412 research outputs found

    Performance analysis and coverage optimization methods for a digital radio system in the VHF bands

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    MBMS—IP Multicast/Broadcast in 3G Networks

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    In this article, the Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (MBMS) as standardized in 3GPP is presented. With MBMS, multicast and broadcast capabilities are introduced into cellular networks. After an introduction into MBMS technology, MBMS radio bearer realizations are presented. Different MBMS bearer services like broadcast mode, enhanced broadcast mode and multicast mode are discussed. Streaming and download services over MBMS are presented and supported media codecs are listed. Service layer components as defined in Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) are introduced. For a Mobile TV use case capacity improvements achieved by MBMS are shown. Finally, evolution of MBMS as part of 3GPP standardization is presented

    Channel Estimation in Multicarrier Communication Systems

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    The data rate and spectrum efficiency of wireless mobile communications have been significantly improved over the last decade or so. Recently, the advanced systems such as 3GPP LTE and terrestrial digital TV broadcasting have been sophisticatedly developed using OFDM and CDMA technology. In general, most mobile communication systems transmit bits of information in the radio space to the receiver. The radio channels in mobile radio systems are usually multipath fading channels, which cause inter-symbol interference (ISI) in the received signal. To remove ISI from the signal, there is a need of strong equalizer which requires knowledge on the channel impulse response (CIR).This is primarily provided by a separate channel estimator. Usually the channel estimation is based on the known sequence of bits, which is unique for a certain transmitter and which is repeated in every transmission burst. Thus, the channel estimator is able to estimate CIR for each burst separately by exploiting the known transmitted bits and the corresponding received samples. In this thesis we investigate and compare various efficient channel estimation schemes for OFDM systems which can also be extended to MC DS-CDMA systems.The channel estimation can be performed by either inserting pilot tones into all subcarriers of OFDM symbols with a specific period or inserting pilot tones into each OFDM symbol. Two major types of pilot arrangement such as block type and comb type pilot have been focused employing Least Square Error (LSE) and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) channel estimators. Block type pilot sub-carriers is especially suitable for slow-fading radio channels whereas comb type pilots provide better resistance to fast fading channels. Also comb type pilot arrangement is sensitive to frequency selectivity when comparing to block type arrangement. However, there is another supervised technique called Implicit Training (IT) based channel estimation which exploits the first order statistics in the received data, induced by superimposing periodic training sequences with good correlation properties, along with the information symbols. Hence, the need for additional time slots for training the equalizer is avoided. The performance of the estimators is presented in terms of the mean square estimation error (MSEE) and bit error rate (BER)

    OFDM comparison with FFT and DWT processing for DVB-T2 wireless channels

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    Introduction− Recent studies on the FFT processing (Fast Fourier Transform) or DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) of the OFDM signal (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) have shown pros and cons for DVB-T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting-Second Generation Terrestrial) radio communications; however, the benefits of both types of processing have yet to be compared for the same scenario. Objective− The objective of this research is to compare the response of the wireless channel with AWGN noise (Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel) and Rayleigh and Rician fading in the UHF (Ultra High Frequency) bandMethodology−The transmission of DVB-T2 information with OFDM modulation and FFT and DWT processing was simulated in Matlab®, specifically in Simulink. Results− The results of the study proved to be more ef-ficient for DWT system than FFT system, due to the low rate of erroneous bits, spectral efficiency and reduction of the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR), for Eb / No relations greater than 10dB. Conclusions−In this article, we present the designs of both systems and the results of the research experience; likewise, the practical applicability of these systems is discussed, and improvements are suggested for future work.Introducción− Recientes estudios sobre el procesado FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) o DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) de la señal OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Di-vision Multiplexing) han demostrado pros y contras para comunicaciones de radio DVB-T2 (Digital Video Broad-casting – Second Generation Terrestrial); sin embargo, aún falta comparar las prestaciones de ambos tipos de procesamiento para el mismo escenario. Objetivo− El objetivo de esta investigación es comparar la respuesta del canal inalámbrico con ruido AWGN (Ad-ditive White Gaussian Noise Channel) y desvanecimiento Rayleigh y Rician en la banda de UHF (Ultra High Fre-quency).Metodología− Se simuló en Matlab®, específicamente en Simulink, la transmisión de información DVB-T2 con modulación OFDM y procesado FFT y DWT. Resultados− Los resultados del estudio demostraron ser más eficientes para el sistema DWT en comparación con el Sistema FFT, por la baja tasa de bits errados, eficiencia espectral y reducción del cociente entre la potencia pico a promedio (PAPR: Peak-to-Average Power Ratio), para relaciones Eb/No mayores a 10dB. Conclusiones− En este artículo se presentan los diseños de ambos sistemas y los resultados de la experiencia de investigación; así mismo, se discute la aplicabilidad práctica de estos sistemas y se sugieren mejoras para trabajos futuros

    DVB-T2: The Second Generation of Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting System

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    This paper provides a review of the second generation of terrestrial digital video broadcasting standard (DVB-T2). DVB-T2 is the evolution of DVB-T and, together with DVB-S2 and DVB-C2, inaugurated a new transition from the firstgeneration digital broadcasting systems, similar to the transition from analog-to-digital systems. In this paper, the most relevant features of DVB-T2 are explained in detail, along with their benefits and trade-offs. This paper also presents a comprehensive review of the laboratory and field trial results available so far. Especial emphasis is placed in the results of the measurements carried out to test the mobile reception and the novel technologies as multiple input single output and time frequency slicing.This work was supported in part by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU under Grant UFI 11/30, in part by the Basque Government under Grants IT-683-13 and SAIOTEK, and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project HEDYT-GBB under Grant TEC2012-33302.Eizmendi, I.; Velez, M.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Morgade, J.; Baena Lecuyer, V.; Slimani, M.; Zoellner, J. (2014). DVB-T2: The Second Generation of Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting System. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 60(2):258-271. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2014.2312811S25827160

