioned Place Preferences (CPP)

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    Sucrose intake may lead to changes in brain and behavior similar to the effects of abused drugs. For example, sucrose may agonize endogenous opiate systems and modulate opiate-seeking behavior. Previous research reported equivocal outcomes where sucrose may either enhance (i.e., cross-sensitization) or attenuate (i.e., cross-tolerance) drug seeking as measured by morphine-induced CPP. The present experiment extends from past work and evaluated the impact of sucrose administered prior to place conditioning. Additionally, unique groups received sucrose prior to tests for CPP to measure sucrose influences on CPP expression. Sprague-Dawley rats (n=24) were assigned to sucrose (15% w/v) or water pre-exposure conditions. Subsequently, subjects received morphine place conditioning where morphine (10mg/kg) was administered on the initially non-preferred side of the apparatus. Three post-tests were conducted and, prior to each test, animals within each pre-exposure group (sucrose or water) received either sucrose or water. Factorial ANOVA was used to analyze data. Results showed robust morphine-induced CPP. Although animals in the sucrose pre-exposure condition displayed enhanced CPP, the outcomes were not statistically significant. The present findings support the value of CPP techniques to measure opiate drug-seeking behavior. Future work may discover the sufficient conditions for detecting sucrose cross-sensitization of morphine CPP

    Sucrose- and H+-dependent charge movements associated with the gating of sucrose transporter ZmSUT1

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    Background: In contrast to man the majority of higher plants use sucrose as mobile carbohydrate. Accordingly proton-driven sucrose transporters are crucial for cell-to-cell and long-distance distribution within the plant body. Generally very negative plant membrane potentials and the ability to accumulate sucrose quantities of more than 1 M document that plants must have evolved transporters with unique structural and functional features. Methodology/Principal Findings: To unravel the functional properties of one specific high capacity plasma membrane sucrose transporter in detail, we expressed the sucrose/H+ co-transporter from maize ZmSUT1 in Xenopus oocytes. Application of sucrose in an acidic pH environment elicited inward proton currents. Interestingly the sucrose-dependent H+ transport was associated with a decrease in membrane capacitance (Cm). In addition to sucrose Cm was modulated by the membrane potential and external protons. In order to explore the molecular mechanism underlying these Cm changes, presteady-state currents (Ipre) of ZmSUT1 transport were analyzed. Decay of Ipre could be best fitted by double exponentials. When plotted against the voltage the charge Q, associated to Ipre, was dependent on sucrose and protons. The mathematical derivative of the charge Q versus voltage was well in line with the observed Cm changes. Based on these parameters a turnover rate of 500 molecules sucrose/s was calculated. In contrast to gating currents of voltage dependent-potassium channels the analysis of ZmSUT1-derived presteady-state currents in the absence of sucrose (I = Q/τ) was sufficient to predict ZmSUT1 transport-associated currents. Conclusions: Taken together our results indicate that in the absence of sucrose, ‘trapped’ protons move back and forth between an outer and an inner site within the transmembrane domains of ZmSUT1. This movement of protons in the electric field of the membrane gives rise to the presteady-state currents and in turn to Cm changes. Upon application of external sucrose, protons can pass the membrane turning presteady-state into transport currents

    Sugar metabolism and accumulation in the fruit of transgenic apple trees with decreased sorbitol synthesis.

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    Both sorbitol and sucrose are synthesized in source leaves and transported to fruit for supporting fruit growth in tree fruit species of the Rosaceae family. In apple (Malus domestica), antisense suppression of aldose-6-phosphate reductase, the key enzyme for sorbitol synthesis, significantly decreased the sorbitol concentration but increased the sucrose concentration in leaves, leading to a lower sorbitol but a higher sucrose supply to fruit in these plants. In response to this altered carbon supply, the transgenic fruit had lower concentration of sorbitol and much higher concentration of glucose but similar levels of fructose, sucrose, and starch throughout fruit development relative to the untransformed control. Activities of sorbitol dehydrogenase, fructokinase, and sucrose phosphate synthase were lower, whereas activities of neutral invertase, sucrose synthase, and hexokinase were higher in the transgenic fruit during fruit development. Transcript levels of MdSOT1, MdSDHs, MdFK2, and MdSPS3/6 were downregulated, whereas transcript levels of MdSUC1/4, MdSUSY1-3, MdNIV1/3, MdHKs, and MdTMT1 were upregulated in the transgenic fruit. These findings suggest that the Sucrose cycle and the sugar transport system are very effective in maintaining the level of fructose and provide insights into the roles of sorbitol and sucrose in regulating sugar metabolism and accumulation in sorbitol-synthesizing species

    Effects of hunger state on flavour pleasantness conditioning at home: flavour-nutrient learning vs. flavour-flavour learning

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    This study examined acquired liking of flavour preferences through flavour-flavour and flavour-nutrient learning under hungry or sated conditions in a naturalistic setting. Each participant consumed one of three versions of a test drink at home either before lunch or after lunch: minimally sweetened (CONTROL: 3% sucrose, 40kcal), artificially sweetened (3% sucrose 40kcal plus artificial sweeteners ASPARTAME) and sucrose-sweetened (SUCROSE: 9.9% sugar, 132kcal). The test drink was an uncarbonated peach-flavoured iced tea served in visually identical drink cans (330ml). Participants preselected as "sweet likers" evaluated the minimally sweetened flavoured drink (conditioned stimulus, CS) in the same state (hungry or sated) in which they consumed the test drink at home. Overall, liking for the CS flavour increased in participants who consumed the SUCROSE drink, however, this increase in liking was significantly larger when tested and trained hungry than sated, consistent with a flavour-nutrient model. Overall increases in pleasantness for the CS flavour in participants who consumed the SUCROSE drink when sated or the ASPARTAME drink independent of hunger state, suggest that flavour-flavour learning also occurred. These results are discussed in light of current learning models of flavour preference

    A Precision Microbiome Approach Using Sucrose for Selective Augmentation of Staphylococcus epidermidis Fermentation against Propionibacterium acnes.

