14 research outputs found

    Ukrainian E-Learning Platforms for Schools: Evaluation of Their Functionality

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    This article defines 27 criteria for evaluating the functionality of e-learning platforms, grouped into three macro groups: (a) learning management, (b) learning content management, and (c) communications and collaboration tools. The proposed criteria can be used to evaluate any e-learning platform’s functionality. They allow teachers and administrators to make conscious choices about the highest-quality e-learning platform for their schools and developers to improve e-learning platforms’ functionality. The developed criteria became the basis for rating the functionality of Ukrainian developers’ eight e-learning platforms' and determining the degree of support (in whole or partly) of e-learning components, categorized on the cognitive, social constructivist, motivation, and e-learning theories (CT, SCT, MT, and E-LT). The results indicate that the lack of communication and collaboration tools necessary to ensure quality distance learning is the main problem of Ukrainian e-leaning platforms. Comparative analysis of the functionality of e-learning platforms and components categorized on the learning theories helped determine that only three of the eight Ukrainian e-learning platforms (Accent [Mobischool], Class Assessment, My Class) fully follow the CT, SCT, and MT, but these platforms are all commercial products; therefore, they only partially support the E-LT. Solving this problem will be facilitated by developing e-learning platforms with open access, financed by the state budget in the context of the development of open and distance learning for Ukrainian students, as well as improving communication and collaboration tools in the context of conforming e-learning components to the social constructivist learning theory

    Pengaruh Aspek Pedagogis dan Interaksi Sistem pada Penilaian Usabilitas Sistem E-Learning

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh faktor pedagogis maupun interaksi sistem pada penilaian usabilitas sistem e-learning. Pendekatan pada penilaian sistem e-learning, yang selama ini terbelah antara bertumpu pada satu faktor, atau berupaya menggabungkan keduanya tanpa membedakan kekhasan karakteristiknya. Upaya unifikasi tanpa membedakan karakter tersebut akan menyulitkan perumusan tindak lanjut hasil penilain yang dilakukan, sebab tindak lanjut pasca penilaian memiliki perbedaan pada kedua jenis faktor tersebut. Faktor-faktor pedagogis maupun usabilitas sistem mungkin berpengaruh, diperoleh dari hasil studi literatur pada penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya. Pengujian terhadap faktor-faktor tersebut dilakukan dengan melakukan survei kepada para pengguna sistem VCLASS di Universitas Indo Global Mandiri (UIGM). Selain diharapkan mendapatkan faktor-faktor yang diperlukan dalam penyusunan kerangka penilaian usabilitas sistem e-learning, penelitian ini juga dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap penyempurnaan sistem VCLASS UIGM

    E-learning platforms: The future of education

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    In many countries, the use of e-learning platforms has become increasingly popular. E-learning platforms typically enable the creation of “virtual classrooms” where teachers can distribute learning materials and conduct tests. Additionally, many of these platforms facilitate collaborative learning and allow students and teachers to communicate with each other. As these platforms become embedded in the curriculum, their use is becoming common place. The use of e-learning platforms, however, has led to an increase in the amount of personal data available about students. These data range from information about the way electronic teaching materials are used and how tasks are fulfilled, to class participation and other educational activities. The more the teaching is based on virtual classrooms or electronic devices, the more specific and detailed digitized data about students and their behaviour and performance will be generated. Overall, traditional learning is expensive, takes a long time and the results can vary. The importance of e- learning is now a given fact and it can offer an alternative that is much faster, cheaper and potentially more effective. This paper aims to be easy to read and understand by proving the importance of using e-learning platforms in higher educatio

    Perangkat manajemen pembelajaran dan pengajaran (learning and teaching management platforms) bahasa dan sastra Indonesia

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    Pada masa pandemi, pembelajaran dan pengajaran menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis online sehingga memanfaatkan teknologi komunikasi sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran. Adapun implementasi pembelajaran berbasis online menggunakan learning management system (LMS). LMS merupakan sistem yang memfasilitasi siswa dan guru untuk dapat melakukan pembelajaran dan pengajaran di mana saja dan kapan saja sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh materi lebih banyak dan bervariasi. Jenis learning management system yang banyak digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berbentuk akses terbuka dan gratis, seperti edmodo, moodle, schoology, dan google classroom. Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media tersebut memudahkan guru dan siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar serta dapat melibatkan orang tua siswa untuk memantau hasil belajar siswa. Siswa juga menunjukkan peningkatan hasil belajar. Sebagai pertimbangan, untuk membuat dan menggunakan LMS dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia, perlu diperhatikan anggaran, alat multimedia, penilaian, komunikasi, aksesbilitas, dan dukungan teknik, baik bagi penyusun maupun penggun

    Perangkat manajemen pembelajaran dan pengajaran (learning and teaching management platforms) bahasa dan sastra Indonesia

