10 research outputs found


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    Weak Bases of Boolean Co-Clones

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    Universal algebra and clone theory have proven to be a useful tool in the study of constraint satisfaction problems since the complexity, up to logspace reductions, is determined by the set of polymorphisms of the constraint language. For classifications where primitive positive definitions are unsuitable, such as size-preserving reductions, weaker closure operations may be necessary. In this article we consider strong partial clones which can be seen as a more fine-grained framework than Post's lattice where each clone splits into an interval of strong partial clones. We investigate these intervals and give simple relational descriptions, weak bases, of the largest elements. The weak bases have a highly regular form and are in many cases easily relatable to the smallest members in the intervals, which suggests that the lattice of strong partial clones is considerably simpler than the full lattice of partial clones

    The complexity of counting locally maximal satisfying assignments of Boolean CSPs

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    We investigate the computational complexity of the problem of counting the maximal satisfying assignments of a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) over the Boolean domain {0,1}. A satisfying assignment is maximal if any new assignment which is obtained from it by changing a 0 to a 1 is unsatisfying. For each constraint language Gamma, #MaximalCSP(Gamma) denotes the problem of counting the maximal satisfying assignments, given an input CSP with constraints in Gamma. We give a complexity dichotomy for the problem of exactly counting the maximal satisfying assignments and a complexity trichotomy for the problem of approximately counting them. Relative to the problem #CSP(Gamma), which is the problem of counting all satisfying assignments, the maximal version can sometimes be easier but never harder. This finding contrasts with the recent discovery that approximately counting maximal independent sets in a bipartite graph is harder (under the usual complexity-theoretic assumptions) than counting all independent sets.Comment: V2 adds contextual material relating the results obtained here to earlier work in a different but related setting. The technical content is unchanged. V3 (this version) incorporates minor revisions. The title has been changed to better reflect what is novel in this work. This version has been accepted for publication in Theoretical Computer Science. 19 page

    Minimization for Generalized Boolean Formulas

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    The minimization problem for propositional formulas is an important optimization problem in the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. In general, the problem is Sigma-2-complete under Turing reductions, but restricted versions are tractable. We study the complexity of minimization for formulas in two established frameworks for restricted propositional logic: The Post framework allowing arbitrarily nested formulas over a set of Boolean connectors, and the constraint setting, allowing generalizations of CNF formulas. In the Post case, we obtain a dichotomy result: Minimization is solvable in polynomial time or coNP-hard. This result also applies to Boolean circuits. For CNF formulas, we obtain new minimization algorithms for a large class of formulas, and give strong evidence that we have covered all polynomial-time cases

    Galois correspondence for counting quantifiers

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    We introduce a new type of closure operator on the set of relations, max-implementation, and its weaker analog max-quantification. Then we show that approximation preserving reductions between counting constraint satisfaction problems (#CSPs) are preserved by these two types of closure operators. Together with some previous results this means that the approximation complexity of counting CSPs is determined by partial clones of relations that additionally closed under these new types of closure operators. Galois correspondence of various kind have proved to be quite helpful in the study of the complexity of the CSP. While we were unable to identify a Galois correspondence for partial clones closed under max-implementation and max-quantification, we obtain such results for slightly different type of closure operators, k-existential quantification. This type of quantifiers are known as counting quantifiers in model theory, and often used to enhance first order logic languages. We characterize partial clones of relations closed under k-existential quantification as sets of relations invariant under a set of partial functions that satisfy the condition of k-subset surjectivity. Finally, we give a description of Boolean max-co-clones, that is, sets of relations on {0,1} closed under max-implementations.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Complexity Classifications for logic-based Argumentation

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    We consider logic-based argumentation in which an argument is a pair (Fi,al), where the support Fi is a minimal consistent set of formulae taken from a given knowledge base (usually denoted by De) that entails the claim al (a formula). We study the complexity of three central problems in argumentation: the existence of a support Fi ss De, the validity of a support and the relevance problem (given psi is there a support Fi such that psi ss Fi?). When arguments are given in the full language of propositional logic these problems are computationally costly tasks, the validity problem is DP-complete, the others are SigP2-complete. We study these problems in Schaefer's famous framework where the considered propositional formulae are in generalized conjunctive normal form. This means that formulae are conjunctions of constraints build upon a fixed finite set of Boolean relations Ga (the constraint language). We show that according to the properties of this language Ga, deciding whether there exists a support for a claim in a given knowledge base is either polynomial, NP-complete, coNP-complete or SigP2-complete. We present a dichotomous classification, P or DP-complete, for the verification problem and a trichotomous classification for the relevance problem into either polynomial, NP-complete, or SigP2-complete. These last two classifications are obtained by means of algebraic tools

    Boolean approximate counting CSPs with weak conservativity, and implications for ferromagnetic two-spin

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    We analyse the complexity of approximate counting constraint satisfactions problems #CSP(F)\mathrm{\#CSP}(\mathcal{F}), where F\mathcal{F} is a set of nonnegative rational-valued functions of Boolean variables. A complete classification is known in the conservative case, where F\mathcal{F} is assumed to contain arbitrary unary functions. We strengthen this result by fixing any permissive strictly increasing unary function and any permissive strictly decreasing unary function, and adding only those to F\mathcal{F}: this is weak conservativity. The resulting classification is employed to characterise the complexity of a wide range of two-spin problems, fully classifying the ferromagnetic case. In a further weakening of conservativity, we also consider what happens if only the pinning functions are assumed to be in F\mathcal{F} (instead of the two permissive unaries). We show that any set of functions for which pinning is not sufficient to recover the two kinds of permissive unaries must either have a very simple range, or must satisfy a certain monotonicity condition. We exhibit a non-trivial example of a set of functions satisfying the monotonicity condition.Comment: 37 page

    Structure Identification of Boolean Relations and Plain Bases for co-Clones

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    International audienceWe give a quadratic algorithm for the following structure identification problem: given a Boolean relation R and a finite set S of Boolean relations, can the relation R be expressed as a conjunctive query over the relations in the set S? Our algorithm is derived by first introducing the concept of a plain basis for a co-clone and then identifying natural plain bases for every co-clone in Post's lattice. In the process, we also give a quadratic algorithm for the problem of finding the smallest co-clone containing a Boolean relation