165 research outputs found

    Can Enterprise Architecture Be Based on the Business Strategy?

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    Enterprise architecture (EA) is a set of documents describing various aspects of an organization from an integrated business and IT perspective. EA facilitates information systems planning and helps improve business and IT alignment. Traditionally, the concept of EA was closely coupled with the business strategy and mainstream EA methodologies recommend starting the EA effort from documenting the business strategy and then using it as the basis for defining the required structure of information systems. This conceptual paper discusses in detail four practical problems with the business strategy that question its value as the basis for EA initiatives. The presence of these problems challenges one of the most cherished beliefs or even axioms of the EA discipline: that EA should be based on the business strategy. This paper raises a number of questions regarding the information inputs necessary for the EA effort and calls for further research in respective directions

    Development of an Enterprise Architecture for Healthcare using TOGAF ADM

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    Hospital is one of the most complex organization with highly intensive interaction between stakeholders (patients, nurses, doctors, staff, etc.). In the operation of a hospital, the use of Information technology has been proven to improve effectiveness and efficiency. However, in the majority of cases, the processes to achieve the Strategic Objectives through implementation of Information Technology are full of challenges. Based on the case study in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, there are many symptoms that are identified by this study and lead to 4 issues, namely: lack of ownership from Business users, lack of alignment between business strategy and IT strategy, lack of awareness to use IT as a tool for competitive advantage, and low quality of IT operation performances. In order to solve the issues and support the achievement of Strategic Business Objective through IT, an Enterprise Architecture approach can be used to develop baseline architecture, identify the target architecture, finding the gap, and use the gap as recommendation to solve those issues. The methodology chosen is TOGAF ADM, based on its focus on processes and its flexibility to combine artifacts and approaches that are most suitable for the case. This study develops 7 recommendations to Strengthen Business area of organization, 5 recommendations to Align IT plan with Business Strategy, 16 recommendations to Implement several IT solutions as Competitive Advantage for organization, and 8 recommendations to provide higher performances by enabling Service Management approach for IT Operation. This study also shows how TOGAF ADM can improve the awareness of the business users to the business itself. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01278 Full Text: PD

    A Measurement Instrument for Enterprise Architecture Resilience Research: A Pilot Study on Digital Transformation

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    Enterprise Architecture can contribute positively to enterprise resilience. In this connected dynamic world Enterprise Architecture Resilience is an emergent area of Information Systems research that is characterized through an abundance of conceptual work with little empirical research. To fill this gap, this paper reports on the development and validation of an instrument to measure various resilience attributes and barriers in context to digital transformation in organizations. We advance an extended model for a multi-stage measurement instrument development procedure, which incorporates feedback from both academics and practitioners. We identify two main contributions: First, we provide a validated measurement instrument for the study of Enterprise Architecture Resilience factors in context to digital transformation in organizations, which can be used to assist in further empirical studies that investigate phenomena associated with the enterprise architecture domain. Second, in doing so, we describe in detail a procedural model for developing measurement instruments that ensure high levels of reliability and validity, which may assist fellow scholars in executing their empirical research

    Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Informasi /Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Kerangka The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Achitecture Development Method (ADM)

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    Abstrak Suatu Pemerintahan yang baik atau ideal harus didukung dengan teknologi informasi pemerintahan yang baik pula. Pemerintahan di Sulawesi Tengah sudah mengimplementasikan sistem informasi/teknologi informasi (IS/IT) disetiap proses bisnisnya, tetapi disana tidak terdapat proses perencanaan strategi untuk IS/IT. Dengan menggunakan IS/IT sebagai perencanaan strategi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keuntungan dari sebuah organisasi. Metode yang digunakan di IS/IT sebagai perencanaan strategi untuk pemerintahan di Sulawesi Tengah ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM). TOGAF ADM mengandung tahapan yang dapat membuat design of Enterprise Architecture (EA) untuk suatu organisasi sebelum organisasi tersebut masuk ke dalam pengimplementasian IS/IT. Adapun output yang dihasilkan dari tahapan TOGAF ADM ini akan menghasilkan Enterprise Architecture (EA) yang dapat digunakan sebagai petunjuk oleh Pemerintahan Sulawesi Tengah dalam rangka mencapai strategi sasaran hasil organisasi. Kata kunci : Perencanaan Strategi, Sistem Informasi, Teknologi informasi, TOGAF ADM, Enterprise Architecture, Proses Bisni


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    Purpose:Using a conceptual framework of Sledgianowski and Luftman (2001), this paper empirically investigates how Japanese SMEs view their Strategy Alignment Maturity, Short-term Linkage, and Organizational Performance. The author examines a theoretical framework for assessing strategic alignment maturity by using a survey data of Japanese small and medium companies. The relationship between strategic alignment maturity and the mutual understanding of business and IT objectives between business and IT executives is analyzed. Methodology: The methodology of this study is quantitative. Three hundred fifty-four (354) Japanese firm-level data collected have beenanalyzed using structural equation modeling. Main Findings:The results show that factors associated with IT-Business Alignment Maturityof Japanese SMEs are statistically significantly positively related to organizational performance. However, those are statistically significantly negatively related to Short-term Linkage.Although the linkage of information system plans with organizational objectives (business plans) are positively related, this study implies that the linkage of information systems and each factor of IT–Business Alignment Maturity is rather weakas previous empirical literature suggested. Applications:This study can be applied to the firm-level analyses where IT-Business Alignment Maturity and Short-term Linkage are in issue. Novelty/Originality:The author examines the relationship between strategic alignment maturity and organizational performance by using a survey data of Japanese small and medium companies


