7,379 research outputs found

    Procedural Modeling and Physically Based Rendering for Synthetic Data Generation in Automotive Applications

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    We present an overview and evaluation of a new, systematic approach for generation of highly realistic, annotated synthetic data for training of deep neural networks in computer vision tasks. The main contribution is a procedural world modeling approach enabling high variability coupled with physically accurate image synthesis, and is a departure from the hand-modeled virtual worlds and approximate image synthesis methods used in real-time applications. The benefits of our approach include flexible, physically accurate and scalable image synthesis, implicit wide coverage of classes and features, and complete data introspection for annotations, which all contribute to quality and cost efficiency. To evaluate our approach and the efficacy of the resulting data, we use semantic segmentation for autonomous vehicles and robotic navigation as the main application, and we train multiple deep learning architectures using synthetic data with and without fine tuning on organic (i.e. real-world) data. The evaluation shows that our approach improves the neural network's performance and that even modest implementation efforts produce state-of-the-art results.Comment: The project web page at http://vcl.itn.liu.se/publications/2017/TKWU17/ contains a version of the paper with high-resolution images as well as additional materia

    Vegetation detection and terrain classification for autonomous navigation

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    Diese Arbeit beleuchtet sieben neuartige AnsĂ€tze aus zwei Bereichen der maschinellen Wahrnehmung: Erkennung von Vegetation und Klassifizierung von GelĂ€nde. Diese Elemente bilden den Kern eines jeden Steuerungssystems fĂŒr effiziente, autonome Navigation im Außenbereich. BezĂŒglich der Vegetationserkennung, wird zuerst ein auf Indizierung basierender Ansatz beschrieben (1), der die reflektierenden und absorbierenden Eigenschaften von Pflanzen im Bezug auf sichtbares und nah-infrarotes Licht auswertet. Zweitens wird eine Fusionmethode von 2D/3D Merkmalen untersucht (2), die das menschliche System der Vegetationserkennung nachbildet. ZusĂ€tzlich wird ein integriertes System vorgeschlagen (3), welches die visuelle Wahrnehmung mit multi-spektralen Methoden ko mbiniert. Aufbauend auf detaillierten Studien zu Farb- und Textureigenschaften von Vegetation wird ein adaptiver selbstlernender Algorithmus eingefĂŒhrt der robust und schnell Pflanzen(bewuchs) erkennt (4). Komplettiert wird die Vegetationserkennung durch einen Algorithmus zur BefahrbarkeitseinschĂ€tzung von Vegetation, der die Verformbarkeit von Pflanzen erkennt. Je leichter sich Pflanzen bewegen lassen, umso grĂ¶ĂŸer ist ihre Befahrbarkeit. BezĂŒglich der GelĂ€ndeklassifizierung wird eine struktur-basierte Methode vorgestellt (6), welche die 3D Strukturdaten einer Umgebung durch die statistische Analyse lokaler Punkte von LiDAR Daten unterstĂŒtzt. Zuletzt wird eine auf Klassifizierung basierende Methode (7) beschrieben, die LiDAR und Kamera-Daten kombiniert, um eine 3D Szene zu rekonstruieren. Basierend auf den Vorteilen der vorgestellten Algorithmen im Bezug auf die maschinelle Wahrnehmung, hoffen wir, dass diese Arbeit als Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr weitere Entwicklung en von zuverlĂ€ssigen Erkennungsmethoden dient.This thesis introduces seven novel contributions for two perception tasks: vegetation detection and terrain classification, that are at the core of any control system for efficient autonomous navigation in outdoor environments. Regarding vegetation detection, we first describe a vegetation index-based method (1), which relies on the absorption and reflectance properties of vegetation to visual light and near-infrared light, respectively. Second, a 2D/3D feature fusion (2), which imitates the human visual system in vegetation interpretation, is investigated. Alternatively, an integrated vision system (3) is proposed to realise our greedy ambition in combining visual perception-based and multi-spectral methods by only using a unit device. A depth study on colour and texture features of vegetation has been carried out, which leads to a robust and fast vegetation detection through an adaptive learning algorithm (4). In addition, a double-check of passable vegetation detection (5) is realised, relying on the compressibility of vegetation. The lower degree of resistance vegetation has, the more traversable it is. Regarding terrain classification, we introduce a structure-based method (6) to capture the world scene by inferring its 3D structures through a local point statistic analysis on LiDAR data. Finally, a classification-based method (7), which combines the LiDAR data and visual information to reconstruct 3D scenes, is presented. Whereby, object representation is described more details, thus enabling an ability to classify more object types. Based on the success of the proposed perceptual inference methods in the environmental sensing tasks, we hope that this thesis will really serve as a key point for further development of highly reliable perceptual inference methods

