435 research outputs found

    Synthesis of surveillance strategies via belief abstraction

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    We provide a novel framework for the synthesis of a controller for a robot with a surveillance objective, that is, the robot is required to maintain knowledge of the location of a moving, possibly adversarial target. We formulate this problem as a one-sided partial-information game in which the winning condition for the agent is specified as a temporal logic formula. The specification formalizes the surveillance requirement given by the user by quantifying and reasoning over the agent's beliefs about a target's location. We also incorporate additional non-surveillance tasks. In order to synthesize a surveillance strategy that meets the specification, we transform the partial-information game into a perfect-information one, using abstraction to mitigate the exponential blow-up typically incurred by such transformations. This transformation enables the use of off-the-shelf tools for reactive synthesis. We evaluate the proposed method on two case-studies, demonstrating its applicability to diverse surveillance requirements

    Reactive Control Improvisation

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    Reactive synthesis is a paradigm for automatically building correct-by-construction systems that interact with an unknown or adversarial environment. We study how to do reactive synthesis when part of the specification of the system is that its behavior should be random. Randomness can be useful, for example, in a network protocol fuzz tester whose output should be varied, or a planner for a surveillance robot whose route should be unpredictable. However, existing reactive synthesis techniques do not provide a way to ensure random behavior while maintaining functional correctness. Towards this end, we generalize the recently-proposed framework of control improvisation (CI) to add reactivity. The resulting framework of reactive control improvisation provides a natural way to integrate a randomness requirement with the usual functional specifications of reactive synthesis over a finite window. We theoretically characterize when such problems are realizable, and give a general method for solving them. For specifications given by reachability or safety games or by deterministic finite automata, our method yields a polynomial-time synthesis algorithm. For various other types of specifications including temporal logic formulas, we obtain a polynomial-space algorithm and prove matching PSPACE-hardness results. We show that all of these randomized variants of reactive synthesis are no harder in a complexity-theoretic sense than their non-randomized counterparts.Comment: 25 pages. Full version of a CAV 2018 pape

    Minimum Violation Control Synthesis on Cyber-Physical Systems under Attacks

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    Cyber-physical systems are conducting increasingly complex tasks, which are often modeled using formal languages such as temporal logic. The system's ability to perform the required tasks can be curtailed by malicious adversaries that mount intelligent attacks. At present, however, synthesis in the presence of such attacks has received limited research attention. In particular, the problem of synthesizing a controller when the required specifications cannot be satisfied completely due to adversarial attacks has not been studied. In this paper, we focus on the minimum violation control synthesis problem under linear temporal logic constraints of a stochastic finite state discrete-time system with the presence of an adversary. A minimum violation control strategy is one that satisfies the most important tasks defined by the user while violating the less important ones. We model the interaction between the controller and adversary using a concurrent Stackelberg game and present a nonlinear programming problem to formulate and solve for the optimal control policy. To reduce the computation effort, we develop a heuristic algorithm that solves the problem efficiently and demonstrate our proposed approach using a numerical case study

    A Dynamical System Approach for Resource-Constrained Mobile Robotics

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    The revolution of autonomous vehicles has led to the development of robots with abundant sensors, actuators with many degrees of freedom, high-performance computing capabilities, and high-speed communication devices. These robots use a large volume of information from sensors to solve diverse problems. However, this usually leads to a significant modeling burden as well as excessive cost and computational requirements. Furthermore, in some scenarios, sophisticated sensors may not work precisely, the real-time processing power of a robot may be inadequate, the communication among robots may be impeded by natural or adversarial conditions, or the actuation control in a robot may be insubstantial. In these cases, we have to rely on simple robots with limited sensing and actuation, minimal onboard processing, moderate communication, and insufficient memory capacity. This reality motivates us to model simple robots such as bouncing and underactuated robots making use of the dynamical system techniques. In this dissertation, we propose a four-pronged approach for solving tasks in resource-constrained scenarios: 1) Combinatorial filters for bouncing robot localization; 2) Bouncing robot navigation and coverage; 3) Stochastic multi-robot patrolling; and 4) Deployment and planning of underactuated aquatic robots. First, we present a global localization method for a bouncing robot equipped with only a clock and contact sensors. Space-efficient and finite automata-based combinatorial filters are synthesized to solve the localization task by determining the robot’s pose (position and orientation) in its environment. Second, we propose a solution for navigation and coverage tasks using single or multiple bouncing robots. The proposed solution finds a navigation plan for a single bouncing robot from the robot’s initial pose to its goal pose with limited sensing. Probabilistic paths from several policies of the robot are combined artfully so that the actual coverage distribution can become as close as possible to a target coverage distribution. A joint trajectory for multiple bouncing robots to visit all the locations of an environment is incrementally generated. Third, a scalable method is proposed to find stochastic strategies for multi-robot patrolling under an adversarial and communication-constrained environment. Then, we evaluate the vulnerability of our patrolling policies by finding the probability of capturing an adversary for a location in our proposed patrolling scenarios. Finally, a data-driven deployment and planning approach is presented for the underactuated aquatic robots called drifters that creates the generalized flow pattern of the water, develops a Markov-chain based motion model, and studies the long- term behavior of a marine environment from a flow point-of-view. In a broad summary, our dynamical system approach is a unique solution to typical robotic tasks and opens a new paradigm for the modeling of simple robotics system

    The robot routing problem for collecting aggregate stochastic rewards

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    We propose a new model for formalizing reward collection problems on graphs with dynamically generated rewards which may appear and disappear based on a stochastic model. The robot routing problem is modeled as a graph whose nodes are stochastic processes generating potential rewards over discrete time. The rewards are generated according to the stochastic process, but at each step, an existing reward disappears with a given probability. The edges in the graph encode the (unit-distance) paths between the rewards' locations. On visiting a node, the robot collects the accumulated reward at the node at that time, but traveling between the nodes takes time. The optimization question asks to compute an optimal (or epsilon-optimal) path that maximizes the expected collected rewards. We consider the finite and infinite-horizon robot routing problems. For finite-horizon, the goal is to maximize the total expected reward, while for infinite horizon we consider limit-average objectives. We study the computational and strategy complexity of these problems, establish NP-lower bounds and show that optimal strategies require memory in general. We also provide an algorithm for computing epsilon-optimal infinite paths for arbitrary epsilon > 0
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