149 research outputs found

    Adapting omnichannel strategies to answer post-pandemic consumers' evolved in-store shopping expectations

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    Technology-infused omnichannel strategies have solidified their role in the turbulent environment of retailing. The advantages of such retailing approaches have been recognised during the interminable rise of e-commerce in the past decades, but the physical resurgence of consumers after the global pandemic evolved omnichannel expectations to new standards. Now, consumers desire a blend of online convenience in physical stores, driving retailers to adapt their technological capabilities to ensure seamless in-store shopping experiences. Because omnichanneling has become a necessity, retailers need to possess the understanding of providing valuable customer journeys. To offer insights and perspectives around the novel shift in physical retailing, this thesis was conducted as a two-case study, examining two retail giants that have emerged from opposite sides, the physical-first Target and online-dominant Amazon. To gain recent knowledge from the two companies, mainly qualitative secondary data was collected from diverse online sources, which were scrutinised employing content analysis and thematic synthesis. The longitudinal time horizon allowed for a progressive viewpoint to be constructed regarding the evolving dynamics between online and offline channels, and the role of technological implementations. The results of this thesis firstly sum up the expectations of consumers that have evolved pre- and post-pandemic, mainly the pursuit of convenience, continuity, and hedonistic aspects. Furthermore, this thesis explores various innovative technological features and how they can be integrated into physical stores to support seamless omnichannel expectations. In line with the results, the thesis suggests that most widely adapted technologies within case companies are scattered between the many phases of the shopping journey, either designed to complement the shopping experience by enhancing the favoured attributes, make the in-store interactions and steps more autonomous, or automate back-end operations. These technologies can be joined as a part of cohesive omnichannel experiences to contribute to borderless channel integration, all-inclusive offerings, and personalisation. The findings demonstrate that both case companies have explicit connections with theoretical frameworks. Along with the findings and synthesis, this thesis reinforces the discourse of post- pandemic omnichannel experiences and supplies real-life examples of diverse strategic uses of in-store technologies.Teknologiapohjaiset omnikanavastrategiat ovat vakiinnuttaneet asemansa vähittäiskaupan epävakaassa ympäristössä. Tällaisten vähittäismyyntitapojen edut ovat tiedostettu viime vuosikymmeninä verkkokaupankäynnin jatkuvan nousun aikana, mutta kuluttajien fyysinen palaaminen maailmanlaajuisen pandemian jälkeen nosti omnikanavaodotukset uusiin standardeihin. Nykyään kuluttajat mielivät yhdistelmiä verkkokaupan etuja fyysisissä myymälöissä, mikä ajaa vähittäismyyjiä mukauttamaan teknologisia valmiuksiaan varmistaakseen saumattoman ostoskokemuksen myymälässä. Koska omnikanavointi on muodostunut välttämättömyydeksi, vähittäismyyjien on ymmärrettävä, miten tarjota arvokkaita asiakasmatkoja. Tarjotakseen näkemyksiä ja perspektiivejä fyysisen vähittäiskaupan tuoreesta muutoksesta, tämä pro gradu -tutkielma toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena tarkastellen kahta vastakkaiset lähtökohdat omaavaa vähittäiskaupan jättiläistä, kivijalkalähtöistä Targetia ja verkkovaltaista Amazonia. Molemmista yrityksistä hankittiin ajantasaista tietoa, pääasiassa laadullista sekundääridataa monipuolisista verkkolähteistä, jotka tarkasteltiin sisällönanalyysin ja teemasynteesin avulla. Pitkittäistutkimuksen aikajänne mahdollisti progressiivisen näkökulman muodostamisen verkkokanavien ja fyysisten kanavien välillä muuttuvista dynamiikoista ja toteutettujen teknologioiden roolista. Tämän tutkielman tulokset tiivistävät kuluttajien odotukset, jotka ovat kehittyneet ennen ja jälkeen pandemian, pääasiassa mukavuuden, jatkuvuuden ja hedonististen näkökohtien osalta. Lisäksi tutkielma tutustuu erilaisiin innovatiivisiin teknologiaominaisuuksiin ja siihen, miten niitä voidaan integroida fyysisiin myymälöihin edesauttamaan saumattomia omnikanavaodotuksia. Tulosten mukaisesti tutkielma ehdottaa, että tapaustutkimusyritysten laajimmin omaksutut teknologiat ovat hajallaan monissa ostosmatkan vaiheissa, joko suunniteltu täydentämään ostoskokemusta korostamalla haluttuja piirteitä, itsenäistämään myymälässä tapahtuvat vuorovaikutukset ja ostovaiheet tai automatisoimaan taustaprosesseja. Nämä teknologiat voidaan yhdistää osaksi yhtenäisiä omnikanavakokemuksia edistämään saumattomia kanavaintegraatioita, kaiken kattavaa tarjontaa ja personointia. Tutkimuksen löydökset osoittavat, että molemmilla tapaustutkimusyrityksillä on selviä yhteyksiä teoreettisiin viitekehyksiin. Löydösten ja synteesin ohella tämä tutkielma vahvistaa pandemian jälkeistä omnikanavakokemuksia koskevaa keskustelua ja tarjoaa todellisia esimerkkejä erilaisten myymäläteknologioiden strategisista käyttötavoista

