46 research outputs found

    El proceso de aprendizaje en cultura de la cuarta revolución industrial 4.0 (4IR)

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    This study is focus to emergence of a new technology known as ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’ or the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has led to the current development of technology that predicts 50 billion electronic devices will interact with each other. Meeting the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, all students at the Institute of Higher Education (IPT) need to be prepared with this new era. Accordingly, a study was conducted on 30 students of the Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FTSM) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in Bangi, Selangor. This study aims to identify the level of knowledge, willingness and skills among students to pursue the Challenge of Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research is a descriptive study which use Likert scale. The data was analyzed using SPSS software. The findings show that the students’ knowledge level towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is at a moderate level. Meanwhile, the study also found that student readiness was at moderate level. The findings also found that the skills level towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is at a moderate level. Researchers suggest that students should focus on maintaining the identity, sustainability of the mind, culture and the identity of students in the face of the new National Development and Transformation Plan 2050. Students need to get out of the habit and master the 4C elements of Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity.Este está studio enfocado al surgimiento de una nueva tecnología conocida como ‘La Cuarta Revolución Industrial’ o la Revolución Industrial 4.0 ha llevado al desarrollo actual de tecnología que predice que 50 mil millones de dispositivos electrónicos interactuarán entre sí. Al enfrentar los desafíos de la Revolución Industrial 4.0, todos los estudiantes del Instituto de Educación Superior (IPT) deben estar preparados para esta nueva era. En consecuencia, se realizó un estudio en 30 estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información y Tecnología (FTSM) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) en Bangi, Selangor. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar el nivel de conocimiento, disposición y habilidades entre los estudiantes para perseguir el Desafío de la Revolución Industrial 4.0. Esta investigación es un estudio descriptivo que utiliza la escala Likert. Los datos se analizaron utilizando el software SPSS. Los resultados muestran que el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes hacia la Revolución Industrial 4.0 está en un nivel moderado. Mientras tanto, el estudio también encontró que la preparación de los estudiantes estaba en un nivel moderado. Los resultados también encontraron que el nivel de habilidades hacia la Revolución Industrial 4.0 está en un nivel moderado. Los investigadores sugieren que los estudiantes deben centrarse en mantener la identidad, la sostenibilidad de la mente, la cultura y la identidad de los estudiantes frente al nuevo Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y Transformación 2050. Los estudiantes deben salir del hábito y dominar los elementos 4C de Critical Pensamiento y resolución de problemas, comunicación, colaboración y creatividad


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    The purpose of this research is to test the effect of self-efficacy, training, wages and reward satisfaction to the driver’s job performance working in Indonesia’s online transportation. Measurement tool used in this research was the questionnaire given to 150 respondents who are working in Indonesia’s online transportation company. The data analysis used is the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The result shows that self-efficacy, training, wages and reward satisfaction has positive impact on job performance. This finding provides practical implications to companies in the 4.0 industry especially online transportation in Indonesia, to enhance the quality of training, self-efficacy, wages and reward satisfaction so that the driver’s performance becoming better and has positive impact to the company

    Effects of industry 4.0 on marketing strategies, an application on Turkish automobile industry: a research among auto executives in Turkey

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    Purpose - The study investigates the effects of Industry 4.0 on automobile marketing strategy in Turkey. It attempts to show whether a significant relationship among Industry 4.0 and market growth and cost reduction of auto brands in Turkey via IoT (Internet of Things). Methodology – The study employed 37 automobile brands as sample from Turkey. 61 participants have responded the questionnaire. The research method utilized in the study was analyzed by sampling using the questionnaire as a data collection tool. Findings - First, supported a summary of Industry 4.0 and auto marketing, it was found out the conception and behavior changes in several sorts of automobile brands, awakening stakeholders to the transforming forces that are reshaping their business and organization. Second, these quite reshaping organization changes marketing strategy deeply. The usage rate of digital channels has increased positively in automobile marketing strategies. Third, the usage rate of one-to-one marketing has increased positively in automobile marketing. And, the number of dealerships has affected negatively such a way that transforming sales points to delivery points. It is understood that government policies and sales points have a significant effect on market size. Conclusion - The study contains valuable information and managerial implications for marketing professionals who want to implement different marketing strategies in the enlightening of Industry 4.0. First, supported a summary of Industry 4.0 and automobile marketing, it was found out the conception and behavior changes in severalsorts of automobile brands, awakening stakeholdersto the transforming forcesthat are reshaping their business and organization. Second, these quite reshaping organization changes marketing strategy deeply.Publisher's Versio