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    Acne dysbiosis happens when there is a microbial imbalance of the over-growth of Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) in the acne microbiome. In our previous study, we demonstrated that Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis, a probiotic skin bacterium) can exploit glycerol fermentation to produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) which have antimicrobial activities to suppress the growth of P. acnes. Unlike glycerol, sucrose is chosen here as a selective fermentation initiator (SFI) that can specifically intensify the fermentation activity of S. epidermidis, but not P. acnes. A co-culture of P. acnes and fermenting S. epidermidis in the presence of sucrose significantly led to a reduction in the growth of P. acnes. The reduction was abolished when P. acnes was co-cultured with non-fermenting S. epidermidis. Results from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis revealed four SCFAs (acetic acid, butyric acid, lactic acid, and succinic acid) were detectable in the media of S. epidermidis sucrose fermentation. To validate the interference of S. epidermidis sucrose fermentation with P. acnes, mouse ears were injected with both P. acnes and S. epidermidis plus sucrose or phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The level of macrophage-inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) and the number of P. acnes in ears injected with two bacteria plus sucrose were considerably lower than those in ears injected with two bacteria plus PBS. Our results demonstrate a precision microbiome approach by using sucrose as a SFI for S. epidermidis, holding future potential as a novel modality to equilibrate dysbiotic acne

    Screening and characterization of Lactobacillus strains producing large amounts of exopolysaccharides

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    A total of 182 Lactobacillus strains were screened for production of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) by a new method: growth in liquid media with high sugar concentrations. Sixty EPS-positive strains were identified; 17 strains produced more than 100 mg/l soluble EPS. Sucrose was an excellent substrate for abundant EPS synthesis. The ability to produce glucans appears to be widespread in the genus Lactobacillus. The monosaccharide composition of EPS produced by Lactobacillus reuteri strain LB 121 varied with the growth conditions (solid compared to liquid medium) and the sugar substrates (sucrose or raffinose) supplied in the medium. Strain LB 121 produced both a glucan and a fructan on sucrose, but only a fructan on raffinose. This is the first report of fructan production by a Lactobacillus species. EPS production increased with increasing sucrose concentrations and involved extracellular sucrase-type enzymes.

    Electrophysiological and molecular mechanisms of protection by iron sucrose against phosphine-induced cardiotoxicity: A time course study

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    The present study was designed for determining the exact mechanism of cytotoxic action of aluminum phosphide (AlP) in the presence of iron sucrose as the proposed antidote. Rats received AlP (12 mg/kg) and iron sucrose (5-30 mg/kg) in various sets and were connected to cardiovascular monitoring device. After identification of optimum doses of AlP and iron sucrose, rats taken in 18 groups received AlP (6 mg/kg) and iron sucrose (10 mg/kg), treated at six different time points, and then their hearts were surgically removed and used for evaluating a series of mitochondrial parameters, including cell lipid peroxidation, antioxidant power, mitochondrial complex activity, ADP/ATP ratio and process of apoptosis. ECG changes of AlP poisoning, including QRS, QT, P-R, ST, BP and HR were ameliorated by iron sucrose (10 mg/kg) treatment. AlP initiated its toxicity in the heart mitochondria through reducing mitochondrial complexes (II, IV and V), which was followed by increasing lipid peroxidation and the ADP/ATP ratio and declining mitochondrial membrane integrity that ultimately resulted in cell death. AlP in acute exposure (6 mg/kg) resulted in an increase in hydroxyl radicals and lipid peroxidation in a time-dependent fashion, suggesting an interaction of delivering electrons of phosphine with mitochondrial respiratory chain and oxidative stress. Iron sucrose, as an electron receiver, can compete with mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes and divert electrons to another pathway. The present findings supported the idea that iron sucrose could normalize the activity of mitochondrial electron transfer chain and cellular ATP level as vital factors for cell escaping from AlP poisoning. © 2015 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. All rights reserved

    Continuous production of glycerol by catalytic high pressure hydrogenolysis of sucrose

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    Several continuous reactor systems have been discussed for the catalytic high pressure hydrogenolysis of sucrose to glycerol. Theoretically and actually, continuous reactors lead to lower glycerol yields than in a batch process. Two continuous stirred tank reactors in cascade constitute a reasonable compromise. An economic evaluation of the sucrose route to glycerol in comparison with other synthetic glycerol processes based on allyl chloride and acrolein suggests that the sucrose process can be competitive if a sales potential is developed for the by-products propane-l,2-diol, ethylene glycol, and a mixture of higher polyhydric alcohols containing tetritol, pentitol, methyl fructoside, and hexitol
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