787 research outputs found

    Mechanistic analytical modeling of superscalar in-order processor performance

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    Superscalar in-order processors form an interesting alternative to out-of-order processors because of their energy efficiency and lower design complexity. However, despite the reduced design complexity, it is nontrivial to get performance estimates or insight in the application--microarchitecture interaction without running slow, detailed cycle-level simulations, because performance highly depends on the order of instructions within the application’s dynamic instruction stream, as in-order processors stall on interinstruction dependences and functional unit contention. To limit the number of detailed cycle-level simulations needed during design space exploration, we propose a mechanistic analytical performance model that is built from understanding the internal mechanisms of the processor. The mechanistic performance model for superscalar in-order processors is shown to be accurate with an average performance prediction error of 3.2% compared to detailed cycle-accurate simulation using gem5. We also validate the model against hardware, using the ARM Cortex-A8 processor and show that it is accurate within 10% on average. We further demonstrate the usefulness of the model through three case studies: (1) design space exploration, identifying the optimum number of functional units for achieving a given performance target; (2) program--machine interactions, providing insight into microarchitecture bottlenecks; and (3) compiler--architecture interactions, visualizing the impact of compiler optimizations on performance

    Optimizing construction of scheduled data flow graph for on-line testability

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    The objective of this work is to develop a new methodology for behavioural synthesis using a flow of synthesis, better suited to the scheduling of independent calculations and non-concurrent online testing. The traditional behavioural synthesis process can be defined as the compilation of an algorithmic specification into an architecture composed of a data path and a controller. This stream of synthesis generally involves scheduling, resource allocation, generation of the data path and controller synthesis. Experiments showed that optimization started at the high level synthesis improves the performance of the result, yet the current tools do not offer synthesis optimizations that from the RTL level. This justifies the development of an optimization methodology which takes effect from the behavioural specification and accompanying the synthesis process in its various stages. In this paper we propose the use of algebraic properties (commutativity, associativity and distributivity) to transform readable mathematical formulas of algorithmic specifications into mathematical formulas evaluated efficiently. This will effectively reduce the execution time of scheduling calculations and increase the possibilities of testability

    RingScalar: A Complexity-Effective Out-of-Order Superscalar Microarchitecture

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    RingScalar is a complexity-effective microarchitecture for out-of-order superscalar processors, that reduces the area, latency, and power of all major structures in the instruction flow. The design divides an N-way superscalar into N columns connected in a unidirectional ring, where each column contains a portion of the instruction window, a bank of the register file, and an ALU. The design exploits the fact that most decoded instructions are waiting on just one operand to use only a single tag per issue window entry, and to restrict instruction wakeup and value bypass to only communicate with the neighboring column. Detailed simulations of four-issue single-threaded machines running SPECint2000 show that RingScalar has IPC only 13% lower than an idealized superscalar, while providing large reductions in area, power, and circuit latency

    Efficient design space exploration of embedded microprocessors

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    A Comparative Xeon and CBE Performance Analysis

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    The Cell Broadband Engine is a high performance multicore processor with superb performance on certain types of problems. However, it does not perform as well running other algorithms, particularly those with heavy branching. The Intel Xeon processor is a high performance superscalar processor. It utilizes a high clock speed and deep pipelines to help it achieve superior performance. But deep pipelines can perform poorly with frequent memory accesses. This paper is a study and attempt at quantifying the types of programmatic structures that are more suitable to a particular architecture. It focuses on the issues of pipelines, memory access and branching on these two microprocessor architectures

    Superscalar RISC-V Processor with SIMD Vector Extension

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    With the increasing number of digital products in the market, the need for robust and highly configurable processors rises. The demand is convened by the stable and extensible open-sourced RISC-V instruction set architecture. RISC-V processors are becoming popular in many fields of applications and research. This thesis presents a dual-issue superscalar RISC-V processor design with dynamic execution. The proposed design employs the global sharing scheme for branch prediction and Tomasulo algorithm for out-of-order execution. The processor is capable of speculative execution with five checkpoints. Data flow in the instruction dispatch and commit stages is optimized to achieve higher instruction throughput. The superscalar processor is extended with a customized vector instruction set of single-instruction-multiple-data computations to specifically improve the performance on machine learning tasks. According to the definition of the proposed vector instruction set, the scratchpad memory and element-wise arithmetic units are implemented in the vector co-processor. Different test programs are evaluated on the fully-tested superscalar processor. Compared to the reference work, the proposed design improves 18.9% on average instruction throughput and 4.92% on average prediction hit rate, with 16.9% higher operating clock frequency synthesized on the Intel Arria 10 FPGA board. The forward propagation of a convolution neural network model is evaluated by the standalone superscalar processor and the integration of the vector co-processor. The vector program with software-level optimizations achieves 9.53Ă— improvement on instruction throughput and 10.18Ă— improvement on real-time throughput. Moreover, the integration also provides 2.22Ă— energy efficiency compared with the superscalar processor along


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    We introduce a novel fetch architecture called Poor Man’s Trace Cache (PMTC). PMTC constructs taken-path instruction traces via instruction replication in static code and inserts them after unconditional direct and select conditional direct control transfer instructions. These traces extend to the end of the cache line. Since available space for trace insertion may vary by the position of the control transfer instruction within the line, we refer to these fetch slots as variable delay slots. This approach ensures traces are fetched along with the control transfer instruction that initiated the trace. Branch, jump and return instruction semantics as well as the fetch unit are modified to utilize traces in delay slots. PMTC yields the following benefits: 1. Average fetch bandwidth increases as the front end can fetch across taken control transfer instructions in a single cycle. 2. The dynamic number of instruction cache lines fetched by the processor is reduced as multiple non contiguous basic blocks along a given path are encountered in one fetch cycle. 3. Replication of a branch instruction along multiple paths provides path separability for branches, which positively impacts branch prediction accuracy. PMTC mechanism requires minimal modifications to the processor’s fetch unit and the trace insertion algorithm can easily be implemented within the assembler without compiler support

    Survey on Combinatorial Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling

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    Register allocation (mapping variables to processor registers or memory) and instruction scheduling (reordering instructions to increase instruction-level parallelism) are essential tasks for generating efficient assembly code in a compiler. In the last three decades, combinatorial optimization has emerged as an alternative to traditional, heuristic algorithms for these two tasks. Combinatorial optimization approaches can deliver optimal solutions according to a model, can precisely capture trade-offs between conflicting decisions, and are more flexible at the expense of increased compilation time. This paper provides an exhaustive literature review and a classification of combinatorial optimization approaches to register allocation and instruction scheduling, with a focus on the techniques that are most applied in this context: integer programming, constraint programming, partitioned Boolean quadratic programming, and enumeration. Researchers in compilers and combinatorial optimization can benefit from identifying developments, trends, and challenges in the area; compiler practitioners may discern opportunities and grasp the potential benefit of applying combinatorial optimization
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