19 research outputs found

    Medical Staff Services Quality to Patients Satisfaction Based on SERVQUAL Dimensions

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    Hospital service quality was a degree of discrepancy between patients\u27 perceptions and their expectations about hospitals services. Service quality which was provided by medical staff emphasizes the actual hospital service process. In the hospital, patients\u27 satisfaction could be widely used to determine hospital service quality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of medical staff services quality on patients satisfaction based on SERVQUAL dimensions. This study used an analytic observational design with cross-sectional approach. There were 314 respondents taken from inpatients hospital admission using simple random sampling. Based on regression analysis results, five dimensions of health services quality affect patients\u27 level of satisfaction and obtained the equation of Y = 0.026 + 0.226X1 + 0.332X2 + 0.1X3 + 0.075X4 + 0.235X5, this explained that patients\u27 satisfaction was affected by all dimensions of health service quality (RATER) simultaneously. However, different values will be obtained if all dimensions were measured separately, range from 10% to 33.2%. It could be concluded that patients\u27 satisfaction were influenced by the quality of medical staff services through its five components: reliability, assurance, tangible, empathy and responsiveness

    Manajemen pada Unit Mutu Pelayanan Medik di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Grhasia

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    Medical services aim to ensure optimal successful healing of clinical symptoms experienced by patients. The medical services provided should be in accordance with applicable regulations and must also be accountable in accordance with the standards of each profession. The quality of the medical services provided depends on the efforts of the doctor/specialist in maintaining their expertise as much as possible. In maintaining quality, professional quality review and control efforts are carried out. Purpose: This study aims to understand the description of human resource input, management functions in the medical development unit, and the description of service output in the medical development unit. Methods: This research is qualitative research with The data collection methods used were observation and interviews. Observations were carried out by observing every activity at the Grhasia Yogyakarta Mental Hospital, especially in the Medical Service Quality Unit. Results: the human resources input section does not meet the criteria for field graduates, the budget is sufficient, service standards are always updated, the management process is integrated with other units, and service quality is improved as an output of quality management. Conclusion: The medical service quality management process and management output have gone well according to plan, while management resource input needs to continue to improve the quality of human resources

    Pemetaan Proses Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi (TI) Pada Rumah Sakit Swasta Tipe D Menggunakan Framework COBIT 5 (Studi Kasus : RS. ABC Jombang)

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    Kesehatan merupakan salah satu sector kehidupan yang tidak luput dari pengaruh perkembangan TI. Hampir diseluruh dunia telah menerapkan TI sebagai bentuk komitmen dunia dalam mendukung pelayanan kesehatan. Di Indonesia salah satu rumah sakit yang mengimplementasikan TI adalah RS ABC Jombang. Namun dalam penerapan TI yang baik harus di dukung juga dengan Tata kelola TI yang baik. Agar Penerapan TI dapat menghasilkan nilai-nilai yang mendukung visi misi serta tujuan organisasi.Dibalik manfaatnya, Tata Kelola TI ternyata menjadi permasalahan yang di alami oleh RS ABC Jombang. Hingga saat ini RS ABC Jombang belum dapat melakukan Tata Kelola TI yang maksimal. Sehingga visi misi serta  tujuan dari RS ABC Jombang belum dapat berseinergi dengan  TI yang ada saat ini. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu RS ABC Jombang melakukan Tata Kelola TI menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT5 agar TI yang diterapkan organisasi dapat selaras dengan visi misi rumah sakit. Selanjutnya Hasil pemetaan Tata Kelola TI di dapatkan 35 proses yang dapat dilakukan oleh RS ABC Jombang. Di dalam setiap proses terdapat subproses dan aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan TI. Sehingga hasil dari pemetaan ini diharapkan dapat membantu RS ABC Jombang dalam melakukan pengelolaan TI

    Peningkatan Penghasilan dan Pelayanan Prima Melalui Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pengemudi Online

