1,458 research outputs found

    Translation of EEG spatial filters from resting to motor imagery using independent component analysis.

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) often use spatial filters to improve signal-to-noise ratio of task-related EEG activities. To obtain robust spatial filters, large amounts of labeled data, which are often expensive and labor-intensive to obtain, need to be collected in a training procedure before online BCI control. Several studies have recently developed zero-training methods using a session-to-session scenario in order to alleviate this problem. To our knowledge, a state-to-state translation, which applies spatial filters derived from one state to another, has never been reported. This study proposes a state-to-state, zero-training method to construct spatial filters for extracting EEG changes induced by motor imagery. Independent component analysis (ICA) was separately applied to the multi-channel EEG in the resting and the motor imagery states to obtain motor-related spatial filters. The resultant spatial filters were then applied to single-trial EEG to differentiate left- and right-hand imagery movements. On a motor imagery dataset collected from nine subjects, comparable classification accuracies were obtained by using ICA-based spatial filters derived from the two states (motor imagery: 87.0%, resting: 85.9%), which were both significantly higher than the accuracy achieved by using monopolar scalp EEG data (80.4%). The proposed method considerably increases the practicality of BCI systems in real-world environments because it is less sensitive to electrode misalignment across different sessions or days and does not require annotated pilot data to derive spatial filters

    Spatial filters selection towards a rehabilitation BCI

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    Introducing BCI technology in supporting motor imagery (MI) training has revealed the rehabilitative potential of MI, contributing to significantly better motor functional outcomes in stroke patients. To provide the most accurate and personalized feedback during the treatment, several stages of the electroencephalographic signal processing have to be optimized, including spatial filtering. This study focuses on data-independent approaches to optimize spatial filtering step. Specific aims were: i) assessment of spatial filters' performance in relation to the hand and foot scalp areas; ii) evaluation of simultaneous use of multiple spatial filters; iii) minimization of the number of electrodes needed for training. Our findings indicate that different spatial filters showed different performance related to the scalp areas considered. The simultaneous use of EEG signals conditioned with different spatial filters could either improve classification performance or, at same level of performance could lead to a reduction of the number of electrodes needed for successive training, thus improving usability of BCIs in clinical rehabilitation context

    Wavelet Lifting over Information-Based EEG Graphs for Motor Imagery Data Classification

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    The imagination of limb movements offers an intuitive paradigm for the control of electronic devices via brain computer interfacing (BCI). The analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) data related to motor imagery potentials has proved to be a difficult task. EEG readings are noisy, and the elicited patterns occur in different parts of the scalp, at different instants and at different frequencies. Wavelet transform has been widely used in the BCI field as it offers temporal and spectral capabilities, although it lacks spatial information. In this study we propose a tailored second generation wavelet to extract features from these three domains. This transform is applied over a graph representation of motor imaginary trials, which encodes temporal and spatial information. This graph is enhanced using per-subject knowledge in order to optimise the spatial relationships among the electrodes, and to improve the filter design. This method improves the performance of classifying different imaginary limb movements maintaining the low computational resources required by the lifting transform over graphs. By using an online dataset we were able to positively assess the feasibility of using the novel method in an online BCI context

    GUIDER: a GUI for semiautomatic, physiologically driven EEG feature selection for a rehabilitation BCI

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    GUIDER is a graphical user interface developed in MATLAB software environment to identify electroencephalography (EEG)-based brain computer interface (BCI) control features for a rehabilitation application (i.e. post-stroke motor imagery training). In this context, GUIDER aims to combine physiological and machine learning approaches. Indeed, GUIDER allows therapists to set parameters and constraints according to the rehabilitation principles (e.g. affected hemisphere, sensorimotor relevant frequencies) and foresees an automatic method to select the features among the defined subset. As a proof of concept, we compared offline performances between manual, just based on operator’s expertise and experience, and GUIDER semiautomatic features selection on BCI data collected from stroke patients during BCI-supported motor imagery training. Preliminary results suggest that this semiautomatic approach could be successfully applied to support the human selection reducing operator dependent variability in view of future multi-centric clinical trials

    Electroencephalographic Signal Processing and Classification Techniques for Noninvasive Motor Imagery Based Brain Computer Interface

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    In motor imagery (MI) based brain-computer interface (BCI), success depends on reliable processing of the noisy, non-linear, and non-stationary brain activity signals for extraction of features and effective classification of MI activity as well as translation to the corresponding intended actions. In this study, signal processing and classification techniques are presented for electroencephalogram (EEG) signals for motor imagery based brain-computer interface. EEG signals have been acquired placing the electrodes following the international 10-20 system. The acquired signals have been pre-processed removing artifacts using empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and two extended versions of EMD, ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), and multivariate empirical mode decomposition (MEMD) leading to better signal to noise ratio (SNR) and reduced mean square error (MSE) compared to independent component analysis (ICA). EEG signals have been decomposed into independent mode function (IMFs) that are further processed to extract features like sample entropy (SampEn) and band power (BP). The extracted features have been used in support vector machines to characterize and identify MI activities. EMD and its variants, EEMD, MEMD have been compared with common spatial pattern (CSP) for different MI activities. SNR values from EMD, EEMD and MEMD (4.3, 7.64, 10.62) are much better than ICA (2.1) but accuracy of MI activity identification is slightly better for ICA than EMD using BP and SampEn. Further work is outlined to include more features with larger database for better classification accuracy

    Brain-Computer Interface: comparison of two control modes to drive a virtual robot

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    A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a system that enables communication and control that is not based on muscular movements, but on brain activity. Some of these systems are based on discrimination of different mental tasks; usually they match the number of mental tasks to the number of control commands. Previous research at the University of Málaga (UMA-BCI) have proposed a BCI system to freely control an external device, letting the subjects choose among several navigation commands using only one active mental task (versus any other mental activity). Although the navigation paradigm proposed in this system has been proved useful for continuous movements, if the user wants to move medium or large distances, he/she needs to keep the effort of the MI task in order to keep the command. In this way, the aim of this work was to test a navigation paradigm based on the brain-switch mode for ‘forward’ command. In this mode, the subjects used the mental task to switch their state on /off: they stopped if they were moving forward and vice versa. Initially, twelve healthy and untrained subjects participated in this study, but due to a lack of control in previous session, only four subjects participated in the experiment, in which they had to control a virtual robot using two paradigms: one based on continuous mode and another based on switch mode. Preliminary results show that both paradigms can be used to navigate through virtual environments, although with the first one the times needed to complete a path were notably lower.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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