9,298 research outputs found

    Identifying the relevance of personal values to e-government portals' success: insights from a Delphi study

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    Most governments around the world have put considerable financial resources into the development of e-government systems. They have been making significant efforts to provide information and services online. However, previous research shows that the rate of adoption and success of e-government systems vary significantly across countries. It is argued here that culture can be an important factor affecting e- government success. This paper aims to explore the relevance of personal values to the e-government success from an individual user’s perspective. The ten basic values identified by Schwartz were used. A Delphi study was carried out with a group of experts to identify the most relevant personal values to the e-government success from an individual’s point of view. The findings suggest that four of the ten values, namely Self-direction, Security, Stimulation, and Tradition, most likely affect the success. The findings provide a basis for developing a comprehensive e-government evaluation framework to be validated using a large scale survey in Saudi Arabia

    Critical Success Factors for Electronic Therapy—A Delphi Study

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    E-therapy employs a cross-section of online psychotherapies that use many of the same traditional face-to-face techniques as psychotherapy by exploiting electronic synchronous communication between a patient and trained therapists (counselors, psychoanalyst’s, or other licensed practitioners). A Delphi study of practicing therapists revealed five critical success factors (CSFs) (technological, managerial, empathic, service quality, and legal) that are important influences in the implementation of e-therapy services. Results suggest that managerial and legal factors hinder wider acceptance of e-therapy services. Secure and effective communication channels and protection of patient data emerge as important themes in the context of the five CSFs as concerns of potential e-therapists in wanting to provide effective care to patients

    Student-Centered Learning Opportunities For Adolescent English Learners In Flipped Classrooms

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    This study documents opportunities for diverse adolescent English learners to deeply engage with content and language in flipped learning environments. Through a linked description of teaching practices and student learning experiences in an urban New England high school, the study attempts to understand the potential of flipped instruction in preparing a traditionally underserved population for post-secondary education. Our research partner Patriot High School (PHS) is one of the New England schools implementing flipped learning. PHS represents a typical secondary school context for adolescent English learners: More than half of students speak a language other than English at home and the majority of students are from minority and low-income homes (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2014). PHS is also an urban school committed to implementing student-centered learning strategies to meet the needs of its diverse students

    A framework for e-government success from the user’s perspective

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThis thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of e-government portal success by developing a e-government success framework from a user’s perspective. The proposed framework is underpinned by relevant theories, such as DeLone and McLean’s IS success model, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), self-efficacy theory and trust. The culture aspect has also been taken into consideration by adopting personal values theory introduced by Schwartz (1992). Three data collection methods were used. First, an exploratory study was carried to explore the main aspects and factors for understanding e-government systems success. Second, a Delphi study was conducted to investigate which of the ten value types are particularly relevant to success or have a significant impact. Third, a survey-based study was carried out to validate empirically the proposed theoretical framework. Results of the exploratory study helped to identify the potential success factors of e-government systems. The results of the Delphi study suggest that four of the ten values, namely self-direction, stimulation, security, and tradition, most likely affect e-government portal success. Structural equation modelling techniques were applied to test the research model using a large-scale survey. The findings of hypothesis testing suggested that e-government portal success (i.e. net benefit) was directly affected by actual use and user satisfaction and indirectly affect by a number of factors concerning system quality, service quality, information quality, perceived risk, and computer self-efficacy. By combining IS success model and TAM, this study found system quality, information quality and service quality affected the perceived ease of us, but service quality had no effect on perceived usefulness. However, perceived risk seemed to have no effect on attitudes towards using, but very small negative effect on perceived usefulness. Users’ computer skills was found to have no effect on perceived ease of use and very small effect on perceived usefulness. These indicate that risk and IT skills are playing less significant role in the context of e-government. The research findings confirmed that adoption was not equivalent to success, but it was the necessary precondition to success. In the personal values-attitude-behaviour model, the empirical evidence suggested that Conservation affects attitude towards use which, in turn, affects behavioural intention to re-use. Openness to change had no effect on attitude toward using. The findings provide important implications for e-government research and practice

    Internet of things security implementation using blockchain for wireless technology

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    Blockchain is a new security system which group many data into a block or so called classifying the data into a block. The block can have many types and each of them content data and security code. By using a decentralize mechanism, one security code protect all the data. That could happen at the server. In this research, a network of wireless sensor technology is proposed. The transmission of sensor data is via the Internet of things (Internet of Thing) technology. As many data transmitted, they have to classified and group them into a block. All the blocks are then send to the central processing unit, like a microcontroller. The block of data is then processed, identified and encrypted before send over the internet network. At the receiver, a GUI or Apps is developed to open and view the data. The Apps or GUI have an encrypted data or security code. User must key in the password before they can view the data. The password used by the end user at the Apps or GUI must be equivalent to the one encrypted at the sensor nodes. This is to satisfy the decentralized concept used in the Blockchain. To demonstrate the Blockchain technology applied to the wireless sensor network, a MATLAB Simulink function is used. The expected results should show a number of block of data in cryptography manner and chain together. The two set of data. Both have the data encrypted using hash. The black dots indicate the data has been encrypted whereas the white dot indicate indicates the data is not encrypted. The half white and half black indicates the data is in progress of encrypted. All this data should arrange in cryptography order and chain together in a vertical line. A protocol called block and chain group the data into the block and then chain then. The data appears in the blocks and send over the network. As seen in the simulation results, the yellow color represents the user data. This data has a default amplitude as 1 or 5. The data is chained and blocked to produce the Blockchain waveform Keywords: Blockchain, Internet of things, Wireless Sensor Network and MATLAB Simulin

