916 research outputs found

    Black Power in Maya Angelou\u27s “Still I Rise”, “Phenomenal Woman”, and “Weekend Glory”

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    This article discusses the Black Power\u27s ideas inside the three poems of Maya Angelou, “Still I Rise”, “Phenomenal Woman”, and “Weekend Glory”. Maya Angelou was highly respected as a spokesperson for Blacks and women. The struggle of the author as a powerless Black woman can be seen from Angelou\u27s poems. This article tries to find out in what ways Black power is revealed in Maya Angelou\u27s three poems mentioned above. Moreover, Black power movement concept and figurative language are needed to reveal the idea of Black power in each poem. The analysis shows that there are differences of ideas of Black power in each poem. The Black power idea is the way to survive in the society, the way to express someone\u27s thought, and the ability to accept one\u27s identity as a Black woman. In the end, it can be concluded that the author is a powerful Black woman

    Discrimination in Maya Angelou’s poems Still I Rise and Caged Bird

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    ENGLISH: This study aims at analyzing the discrimination in Maya Angelou’s poems Still I Rise and Caged Bird. The purpose of this study is to describe the discrimination illustrated and the form of discrimination in Maya Angelous’ poems Still I Rise and Caged Bird, using Theodorson & Theodorson's theory. Theodorson & Theodorson divides discrimination into two parts: direct discrimination and indirect discrimination, theoretically, this research is expected to enrich literary knowledge about the discrimination itself and the form of discrimination. Practically, this research is useful as a reference for other researchers who want to research using the same research topic. This research study is a literary criticism. Researcher analyzed literary works of poetry using a sociological approach and discrimination theory from Theodorson & Theodorson. The data are taken from stanzas, lines and words along with their interpretations of the poems Still I Rise and Caged Bird by Maya Angelou. The researcher analyzes the data by explaining the interpretation of the data associated with the theory. The results of this study are firstly there are indeed discrimination exist in the poems and form of discrimination contained in Maya Angelous’ poem Still I Rise and Caged Bird, including direct discrimination, evidence of direct discrimination manifested in cynical lyrics, harsh words and hatred hurled by dominant group against subordinate group. Second, there is a place where discrimination occurs, namely the non-fulfillment of the rights of subordinate group on the basis of their race. However, in both poems, sobordinate group fight by voicing injustice, such as Maya Angelou, the representative of subordinate group who voiced the discrimination received and demanded rights through literary works of poetry. The indirect discrimination contained in the caged bird poem, is depicted by the injustice of a law, regulation in a society that harms some people who are considered a minority, aims to limit their movement and to eliminate their existence, in caged bird poetry there are two differences in life that derived from the difference in legal justice, which is depicted by a bird of light free and a bird in a cage. INDONESIA: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis diskriminasi dalam puisi Maya Angelou Still I Rise dan Caged Bird. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan diskriminasi yang digambarkan dan bentuk diskriminasi dalam puisi-puisi Maya Angelous Still I Rise dan Caged Bird, dengan menggunakan teori Theodorson & Theodorson. Theodorson & Theodorson membagi diskriminasi menjadi dua bagian yaitu diskriminasi langsung dan diskriminasi tidak langsung, secara teoritis penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya pengetahuan sastra tentang diskriminasi itu sendiri dan bentuk diskriminasi. Secara praktis, penelitian ini bermanfaat sebagai referensi bagi peneliti lain yang ingin melakukan penelitian dengan topik penelitian yang sama. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kritik sastra. Peneliti menganalisis karya sastra puisi dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologis dan teori diskriminasi dari Theodorson & Theodorson. Data diambil dari bait, baris dan kata beserta interpretasinya terhadap puisi Still I Rise and Caged Bird karya Maya Angelou. Peneliti menganalisis data dengan menjelaskan interpretasi data yang dikaitkan dengan teori. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pertama memang terdapat diskriminasi dalam puisi dan bentuk diskriminasi yang terdapat dalam puisi Maya Angelous Still I Rise and Caged Bird, antara lain diskriminasi langsung dan tidak langsung, bukti diskriminasi langsung yang diwujudkan dalam lirik sinis, kata-kata kasar dan lemparan kebencian oleh kelompok dominan terhadap kelompok bawahan. Kedua, tempat terjadinya diskriminasi, yaitu tidak terpenuhinya hak-hak kelompok bawahan berdasarkan rasnya. Namun, dalam kedua puisi tersebut, kelompok bawahan berjuang dengan menyuarakan ketidakadilan, seperti Maya Angelou, perwakilan kelompok bawahan yang menyuarakan diskriminasi, menerima dan menuntut hak melalui karya sastra puisi. Diskriminasi tidak langsung yang terdapat dalam puisi caged bird, digambaran dengan ketidak adilan sebuah hukum, peraturan dalam lingkungan masyarakat yang merugikan sebagian orang yang dianggap minoritas, bertujuan untuk membatasi pergerakan mereka dan untuk menghilangkan eksistensi mereka, di dalam pusi caged bird terdapat dua perbedaan hidup yang di dapatkan dari perbedaan keadilan hukum, yang digambarkan dengan burung yang terang bebas dan burung yang di dalam sangkar. ARABIC: يقصد البحث إلى تحليل التمييز العنصري الذي سبق وقوعه للإفريقين والأمريكيين في شعر Still I Rise و Caged Birdلمايا أنجيلو. وتهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان أنواع التمييز العنصري وأسبابه التي وقع لهم اعتمادا بنظرية تيودورسون و تيودورسون التي تقسم نواحي أداء التمييز العنصري كما يلي: العنصر والدين والطبقة الاجتماعية. أضف إلى ذلك أنه قسمت هذه النظرية التمييز العنصري إلى قسمين: التمييز المباشر واللامباشر. ولعل هذا التحليل أصبح شيئا تزداد به معارف الأدب عن التمييز العنصري وأسباب وقوعه. وفي ناحية عملية كان هذا التحليل مرجعا للباحثين الذين كانوا في تحليل الموضوع المناسب وهذا البحث هو تحليل نقد أدبي يعتمد على الاتجاه الاجتماعي والتمييز العنصري من تيودرسون و تيودورسون الذي كانت شواهده ترجع إلى الأبيات والسطور والألفاظ، وهي ذات صلة بالنظرية. ونتيجة هذا التحليل كما يأتي: الأول، تتجلى أنواع التمييز في شعر Still I Rise dna Caged Bird لمايا أنجيلو منها التمييز المباشر كاللمحة الساخرة والكلمات الفاضحة التي ألقتها الإنسان الأبيض إلى الإنسان الأسود. والثاني: مكان أسباب التمييز العنصري المسبِّب إلى عدم وفاء حقوق الإنسان الأسود، ولكنهم كفحوا بإظهار عدم العدالة كمعارضة مايا أنجيلو إلى التمييز الذي وقع لهم وتطلب وفاء حقوقهم بالتأليفات الأدبية

    Still I rise! Public discourse surrounding the development of public schools for African Americans in Louisville, Kentucky, 1862--1872.

