17 research outputs found

    Generalized Green'S Equivalences on the Subsemigroups of the Bicyclic Monoid

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    We study generalized Green's equivalences on all subsemigroups of the bicyclic monoid B and determine the abundant (and adequate) subsemigroups of B. © 2010 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Automatic subsemigroups of free products

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    AbstractWe consider the automaticity of subsemigroups of free products of semigroups, proving that subsemigroups of free products, with all generators having length greater than one in the free product, are automatic. As a corollary, we show that if S is a free product of semigroups that are either finite or free, then any finitely generated subsemigroup of S is automatic. In particular, any finitely generated subsemigroup of a free product of finite or monogenic semigroups is automatic

    Automatic semigroups : constructions and subsemigroups

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    In this thesis we start by considering conditions under which some standard semigroup constructions preserve automaticity. We first consider Rees matrix semigroups over a semigroup, which we call the base, and work on the following questions: (i) If the base is automatic is the Rees matrix semigroup automatic? (ii) If the Rees matrix semigroup is automatic must the base be automatic as well? We also consider similar questions for Bruck-Reilly extensions of monoids and wreath products of semigroups. Then we consider subsemigroups of free products of semigroups and we study conditions that guarantee them to be automatic. Finally we obtain a description of the subsemigroups of the bicyclic monoid that allow us to study some of their properties, which include finite generation, automaticity and finite presentability

    Automatic structures for semigroup constructions

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    We survey results concerning automatic structures for semigroup constructions, providing references and describing the corresponding automatic structures. The constructions we consider are: free products, direct products, Rees matrix semigroups, Bruck-Reilly extensions and wreath products.Comment: 22 page

    On Lattices of Varieties of Restriction Semigroups

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    The left restriction semigroups have arisen in a number of contexts, one being as the abstract characterization of semigroups of partial maps, another as the ‘weakly left E-ample’ semigroups of the ‘York school’, and, more recently as a variety of unary semigroups defined by a set of simple identities. We initiate a study of the lattice of varieties of such semigroups and, in parallel, of their two-sided versions, the restriction semigroups. Although at the very bottom of the respective lattices the behaviour is akin to that of varieties of inverse semigroups, more interesting features are soon found in the minimal varieties that do not consist of semilattices of monoids, associated with certain ‘forbidden’ semigroups. There are two such in the one-sided case, three in the two-sided case. Also of interest in the one-sided case are the varieties consisting of unions of monoids, far indeed from any analogue for inverse semigroups. In a sequel, the author will show, in the two-sided case, that some rather surprising behavior is observed at the next ‘level’ of the lattice of varieties

    Cosets in inverse semigroups and inverse subsemigroups of finite index

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    The index of a subgroup of a group counts the number of cosets of that subgroup. A subgroup of finite index often shares structural properties with the group, and the existence of a subgroup of finite index with some particular property can therefore imply useful structural information for the overgroup. Although a developed theory of cosets in inverse semigroups exists, it is defined only for closed inverse subsemigroups, and the structural correspondences between an inverse semigroup and a closed inverse subsemigroup of finte index are much weaker than in the group case. Nevertheless, many aspects of this theory remain of interest, and some of them are addressed in this thesis. We study the basic theory of cosets in inverse semigroups, including an index formula for chains of subgroups and an analogue of M. Hall’s Theorem on counting subgroups of finite index in finitely generated groups. We then look at specific examples, classifying the finite index inverse subsemigroups in polycyclic monoids and in graph inverse semigroups. Finally, we look at the connection between the properties of finite generation and having finte index: these were shown to be equivalent for free inverse monoids by Margolis and Meakin

    Finiteness properties for semigroups and their substructures

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    In this thesis we consider finiteness properties of infinite semigroups and infinite monoids. In particular we investigate finite presentations which have the property finite derivation type (FDT) or the property that they admit a presentation by a finite complete rewriting system (FCRS). We ask the question of whether these properties are inherited between a semigroup (or monoid) and particular substructures like subsemigroups (or submonoids). We first investigate completely simple semigroups (which are isomorphic to Rees matrix semigroups) that have a single R-class or a single L-class. We prove that the maximal subgroups admit a presentation by a FCRS if and only if the semigroup admits a presentation by a FCRS with respect to a sparse generating set. Next we move on to our second stream of research and consider the property that a presentation has FDT. We study unitary subsemigroups with finite strict boundary (a condition given in terms of the Cayley graph) and prove that such subsemigroups inherit the property of FDT. We prove that every finitely generated subsemigroup of the Bicyclic monoid admits a presentation by a FCRS. Finally we investigate FDT and FCRS for finitely generated submonoids of Plactic monoids, proving that these properties are satisfied in several cases. We make use of the fact that the Plactic monoid is known for having elements which correspond to semistandard tableau

    The Semigroups B\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e and B\u3csub\u3e0\u3c/sub\u3e are Inherently Nonfinitely Based, as Restriction Semigroups

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    The five-element Brandt semigroup B2 and its four-element subsemigroup B0, obtained by omitting one nonidempotent, have played key roles in the study of varieties of semigroups. Regarded in that fashion, they have long been known to be finitely based. The semigroup B2 carries the natural structure of an inverse semigroup. Regarded as such, in the signature {⋅, -1}, it is also finitely based. It is perhaps surprising, then, that in the intermediate signature of restriction semigroups — essentially, forgetting the inverse operation x ↦ x-1 and retaining the induced operations x ↦ x+ = xx-1 and x ↦ x* = x-1x — it is not only nonfinitely based but inherently so (every locally finite variety that contains it is also nonfinitely based). The essence of the nonfinite behavior is actually exhibited in B0, which carries the natural structure of a restriction semigroup, inherited from B2. It is again inherently nonfinitely based, regarded in that fashion. It follows that any finite restriction semigroup on which the two unary operations do not coincide is nonfinitely based. Therefore for finite restriction semigroups, the existence of a finite basis is decidable modulo monoids . These results are consequences of — and discovered as a result of — an analysis of varieties of strict restriction semigroups, namely those generated by Brandt semigroups and, more generally, of varieties of completely r-semisimple restriction semigroups: those semigroups in which no comparable projections are related under the generalized Green relation �. For example, explicit bases of identities are found for the varieties generated by B0 and B2