339 research outputs found

    Study on the Model of Lesson Study-Based Handicraft Job Trainingin ECO Green Park Kota Batu

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    The aim of this research is to provide information about the model of lesson study-based handicraft job training among the employees of ECO Green Park in guiding the visitors in their workplace. The research method applied was a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, the population involved in this research was the employees of ECO Green Park in Department of Marketing, Fun and Game, Animal, Science Center, Chief Accounting, Public Area, gardener, Engineering and F&B. The type of sample used was a random sampling with the involvement of 65 persons. The technique in collecting data was conducted through questionnaire, interview and observation. The data analysis used here was in the form of a frequency distribution with an SPSS program for Windows version 21. The result of this research then shows a need of the employee for training materials to support their work. In addition, training facilities to support the achievement of training implementation and strategy in delivering the training materials are deemed essential to be a concern. Meanwhile, the evaluation of the training program was performed using the Kirkpatrick model highly suitable to measure the effectiveness of the training program at ECO Green Park

    Literary Discourse on Quranic Studies: A Historical Study on The Model of Literary Interpretation to The Quran

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    Abstract: The aspect of the beauty of language ('ijaz lughawi) is one of the first miracles that emerged from the Qur'an. This aligns with the audience to whom the Qur'an was revealed around 14 centuries ago: people who are very close to the literary tradition. Interestingly, scholars of the Qur'an, from classical to contemporary, see this as an opportunity for studies and still developing and producing various monumental works. Through this paper, the author tries to trace chronologically how the Al-Qur'an and literature meet to become an approach in interpreting the Al-Qur'an. The research in this paper is carried out through essential matters by looking at how the Qur'an was revealed in Arab society, the interpretation practices carried out by the Prophet and his companions, to the contact of the Qur'an with modern literature. This study uses a socio-historical approach by looking at the macro-cultural context of early Arab society and the process of interpretation of the earlier era carried out by the Prophet, companions and tabi'in. This study argues that the emergence of a model of literary interpretation of the Qur'an is closely related to the traditions and culture of Arab society, which are close to literary traditions. Furthermore, this research contributes to the history of interpretation, especially in tracking the various approaches that appear in the study of the Quran.Abstrak: Aspek keindahan bahasa ('ijaz lughawi) merupakan salah satu keajaiban pertama yang muncul dari al-Qur'an. Hal ini sejalan dengan khalayak yang diwahyukan Al-Qur'an sekitar 14 abad yang lalu: orang-orang yang sangat dekat dengan tradisi sastra. Menariknya, para sarjana Al-Qur'an, dari klasik hingga kontemporer, melihat hal ini sebagai peluang untuk mengkaji dan tetap mengembangkan serta menghasilkan berbagai karya monumental. Melalui tulisan ini, penulis mencoba menelusuri secara kronologis bagaimana Al-Qur'an dan sastra bertemu untuk menjadi sebuah pendekatan dalam menafsirkan Al-Qur'an. Kajian dalam tulisan ini dilakukan melalui hal-hal esensial dengan melihat bagaimana Alquran diturunkan di masyarakat Arab, praktik tafsir yang dilakukan Nabi dan para sahabat, hingga kontak Alquran dengan sastra modern. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosio-historis dengan melihat konteks makro-budaya masyarakat Arab awal dan proses interpretasi era awal yang dilakukan oleh Nabi, sahabat dan tabi'in. Kajian ini berargumen bahwa munculnya model tafsir sastra al-Qur'an sangat erat kaitannya dengan tradisi dan budaya masyarakat Arab yang dekat dengan tradisi sastra. Lebih jauh lagi, penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap sejarah tafsir, khususnya dalam menelusuri berbagai pendekatan yang muncul dalam kajian al-Qur'an

    A Qualitative Study on the Model of Factors Influencing Online Interactivity and Student Learning Engagement in the Post-Pandemic Era

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    In the post-pandemic era, online education model has become the new standard in the field of higher education, the interactivity and student learning engagement in online classrooms in higher education has become a major concern for scholars. Using thematic analysis in qualitative research, this study conducted in-depth interviews with respondents to understand the status of interactive strategies used by instructors and students’ learning engagement during online learning in higher education institutions in Macao, and to explore other factors that influence interactivity and students’ online classroom engagement. Through coding and analysis of interview data, this study found that information technology factors in online classroom instruction in the post-pandemic era affect students’ online learning motivation, self-control ability, and formative assessment in the online classroom. Also, online formative assessment, students’ online learning motivation, and their self-control ability could influence students’ online learning engagement. Based on the findings of the study, this paper proposes recommendations for improving classroom interactivity and student learning engagement in online higher education in the post-pandemic era

    A Study on the Model of Policy Windows (Part 1)

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    A Study on the Model of Value Co-Creation in Online Retailers

