2,904 research outputs found

    3D minutiae extraction in 3D fingerprint scans.

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    Traditionally, fingerprint image acquisition was based on contact. However the conventional touch-based fingerprint acquisition introduces some problems such as distortions and deformations to the fingerprint image. The most recent technology for fingerprint acquisition is touchless or 3D live scans introducing higher quality fingerprint scans. However, there is a need to develop new algorithms to match 3D fingerprints. In this dissertation, a novel methodology is proposed to extract minutiae in the 3D fingerprint scans. The output can be used for 3D fingerprint matching. The proposed method is based on curvature analysis of the surface. The method used to extract minutiae includes the following steps: smoothing; computing the principal curvature; ridges and ravines detection and tracing; cleaning and connecting ridges and ravines; and minutiae detection. First, the ridges and ravines are detected using curvature tensors. Then, ridges and ravines are traced. Post-processing is performed to obtain clean and connected ridges and ravines based on fingerprint pattern. Finally, minutiae are detected using a graph theory concept. A quality map is also introduced for 3D fingerprint scans. Since a degraded area may occur during the scanning process, especially at the edge of the fingerprint, it is critical to be able to determine these areas. Spurious minutiae can be filtered out after applying the quality map. The algorithm is applied to the 3D fingerprint database and the result is very encouraging. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first minutiae extraction methodology proposed for 3D fingerprint scans

    Surface analysis and fingerprint recognition from multi-light imaging collections

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    Multi-light imaging captures a scene from a fixed viewpoint through multiple photographs, each of which are illuminated from a different direction. Every image reveals information about the surface, with the intensity reflected from each point being measured for all lighting directions. The images captured are known as multi-light image collections (MLICs), for which a variety of techniques have been developed over recent decades to acquire information from the images. These techniques include shape from shading, photometric stereo and reflectance transformation imaging (RTI). Pixel coordinates from one image in a MLIC will correspond to exactly the same position on the surface across all images in the MLIC since the camera does not move. We assess the relevant literature to the methods presented in this thesis in chapter 1 and describe different types of reflections and surface types, as well as explaining the multi-light imaging process. In chapter 2 we present a novel automated RTI method which requires no calibration equipment (i.e. shiny reference spheres or 3D printed structures as other methods require) and automatically computes the lighting direction and compensates for non-uniform illumination. Then in chapter 3 we describe our novel MLIC method termed Remote Extraction of Latent Fingerprints (RELF) which segments each multi-light imaging photograph into superpixels (small groups of pixels) and uses a neural network classifier to determine whether or not the superpixel contains fingerprint. The RELF algorithm then mosaics these superpixels which are classified as fingerprint together in order to obtain a complete latent print image, entirely contactlessly. In chapter 4 we detail our work with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) UK, who described to us with their needs and requirements which helped us to create a prototype RELF imaging device which is now being tested by MPS officers who are validating the quality of the latent prints extracted using our technique. In chapter 5 we then further developed our multi-light imaging latent fingerprint technique to extract latent prints from curved surfaces and automatically correct for surface curvature distortions. We have a patent pending for this method

    Identification of morphological fingerprint in perinatal brains using quasi-conformal mapping and contrastive learning

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    The morphological fingerprint in the brain is capable of identifying the uniqueness of an individual. However, whether such individual patterns are present in perinatal brains, and which morphological attributes or cortical regions better characterize the individual differences of ne-onates remain unclear. In this study, we proposed a deep learning framework that projected three-dimensional spherical meshes of three morphological features (i.e., cortical thickness, mean curvature, and sulcal depth) onto two-dimensional planes through quasi-conformal mapping, and employed the ResNet18 and contrastive learning for individual identification. We used the cross-sectional structural MRI data of 682 infants, incorporating with data augmentation, to train the model and fine-tuned the parameters based on 60 infants who had longitudinal scans. The model was validated on 30 longitudinal scanned infant data, and remarkable Top1 and Top5 accuracies of 71.37% and 84.10% were achieved, respectively. The sensorimotor and visual cortices were recognized as the most contributive regions in individual identification. Moreover, the folding morphology demonstrated greater discriminative capability than the cortical thickness, which could serve as the morphological fingerprint in perinatal brains. These findings provided evidence for the emergence of morphological fingerprints in the brain at the beginning of the third trimester, which may hold promising implications for understanding the formation of in-dividual uniqueness in the brain during early development

    Documentation and analysis of plastic fingerprint impressions involving contactless three-dimensional surface scanning

