16 research outputs found


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    Abstract: This study aims to describe the EFL university students’ perception of the use of online learning platform in the covid-19 pandemic and to examine the difference in students’ perception based on gender. The researcher conducted aquantitative using survey design method. The sample of this study was 80 students  consists of 40 males and 40 females students of sixth year of the english education of Universitas Islam Malang. The instrument of this study was an online questionnaire by using a five-likert scale type. It uses to answer the students’ perception of the use of online learning platform. The result of the study showed that the EFL students’ perception of the use of online learning platforms share positive perception. The finding was also showed that there is a significant difference between male and female of the use of online learning platform. Male students’ perspective is more positive than females in the use of online learning platforms.Keywords: students’ perception, online learning platform, gende

    E-learning Challenges during the Covid-19 Pandemic Experienced by Students

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    The spread of the covid-19 pandemic has changed the teaching and learning process from conventional to e-learning classes. This e-learning class brings out the challenges for students, educators, parents, and institutions. This present study was aimed to see the e-learning challenges faced by students during the Covid-19 pandemic. The participants of this study were 40 students at the Islamic Faculty of Muhammadiyah Aceh University. The qualitative descriptive was applied to analyze 20 questionnaires that were distributed through a google form. The questionnaire was divided into four sessions of challenges that involve internet connectivity, facilities support, technology competence, and self-regulation. This study revealed that students faced problems with the internet, devices, and self-regulation, while technology competence did not show significant challenges

    Perceptions of the Northeast Badia Education Schools Principles towards the Effectiveness of School Electronic Learning Platforms in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

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    The study aimed to identify the perceptions of the northeastern Badia education schools principles about the effectiveness of electronic learning platforms in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The study population consisted of the northeastern Badia education schools principles (male/female). After analyzing the study data, it was concluded that the perceptions of the northeastern Badia principles towards managing the electronic learning platforms was low, and it also was found that it is accepted average towards sequence and cooperation, else there is core role in the work of the electronic learning platform in the principles perceptions. In addition, there were differences in gender due to female, also there are differences between age groups refer from (40) to (52) years old in cooperation among the electronic learning platfor

    Utilizing Google Classroom to Promote Students’ English Language Skills: A systematic Review

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    This research is based on the analysis results of observations and experiences of the researcher, in which in 21st century learning both teachers and students must have good technology skills. This can be implemented through learning using a platform that can support students in improving their English skills. The aims of this research are to answer (1) How is the implementation of Google Classroom to teach English? (2) How could Google Classroom promote students' English language skills? This study uses a qualitative approach with a systematic review method. Ten out of twenty research articles were selected using an internet search based on inclusion-exclusion criteria. To analyze the data, this research used thematic analysis as a technique of analyzing data. The result showed that (1) Google Classroom helped students with various features that can facilitate students in the English learning process. (2) The success of Google Classroom can be seen from the improvement of students' English skills. Further, Google Classroom was useful, easy to use, and enjoyable tool for students to improve their English skills. Thus, Google Classroom platform significantly helps improve the students’ quality of English learning

    Utilizing Google Classroom to Promote Students English Language Skills: A systematic Review

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    This research is based on the analysis results of observations and experiences of the researcher, in which in 21st century learning both teachers and students must have good technology skills. This can be implemented through learning using a platform that can support students in improving their English skills. The aims of this research are to answer (1) How is the implementation of Google Classroom to teach English? (2) How could Google Classroom promote students' English language skills? This study uses a qualitative approach with a systematic review method. Ten out of twenty research articles were selected using an internet search based on inclusion-exclusion criteria. To analyze the data, this research used thematic analysis as a technique of analyzing data. The result showed that (1) Google Classroom helped students with various features that can facilitate students in the English learning process. (2) The success of Google Classroom can be seen from the improvement of students' English skills. Further, Google Classroom was useful, easy to use, and enjoyable tool for students to improve their English skills. Thus, Google Classroom platform significantly helps improve the students quality of English learning

    A Comparison between E-learning Resources currently used in Project Management Online Training