    FASTEN: An IoT platform for Supply Chain Management in a Covid-19 Pandemic Scenario

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    This paper points out the major disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It proposes an automated Internet-of-Things (IoT) based manufacturing and supply chain system, termed FASTEN, that can deal with such severe disruptions

    Empirical Implementation of Industry 4.0 Model among Malaysian and Nigerian SMEs

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    The primary objective of this study is to examine the factors that influence the implementation of Industry 4.0 among Malaysian and Nigerian Small and Medium Enterprises. The Questionnaires were distributed to SMEs operators in both countries while analysis was done with 74 and 95 responses from Malaysia and Nigeria respectively using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM 3). Based on the findings from Malaysian data, information access, cost reduction, and efforts coordination significantly and positively influence the implementation of IR 4.0 while reluctance behaviour is not significant. For Nigerian data, information access, reluctance behaviour and effort coordination significantly and positively influence implementation of Industry 4.0 while effort coordination is not significant. The implications for both academia, practitioners, and policy makers are highlighted


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti kondisi daya saing industri kapal perang Indonesia dalam persaingan industri kapal perang di ASEAN dan Asia Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian etnografi observasi partisipan, dengan fokus penelitian di PT PAL Indonesia, sementara data primer lainnya diperoleh dari Kemhan RI, Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan RI (KKIP), Staf Logistik TNI AL, Dinas Pengadaan TNI AL dan Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) Korea Selatan. Kebaruan dari penelitian ini didasarkan pada kondisi daya saing industri kapal perang Indonesia, yang masih belum mampu untuk bersaing dengan industri yang sama di tingkat global, dan dari beberapa literatur yang dijadikan sebagai referensi belum ditemukan adanya penelitian yang meneliti tentang kondisi daya saing industri kapal perang di Indonesia dengan menggunakan Porter Diamond Model. Oleh karena itu yang menjadi state of the art penelitian ini adalah, adanya peluang bagi peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian tentang kondisi daya saing industri perkapalan yang memproduksi kapal-kapal perang di Indonesia dengan menggunakan Porter Diamond Model. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan Porter Diamond Model menunjukkan bahwa keunggulan kompetitif industri kapal perang Indonesia masih cukup rendah, kapal perang yang diproduksi industri Indonesia hampir seluruhnya hanya untuk konsumsi lokal. Meskipun kapal perang tersebut banyak yang digunakan oleh TNI AL, bukan karena kualitasnya telah sepenuhnya memenuhi kualifikasi dan spesifikasi yang ditetapkan oleh pengguna kapal perang (TNI AL), tetapi karena kebijakan pemerintah yang mewajibkan pengguna untuk lebih mengutamakan penggunaan kapal perang produksi dalam negeri. Di pasar regional dan global, kapal perang Indonesia masih belum banyak dikenal dan kalah bersaing. Di pasar internasional, Indonesia baru bisa mengekspor kapal perang jenis Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) ke Filipina dan menandatangani kontrak pengadaan Landing Platform Dock (LPD) dengan Pemerintah Filipina dan Pemerintah Uni Emirat Arab. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disarankan sebuah Model Untuk Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri Kapal Perang Indonesia yang Berdasarkan Porter Diamond Model, dan beberapa rekomendasi kepada pemerintah Indonesia, industri kapal perang dan pemangku kepentingan terkait untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif industri kapal perang Indonesia. ********* The objective of this research is to examine the competitiveness of the Indonesian warship industry in the warship industry competition in ASEAN and East Asia. This research is an ethnographic participant observation research, and the research was focused at PT PAL Indonesia, while other primary data was obtained from the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, the Indonesian Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP), the Logistics Staff of the Indonesian Navy, the Indonesian Navy Procurement Service and South Korea Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME). The novelty of this research is based on the condition of the competitiveness of the Indonesian warship industry, which is still unable to compete with the same industry at the global level, and from several literatures used as references no research has been found that examines the condition of the competitiveness of the warship industry in Indonesia using the Porter Diamond Model. Therefore, the state of the art in this research is there is an opportunity for researchers to conduct research on the condition of the competitiveness of the Indonesian warship industry using the Porter Diamond Model. The results of the research shows that the competitive advantage of the Indonesian warship industry is still quite low, the warships produced by the Indonesian industry are almost entirely for local consumption. Even though these warships are used by the Indonesian Navy, it is not because their quality fully meets the qualifications and specifications set by warship users (Indonesian Navy), but because of government’s policy which requires users to prioritize the use of domestically produced warships. In regional and global markets, Indonesian warships are still not widely known and unable to compete. In the international market, Indonesia has only been able to export Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) to the Philippines and signed contracts for the procurement of Landing Platform Dock (LPD) with the Government of the Philippines and the Government of the United Arab Emirates. From the research results, a Model for Increasing the Competitiveness of the Indonesian Warship Industry Based on the Porter Diamond Model can be suggested, and also several recommendations to the Indonesian government and related stakeholders to increase the competitive advantage of the Indonesian warship industry