    Design of the user experience for personalized mobile services

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    This article describes how user centered, and particularly co-design methods can help maximize user experience for personalized services delivered over a mobile device. The specific focus was designing for Chinese spectators at large sports events (such as football matches, swimming galas or athletics meetings). User experience was assumed to comprise user, product, social, cultural and usage context components. Co-design methods were incorporated into a semi- structured HCI design process that comprised content, conceptual, interaction and presentation design, followed by field and lab-based user evaluation. There were two co-design methods in particular which were found to be key to working effectively with Chinese users. Emotion Cards were used to help overcome some of the inhibitions of participants and to encourage them to provide more open and unequivocal design input. The User Advisory Board was a group of participants who mediated the relationship between the designer and other participants at various design stages. They helped to ensure genuine collaboration because the wider participants felt (1) less like the object of study and (2) more able to communicate their needs during the design process

    New Concepts for Efficient Consumer Response in Retail Influenced by Emerging Technologies and Innovations

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    The retail industry is continuously confronted with new challenges and experiences a transformation from a supplier’s market to a buyer's market. It is, thus, essential for the retail industry to consequently focus on, anticipate and fulfil consumer’s demands. Technologies and innovative business solutions can help to support to establish a required customer experience and, thereby, gain a competitive advantage. A multitude of new services and products, channels as well as players can already be identified which drive the transformation. Therefore, retailers need to understand current trends and technologies and identify as well as implement relevant solutions for their transformation since otherwise, new players will dominate the market. Hence, this dissertation aims to review and analyse new technologies which are coupled with innovative business activities in order to provide customer-centric retailing. For this purpose, this dissertation consists of five articles and derives four major contributions which introduce different approaches to establishing consumer satisfaction. Firstly, a core technology for retail is artificial intelligence (AI) which can be meaningful applied along the entire value chain and improve retailers’ positions. Two focus areas have been identified in this context which are (i) the optimisation of the entire retail value chain with the help of AI with the aim to derive transparency and (ii) the improvement of consumer satisfaction and relationship. Secondly, focussing on the consumer-retailer relationship in the digital era, a concept with a data architecture is proposed based on a real use case. The outcome was that a specific customer orientation based on data can increase the brand value and sales volume. Thirdly, the work presents that new shopping concepts, named unmanned store concepts, gain continuous growth. Unmanned store concepts employ a variety of new technologies, are characterised by attributes of speed, ease, as well as comfort, and are deemed to be the new ideal of the expectations of modern buyers. Two different directions have been deeper analysed: (i) walk-in stores and (ii) automated vending machines. The critical success factors for the usage of unmanned store solutions are distance as well as high consumer affinity for innovations. In times of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has a huge impact on retail, a continuous innovation capability still needs to be established. Finally, this work introduces a tool for systematic innovation management considering the current circumstances. Taken as a whole, this dissertation with its five articles deals with significant research questions which have not been approached so far. Thereby, the literature is extended by the introduction of novel insights and the provision of a deeper understanding of how retailers can transform their business into a more consumer-oriented way

    Digital transformation and business model innovation : a multiple case study of retail chains in Germany

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    This thesis examines how the digital revolution has affected German grocery stores in particular and the country's retail sector as a whole. This study illuminates the connection between digital transformation and business model innovation in the retail industry using various qualitative research techniques, including expert interviews with Company A and Company B and a thorough literature analysis. The findings draw attention to the enabling elements, which include strong leadership commitment, successful change management, engagement with external partners, availability of resources and competencies, and a customer-centric emphasis. Legacy systems, talent shortages, poor IT infrastructure, and cultural barriers are a few of the reported difficulties. By evaluating these elements, the study offers valuable perceptions and suggestions for retail businesses seeking to negotiate the challenges and take advantage of the advantages of digital transformation and business model innovation. The study adds to the body of knowledge by providing actual data and case studies that deepen the comprehension of how business model innovation in the retail sector interacts with digital transformation. This thesis offers concrete solutions to improve operations and preserve competitiveness in the constantly changing consumer products industry. It is an invaluable resource for retail organizations looking to stimulate business model innovation and drive digital transformation.Esta tese analisa a forma como a revolução digital afectou as mercearias alemãs, em particular, e o sector retalhista do país como um todo. Este estudo ilustra a ligação entre a transformação digital e a inovação do modelo empresarial no sector do retalho, utilizando várias técnicas de investigação qualitativa, incluindo entrevistas a especialistas da Empresa A e da Empresa B e uma análise exaustiva da literatura. As conclusões chamam a atenção para os elementos facilitadores, que incluem um forte empenhamento da liderança, uma gestão da mudança bem sucedida, o envolvimento com parceiros externos, a disponibilidade de recursos e competências e uma ênfase centrada no cliente. Os sistemas herdados, a escassez de talentos, as deficientes infra-estruturas de TI e as barreiras culturais são algumas das dificuldades comunicadas. Ao avaliar estes elementos, o estudo oferece percepções e sugestões valiosas para as empresas de retalho que procuram enfrentar os desafios e tirar partido das vantagens da transformação digital e da inovação do modelo empresarial. O estudo contribui para o corpo de conhecimento ao fornecer dados reais e estudos de caso que aprofundam a compreensão de como a inovação do modelo de negócio no sector do retalho interage com a transformação digital. Esta tese oferece soluções concretas para melhorar as operações e preservar a competitividade na indústria de produtos de consumo em constante mudança. É um recurso inestimável para as organizações de retalho que procuram estimular a inovação do modelo empresarial e impulsionar a transformação digital