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    E-learning has become popular among learners of all ages and different domains, while project management is one of the many practices that have been impacted by the 21st-century online digital environment. The goal of this paper is to explore and compare current e-learning resources that help online train and continuously educate IT project managers in software developing industries. As to the methodology, a qualitative method will be used for applied research: inductive approach - inductive reasoning. Each identified resource will be provided with a narrative description based on process-oriented interrogations. In the end, a comparison will be made between the existing online platforms offering project management related courses, in order to help conclude which e-learning materials are best to be used by project managers nowadays, taking into consideration their educational needs. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    The State and Use of Virtual Tutors

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    Virtual tutoring is the process by which students and teachers participate in the learning experience in an online, virtual, or networked environment. This process can not only separate the participants from each other in a physical space, but it can also separate them by time. Virtual tutoring can take the form of the group of students coming together synchronously in an online setting and receiving lessons from a single tutor, or by asynchronous learning in which the teacher pre-plans lessons in advance that the students consume on their own time. The advent of online learning technologies and virtual learning environments are gaining significant attention, and are likely to become a key aspect of teaching and learning at all levels of education. With the recent advancements in technology and especially artificial intelligence, the state of the art of virtual tutoring is becoming more and more advanced as well. In this literature review, I will propose the question of \u27\u27What are the current uses and state of the art of virtual tutoring?\u27\u2

    A vision about lifelong learning and its barriers

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    Around 25 years ago, some researchers argued for moving towards innovative learning models characterized by being more personalized and where the students would have a more active role in deciding what to learn, when to learn and how to learn. Nowadays, there is a need for a flexible, efficient, universal and lifelong education. Lifelong learning is fully integrated into our society and, from the student point of view, it is very different from regular learning. Among these differences there is the maturity of students, the fact that the domains of interest are much broader, the way how learning occurs at different depths, the fact that the topics to study may be related both to work, family and leisure, and that students have little availability due to their necessity to conciliate home, work, leisure and learning. Lifelong learning requires personalized models that adapt to students'' needs and constraints, but lifelong learners keep suffering from models that are neither adapted to their necessities, nor to the needs of society. This paper reflects on the actual situation of lifelong learning, analyses some of the relevant literature and discusses the challenges to conceptualize, from a transdisciplinary point of view, innovative e-learning models that promote self-determination of students

    Analysis of e-learning readiness level of public and private universities in Central Java, Indonesia

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    The development of information technology has reached into various fields, such as education. The emergence of e-learning is one manifestation of information and communication technology (ICT) in education. Until recently, only a few universities (6%) have implemented e-learning in Indonesia. Those that have implemented e-learning are still not optimally utilized. Some experts have also warned all organizations that will adopt e-learning to be concerned with thorough preparation to avoid overruns in costs. There is a method that consists of factors to measure the level of readiness of tertiary institutions towards the implementation of e-learning. The level of readiness is obtained through the distribution of questionnaires using 5 Likert scales. This research proposed a framework that produces four factors from the university, which covers the lecturer’s characteristics, e-learning facilities, learning environment, learning management, and four factors from the student’s side, namely, self-learning, motivation, learner’s control, student’s characteristic. The measurement results show the level of readiness for e-learning implementation in tertiary institutions in Central Java Province reaches level 3 or ready but needs a few improvements. Improvements that must be made includes (1) Designing exciting learning content through interactive multimedia; (2) Increasing the frequency of e-workshops or e-training related to technological developments, especially to e-learning; (3) encouraging students to be more active in discussions and giving opinions; (4) Developing plans related to infrastructure such as servers related to their capacities; (5) strengthening the role of IT units in serving e-learning users

    Towards a Capability Maturity Framework: Adopting the universal elements of Digital Capability Maturity as an Organisational Strategy

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    As technology continues to evolve, there is a need for organisations to develop the ability to assess themselves and find ways to not only survive but also flourish in the dynamic economy. This paper reports part of the findings from a more extensive research work that aims to develop a Digital Capability Maturity (DCM) Framework for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Such a framework would allow organisations to leverage their capabilities for differential value. A systematic review was undertaken to uncover the key elements contributing to DCM, to stand as a baseline for the Maturity Framework. The objective of this paper is to report on the proposed standardisation for elements of DCM. A universal taxonomy is proposed suggesting these themes should be present in any organisational attempts to formalise digital initiatives. Furthermore, to maximise the impact of DCM on quality of output, the proposed framework must adopt the ecological systems perspective