325 research outputs found

    Plagiarism detection using information retrieval and similarity measures based on image processing techniques

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    This paper describes the Barcelona Media Innovation Center participation in the 2nd International Competition on Plagiarism Detection. Particularly, our system focused on the external plagiarism detection task, which assumes the source documents are available. We present a two-step a approach. In the first step of our method, we build an information retrieval system based on Solr/Lucene, segmenting both suspicious and source documents into smaller texts.We perform a search based on bag-of-words which provides a first selection of potentially plagiarized texts. In the second step, each promising pair is further investigated. We implemented a sliding window approach that computes cosine distances between overlapping text segments from both the source and suspicious documents on a pair wise basis. As a result, a similarity matrix between text segments is obtained, which is smoothed by means of low-pass 2-D filtering. From the smoothed similarity matrix, plagiarized segments are identified by using image processing techniques. Our results were placed in the middle of the official ranking, which considered together two types of plagiarism: intrinsic and external.Postprint (published version

    Experiments to investigate the utility of nearest neighbour metrics based on linguistically informed features for detecting textual plagiarism

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    Plagiarism detection is a challenge for linguistic models — most current implemented models use simple occurrence statistics for linguistic items. In this paper we report two experiments related to plagiarism detection where we use a model for distributional semantics and of sentence stylistics to compare sentence by sentence the likelihood of a text being partly plagiarised. The result of the comparison are displayed for visual inspection by a plagiarism assessor

    Plagiarism detection for Indonesian texts

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    As plagiarism becomes an increasing concern for Indonesian universities and research centers, the need of using automatic plagiarism checker is becoming more real. However, researches on Plagiarism Detection Systems (PDS) in Indonesian documents have not been well developed, since most of them deal with detecting duplicate or near-duplicate documents, have not addressed the problem of retrieving source documents, or show tendency to measure document similarity globally. Therefore, systems resulted from these researches are incapable of referring to exact locations of ``similar passage'' pairs. Besides, there has been no public and standard corpora available to evaluate PDS in Indonesian texts. To address the weaknesses of former researches, this thesis develops a plagiarism detection system which executes various methods of plagiarism detection stages in a workflow system. In retrieval stage, a novel document feature coined as phraseword is introduced and executed along with word unigram and character n-grams to address the problem of retrieving source documents, whose contents are copied partially or obfuscated in a suspicious document. The detection stage, which exploits a two-step paragraph-based comparison, is aimed to address the problems of detecting and locating source-obfuscated passage pairs. The seeds for matching source-obfuscated passage pairs are based on locally-weighted significant terms to capture paraphrased and summarized passages. In addition to this system, an evaluation corpus was created through simulation by human writers, and by algorithmic random generation. Using this corpus, the performance evaluation of the proposed methods was performed in three scenarios. On the first scenario which evaluated source retrieval performance, some methods using phraseword and token features were able to achieve the optimum recall rate 1. On the second scenario which evaluated detection performance, our system was compared to Alvi's algorithm and evaluated in 4 levels of measures: character, passage, document, and cases. The experiment results showed that methods resulted from using token as seeds have higher scores than Alvi's algorithm in all 4 levels of measures both in artificial and simulated plagiarism cases. In case detection, our systems outperform Alvi's algorithm in recognizing copied, shaked, and paraphrased passages. However, Alvi's recognition rate on summarized passage is insignificantly higher than our system. The same tendency of experiment results were demonstrated on the third experiment scenario, only the precision rates of Alvi's algorithm in character and paragraph levels are higher than our system. The higher Plagdet scores produced by some methods in our system than Alvi's scores show that this study has fulfilled its objective in implementing a competitive state-of-the-art algorithm for detecting plagiarism in Indonesian texts. Being run at our test document corpus, Alvi's highest scores of recall, precision, Plagdet, and detection rate on no-plagiarism cases correspond to its scores when it was tested on PAN'14 corpus. Thus, this study has contributed in creating a standard evaluation corpus for assessing PDS for Indonesian documents. Besides, this study contributes in a source retrieval algorithm which introduces phrasewords as document features, and a paragraph-based text alignment algorithm which relies on two different strategies. One of them is to apply local-word weighting used in text summarization field to select seeds for both discriminating paragraph pair candidates and matching process. The proposed detection algorithm results in almost no multiple detection. This contributes to the strength of this algorithm