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    Kemampuan berbahasa asing tidak hanya menjadi syarat untuk pegawai perusahaan multi- nasional tapi juga pengemudi transportasi online. Contohnya, Gojek yang sekarang ini tengah menggalakkan mahir berbahasa Inggris ke mitra pengemudi. Tim pengabdi Universitas Langlangbuana merancang sebuah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pelatihan bahasa Inggris bagi para pengemudi online.Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan ini bertujuan agar meningkatkan penghasilan dan pelayanan prima para pengemudi online melalui pengusaan bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan pelatihan yang dirancang oleh tim pengabdi Universitas Langlangbuana disambut baik dan entusias oleh koordinator pengemudi online dan juga oleh perwakilan pengemudi. Berdasarkan pengamatan dan juga setelah melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk para pengemudi online, dapat ditarik simpulan bahwa: telah para pengemudi online telah memahami materi yang telah diberikan dan merasa bahwa pelatihan ini bermanfaat untuk mereka; dan para pengemudi online mendapat buku saku yang dapat mereka gunakan ketika diperluka

    Persepsi Pasien tentang Kualitas Layanan Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap Kelas III Rumah Sakit

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    Background: The higher quality of hospital services will cause customers to have a high level of satisfaction and behavior. The purpose of the study was to analyze the quality of hospital inpatient services. Method: The survey research method used cross-sectional design. The sample of this study was 172 third class inpatients in PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital determined by consecutive sampling. Results: The results of study showed that patients' perceptions about the quality of inpatient services were mostly good on all dimensions (58%), most patients feel satisfied (63%). Conclusion: Education is significantly related to patients' perceptions of the quality of the hospital inpatient services. The experience of patients being treated in hospital is significantly related to inpatient satisfaction. Patients' perceptions of the quality of hospital inpatient services are significantly related to patient satisfaction. The quality dimension that needs to be improved is empathy, while the best is reliability

    Assessing the Relative Performance of Nurses Using Data Envelopment Analysis Matrix (DEAM)

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    Assessing employee performance is one of the most important issue in healthcare management services. Because of their direct relationship with patients, nurses are also the most influential hospital staff who play a vital role in providing healthcare services. In this paper, a novel Data Envelopment Analysis Matrix (DEAM) approach is proposed for assessing the performance of nurses based on relative efficiency. The proposed model consists of five input variables (including type of employment, work experience, training hours, working hours and overtime hours) and eight output variables (the outputs are amount of hours each nurse spend on each of the eight activities including documentation, medical instructions, wound care and patient drainage, laboratory sampling, assessment and control care, follow-up and counseling and para-clinical measures, attendance during visiting and discharge suction) have been tested on 30 nurses from the heart department of a hospital in Iran. After determining the relative efficiency of each nurse based on the DEA model, the nurses’ performance were evaluated in a DEAM format. As results the nurses were divided into four groups; superstars, potential stars, those who are needed to be trained effectively and question marks. Finally, based on the proposed approach, we have drawn some recommendations to policy makers in order to improve and maintain the performance of each of these groups. The proposed approach provides a practical framework for hospital managers so that they can assess the relative efficiency of nurses, plan and take steps to improve the quality of healthcare delivery

    Effect of Quality of Dental Health Services to Patient Satisfaction in Indonesia 2019: Importance-Performance Analysis

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    Objective: To determine the effect of the quality of dental health services based on dimensions of empathy and responsiveness to patient satisfaction in urban and rural areas in Bone District, Indonesia. Material and Methods: This survey used an analytical observational method with a pilot pathfinder survey design. The total of participants included in this survey was 442, with 223 in the urban area and 219 in the rural area. This survey was held on 25 February – 1 March 2019. The Mann-Whitney test was applied, adopting a significance level of 5%. Results: Empathy and responsive dimensions in urban (3.58 ± 0.94 and 3.50 ± 0.94) and rural (3.43 ± 0.99 and 3.63 ± 0.86) areas were in the moderate category. The administration staff was able to complete administrative procedures, and the Dental assistant responded promptly to the patient\u27s request and needs. Conclusion: The quality of empathy and responsiveness dimensions in dental treatment fall in the moderate category for urban and rural areas; this means that empathy and responsiveness dimensions in dental service in hospital/public health need to be improved