    Hyperspectral Imaging from Ground Based Mobile Platforms and Applications in Precision Agriculture

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    This thesis focuses on the use of line scanning hyperspectral sensors on mobile ground based platforms and applying them to agricultural applications. First this work deals with the geometric and radiometric calibration and correction of acquired hyperspectral data. When operating at low altitudes, changing lighting conditions are common and inevitable, complicating the retrieval of a surface's reflectance, which is solely a function of its physical structure and chemical composition. Therefore, this thesis contributes the evaluation of an approach to compensate for changes in illumination and obtain reflectance that is less labour intensive than traditional empirical methods. Convenient field protocols are produced that only require a representative set of illumination and reflectance spectral samples. In addition, a method for determining a line scanning camera's rigid 6 degree of freedom (DOF) offset and uncertainty with respect to a navigation system is developed, enabling accurate georegistration and sensor fusion. The thesis then applies the data captured from the platform to two different agricultural applications. The first is a self-supervised weed detection framework that allows training of a per-pixel classifier using hyperspectral data without manual labelling. The experiments support the effectiveness of the framework, rivalling classifiers trained on hand labelled training data. Then the thesis demonstrates the mapping of mango maturity using hyperspectral data on an orchard wide scale using efficient image scanning techniques, which is a world first result. A novel classification, regression and mapping pipeline is proposed to generate per tree mango maturity averages. The results confirm that maturity prediction in mango orchards is possible in natural daylight using a hyperspectral camera, despite complex micro-illumination-climates under the canopy

    Hyperspectral image analysis techniques for the detection and classification of the early onset of plant disease and stress

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    This review explores how imaging techniques are being developed with a focus on deployment for crop monitoring methods. Imaging applications are discussed in relation to both field and glasshouse-based plants, and techniques are sectioned into ‘healthy and diseased plant classification’ with an emphasis on classification accuracy, early detection of stress, and disease severity. A central focus of the review is the use of hyperspectral imaging and how this is being utilised to find additional information about plant health, and the ability to predict onset of disease. A summary of techniques used to detect biotic and abiotic stress in plants is presented, including the level of accuracy associated with each method

    Drones in Vegetable Crops: A Systematic Literature Review

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    In the context of increasing global population and climate change, modern agriculture must enhance production efficiency. Vegetables production is crucial for human nutrition and has a significant environmental impact. To address this challenge, the agricultural sector needs to modernize and utilize advanced technologies such as drones to increase productivity, improve quality, and reduce resource consumption. These devices, known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), with their agility and versatility play a crucial role in monitoring and spraying operations. They significantly contribute to enhancing the efficacy of precision farming. The aim of this review is to examine the critical role of drones as innovative tools to enhance management and yield of vegetable crops cultivation. This review was carried out using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) framework and involved the analysis of a wide range of research published from 2018 to 2023. According to the phases of Identification, Screening, and Eligibility, 132 papers were selected and analysed. These papers were categorized based on the types of drone applications in vegetable crop production, providing an overview of how these tools fit into the field of Precision Farming. Technological developments of these tools and data processing methods were then explored, examining the contributions of Machine and Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Final considerations were presented regarding practical implementation and future technical and scientific challenges to fully harness the potential of drones in precision agriculture and vegetable crop production. The review pointed out the significance of drone applications in vegetable crops and the immense potential of these tools in enhancing cultivation efficiency. Drone utilization enables the reduction of input quantities such as herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides, and water but also the prevention of damages through early diagnosis of various stress types. These input savings can yield environmental benefits, positioning these technologies as potential solutions for the environmental sustainability of vegetable crops

