46 research outputs found

    On Truthful Constrained Heterogeneous Facility Location with Max-Variant Cost

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    We consider a problem where agents have private positions on a line, and public approval preferences over two facilities, and their cost is the maximum distance from their approved facilities. The goal is to decide the facility locations to minimize the total and the max cost, while incentivizing the agents to be truthful. We design a strategyproof mechanism that is simultaneously 1111- and 55-approximate for these two objective functions, thus improving the previously best-known bounds of 2n+12n+1 and 99

    Heterogeneous Facility Location with Limited Resources

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    We initiate the study of the heterogeneous facility location problem with limited resources. We mainly focus on the fundamental case where a set of agents are positioned in the line segment [0,1] and have approval preferences over two available facilities. A mechanism takes as input the positions and the preferences of the agents, and chooses to locate a single facility based on this information. We study mechanisms that aim to maximize the social welfare (the total utility the agents derive from facilities they approve), under the constraint of incentivizing the agents to truthfully report their positions and preferences. We consider three different settings depending on the level of agent-related information that is public or private. For each setting, we design deterministic and randomized strategyproof mechanisms that achieve a good approximation of the optimal social welfare, and complement these with nearly-tight impossibility results

    Strategyproof Facility Location in Perturbation Stable Instances

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    We consider kk-Facility Location games, where nn strategic agents report their locations on the real line, and a mechanism maps them to k≥2k\ge 2 facilities. Each agent seeks to minimize her distance to the nearest facility. We are interested in (deterministic or randomized) strategyproof mechanisms without payments that achieve a reasonable approximation ratio to the optimal social cost of the agents. To circumvent the inapproximability of kk-Facility Location by deterministic strategyproof mechanisms, we restrict our attention to perturbation stable instances. An instance of kk-Facility Location on the line is γ\gamma-perturbation stable (or simply, γ\gamma-stable), for some γ≥1\gamma\ge 1, if the optimal agent clustering is not affected by moving any subset of consecutive agent locations closer to each other by a factor at most γ\gamma. We show that the optimal solution is strategyproof in (2+3)(2+\sqrt{3})-stable instances whose optimal solution does not include any singleton clusters, and that allocating the facility to the agent next to the rightmost one in each optimal cluster (or to the unique agent, for singleton clusters) is strategyproof and (n−2)/2(n-2)/2-approximate for 55-stable instances (even if their optimal solution includes singleton clusters). On the negative side, we show that for any k≥3k\ge 3 and any δ>0\delta > 0, there is no deterministic anonymous mechanism that achieves a bounded approximation ratio and is strategyproof in (2−δ)(\sqrt{2}-\delta)-stable instances. We also prove that allocating the facility to a random agent of each optimal cluster is strategyproof and 22-approximate in 55-stable instances. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the existence of deterministic (resp. randomized) strategyproof mechanisms with a bounded (resp. constant) approximation ratio is shown for a large and natural class of kk-Facility Location instances

    Facility Location Games with Ordinal Preferences

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    We consider a new setting of facility location games with ordinal preferences. In such a setting, we have a set of agents and a set of facilities. Each agent is located on a line and has an ordinal preference over the facilities. Our goal is to design strategyproof mechanisms that elicit truthful information (preferences and/or locations) from the agents and locate the facilities to minimize both maximum and total cost objectives as well as to maximize both minimum and total utility objectives. For the four possible objectives, we consider the 2-facility settings in which only preferences are private, or locations are private. For each possible combination of the objectives and settings, we provide lower and upper bounds on the approximation ratios of strategyproof mechanisms, which are asymptotically tight up to a constant. Finally, we discuss the generalization of our results beyond two facilities and when the agents can misreport both locations and preferences

    Heterogeneous Facility Location without Money

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    The study of the facility location problem in the presence of self-interested agents has recently emerged as the benchmark problem in the research on mechanism design without money. In the setting studied in the literature so far, agents are single-parameter in that their type is a single number encoding their position on a real line. We here initiate a more realistic model for several real-life scenarios. Specifically, we propose and analyze heterogeneous facility location without money, a novel model wherein: (i) we have multiple heterogeneous (i.e., serving different purposes) facilities, (ii) agents' locations are disclosed to the mechanism and (iii) agents bid for the set of facilities they are interested in (as opposed to bidding for their position on the network). We study the heterogeneous facility location problem under two different objective functions, namely: social cost (i.e., sum of all agents' costs) and maximum cost. For either objective function, we study the approximation ratio of both deterministic and randomized truthful algorithms under the simplifying assumption that the underlying network topology is a line. For the social cost objective function, we devise an (n-1)-approximate deterministic truthful mechanism and prove a constant approximation lower bound. Furthermore, we devise an optimal and truthful (in expectation) randomized algorithm. As regards the maximum cost objective function, we propose a 3-approximate deterministic strategyproof algorithm, and prove a 3/2 approximation lower bound for deterministic strategyproof mechanisms. Furthermore, we propose a 3/2-approximate randomized strategyproof algorithm and prove a 4/3 approximation lower bound for randomized strategyproof algorithms