    Impact of Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction: In a Public Hospital in Cap Vert

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    Patient satisfaction is recognized as one of the most important quality dimensions and key success indicators in the health care industry. Identifying the most critical factors in hospitals related to the service quality will ensure survival and success in the future. This study aims to investigate patients' perception of the service quality provided by a public hospital in Cap Vert and propose some improvement measures. A questionnaire adapted from the ServPerf model was used to measure the patient’s level of satisfaction. The findings of this study stated that all the dimensions namely reliable, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles are significantly related to the patient’s satisfaction. Besides, the study also found that older patients, with less literacy and the ones with a greater number of children, feel more satisfied. Overall the perception of the patients about the service quality provided by the hospital and it’s the satisfaction is quite poor. A report has been presented to the hospital administration, including results and suggestions in compliance with the findings. Keywords: Service Quality, Satisfaction, ServPerf, ServQual, Public Hospital, Cap Vert DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-27-01 Publication date:September 30th 202


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kemiskinan terhadap akses pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia. Dengan fokus pada pemahaman hubungan antara kemiskinan dan perilaku mencari pelayanan kesehatan, penelitian ini menyelidiki faktor sosial ekonomi utama yang berkontribusi terhadap terbatasnya akses ke pelayanan kesehatan di masyarakat miskin. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, memanfaatkan data sekunder dari sumber terpercaya seperti survei nasional, laporan pemerintah, dan literatur akademik. Dengan memanfaatkan data yang ada, penelitian ini mengadopsi pendekatan komprehensif untuk memahami kompleksitas hubungan antara kemiskinan dan akses kesehatan di Indonesia. Temuan ini menyoroti dampak signifikan dari kemiskinan terhadap perilaku dan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan di kalangan individu di Indonesia. Kemiskinan ditemukan menjadi penghalang utama yang menghalangi individu untuk mencari pelayanan perawatan kesehatan yang diperlukan, mengakibatkan pengobatan yang tertunda atau tidak memadai. Kendala ekonomi, cakupan asuransi kesehatan yang tidak memadai, dan infrastruktur kesehatan yang terbatas diidentifikasi sebagai faktor sosial ekonomi utama yang berkontribusi terhadap terbatasnya akses ke pelayanan kesehatan di masyarakat miskin. Selain itu, penelitian ini mengungkapkan adanya kesenjangan yang mencolok dalam ketersediaan dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan antara daerah miskin dan tidak miskin di Indonesia. Daerah miskin sering kekurangan fasilitas kesehatan, tenaga kesehatan profesional, dan pasokan medis penting, memperburuk tantangan yang dihadapi oleh individu yang hidup dalam kemiskinan. Kesimpulannya, kemiskinan secara signifikan mempengaruhi perilaku dan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia, memperburuk kesenjangan kesehatan di masyarakat. Mengatasi faktor sosial ekonomi utama yang mendasari terbatasnya akses ke pelayanan kesehatan di masyarakat miskin sangat penting untuk meningkatkan hasil pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia

    Analisis Hubungan Pengajaran dengan Mutu Pelayanan Rumah Sakit di Rumah Sakit Islam Kota Padang

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    Hospital service quality is an assessment of services obtained from patients with cost-efficient and results from the organization's organizational performance. Free market competition requires us to improve quality in all fields, especially in health services to be recognized internationally, the phenomenon of people prefering to seek treatment abroad is a big challenge in improving the quality of hospital services. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of Teaching with the services quality in Padang City Islamic hospitals. The study design used was descriptive correlation with cross sectional design. The sample of this study were 325 inpatients. The results of this study prove that there is a relationship between teaching and service quality in Padang City Islamic hospitals (P = 0.006). This study recommends hospitals to increase the active role of nurses in improving service quality with the COPA model approach, which is teaching that can be applied in hospitals