15,909 research outputs found

    Automated ANN alerts : one step ahead with mobile support

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    In this paper, I examine the potential of mobile alerting services empowering investors to react quickly to critical market events. Therefore, an analysis of short-term (intraday) price effects is performed. I find abnormal returns to company announcements which are completed within a timeframe of minutes. To make use of these findings, these price effects are predicted using pre-defined external metrics and different estimation methodologies. Compared to previous research, the results provide support that artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression are good estimation models for forecasting price effects also on an intraday basis. As most of the price effect magnitude and effect delay can be estimated correctly, it is demonstrated how a suitable mobile alerting service combining a low level of user-intrusiveness and timely information supply can be designed

    A Novel Distributed Representation of News (DRNews) for Stock Market Predictions

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    In this study, a novel Distributed Representation of News (DRNews) model is developed and applied in deep learning-based stock market predictions. With the merit of integrating contextual information and cross-documental knowledge, the DRNews model creates news vectors that describe both the semantic information and potential linkages among news events through an attributed news network. Two stock market prediction tasks, namely the short-term stock movement prediction and stock crises early warning, are implemented in the framework of the attention-based Long Short Term-Memory (LSTM) network. It is suggested that DRNews substantially enhances the results of both tasks comparing with five baselines of news embedding models. Further, the attention mechanism suggests that short-term stock trend and stock market crises both receive influences from daily news with the former demonstrates more critical responses on the information related to the stock market {\em per se}, whilst the latter draws more concerns on the banking sector and economic policies.Comment: 25 page

    Forecasting movements of health-care stock prices based on different categories of news articles using multiple kernel learning

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    —The market state changes when a new piece of information arrives. It affects decisions made by investors and is considered to be an important data source that can be used for financial forecasting. Recently information derived from news articles has become a part of financial predictive systems. The usage of news articles and their forecasting potential have been extensively researched. However, so far no attempts have been made to utilise different categories of news articles simultaneously. This paper studies how the concurrent, and appropriately weighted, usage of news articles, having different degrees of relevance to the target stock, can improve the performance of financial forecasting and support the decision-making process of investors and traders. Stock price movements are predicted using the multiple kernel learning technique which integrates information extracted from multiple news categories while separate kernels are utilised to analyse each category. News articles are partitioned according to their relevance to the target stock, its sub industry, industry, group industry and sector. The experiments are run on stocks from the Health Care sector and show that increasing the number of relevant news categories used as data sources for financial forecasting improves the performance of the predictive system in comparison with approaches based on a lower number of categories


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    Forecasting in the financial domain is undoubtedly a challenging undertaking in data mining. While the majority of previous studies in this field utilize historical market data to predict future stock returns, we explore whether there is benefit in augmenting the prediction model with supplementary domain knowledge obtained from financial news reports. To this end, we empirically evaluate how the integration of these data sources helps to predict intraday stocks returns. We consider several types of integration methods: variable-based as well as bundling methods. To discern whether the integration methods are sensitive to the type of forecasting algorithm, we have implemented each integration method using three different data mining algorithms. The results show several scenarios in which appending market-based data with textual news-based data helps to improve forecasting performance. The successful integration strongly depends on which forecasting algorithm and variable representation method is utilized. The findings are promising enough to warrant further studies in this direction
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