5,375 research outputs found

    The measurement of driver describing functions in simulated steering control tasks

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    Measurements of driver describing functions in steering control tasks have been made using a driving simulator. The task was to regulate against a random crosswind gust input on a straight roadway, in order to stay in the center of the lane. Although driving is a multiloop task in general, the forcing function and situation were configured so that an inner-loop visual cue feedback of heading angle of heading rate would dominate, and the driver's response was interpreted to be primarily single-loop. The driver describing functions were measured using an STI describing function analyzer. Three replications for each subject showed good repeatability within a subject. There were some intersubject differences as expected, but the crossover frequencies, effective time delays, and stability margins were generally consistent with the prior data and models for similar manual control tasks. The results further confirm the feasibility of measuring human operator response properties in nominal control tasks with full (real-world) visual field displays

    Design, Developement, Analysis and Control of a Bio-Inspired Robotic Samara Rotorcraft

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    THIS body of work details the development of the first at-scale (>15 cm) robotic samara, or winged seed. The design of prototypes inspired by autorotating plant seed geometries is presented along with a detailed experimental process that elucidates similarities between mechanical and robotic samara flight dynamics. The iterative development process and the implementation of working prototypes are discussed for robotic samara Micro-Air-Vehicles (MAV) that range in size from 7.5 cm to 27 cm. Vehicle design issues are explored as they relate to autorotation efficiency, stability, flight dynamics and control of single winged rotorcraft. In recent years a new paradigm of highly maneuverable aircraft has emerged that are ideally suited for operation in a confined environment. Different from conven- tional aircraft, viscous forces play a large role in the physics of flight at this scale. This results in relatively poor aerodynamic performance of conventional airfoil and rotorcraft configurations. This deficiency has led to the consideration of naturally occurring geometries and configurations, the simplest of which is the samara. To study the influence of geometric variation on autorotation efficiency, a high speed camera system was used to track the flight path and orientation of the mechan- ical samaras. The wing geometry is planar symmetric and resembles a scaled version of Acer diabolicum Blume. The airfoil resembles a scaled version of the maple seed with a blunt leading edge followed by a thin section without camber. Four mechan- ical samara geometries with equal wing loading were designed and fabricated using a high precision rapid prototyping machine that ensured similarity between models. It was found that in order to reduce the descent velocity of an autorotating samara the area centroid or maximum chords should be as far from the center of rotation as possible. Flight data revealed large oscillations in feathering and coning angles, and the resultant flight path was found to be dependent on the mean feathering angle. The different flight modalities provided the basis for the design of a control sys- tem for a powered robotic samara that does not require high frequency sensing and actuation typical of micro-scaled rotorcraft. A prototype mechanical samara with a variable wing pitch (feathering) angle was constructed and it was found that active control of the feathering angle allowed the variation of the radius of the helix carved by the samara upon descent. This knowledge was used to design a hovering robotic samara capable of lateral motion through a series of different size circles specified by precise actuation of the feathering angle. To mathematically characterize the flight dynamics of the aircraft, System identi- fication techniques were used. Using flight data, a linear model describing the heave dynamics of two robotic samara vehicles was verified. A visual positioning system was used to collect flight data while the vehicles were piloted in an indoor laboratory. Closed-loop implementation of the derived PID controller was demonstrated using the visual tracking system for position and velocity feedback. An approach to directional control that does not require the once-per-revolution actuation or high-frequency measurement of vehicle orientation has been demon- strated for the first time. Lateral flight is attained through the vehicles differing responses to impulsive and step inputs that are leveraged to create a control strategy that provides full controllability. Flight testing revealed several linear relationships, including turn rate, turn radius and forward speed. The steady turn discussed here has been observed in scaled versions of the robotic samara, therefore the open-loop control demonstrated and analyzed is considered to be appropriate for similar vehicles of reduced size with limited sensing and actuation capabilities

    Estimation of automobile-driver describing function from highway tests using the double steering wheel