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    Implementasi dan pemanfaatan SI/TI pada perguruan tinggi dapat mendorong perubahan institusi kearah yang lebih kompetitif. Dalam perencanaan SI/TI diperlukan suatu Enterprise Architecture (EA) sehingga diharapkan dapat mengelola sistem yang kompleks dan dapat menyelaraskan strategi SI/TI ,  strategi bisnis serta visi, misi dan tujuan institusi . TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) adalah salah satu metode enterprise architecture yang lengkap dimana tahapan-tahapannya dapat disesuaikan dengan rencana dan kebutuhan bisnis perguruan tinggi. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini yaitu suatu usulan model enterprise arsitektur perencanaan strategis SI/TI yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan bisnis perguruan tinggi Universitas Pasifik Morotai. Kata kunci :Perencanaan Strategis SI/TI,  Enterprise Architectur (EA), TOGAF


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, pada industri IT terdapat potensi yang sangat besar dan dapat dilihat dari perkembangan tahun ke tahun akan banyaknya perusahaan yang membutuhkan adanya penerapan teknologi aplikasi. PT Primalogic Global Teknologi perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang industri IT. Pada PT Primalogic Global Teknologi terdapat project manager yang memiliki peran penting dalam suatu kesuksesan proyek pembuatan aplikasi. Dengan adanya penerapan Enterprise Architecture (EA) diharapkan project manager di PT Primalogic Global teknologi mendapatkan suatu solusi yang tepat dalam pengembangan bisnisnya untuk dapat lebih baik kedepannya. Dalam pengimplementasian Enterprise Architecture (EA) mebutuhkan suatu kerangka kerja (framework) yang dapat digunakan dalam melakukan perancangan maupun pengembangan untuk EA tersebut. Untuk dapat mewujudkan perubahan yang mendukung kebutuhan bisnis pada project manager di PT Primalogic Global Teknologi, diperlukannya suatu kerangka kerja TOGAF ADM. Terdapat beberapa tahapan dalam pengimplementasian Enterprise Architecture (EA) pada project manager di PT Primalogic Global Teknologi menggunakan togaf ADM dimulai dengan fase Preliminary, A Architecture Vision, B Business Architecture, D Technology Architecture dengan artifact yang dapat menyesuaikan dengan kondisi project manager diperusahaan karena memiliki hak akses yang berbeda dan pola kerja yang berbeda sehingga artifact technology yang dibuat meyesuaikan dengan kondisi project manager di PT Primalogic Global teknologi, dan E Opportunities and Solutions phase. Hasil dari pengimplemetasian Enterprise Architecture akan digunakan sebagai acuan dalam mengembangkan bisnis dan teknologi yang menunjang bisnis pada project manager di PT Primalogic Global Teknologi. Kata kunci : Enterprise Architecture, Project manager, dan TOGAF AD

    Compliance management among co-opeting actors

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    This study obtains a set of guidelines with which IS designers can achieve regulatory compliance with data retention requirements. Previous work has explored how to assess compliance threats and to visualize the outcome of policies enforcement but has failed to address how regulatory compliance involves multiple agents seeking to optimize their individual payoffs. We propose a typology that acknowledges in the enterprise business model the return on investment of agents affected by the new controls. Such agents are assumed to be co-opeting, i.e. they gain by cooperating, even if they have different goals. Grounded in control theory and the technology acceptance model, our conceptual design and its implementation represent an economically viable way to align business, legal and IT requirements concerning regulatory compliance with data retention requirements

    Economic Restructuring and the European Monetary Union

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    The Islami information technology strategic planning model

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    This study's main objective is to develop a strategic planning model in Islami's information technology field. This objective is based on the study results that public organizations lack a strategic planning process and still experience a high percentage of failures. This failure was due to a lack of attention to human and organizational social factors in the strategic planning process. The study method is mix-method by a research and development approach. Source of data is primer. The data collection technique used a survey and focus group discussion. The instrument is researchers themselves and questionnaire. The stages of the study include literature review, analysis of the ITSP model, design of the ITSP model draft, FGD group discussion and revision of the information ITSP model draft, and testing and approval of the ITSP model. Data analysis using qualitative and quantitative analysis approaches. The finding is that people involved in Islamic universities are more respectful of more Islamic statements and promote Islamic values. The development results of the model consists are five stages, namely developing ideas, determining the direction, assessment and analysis, determining strategic decisions, and implementation plan. Each stage is controlled by Islamic principles and values