
A study on virtual reality and developing the experience in a gaming simulation


A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters by ResearchVirtual Reality (VR) is an experience where a person is provided with the freedom of viewing and moving in a virtual world [1]. The experience is not constrained to a limited control. Here, it was triggered interactively according to the user’s physical movement [1] [2]. So the user feels as if they are seeing the real world; also, 3D technologies allow the viewer to experience the volume of the object and its prospection in the virtual world [1]. The human brain generates the depth when each eye receives the images in its point of view. For learning for and developing the project using the university’s facilities, some of the core parts of the research have been accomplished, such as designing the VR motion controller and VR HMD (Head Mount Display), using an open source microcontroller. The VR HMD with the VR controller gives an immersive feel and a complete VR system [2]. The motive was to demonstrate a working model to create a VR experience on a mobile platform. Particularly, the VR system uses a micro electro-mechanical system to track motion without a tracking camera. The VR experience has also been developed in a gaming simulation. To produce this, Maya, Unity, Motion Analysis System, MotionBuilder, Arduino and programming have been used. The lessons and codes taken or improvised from [33] [44] [25] and [45] have been studied and implemented

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