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    I conducted my dissertation research in the national, state, and local archives. Using Deborah Brandt\u27s Sponsors of Literacy as a conceptual framework and Critical Race Theory as a theoretical framework, I offer Louisville, Kentucky as a historical case study for how an established and empowered community of free blacks can serve as a catalyst to bring about social and political change through the acquisition of literacy. This dissertation is divided into four chapters. Chapter One explains the scholarly context of my dissertation. I argue that post-emancipation African Americans had a sense of urgency for the acquisition of literacy, and that they were their own primary sponsors. Finally, I offer a review of the limited literature in this research area, an overview of my scholarly position, and a summary of the overall dissertation. Chapter Two contextualizes the development of African-American schools in Louisville, Kentucky. I offer a history of the emergence of public schools nationwide as a tool of assimilation. I also offer a discussion of Kentucky state legislative activity that hindered funding and postponed the opening of public schools for African Americans for more than 4 years statewide. I discuss ways in which rhetorical practices were used to victimize African-Americans who developed a funding plan to support schools for their own children while also contributing tax dollars to majority schools. Chapter Three offers Louisville as a historic case study. I argue that Louisville was a place with a unique set of circumstances that allowed for the development of an atypical African-American community. I argue that the acquisition of literacy permitted African-Americans in this community to exercise agency that spurred socio-economic change. I also argue that the newspaper was a powerful source of agency, and I juxtapose the self-report system in African-American newspapers with reports of African-American community activities in the publications of the majority. Finally, Chapter Four considers ways that this narrative contributes to scholarship in African-American studies, African-American literacy, African-African rhetoric, Rhetoric and Composition, and to some degree pedagogical practice


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    Keywords: The Sounds of African-American, Genetic Structuralism, MayaAngelouThe differences among human brings the issue about race which the concept about race emerges racism. One big issue about race is AfricanAmericans were got the racial discrimination and they became the minority in the United States. The writer wants to examine the sounds of minority which reflect in Maya Angelou’s poems. The writer chose Maya Angelou’s poem since she is the most influence African-American woman through her works, especially in poetry. The problem to be solved in this study is: how does Maya Angelou reflect the sounds of African-American that she writes on her poems; Alone, Still I Rise, Caged Bird, and Equality?The writer applies Goldmann’s theory which is genetic structuralism in analyzing the intrinsic and extrinsic element of Maya Angelou’s poems. From Goldmann’s theory it is clearly mentioned that literary work could not be separated from the intrinsic and extrinsic element because the historical background of the author as the member of social group always give influenced to the work.The result of this research is found that there are three sounds of AfricanAmericanthat reflect in Maya Angelou’s poems: First, the sound of freedom that represent in Caged Bird, second, the sound of equality that represent in Equality, and third, the sound of racism that represent in Alone and Still I Rise.In the future, if there is a researcher who would like to analyze the same object, it is suggested to use post-colonial theory. By using post-colonial theory, it will help to reveal the effect of racial discrimination that happen toward African American life and their society

    And Still, I Rise: \u3cem\u3eMadre Poderosas\u3c/em\u3e in the Pursuit of Work-Life Justice in Educational Leadership Roles

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    The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to: (1) to describe and understand Latina leaders\u27 experiences, perceptions, and challenges work-family conflict cause from an institutional, cultural, and individual lens; (2) and understand Latina leaders experiences, perceptions and helpful solutions work-life justice may create from an institutional, cultural, and individual lens. This study used quantitative data from a survey, and qualitative data from interviews. There were a total of sixty-three Latina leaders that participated in the survey and eighteen interviewed. The conceptual framework for this study centered around (1) a history of work-family conflict in educational leadership; (2) the complexities of entry-level administrative positions; (3) women of color & Latinx in leadership roles; (4) the concept of work-family conflict from an institutional, cultural, and individual lens; (5) and the concept of work-life justice from an institutional, cultural, and individual lens. Results revealed the following key recommendations:(1) providing compensation over 40 hours a week or the option of flexible hours is necessary; (2) professional development opportunities where Latinas have access to a mentor(s) or network opportunities with Latinx leaders may have the necessary access to professional support and guidance. Administrators and policymakers are encouraged to redefine organizational policies that align with the needs and preferences of employees