    Local Binary Pattern based algorithms for the discrimination and detection of crops and weeds with similar morphologies

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    In cultivated agricultural fields, weeds are unwanted species that compete with the crop plants for nutrients, water, sunlight and soil, thus constraining their growth. Applying new real-time weed detection and spraying technologies to agriculture would enhance current farming practices, leading to higher crop yields and lower production costs. Various weed detection methods have been developed for Site-Specific Weed Management (SSWM) aimed at maximising the crop yield through efficient control of weeds. Blanket application of herbicide chemicals is currently the most popular weed eradication practice in weed management and weed invasion. However, the excessive use of herbicides has a detrimental impact on the human health, economy and environment. Before weeds are resistant to herbicides and respond better to weed control strategies, it is necessary to control them in the fallow, pre-sowing, early post-emergent and in pasture phases. Moreover, the development of herbicide resistance in weeds is the driving force for inventing precision and automation weed treatments. Various weed detection techniques have been developed to identify weed species in crop fields, aimed at improving the crop quality, reducing herbicide and water usage and minimising environmental impacts. In this thesis, Local Binary Pattern (LBP)-based algorithms are developed and tested experimentally, which are based on extracting dominant plant features from camera images to precisely detecting weeds from crops in real time. Based on the efficient computation and robustness of the first LBP method, an improved LBP-based method is developed based on using three different LBP operators for plant feature extraction in conjunction with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) method for multiclass plant classification. A 24,000-image dataset, collected using a testing facility under simulated field conditions (Testbed system), is used for algorithm training, validation and testing. The dataset, which is published online under the name “bccr-segset”, consists of four subclasses: background, Canola (Brassica napus), Corn (Zea mays), and Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). In addition, the dataset comprises plant images collected at four crop growth stages, for each subclass. The computer-controlled Testbed is designed to rapidly label plant images and generate the “bccr-segset” dataset. Experimental results show that the classification accuracy of the improved LBP-based algorithm is 91.85%, for the four classes. Due to the similarity of the morphologies of the canola (crop) and wild radish (weed) leaves, the conventional LBP-based method has limited ability to discriminate broadleaf crops from weeds. To overcome this limitation and complex field conditions (illumination variation, poses, viewpoints, and occlusions), a novel LBP-based method (denoted k-FLBPCM) is developed to enhance the classification accuracy of crops and weeds with similar morphologies. Our contributions include (i) the use of opening and closing morphological operators in pre-processing of plant images, (ii) the development of the k-FLBPCM method by combining two methods, namely, the filtered local binary pattern (LBP) method and the contour-based masking method with a coefficient k, and (iii) the optimal use of SVM with the radial basis function (RBF) kernel to precisely identify broadleaf plants based on their distinctive features. The high performance of this k-FLBPCM method is demonstrated by experimentally attaining up to 98.63% classification accuracy at four different growth stages for all classes of the “bccr-segset” dataset. To evaluate performance of the k-FLBPCM algorithm in real-time, a comparison analysis between our novel method (k-FLBPCM) and deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) is conducted on morphologically similar crops and weeds. Various DCNN models, namely VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet50 and InceptionV3, are optimised, by fine-tuning their hyper-parameters, and tested. Based on the experimental results on the “bccr-segset” dataset collected from the laboratory and the “fieldtrip_can_weeds” dataset collected from the field under practical environments, the classification accuracies of the DCNN models and the k-FLBPCM method are almost similar. Another experiment is conducted by training the algorithms with plant images obtained at mature stages and testing them at early stages. In this case, the new k-FLBPCM method outperformed the state-of-the-art CNN models in identifying small leaf shapes of canola-radish (crop-weed) at early growth stages, with an order of magnitude lower error rates in comparison with DCNN models. Furthermore, the execution time of the k-FLBPCM method during the training and test phases was faster than the DCNN counterparts, with an identification time difference of approximately 0.224ms per image for the laboratory dataset and 0.346ms per image for the field dataset. These results demonstrate the ability of the k-FLBPCM method to rapidly detect weeds from crops of similar appearance in real time with less data, and generalize to different size plants better than the CNN-based methods