    Textual and structural approaches to detecting figure plagiarism in scientific publications

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    The figures play important role in disseminating important ideas and findings which enable the readers to understand the details of the work. The part of figures in understanding the details of the documents increase more use of them, which have led to a serious problem of taking other peoples’ figures without giving credit to the source. Although significant efforts have been made in developing methods for estimating pairwise diagram figure similarity, there are little attentions found in the research community to detect any of the instances of figure plagiarism such as manipulating figures by changing the structure of the figure, inserting, deleting and substituting the components or when the text content is manipulated. To address this gap, this project compares theeffectiveness of the textual and structural representations of techniques to support the figure plagiarism detection. In addition to these two representations, the textual comparison method is designed to match the figure contents based on a word-gram representation using the Jaccard similarity measure, while the structural comparison method is designed to compare the text within the components as well as the relationship between the components of the figures using graph edit distance measure. These techniques are experimentally evaluated across the seven instances of figure plagiarism, in terms of their similarity values and the precision and recall metrics. The experimental results show that the structural representation of figures slightly outperformed the textual representation in detecting all the instances of the figure plagiarism

    Overview of the 2nd international competition on plagiarism detection

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    This paper overviews 18 plagiarism detectors that have been developed and evaluated within PAN'10. We start with a unified retrieval process that summarizes the best practices employed this year. Then, the detectors' performances are evaluated in detail, highlighting several important aspects of plagiarism detection, such as obfuscation, intrinsic vs. external plagiarism, and plagiarism case length. Finally, all results are compared to those of last year's competition

    Machine Learning Approaches on External Plagiarism Detection

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    External plagiarism detection is a technique that refers to the comparison between suspicious document and different sources. External plagiarism models are generally preceded by candidate document retrieval and further analysis and then performed to determine the plagiarism occurring. Currently most of the external plagiarism detection is using similarity measurement approaches that are expressed by a pair of sentences or phrase considered similar. Similarity techniques approach is more easily understood using a formula which compares term or token between the two documents. In contrast to the approach of machine learning techniques which refer to the pattern matching and cannot directly comparing token or term between two documents. This paper proposes some machine learning techniques such as k-nearest neighbors (KNN), support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural network (ANN) for external plagiarism detection and comparing the result with Cosine similarity measurement approach. This paper presented density based that normalized by frequency as the pattern. The result showed that all machine learning approach used in this experiment has better performance in term of accuracy, precision and recall

    Software Plagiarism Detection Using N-grams

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    Plagiarism is an act of copying where one doesn’t rightfully credit the original source. The motivations behind plagiarism can vary from completing academic courses to even gaining economical advantage. Plagiarism exists in various domains, where people want to take credit from something they have worked on. These areas can include e.g. literature, art or software, which all have a meaning for an authorship. In this thesis we conduct a systematic literature review from the topic of source code plagiarism detection methods, then based on the literature propose a new approach to detect plagiarism which combines both similarity detection and authorship identification, introduce our tokenization method for the source code, and lastly evaluate the model by using real life data sets. The goal for our model is to point out possible plagiarism from a collection of documents, which in this thesis is specified as a collection of source code files written by various authors. Our data, which we will use to our statistical methods, consists of three datasets: (1) collection of documents belonging to University of Helsinki’s first programming course, (2) collection of documents belonging to University of Helsinki’s advanced programming course and (3) submissions for source code re-use competition. Statistical methods in this thesis are inspired by the theory of search engines, which are related to data mining when detecting similarity between documents and machine learning when classifying document with the most likely author in authorship identification. Results show that our similarity detection model can be used successfully to retrieve documents for further plagiarism inspection, but false positives are quickly introduced even when using a high threshold that controls the minimum allowed level of similarity between documents. We were unable to use the results of authorship identification in our study, as the results with our machine learning model were not high enough to be used sensibly. This was possibly caused by the high similarity between documents, which is due to the restricted tasks and the course setting that teaches a specific programming style during the timespan of the course