1,432 research outputs found

    The evaluation of partial binocular overlap on car maneuverability: A pilot study

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    An engineering approach to enlarge the helmet mounted display (HMD) field of view (FOV) and maintain resolution and weight by partially overlapping the binocular FOV has received renewed interest among human factors scientists. It is evident, based on the brief literature review, that any panoramic display with a binocular overlap, less than a minimum amount, annoys the viewer, degrades performance, and elicits undesirable behavior. The major finding is that across the 60 deg conditions, subjects moved their heads a greater distance (by about 5 degs on each side) than in the 180 deg condition, presumably to compensate for the lack of FOV. It is quite clear that the study, based on simple car maneuverability and two subjects, reveals differences in FOV, but nothing significant between binocular overlap levels and configurations. This tentatively indicates that some tradeoffs of binocular vision for a larger overall display FOV are acceptable

    Real-time Image Processing on an FPGA for an Intraoperative Goggle Device

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    The emergence of near-infrared dyes for fluorescence imaging has had a tremendous impact in the medical field. In particular, indocyanin green (ICG) has been widely used for assessing tumor margins during intraoperative procedures. Typically, the dye is intravenously injected into the patient, and after 24 hours the dye is removed from the patient’s body, except where binding between the dye and tumor cells has occurred. This selective binding between ICG and cancerous tissue allows for easy and accurate detection of cancer margins as well as detection of metastasis throughout the patient’s body. In order to detect the binding sites, a near infrared light source at 780nm is used to excite the dye molecules, and emission is observed at 800nm. To take advantage of fluorescent imaging during intraoperative procedures, we have developed a goggle system equipped for real-time imaging in both visible and near infrared spectra. The goggle system has to be light, compact and able to perform real-time image processing to assist the physician for easy detection of tumor margins. To this end, I have developed Verilog code for a Spartan III FPGA that performs the following: 1) Real-time acquisition of both visible and near infrared spectrum images from a pair of CMOS imaging detectors; 2) Real-time image processing for both near infrared and color images in order to enhance the captured information; and 3) Real-time display of fused visible-near infrared images in high definition (HDMI) format on a goggle device. The imaging device has been successfully used for intraoperative procedures during tumor resection in animal models

    The effects of ski goggles\u27 induced field and tint on stability and balance

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    Subjects (n=30) were exposed to four goggle-induced visual conditions while attempting to balance on a Lafayette stabilometer. Subject participated in eight, one-minute trials that included two random exposures to each of the four testing conditions: no goggle, clear goggle, tinted goggle and reduced field. Both the duration and frequency of the stabilometer\u27s oscillation between a stable and non-stable position was measured. Only the reduced field goggle condition statistically impaired the subjects\u27 ability to maintain their balance on the stabilometer. Despite randomization and two practice trials before testing, subjects experienced a significant learning effect between their first and second exposure to each testing condition

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 165, March 1977

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    This bibliography lists 198 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in February 1977

    Video-based data acquisition system for use in eye blink classical conditioning procedures in sheep

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    Pavlovian eye blink conditioning (EBC) has been extensively studied in humans and laboratory animals, providing one of the best-understood models of learning in neuroscience. EBC has been especially useful in translational studies of cerebellar and hippocampal function. We recently reported a novel extension of EBC procedures for use in sheep, and now describe new advances in a digital video-based system. The system delivers paired presentations of conditioned stimuli (CSs; a tone) and unconditioned stimuli (USs; an air puff to the eye), or CS-alone "unpaired" trials. This system tracks the linear distance between the eyelids to identify blinks occurring as either unconditioned (URs) or conditioned (CRs) responses, to a resolution of 5 ms. A separate software application (Eye Blink Reviewer) is used to review and autoscore the trial CRs and URs, on the basis of a set of predetermined rules, permitting an operator to confirm (or rescore, if needed) the autoscore results, thereby providing quality control for accuracy of scoring. Learning curves may then be quantified in terms of the frequencies of CRs over sessions, both on trials with paired CS-US presentations and on CS-alone trials. The latency to CR onset, latency to CR peak, and occurrence of URs are also obtained. As we demonstrated in two example cases, this video-based system provides efficient automated means to conduct EBC in sheep and can facilitate fully powered studies with multigroup designs that involve paired and unpaired training. This can help extend new studies in sheep, a species well suited for translational studies of neurodevelopmental disorders resulting from gestational exposure to drugs, toxins, or intrauterine distress

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 161 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in November, 1987