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    今日、消費者はライフサイクルの変化、嗜好の多様化、カスタマーパワーの増大という背景の下、カスタマイズされたモノやサービスなど、パーソナライズ化を求めるようになっている。ネット通信販売企業は、消費者との価値共創を通じて、消費者へカスタマイズされたモノやサービスを提供できる。本稿では先行資料から、価値共創に関する研究内容の変遷を考察した上で、「プロセス」論の視点からの価値共創に基づく、ネット通信販売における主な価値共創モデルとして、共生産、共プライシング、共アフター・サービスの 3 つをまとめた。共生産モデルは、アイディア創出型、マス・カスタマイゼーション型とカスタマイゼーション型からなる。共プライシングモデルは、オンラインオークション型とオンライン共同購入型からなる。共アフター・サービスモデルは、返品物流保険自由加入型とカスタマイズの物流サービス型からなる。さらにそれぞれのモデルの事例を取り上げた。Nowadays, with the changing of the product life cycle, diversification of the customersʼ hobbies and the enhancement of the customersʼ power, more and more customers are pursuing for the personalized products and services, while the online retailers can provide personalized products or services by value co-creation with the consumers. With the document literature, based on value co-creation from the aspect of the theory of process, the paper has summarized three main modes of value co-creation of the online retailers, namely Co-Production, Co-Pricing and Co-After Services, in accordance with the research on the transition of the content of value co-creation. Among the three modes, the Co-Production includes idea generation type and mass customization type and custom-ization type; the Co-Pricing includes online auction type and online group purchase type; the Co-Af-ter Services includes returned product logistics insurance type and logistics service personalization type. The cases of each type of value co-creation have also been explained.論

    A Study On The Model Of Profit And Risk In Xiamen’s Commercial Banks

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    随着相对滞后的金融体制改革提上议事日程,金融业中的银行业的风险和效益的矛盾对立统一日益成为讨论的焦点、热点。加入WTO对金融业意味着拥有先进管理技术和经验的外资银行抢滩国内银行业务,其对国内中资银行的竞争和生存环境的影响是巨大且不可预测的。作者认为国内中资银行是缺乏效率的,为避免银行命脉被外资控制,国内中资银行不能讳疾忌医,而要以有容乃大、自省的态度积极寻求市场经济下的解决之道,最可取的莫过于解剖一只麻雀。 按照这一思路,本文选取了厦门8家经营较稳定的商业银行进行收益风险模式比较,为国内其他中资商业银行的经营管理提供实证参考。 第一章导言。对银行经营活动的一般特点进行描述。提出银行作为经济...Owing to the combination between banking and economics , influencing factor is increasingly complicated. Banker needs to design one macroanalysis model to logically judge different kinds of income chance and danger all banks faced with,through which banker may supply effective diagnose for banking operating management. The theses takes banking 'data in Xiamen as an example .It exists that huge c...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:19981505

    A Study On The Model Of Profit And Risk In Xiamen’s Commercial Banks

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    随着相对滞后的金融体制改革提上议事日程,金融业中的银行业的风险和效益的矛盾对立统一日益成为讨论的焦点、热点。加入WTO对金融业意味着拥有先进管理技术和经验的外资银行抢滩国内银行业务,其对国内中资银行的竞争和生存环境的影响是巨大且不可预测的。作者认为国内中资银行是缺乏效率的,为避免银行命脉被外资控制,国内中资银行不能讳疾忌医,而要以有容乃大、自省的态度积极寻求市场经济下的解决之道,最可取的莫过于解剖一只麻雀。 按照这一思路,本文选取了厦门8家经营较稳定的商业银行进行收益风险模式比较,为国内其他中资商业银行的经营管理提供实证参考。 第一章导言。对银行经营活动的一般特点进行描述。提出银行作为经济...Owing to the combination between banking and economics , influencing factor is increasingly complicated. Banker needs to design one macroanalysis model to logically judge different kinds of income chance and danger all banks faced with,through which banker may supply effective diagnose for banking operating management. The theses takes banking 'data in Xiamen as an example .It exists that huge c...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:19981505

    El proyecto Eskolaberri: evaluación de una experiencia de formación de directivos escolares para la integración de la nueva tecnología en centros de Educación Primaria

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    En este artículo presentamos los resultados de un análisis descriptivo de un estudio cualitativo con medidas pre y post tratamiento, sobre una experiencia de formación de directivos escolares para la integración de las TIC en las aulas. Actualmente estamos exprimentando este modelo de formación de profesores especialistas en integración curricular de TIC con maestros con responsabilid directiva o de coordinación de proyecto, pertenecientes a once escuelas de Educación Primaria del País Vasco (Spain).In this paper we present the most important conclusions of the in‐service training experience of school directors and selected faculty members on the use and integration of ICTs in Primary Education. Basing our study on the model of continuous improvement of academic quality, we hope to put forth technological, didactic and organizational tools to school directors and administrators permitting them to integrate ICT`s in their classrooms and develop the links and leadership necessary to assure the continuity of these changes in their institutions. Currently, we have developed this model of training in eleven Primary Schools of the Basque Country (Spain)

    Production of charmed pseudoscalar mesons in antiproton-proton annihilation

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    We study the production of charmed mesons (D, D_s) in antiproton-proton annihilation close to the reaction thresholds. The elementary charm production process is described by baryon exchange and in the constituent quark model, respectively. Effects of the interactions in the initial and final states are taken into account rigorously. The calculations are performed in close analogy to our earlier study on pbarp to KbarK by connecting the processes via SU(4) flavor symmetry. Our predictions for the DDbar production cross section are in the order of 10^{-2} -- 10^{-1} mu b. They turned out to be comparable to those obtained in other studies. The cross section for a D_sD_s pair is found to be of the same order of magnitude despite the fact that its production in pbarp scattering requires a two-step process.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, some typos corrected, some comments adde