    Timing and Carrier Synchronization in Wireless Communication Systems: A Survey and Classification of Research in the Last 5 Years

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    Timing and carrier synchronization is a fundamental requirement for any wireless communication system to work properly. Timing synchronization is the process by which a receiver node determines the correct instants of time at which to sample the incoming signal. Carrier synchronization is the process by which a receiver adapts the frequency and phase of its local carrier oscillator with those of the received signal. In this paper, we survey the literature over the last 5 years (2010–2014) and present a comprehensive literature review and classification of the recent research progress in achieving timing and carrier synchronization in single-input single-output (SISO), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), cooperative relaying, and multiuser/multicell interference networks. Considering both single-carrier and multi-carrier communication systems, we survey and categorize the timing and carrier synchronization techniques proposed for the different communication systems focusing on the system model assumptions for synchronization, the synchronization challenges, and the state-of-the-art synchronization solutions and their limitations. Finally, we envision some future research directions

    DVB-T Receiver Independent of Channel Allocation, with Frequency Offset Compensation for Improving Resolution in Low Cost Passive Radar.

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    In this article, a commercial low cost solution for increasing DVB-T based passive radar (also referred to as passive coherentlocation)robustnesswith respectto channel allocation and range resolution, is designed. IDEPAR demonstrator is updated to include a new recording system in charge of DVB-T channels reallocation. The use of commercial hardware introduces frequency mismatching between acquired channels that compromises system operation. To face channel frequency alignment, fulfilling the requirements imposed by the high Doppler resolution typical of passive radars, a novel compensation algorithm is proposed, based on the minimization of signal dispersion in the Cross-Ambiguity Function domain. The well-known cyclic prefix van de Beek method is used as reference. Results show an increase in target signal to interference ratio and detection performances, as well as a reduction of clutter dispersion when the novel proposed algorithm is applied. The low cost solution is also compared to a high performance one capable of acquiring a wide bandwidth of sparse DVB-T channels, and performing channel reallocation by digital signal processing. Results show that both systems reached similar performances in terms of range resolution and SNR improvement

    DRM analysis using a simulator of multiprocessor embedded system

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesOs sistemas multiprocessador são uma tecnologia emergente. O projecto Hijdra, que está a ser desenvolvido na “NXP semiconductors Research” é um sistema multiprocessador de tempo real que corre aplicações com constrangimentos do tipo “hard” e “soft”. Nestes sistemas, os processadores comunicam através de uma rede de silício. As aplicações que correm no sistema multiprocessador consistem em múltiplas tarefas que correm em processadores embutidos. Achar soluções para o mapeamento das tarefas é o maior problema destes sistemas. Uma aplicação para este sistema que tem vindo a ser estudada é o “Car Radio”. Esta dissertação diz respeito a uma aplicação de rádio digital (DRM) na arquitectura Hijdra. Neste contexto, uma aplicação de um receptor de DRM foi estudada. Um modelo de análise de “Data Flow” foi extraído a partir da aplicação, foi estudada a latência introduzida na rede de silício pela introdução de um novo processador (acelerador de Viterbi) e foi estudada a possibilidade do mapeamento das várias tarefas da aplicação em diferentes processadores a correr em paralelo. Muitas estratégias ainda ficaram por definir a fim de optimizar o desempenho da aplicação do receptor de DRM de modo a esta poder trabalhar de uma forma mais eficaz. ABSTRACT: Multiprocessor systems are an emerging technology. The Hijdra project being developed at NXP semiconductors Research is a multiprocessor system running with both hard and soft real time streaming media jobs. These jobs consist of multiple tasks running on embedded multiprocessors. Finding good solutions for job mapping is the main problem of these systems. One application which has being studied for Hijdra is the “Car Radio”. This thesis concerns the study of a digital radio receptor application (DRM) in Hijdra architecture. In this context, a data flow model of analysis was extracted from the application, the latency introduced by the addition of a new tile (Viterbi accelerator) and eventual speed gains were studied and the possibility of mapping the different tasks of the application in different processors was foreseen. Many strategies were yet to be defined in order to optimize the application performance so it can work more effectively in the multiprocessor system

    A Simulation Study of Cooperative Communications over HF Channels

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    The High Frequency (HF) band lies within 2-30 MHz of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this part of the spectrum, propagation via direct wave, surface wave, and ionospheric refraction mechanisms provides means of communications from line-of-sight to beyond-line-of-sight ranges. The characteristics of ionospheric channel impose fundamental limitations on the performance of HF communication systems. The major impairment is fading which results in random fluctuations in the received signal level and affects the instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio. This requires the deployment of powerful diversity techniques to mitigate the degrading effects of fading on the performance. The range of wavelengths in HF band unfortunately restricts the use of spatial diversity (i.e., deployment of multiple antennas) for most practical purposes. This thesis focuses on an alternative method to exploit the spatial dimension of the HF channel. Specifically, we aim to extract distributed spatial diversity through relay-assisted transmission. Towards this main goal, we consider multi-carrier HF communication and investigate the performance of cooperative OFDM over HF channels