41 research outputs found

    Performance and Reliability of High Density Flash EEPROMs under CHISEL Programming Operation

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    Modelling, fabrication and characterisation of the EEPROM

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    High dielectric constant materials in SONOS-type non- volatile memory structures

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    Statistical analysis of Total Ionizing Dose response in 25-nm NAND Flash memory

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    Variabilità degli errori, ovvero bit flip, dovuti alla dose totale ionizzante (TID) in memorie Flash SLC da 25 nm. Più di 1 Terabit di celle è stato esposto a raggi gamma da Co-60 e sono stati misurati gli errori indotti dalla radiazione ionizzante. L'obiettivo della tesi è stato lo studio del comportamento delle memorie Flash nello spazio e prevederne l’affidabilità.ope

    Application of novel gate materials for performance improvement in flash memory devices

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    Non-volatile organic memory devices: from design to applications

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    The research activity described in the attached dissertation focused on the development, fabrication and characterization of new non-volatile memory elements based on organic technology. During the last few decades, organic materials based devices have attracted considerable interest due to their great potential for future electronic systems. Low fabrication costs, high mechanical flexibility and versatility of the chemical structure, good scalability and easy processing are the unique advantages of organic electronics. As memory devices are essential elements of any kind of electronic system, the development of organic memory devices is fundamental in order to extend the application of organic materials to different electronic circuits. Research on organic electronic memories is currently at a rapid growth stage, since it is recognized that they may be an alternative or supplementary to the conventional memory technologies. Despite considerable progress in the advancement of novel memory technologies in recent years, some challenging tasks still need to be resolved. The Ph.D. research activity of this thesis is related to the still -opened challenges in the organic memories technologies. In particular, it focused mainly on the study, development, fabrication and characterization of new non-volatile organic memory elements based on resistive switching. The activity has been carried out in the frame of the European project “HYbrid organic/inorganic Memory Elements for integration of electronic and photonic Circuitry” (HYMEC), which involved the University of Cagliari during the last three years. The project goal was to realize new hybrid inorganic/organic resistive memory devices with functionality far beyond the state of the art. A complementary activity on transistor-based organic memory devices has been also carried out and described in this thesis. As regards resistive memory devices, the research activity included design, fabrication and testing of a novel non-volatile memory device based on the combination of an air-stable organic semiconductor and metal nanoparticles. This topic required the development of technology and procedures for easy and reliable production of devices as well as the definition of measurement protocols. The proposed structure was thoroughly characterized by morphological techniques, which allowed to interpret the resistive switching mechanisms in terms of formation and rupture of metallic filaments inside the organic layer assisted by the metal NPs. The obtained performances are the best reported so far in literature, and, to our knowledge, the statistics analysis is the largest ever reported for organic-based resistive memories. The developed technology was then successfully applied on flexible plastic substrates. The definition of technological processes for the reliable fabrication of high performance printed organic memory devices was also carried out: this work clearly demonstrates the real possibility of fabricating high performance printed memory elements. A significant effort was also devoted to the development of basic memory/sensor systems entirely fabricated on plastic substrates. The suitability of organic non-volatile memory devices for the detection and the storage of external parameters was demonstrated. The results definitely demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed technology for the fabrication of systems including organic memories for their final application in different industrial processes, including e-textile and smart packaging. As regards transistor memory devices, highly flexible Organic Field-Effect Transistor (OFET)-based memory elements with excellent mechanical stability and high retention time were developed. As main innovation with respect to the state of the art, low voltage operation of the OFET-based memory was investigated. Such an activity was also related to the development of reliable measurement procedure

    A novel low-temperature growth method of silicon structures and application in flash memory.

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    Flash memories are solid-state non-volatile memories. They play a vital role especially in information storage in a wide range of consumer electronic devices and applications including smart phones, digital cameras, laptop computers, and satellite navigators. The demand for high density flash has surged as a result of the proliferation of these consumer electronic portable gadgets and the more features they offer – wireless internet, touch screen, video capabilities. The increase in the density of flash memory devices over the years has come as a result of continuous memory cell-size reduction. This size scaling is however approaching a dead end and it is widely agreed that further reduction beyond the 20 nm technological node is going to be very difficult, as it would result to challenges such as cross-talk or cell-to-cell interference, a high statistical variation in the number of stored electrons in the floating gate and high leakage currents due to thinner tunnel oxides. Because of these challenges a wide range of solutions in form of materials and device architectures are being investigated. Among them is three-dimensional (3-D) flash, which is widely acclaimed as the ideal solution, as they promise the integration of long-time retention and ultra-high density cells without compromising device reliability. However, current high temperature (>600 °C) growth techniques of the Polycrystalline silicon floating gate material are incompatible with 3-D flash memory; with vertically stacked memory layers, which require process temperatures to be ≤ 400 °C. There already exist some low temperature techniques for producing polycrystalline silicon such as laser annealing, solid-phase crystallization of amorphous silicon and metal-induced crystallization. However, these have some short-comings which make them not suitable for use in 3-D flash memory, e.g. the high furnace annealing temperatures (700 °C) in solid-phase crystallization of amorphous silicon which could potentially damage underlying memory layers in 3-D flash, and the metal contaminants in metal-induced crystallization which is a potential source of high leakage currents. There is therefore a need for alternative low temperature techniques that would be most suitable for flash memory purposes. With reference to the above, the main objective of this research was to develop a novel low temperature method for growing silicon structures at ≤ 400 °C. This thesis thus describes the development of a low-temperature method for polycrystalline silicon growth and the application of the technique in a capacitor-like flash memory device. It has been demonstrated that silicon structures with polycrystalline silicon-like properties can be grown at ≤ 400 °C in a 13.56 MHz radio frequency (RF) plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) reactor with the aid of Nickel Formate Dihydrate (NFD). It is also shown that the NFD coated on the substrates, thermally decomposes in-situ during the deposition process forming Ni particles that act as nucleation and growth sites of polycrystalline silicon. Silicon films grown by this technique and without annealing, have exhibited optical band gaps of ~ 1.2 eV compared to 1.78 eV for films grown under identical conditions but without the substrate being coated. These values were determined from UV-Vis spectroscopy and Tauc plots. These optical band gaps correspond to polycrystalline silicon and amorphous silicon respectively, meaning that the films grown on NFD-coated substrates are polycrystalline silicon while those grown on uncoated substrates remain amorphous. Moreover, this novel technique has been used to fabricate a capacitor-like flash memory that has exhibited hysteresis width corresponding to charge storage density in the order of 1012 cm-2 with a retention time well above 20 days for a device with silicon films grown at 300 °C. Films grown on uncoated films have not exhibit any significant hysteresis, and thus no flash memory-like behaviour. Given that all process temperatures throughout the fabrication of the devices are less than 400 °C and that no annealing of any sort was done on the material and devices, this growth method is thermal budget efficient and meets the crucial process temperature requirements of 3-D flash memory. Furthermore, the technique is glass compatible, which could prove a major step towards the acquisition of flash memory-integrated systems on glass, as well as other applications requiring low temperature polycrystalline silicon

    A Novel Non-Destructive Silicon-on-Insulator Nonvolatile Memory - LDRD 99-0750 Final Report

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