247 research outputs found

    Translocation of structured polynucleotides through nanopores

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    We investigate theoretically the translocation of structured RNA/DNA molecules through narrow pores which allow single but not double strands to pass. The unzipping of basepaired regions within the molecules presents significant kinetic barriers for the translocation process. We show that this circumstance may be exploited to determine the full basepairing pattern of polynucleotides, including RNA pseudoknots. The crucial requirement is that the translocation dynamics (i.e., the length of the translocated molecular segment) needs to be recorded as a function of time with a spatial resolution of a few nucleotides. This could be achieved, for instance, by applying a mechanical driving force for translocation and recording force-extension curves (FEC's) with a device such as an atomic force microscope or optical tweezers. Our analysis suggests that with this added spatial resolution, nanopores could be transformed into a powerful experimental tool to study the folding of nucleic acids.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Homology ­modeling of complex structural RNAs

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    National audienceAligning macromolecules such as proteins, DNAs and RNAs in order to reveal, or conversely exploit, their functional homology is a classic challenge in bioinformatics, with far­reaching applications in structure modelling and genome annotations. In the specific context of complex RNAs, featuring pseudoknots, multiple interactions and non­canonical base pairs, multiple algorithmic solutions and tools have been proposed for the structure/sequence alignment problem. However, such tools are seldom used in practice, due in part to their extreme computational demands, and because of their inability to support general types of structures. Recently, a general parameterized algorithm based on tree decomposition of the query structure has been designed by Rinaudo et al. We present an implementation of the algorithm within a tool named LiCoRNA. We compare it against state­of­the­art algorithms. We show that it both gracefully specializes into a practical algorithm for simple classes pseudoknot, and offers a general solution for complex pseudoknots, which are explicitly out­of­reach of competing softwares

    Tree decomposition and parameterized algorithms for RNA structure-sequence alignment including tertiary interactions and pseudoknots

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    We present a general setting for structure-sequence comparison in a large class of RNA structures that unifies and generalizes a number of recent works on specific families on structures. Our approach is based on tree decomposition of structures and gives rises to a general parameterized algorithm, where the exponential part of the complexity depends on the family of structures. For each of the previously studied families, our algorithm has the same complexity as the specific algorithm that had been given before.Comment: (2012

    Automatic generation of pseudoknotted RNAs taxonomy

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    Background: The ability to compare RNA secondary structures is important in understanding their biological function and for grouping similar organisms into families by looking at evolutionarily conserved sequences such as 16S rRNA. Most comparison methods and benchmarks in the literature focus on pseudoknot-free structures due to the difficulty of mapping pseudoknots in classical tree representations. Some approaches exist that permit to cluster pseudoknotted RNAs but there is not a general framework for evaluating their performance. Results: We introduce an evaluation framework based on a similarity/dissimilarity measure obtained by a comparison method and agglomerative clustering. Their combination automatically partition a set of molecules into groups. To illustrate the framework we define and make available a benchmark of pseudoknotted (16S and 23S) and pseudoknot-free (5S) rRNA secondary structures belonging to Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryota. We also consider five different comparison methods from the literature that are able to manage pseudoknots. For each method we clusterize the molecules in the benchmark to obtain the taxa at the rank phylum according to the European Nucleotide Archive curated taxonomy. We compute appropriate metrics for each method and we compare their suitability to reconstruct the taxa

    A Comparative Taxonomy of Parallel Algorithms for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction

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    RNA molecules have been discovered playing crucial roles in numerous biological and medical procedures and processes. RNA structures determination have become a major problem in the biology context. Recently, computer scientists have empowered the biologists with RNA secondary structures that ease an understanding of the RNA functions and roles. Detecting RNA secondary structure is an NP-hard problem, especially in pseudoknotted RNA structures. The detection process is also time-consuming; as a result, an alternative approach such as using parallel architectures is a desirable option. The main goal in this paper is to do an intensive investigation of parallel methods used in the literature to solve the demanding issues, related to the RNA secondary structure prediction methods. Then, we introduce a new taxonomy for the parallel RNA folding methods. Based on this proposed taxonomy, a systematic and scientific comparison is performed among these existing methods

    SimulFold: Simultaneously Inferring RNA Structures Including Pseudoknots, Alignments, and Trees Using a Bayesian MCMC Framework

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    Computational methods for predicting evolutionarily conserved rather than thermodynamic RNA structures have recently attracted increased interest. These methods are indispensable not only for elucidating the regulatory roles of known RNA transcripts, but also for predicting RNA genes. It has been notoriously difficult to devise them to make the best use of the available data and to predict high-quality RNA structures that may also contain pseudoknots. We introduce a novel theoretical framework for co-estimating an RNA secondary structure including pseudoknots, a multiple sequence alignment, and an evolutionary tree, given several RNA input sequences. We also present an implementation of the framework in a new computer program, called SimulFold, which employs a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo method to sample from the joint posterior distribution of RNA structures, alignments, and trees. We use the new framework to predict RNA structures, and comprehensively evaluate the quality of our predictions by comparing our results to those of several other programs. We also present preliminary data that show SimulFold's potential as an alignment and phylogeny prediction method. SimulFold overcomes many conceptual limitations that current RNA structure prediction methods face, introduces several new theoretical techniques, and generates high-quality predictions of conserved RNA structures that may include pseudoknots. It is thus likely to have a strong impact, both on the field of RNA structure prediction and on a wide range of data analyses
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