    Methods of small group research

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    The relationship between ERP capabilities, use, and value

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    Ruivo, P., Johansson, B., Sarker, S., & Oliveira, T. (2020). The relationship between ERP capabilities, use, and value. Computers in Industry, 117, 1-15. [103209]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2020.103209This study assesses the effect of some extended Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) capabilities (Collaboration, Analytics, Web-portals, Add-ons) and ERP use on ERP value. The research conducted, followed a mixed-methods approach using an exploratory study (Delphi) and the resource-based view of the firm to understand the ERP capabilities and develop three competing models surrounding these capabilities, ERP use, and ERP value, and then a confirmatory study using a large-scale survey of firms in Germany, Portugal, and the United Kingdom, to test these models. Results suggest that the moderation model best explains the relationships, while the additive model highlights the direct effects of both ERP capabilities and ERP use on ERP value in an interesting way. Results highlight that the role of ERP use is more critical when moderating ERP capabilities and ERP value, as well as when additive to ERP capabilities, than when mediating between ERP capabilities and ERP value. The practical value of the study lies in the fact that this investigation provides new knowledge on how some extended ERP capabilities may positively influence value from investment, and together with ERP use, provide business value.authorsversionpublishe

    The Influence of Management Information System Transition on Individual Impact Mediated by Perceived Ease of Use and Usefulness

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    Objectives: The aim of the research is to reveal how perceived usefulness and ease of use can bridge the gap among the impacts on individuals of information quality, system quality, and service quality.Methodology: This study uses a quantitative method to assess the theoretical model by asking several questions linked to Google Forms. This study utilized a quantitative analysis instrument by SmartPLS software. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling utilizes data analysis. The population of this study were employees at PT KIMI which moved to manufacture tire products in West Java with a total sample of 75 respondents. The data analysis used is the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) by SmartPLS 3.0 software. The initial phase in data analysis is to summarize figures on the respondents' descriptions. The subsequent phase is to gauge the validity and reliability through discriminant validity and reliability tests.Finding: The study results showed that employees' perceived usefulness and ease of use mediate the relationship between information quality, system quality, and individual impact. Conversely, the service quality could not directly influence individual impact through perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use and usefulness serially mediate the relationship between system quality, service quality, and individual impact. Conclusion: The perceived ease of use and usefulness variables can serially mediate the relationship between system quality and service quality on individual impact. Users of information systems will feel a more significant personal impact if perceived usefulness and ease of use are implemented to achieve comfortable working

    Artificial intelligence applied to marketing management: Trends and projections according to specialists

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    Marketing Management is one of the areas that has been progressively integrating artificial intelligence systems, and the pace of the development of intelligent software that is very useful for marketing seems not to slow down. In fact, the growth and sophistication of technological systems promise to increase even more, which will inevitably affect operations as well as management and planning. In an attempt to assess and measure the expected impacts of AI on marketing departments in the short / medium term, a Delphi was carried out. Thereby, a panel of 21 marketing specialists (13 Portuguese and 8 international) was gathered, which was asked to evaluate on a Likert scale a series of statements, and to comment and debate among them. In this case it was a Real Time Delphi since the study was conducted using an online platform, which allowed all comments to be immediately available and visible to all participants. With this exploratory study, it was possible to conclude that the areas that are expected to be helped by intelligent systems to a greater extent – this is, the areas that will assist the automation of more operations - are customer recognition , market segmentation, sales forecasting and programmatic communication. On the other hand, the two most controversial statements among experts - thus risky to draw lessons - were statements regarding the autonomous operation of website adjustments and developments, as well as the adoption of intelligent systems to support strategic and strategic decision-making.A Gestão de Marketing é uma das áreas que tem vindo progressivamente a integrar sistemas de inteligência artificial, e a cadência do desenvolvimento de softwares inteligentes com grande utilidade para parece não abrandam. Na verdade, o crescimento e o grau de sofisticação dos sistemas tecnológicos prometem aumentar cada vez mais, o que promete afetar a vários níveis as operações e até a definição de estratégias de marketing e de gestão. Na tentativa de avaliar e medir os impactos da inteligência artificial nos departamentos de marketing no curto/médio prazo, procedeu-se à realização de um Delphi. Para isso reuniu-se um painel de 21 especialistas na área do marketing e da inteligência artificial (13 portugueses e 8 internacionais), ao qual foi colocada uma série de afirmações para que fossem avaliadas numa escala de Likert, comentadas e debatidas. Neste caso tratou-se de um Real Time Delphi uma vez que o estudo foi realizado recorrendo a uma plataforma online, o que permitiu que todos comentários ficassem imediatamente disponíveis e visíveis a todos os participantes. Com este estudo, de cariz marcadamente exploratório, concluiu-se que as áreas que se esperam vir a ser auxiliadas por sistemas inteligentes em maior medida – ou seja, as áreas que assistirão à automatização de um maior número de operações – são o reconhecimento do cliente, segmentação de mercado, previsão de vendas e comunicação programática. Por outro lado, os temas que mais controvérsia geraram entre os especialistas – sendo pouco seguro retirar ilações – referem-se à operação autónoma de ajustes e desenvolvimentos de websites, bem como à adoção de sistemas inteligentes para servirem de apoio à tomada de decisões estratégicas e de planeamento