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    Fingerprint impressions are frequently encountered during the investigation of crime scenes, and may establish a crucial linkage between the suspect and the crime scene. Plastic fingerprint impressions found at crime scenes are often transient and delicate, leaving photography the sole means of documentation. A traditional photography approach can be inadequate in documenting impressions that contain three-dimensional (3D) details due to the limitations of camera and lighting conditions on scene. In this study, 3D scanning was proposed as a novel method for the documentation of plastic fingerprints. Structured-light 3D scanning (SLS) captures the distortion of projected light patterns on the subject to obtain its 3D profile, which allows fast acquisition of the complete 3D geometric information of the surface. The contactless operation of SLS also eliminates the risk of destroying fragile evidence, making it a sound choice for forensic applications. In this study, the feasibility of 3D scanning of plastic fingerprint impressions was evaluated and compared with traditional photography regarding the quantity and quality of perceptible friction ridge features. Attempts were made to develop a procedure to extract curvature features from 3D scanned fingerprints and flatten the friction ridge features into two-dimensional (2D) images to allow direct comparison with the traditional photography method in the CSIpix® Matcher and NFIQ 2.0 software. One of the developed methods (3DR) utilizing a discrete geometry operator and convexity features outperformed traditional photography, both in minutiae count and match quality, while traditional photography could not always capture enough high-quality minutiae for comparisons, even after digital enhancement. The reproducibility of the 3D scanning process was evaluated using 3D point cloud statistics. The pair-wise mean distance and standard deviation were calculated for four levels of comparisons with theoretically increasing disparity, including pairs of scans of the same impressions. The results showed minimal shape deviation from scan to scan for the same impression, but high variations for different impressions

    Surface Modeling and Analysis Using Range Images: Smoothing, Registration, Integration, and Segmentation

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    This dissertation presents a framework for 3D reconstruction and scene analysis, using a set of range images. The motivation for developing this framework came from the needs to reconstruct the surfaces of small mechanical parts in reverse engineering tasks, build a virtual environment of indoor and outdoor scenes, and understand 3D images. The input of the framework is a set of range images of an object or a scene captured by range scanners. The output is a triangulated surface that can be segmented into meaningful parts. A textured surface can be reconstructed if color images are provided. The framework consists of surface smoothing, registration, integration, and segmentation. Surface smoothing eliminates the noise present in raw measurements from range scanners. This research proposes area-decreasing flow that is theoretically identical to the mean curvature flow. Using area-decreasing flow, there is no need to estimate the curvature value and an optimal step size of the flow can be obtained. Crease edges and sharp corners are preserved by an adaptive scheme. Surface registration aligns measurements from different viewpoints in a common coordinate system. This research proposes a new surface representation scheme named point fingerprint. Surfaces are registered by finding corresponding point pairs in an overlapping region based on fingerprint comparison. Surface integration merges registered surface patches into a whole surface. This research employs an implicit surface-based integration technique. The proposed algorithm can generate watertight models by space carving or filling the holes based on volumetric interpolation. Textures from different views are integrated inside a volumetric grid. Surface segmentation is useful to decompose CAD models in reverse engineering tasks and help object recognition in a 3D scene. This research proposes a watershed-based surface mesh segmentation approach. The new algorithm accurately segments the plateaus by geodesic erosion using fast marching method. The performance of the framework is presented using both synthetic and real world data from different range scanners. The dissertation concludes by summarizing the development of the framework and then suggests future research topics

    Facilitating sensor interoperability and incorporating quality in fingerprint matching systems

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    This thesis addresses the issues of sensor interoperability and quality in the context of fingerprints and makes a three-fold contribution. The first contribution is a method to facilitate fingerprint sensor interoperability that involves the comparison of fingerprint images originating from multiple sensors. The proposed technique models the relationship between images acquired by two different sensors using a Thin Plate Spline (TPS) function. Such a calibration model is observed to enhance the inter-sensor matching performance on the MSU dataset containing images from optical and capacitive sensors. Experiments indicate that the proposed calibration scheme improves the inter-sensor Genuine Accept Rate (GAR) by 35% to 40% at a False Accept Rate (FAR) of 0.01%. The second contribution is a technique to incorporate the local image quality information in the fingerprint matching process. Experiments on the FVC 2002 and 2004 databases suggest the potential of this scheme to improve the matching performance of a generic fingerprint recognition system. The final contribution of this thesis is a method for classifying fingerprint images into 3 categories: good, dry and smudged. Such a categorization would assist in invoking different image processing or matching schemes based on the nature of the input fingerprint image. A classification rate of 97.45% is obtained on a subset of the FVC 2004 DB1 database

    FedBiometric: Image Features Based Biometric Presentation Attack Detection Using Hybrid CNNs-SVM in Federated Learning

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    In the past few years, biometric identification systems have become popular for personal, national, and global security. In addition to other biometric modalities, facial and fingerprint recognition have gained popularity due to their uniqueness, stability, convenience, and cost-effectiveness compared to other biometric modalities. However, the evolution of fake biometrics, such as printed materials, 2D or 3D faces, makeup, and cosmetics, has brought new challenges. As a result of these modifications, several facial and fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection methods have been proposed to distinguish between live and spoof faces or fingerprints. Federated learning can play a significant role in this problem due to its distributed learning setting and privacy-preserving advantages. This work proposes a hybrid ResNet50-SVM based federated learning model for facial Presentation Attack Detection utilizing Local Binary Pattern (LBP), or Gabor filter-based extracted image features. For fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection (PAD), this work proposes a hybrid CNN-SVM based federated learning model utilizing Local Binary Pattern (LBP), or Histograms of Oriented Gradient (HOG)-based extracted image features