    Rethinking the Business Model with RFID

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an enabling technology that can provide organizations with unprecedented improved visibility and traceability of items throughout their journey in the value chain. This paper explores how RFID can impact traditional business models or create new ones. In particular, we propose an RFID business model framework and use it to show how value can be created for organizations, suppliers, customers, and business partners. We also identify the major dynamic phases of RFID and their corresponding impact on RFID business models. A taxonomy of 12 specific RFID business models is also presented, reflecting the wide spectrum of potential directions and applications of the technology. Finally, we present a case study to test the practical and theoretical relevance of our conceptual models. The paper outlines the need for technology managers to take a holistic approach to RFID business model innovation, taking into account the interrelated technical, strategic, organizational, and external environmental factors

    Strategies for Implementing Self-service Technologies in Supermarket Retail Operations

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    AbstractOrganization leaders who do not adopt self-service technology (SST) are at risk of failure. The adaptation of SST can aid leaders in the supermarket industry improve checkout operations, increase efficiency, and minimize customers’ waiting experiences, reducing the customers’ shopping satisfaction. Grounded in the disruptive innovation theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies supermarket managers use to adapt SST practices. The participants included six supermarket managers in Jackson County of Southern Illinois. Data were collected from face-to-face interviews with managers, company documentation, and observations. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Four themes emerged: cultural changes and technology, environmental dynamics, company capital and technical knowledge, and company policy and structures. Through effective and continuous training, managers and employees should ascertain how SST affects the store to benefit customers’ trust, loyalty, and sustainability. The implications for positive social change include overall customer satisfaction through speed, ease-of-use, control, reliability, and enjoyment of the service quality delivered by SST checkout. Other positive social change includes creating opportunities to adapt to SST practices and performance and increase both supermarkets’ profitability and tax revenues for surrounding communities

    Internet Marketing for Profit Organizations: A framework for the implementation of strategic internet marketing

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/828 on 13.03.2017 by CS (TIS)The development of the Internet has significantly changed the face of established markets and operation approaches across a tremendous spectrum of different industries. Within the competitive environment of those industries, the opportunities and risks derived from the new platform are so ubiquitous that unused opportunities quickly translate into potential risks. Those opportunities and risks demand for a structured approach how to implement a sustainable Internet marketing strategy that targets clear business objectives. Marketing and strategic management theory describes very clear structural principles towards their operational implementation. Based on those principles an extensive literature review has been conducted which confirms the result from representative statistics that demonstrate the lack of a comprehensive framework for strategic Internet marketing. The distinct result of this research is such a comprehensive framework which has been directly derived from the illustrated principles of strategic management and Internet marketing. All major components of this generic framework are designed, evaluated in dedicated surveys and validated in extensive case studies. The main achievements of the research are: • A comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art Internet marketing strategies • Conceptual specification of a strategic Internet marketing framework with generic applicability to profit organizations • Demonstration of the practical feasibility of the proposed framework at the implementation level (via several examples like the SIMTF and SIMPF) • Confirmation of the applicability of the framework based upon a survey of potential beneficiaries • Validation of the effectiveness of the approach via case study scenarios Changing the understanding of a former technical discipline, the thesis describes how Internet marketing becomes a precise strategic instrument for profit organizations. The new structured, complete and self-similar framework facilitates sales organizations to significantly increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their marketing operations. Furthermore, the framework ensures a high level of transparency about the impact and benefit of individual activities. The new model explicitly answers concerns and problems raised and documented in existing research and accommodate for the current limitations of strategic Internet marketing. The framework allows evaluating existing as well as future Internet marketing tactics and provides a reference model for all other definitions of objectives, KPI and work packages. Finally this thesis also matures the subject matter of Internet marketing as a discipline of independent scientific research providing an underlying structure for subsequent studies.Darmstadt Node of the CSCAN Network at University of Applied Sciences, Darmstad

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography (supplement 230)

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    This bibliography lists 563 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in August, 1988
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