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    The automobile-driver describing function for lateral position control was estimated for three subjects from frequency response analysis of straight road test results. The measurement procedure employed an instrumented full size sedan with known steering response characteristics, and equipped with a lateral lane position measuring device based on video detection of white stripe lane markings. Forcing functions were inserted through a servo driven double steering wheel coupling the driver to the steering system proper. Random appearing, Gaussian, and transient time functions were used. The quasi-linear models fitted to the random appearing input frequency response characterized the driver as compensating for lateral position error in a proportional, derivative, and integral manner. Similar parameters were fitted to the Gabor transformed frequency response of the driver to transient functions. A fourth term corresponding to response to lateral acceleration was determined by matching the time response histories of the model to the experimental results. The time histories show evidence of pulse-like nonlinear behavior during extended response to step transients which appear as high frequency remnant power

    English Abstracts

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    [ES] Resúmenes en inglés de todos los artículos que conforman el Vol 05, No 4 de la revista RIAI.Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial (2008). Resúmenes en Inglés. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 5(4):92-96. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/145507OJS92965

    Development of a Remotely-Piloted Vehicle Platform to Support Implementation, Verification, and Validation of Pilot Control Systems

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    This thesis presents the development of a research test bed and the use of a set of metrics for evaluating handling qualities with pilot in the loop configuration. The main objective of this study is to provide software and hardware tools to support performance evaluation of control systems designed to compensate for Pilot Induced Oscillations (PIOs). A remotely-piloted vehicle presented in this thesis consists of an RC aircraft modified to be flown from a ground station cockpit. The unmanned aerial system has a high-speed on-board processing system capable of simulating different conditions during flight such as injecting actuator failures and adding delays. In this study, the analysis of pilot handling qualities based on a set of evaluation metrics, is also included. The metrics are based on time-domain Neal-Smith criterion and are used to provide numerical data which categorizes the control system in one of the levels on the Cooper-Harper Rating scale. Two different control configurations were implemented and analyzed in this study: stick-to-servo and non-linear dynamic inversion control laws. Piloted-simulation results are presented on the Neal-Smith flying qualities plane at different flight conditions

    Pilot/vehicle model analysis of visual and motion cue requirements in flight simulation

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    The optimal control model (OCM) of the human operator is used to predict the effect of simulator characteristics on pilot performance and workload. The piloting task studied is helicopter hover. Among the simulator characteristics considered were (computer generated) visual display resolution, field of view and time delay

    Efficient and secure real-time mobile robots cooperation using visual servoing

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    This paper deals with the challenging problem of navigation in formation of mobiles robots fleet. For that purpose, a secure approach is used based on visual servoing to control velocities (linear and angular) of the multiple robots. To construct our system, we develop the interaction matrix which combines the moments in the image with robots velocities and we estimate the depth between each robot and the targeted object. This is done without any communication between the robots which eliminate the problem of the influence of each robot errors on the whole. For a successful visual servoing, we propose a powerful mechanism to execute safely the robots navigation, exploiting a robot accident reporting system using raspberry Pi3. In addition, in case of problem, a robot accident detection reporting system testbed is used to send an accident notification, in the form of a specifical message. Experimental results are presented using nonholonomic mobiles robots with on-board real time cameras, to show the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Autonomous RPRV Navigation, Guidance and Control

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    Dryden Flight Research Center has the responsibility for flight testing of advanced remotely piloted research vehicles (RPRV) to explore highly maneuverable aircraft technology, and to test advanced structural concepts, and related aeronautical technologies which can yield important research results with significant cost benefits. The primary purpose is to provide the preliminary design of an upgraded automatic approach and landing control system and flight director display to improve landing performance and reduce pilot workload. A secondary purpose is to determine the feasibility of an onboard autonomous navigation, orbit, and landing capability for safe vehicle recovery in the event of loss of telemetry uplink communication with the vehicles. The current RPRV approach and landing method, the proposed automatic and manual approach and autoland system, and an autonomous navigation, orbit, and landing system concept which is based on existing operational technology are described
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