    Perception of Competence in Male and Female Pilots: Between Group Differences

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    This study investigated the relationship between gender and competence as perceived by pilots. Scenarios were utilized that depicted an airline captain successfully landing an airplane amidst adverse conditions. Scenarios varied only by the gender of the Captain: male, female, or unspecified by variance of pilot name. Perceived effectiveness, competence, avoidance, blame, and attribution as depicted by the Captain\u27s performance in the scenario were assessed by 30 male and 30 female certified flight instructors. Results showed that female flight instructors\u27 ratings of avoidance ability and attribution for success differed from male flight instructors. Attribution for blame differences between scenario conditions was also found. No significant gender or scenario differences occurred for ratings of effectiveness or competence

    A study on virtual reality and developing the experience in a gaming simulation

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters by ResearchVirtual Reality (VR) is an experience where a person is provided with the freedom of viewing and moving in a virtual world [1]. The experience is not constrained to a limited control. Here, it was triggered interactively according to the user’s physical movement [1] [2]. So the user feels as if they are seeing the real world; also, 3D technologies allow the viewer to experience the volume of the object and its prospection in the virtual world [1]. The human brain generates the depth when each eye receives the images in its point of view. For learning for and developing the project using the university’s facilities, some of the core parts of the research have been accomplished, such as designing the VR motion controller and VR HMD (Head Mount Display), using an open source microcontroller. The VR HMD with the VR controller gives an immersive feel and a complete VR system [2]. The motive was to demonstrate a working model to create a VR experience on a mobile platform. Particularly, the VR system uses a micro electro-mechanical system to track motion without a tracking camera. The VR experience has also been developed in a gaming simulation. To produce this, Maya, Unity, Motion Analysis System, MotionBuilder, Arduino and programming have been used. The lessons and codes taken or improvised from [33] [44] [25] and [45] have been studied and implemented

    Developing Modified ADS-33D Helicopter Maneuvers for the Shipboard Environment

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    The Office of the Secretary of Defense chartered the Joint Shipboard Helicopter Integration Process (JSHIP), Joint Test and Evaluation (JT&E) Program to improve Joint interoperability between U.S. Navy ships and U.S. Army/Air Force helicopters. One effort of the JSHIP JT&E Program was to improve the modeling and simulation tools and fidelity levels associated with conducting Joint shipboard helicopter operations, for both testing agencies and operational users. The UH-60A helicopter and the LHA class ship were identified as the highest priority helicopter-ship pair for operational forces and also allowed JSHIP to enhance models that currently existed. Enhancing the visual model of an LHA ship was a primary effort for the research and testing community in order to accurately replicate the shipboard visual cueing environment. Evaluating enhanced visual models in a research flight simulator in order to reduce actual shipboard flight testing or expand wind launch/recovery envelopes required the use of more aggressive and precise flight maneuvers than standard shipboard takeoffs and landings. The U.S. Army’s Aeronautical Design Standard 33D (ADS-33D) contained flight test industry accepted maneuvers of sufficient aggressiveness and precision, but were not designed for, or intended to be flown from the deck of a ship at sea. The methodology and procedure used to modify selected ADS-33D flight maneuvers so that they could safely be executed aboard an LHA class ship is presented in this thesis, along with the final maneuver descriptions, locations, and flight tolerances. The results of the shipboard test program and follow-on simulator assessment are not presented here, as they fall outside the scope of this thesis. However, conclusions from the at-sea flight tests relating to development of the modified ADS-33D were included. The flight test philosophy, methodology, and lessons learned while developing the modified ADS-33D maneuvers for the shipboard environment are the primary conclusions drawn

    Lessons learned from the developmental testing of the EA-6B night vision device integration program

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    During the Kosovo conflict of 1999, EA-6B Prowler fleet commanders experienced the limitations of operating the only Tactical Aviation (TACAIR) platform that was incompatible with Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) and decided as a result that all EA-6B Prowlers must be made NVIS compatible. So keenly did local fleet commanders feel the need for these conversions, they actually considered utilizing Night Vision Goggles without adequately modifying their aircraft. Though this fortunately did not occur, the Department of Defense took unprecedented steps to make EA-6B\u27s NVIS- compatible in the fiscal year 2000 (FY 2000) and these conversions became a priority for the Program Manager of EA-6Bs. In October 1999 the Department of Defense gave the EA-6B Program Manager directions to make all EA-6BS NVIS-compatible and to do so as fast as possible. The entire designing, testing, and fielding of the system would normally have taken three to five years with standard acquisition guidelines. However, this NVIS acquisition program was granted permission to employ the rarely used Abbreviated Acquisition Process in an attempt to field the system in six months. The system was actually fielded in approximately fourteen months. Though, by bureaucratic standards, this constituted a huge success, it proved a failure for fleet aviators. What was promised for six months actually took over a year. This thesis will discuss the programmatic and technical shortfalls experienced in this program. Based on an analysis of this material, the author will make recommendations as to how NVIS modifications to future platforms may be made in a more timely fashion
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