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    Plant Performance Operations and Financial Tracking (PROFIT) mobile application is an effort by Pertamina, an Indonesian State-owned Enterprise that runs an integrated core business at oil, gas, and renewable energy, to implement an integrative strategic information system (SIS). PROFIT aims to provide information among employees, to monitor the performances of the refinery, facilitate communication and coordination of work activities among employees, and support the budgeting process at several projects initiated. This study examines the effect of the PROFIT mobile application as an integrated information system on employee performance. The results show that PROFIT Apps as SIS, is a positive and significant variable in the performance of the Process Engineering of Pertamina Refinery Unit III Plaju’s Employees. The samples used in the study were Process Engineering of Pertamina Refinery Unit III Plaju’s Employees. Data collection methods use questionnaires and data processing techniques used through multiple linear regression analysis. This research could contribute ideas and scientific study materials for PT. Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit III and other company management in setting policies related to development of SIS as integrative information systems as an effort to influence corporate strategy and performance positively. Keywords: corporate performance; mobile application; refinery performance; strategic information system

    Stuck in Pilot Purgatory: Understanding and Addressing the Current Challenges of Industrial IoT in Manufacturing

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    The Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) is one of the most hyped concepts embedded in the Industry 4.0 paradigm. IIoT can provide a multitude of benefits to firms, such as enhanced productivity and better insight into company operations. Despite these benefits, manufacturing companies are considerably struggling to realize the potential of IIoT. Several consulting companies, such as McKinsey and Deloitte, coined the term “pilot purgatory” to define the state of being in which most IIoT projects get stuck. Based on a series of interviews with 12 experts in the field, this study identifies and addresses IIoT-specific challenges in manufacturing. Our study provides two main contributions. First, our analysis provides a broad, practice-based overview of IIoT challenges by considering both the technological, organizational and environmental contexts of manufacturing firms, following the TOE framework as a theoretical lens to structure the results. Second, we derive specific management guidelines for each of the identified challenges

    Digital Transformation of the Italian and US Automotive Supply Chains: Evidence from Survey Data

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    We provide results from a detailed survey of automation and digitization in firms in the automotive sectors in the United States and Italy. In both countries, we find evidence of heterogeneity of organizational architectures—some firms organize around a “Taylorist” approach and others around a pragmatic approach. We find some notable differences in the adoption and use of new technologies, particularly robots. In the US, robots are considered an effective tool to address skill shortage, but not as much in Italy. This is partly explained by the fact that in the US finding workers who possess the desired skills is seen as a major challenge. Italian firms attribute to robots a higher impact on improving safety conditions in the shop floor. This might explain why Italian firms have adopted more technologies for parts tracking, given they are frequently used to trace all the production processes to guarantee product safety. Overall, firms in both countries appear more likely to adopt robots to increase quality rather than to reduce unit and labor costs. Despite technology adoption is underway (though more in the US), we found that companies in both countries (especially in US) are not automating data collection suggesting that firms are not utilizing the new automation and digitization technologies to their fullest extent but in the “old” way