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    Pada masa pandemi, pembelajaran dan pengajaran menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis online sehingga memanfaatkan teknologi komunikasi sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran. Adapun implementasi pembelajaran berbasis online menggunakan learning management system (LMS). LMS merupakan sistem yang memfasilitasi siswa dan guru untuk dapat melakukan pembelajaran dan pengajaran di mana saja dan kapan saja sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh materi lebih banyak dan bervariasi. Jenis learning management system yang banyak digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berbentuk akses terbuka dan gratis, seperti edmodo, moodle, schoology, dan google classroom. Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media tersebut memudahkan guru dan siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar serta dapat melibatkan orang tua siswa untuk memantau hasil belajar siswa. Siswa juga menunjukkan peningkatan hasil belajar. Sebagai pertimbangan, untuk membuat dan menggunakan LMS dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia, perlu diperhatikan anggaran, alat multimedia, penilaian, komunikasi, aksesbilitas, dan dukungan teknik, baik bagi penyusun maupun penggun

    Impact of E-learning on the environment and the optimization of the use of natural resources

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    Online education, also called e-learning, has several advantages in terms of environmental impact and optimization of resources. Over the past few years there has been a huge shift towards e-learning platforms as a place for learning and education. During these days of confinement due to the COVID19 virus, students, administrators, practitioners, administrators and others visited these platforms more than ever. E-learning allows learners to access courses and educational resources from anywhere, eliminating the need to physically travel to a learning location. That reduces fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with travel. For That reason, That article proposes a reflection on the concept of e-learning or computerized learning environment with the aim of allowing the involvement of users in the preservation of the environment and the optimization of the use of natural resources. The learning environment is defined in that article as a real or virtual place bringing together one or more systems that interact with a common objective, which is learning. The use of Learning and not teaching with environment confirms the fact that knowledge is made by a community of learners more than by the transmission of knowledge from the teacher to the student. Meanwhile, the learning environment is computerized when some or all of the interactions between the subsystems are supported by computing resources. Indeed, the environment hosts several activities in addition to the tools and equipment necessary for their realization. The concept of an open environment offers an interesting avenue for that purpose. It should be noted that e-learning does not completely replace traditional forms of education, but complements and diversifies learning options. Adopting e-learning in education can bring significant benefits in terms of environmental impact and value for money, while providing more flexible and accessible learning opportunities

    Functionality of the learning platform and its effect on the satisfaction of students in the online teaching environment

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    The objective of this article is to identify the results of the functionality of the learning platform and its effect on the satisfaction of mechanical and electrical engineering students. The results will serve as a basis for the continuous improvement of teaching-learning online from the higher institution. The research findings indicate that the indicators that present a better perception regarding the functionality of the learning platform are related to the design and ease of navigation. However, 21.4% of the students are not entirely satisfied with its functionality due to the technical problems presented when downloading the study material. According to the results, we can point out that the functionality of the learning platform generates an effect of 70.87% on student satisfaction, the relationship was validated through the Chi-square test, in which it is determined that the indicators that generate a Greater satisfaction in students refers to the design, availability (connectivity) and the ease of communication and interaction with the teacher and classmates.Campus Lima Centr

    Studying and Analyzing the Evaluation Dimensions of E-learning Platforms Relying on a Software Engineering Approach

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    We are witnessing currently the launch and development of a huge number of distance training devices, to the Moroccan universities, whose main objective is to meet the society requirements and the knowledge economy, which is in full emerging. All these devices are based on the use of e-learning platforms, whose choice proves problematic for wearers and designers devices, and this for different reasons (costs, utility, usability...), that any random choice entails to a loss of money, effort and time. Being conscious of the impact of these technological tools on learning. Thereby, we propose, as part of this article, a methodical approach, systemic, which identifies the essential criteria to remember for the evaluation of e-learning platforms, to fit the needs of both users (teachers and learners) from an analysis of the evaluation dimensions in multimedia documents, until our study is installed on the dimensions of utility and usability. Then, we followed a detailed analysis of each of them separately, in order to deduce the approach to evaluation of e-learning platforms that is needed. To benefit a maximum from the potential offered by technologies in pedagogy, and to approach of the problematic of the platform choice for a better pedagogy

    Integración de las TIC y la competencia digitales en tiempo de pandemia Covid-19

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    El enfoque de esta investigación se basa en la búsqueda de resultados mediante test o ítems, su análisis es cuantitativo de corte transversal y secuencial según conveniencia que permite ser acotados y limitados las curvas obtenidas estadísticamente dentro de la investigación, todo esto se logra mediante las preguntas de las formulaciones del problema, hipótesis, y el objetivo de la investigación La siguiente investigación de tesis llamada integración de las TIC y las competencia digitales en tiempo de pandemia covid-19, realizado dicha investigación en la universidad UNTELS con estudiantes de ingenierías de los cursos de estudio generales, cuyo objetivo general fue determinar la relación que existe entre la integración de las TIC y la competencia digitales en tiempo de pandemia covid-19, obteniéndose como resultado de esta investigación en los estudiantes el Rho=0,761 muestran un alto grado de significancia, mostrándose en la investigación la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías, como herramientas educativas dentro de su formación profesional, con respeto a los resultados obtenidos en la variable competencias digitales se muestra que el 86,9% muestran tener un alto conocimiento de nivel avanzado en las tecnologías producto de estos tiempo de pandemia donde se ve claramente que frente a la nueva forma de enseñar o recibir formación académica se hace mediante un computador o materiales tecnológicos que permiten realizar búsquedas de conocimiento en los estudiantes, como podemos observar también que en la variable de las competencia digitales el 9,5% muestran tener un nivel intermedio y el 3,6% un nivel básico de la cantidad de encuestados en la UNTELS