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    Studi ini meneliti tentang Teknik penerjemahan yang diguanakan mahasiswa dalam menerjemahkan puisi berbahasa Inggris yang berjudul “Still I Rise” dan untuk mengetahui kesulitan yang mereka alami selama menjalankan proses penerjemahan teks puisi tersebut. Studi ini dilakukan oleh mahasiswa pendidikan Bahasa inggris semester delapan di Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara yang berjumlah 8 (delapan) orang yang dipilih secara ramdon dengan menggunakan teknik ramdon sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Instrument pada penelitian ini adalah tes dan wawancara yang dilakukan secara online melalui whatsapp, tes berupa menerjemahkan puisi berbahasa inggris kemudian dilakukan wawanacara untuk mengumpulkan data mengenai Teknik yang mereka gunakan pada proses penerjemahan dan kesulitan yang mereka alami. Penelitian menemukan Teknik terjemahan yang paling sering digunakan adalah Teknik literal translation, kesulitan terbesar dalam proses menerjemahkan puisi adalah istilah pada Bahasa sumber yang sulit dipahami. Mahasiswa yang hanya menggunakan mesin terjemahan pada proses penerjemahannya tidak dapat menyampaikan makna yang terkandung di dalam puisi dengan baik ke dalam Bahasa sasaran

    An Analysis of Metaphor in Maya Angelou’s “Caged Bird” and “Still I Rise” Poems

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    This research explored the possible meaning of the metaphor in the poem of Maya Angelou. The researcher focused on metaphor forms found as the object to be analyzed in Maya Angelou’s poems. Metaphor is one part of figurative languages which is the most common and widely used in literary works such as poem. Poem is a media for a poet to express feeling and imagination based on condition of a poet’s life. The data of this research were Caged Bird and Still I Rise poems by Maya Angelou. This research used descriptive qualitative to analyze the data. The purpose of this research was to find out the type of metaphor based on Crystal, Lakoff and Johnson theory, know the reasons of the use of metaphor, and interpret the poem meaning based on explication and author’s biography. It was found that Maya Angelou used three types of live metaphor they are Conceptual metaphor, Mixed metaphor and Poetic metaphor. It was also found that each poem tells about the author’s personal opinion about the racial inequality between black races and white races in America at that time

    The Shine of Pollyannaism in Maya Angelou’s Works

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    The optimism in life is a pleasurable feel. The small key role in a story makes a huge difference in the universe. The hope helps to jump over the depression, failure, marginalization, etc. to reach the healthy balanced life. The Pollyannaism and Still I Rise holds the similar techniques for the blooming peaceful life. Thinking hopeful, spreading positivity is the major part of the two titles. Seeking good in bad and likes in dislikes are the drastic change of the upbeat personality

    Tradução de poesia: Uma análise de duas traduções de “Still I Rise”, de Maya Angelou

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    Working as a translator is a great challenge and requires responsibility. Consequently, the professional who wants to work in this area must have knowledge of the most different kinds of texts to be translated; especially when the text is poetry, because poetry is a text that has many particularities that are difficult to maintain in the translation. This article is an academic, theoretical and comparative research based on Rónai (2012), Rose (1981), Niknasab e Pishbin (2001), Abbasi e Manafi Anari (2004), Prado (2011), Bandeira (1978), Junqueira (2012), Geronimo (2015). Based on these authors, we make an objective and comparative analysis of two translations of the poem "Still I Rise", one by Francesca Angiolillo and another by Walnice Nogueira Galvão. With the analysis, we explain the strategies and choices used by translators, considering the theory of translation. Trabalhar como tradutor é um grande desafio e exige responsabilidade. Consequentemente, o profissional que deseja seguir nesse ramo deve ter o conhecimento dos mais diferentes tipos de texto a serem traduzidos; principalmente quando o texto a ser trabalhado é uma poesia, pois é um texto com particularidades difíceis de serem mantidas da língua fonte para a língua alvo. Esta é uma pesquisa acadêmica, teórica e comparativa, baseada em Rónai (2012), (Rose (1981), Niknasab e Pishbin (2001), Abbasi e Manafi Anari (2004), Prado (2011), Bandeira (1978), Junqueira (2012), Geronimo (2015). Através desses autores, é feita uma análise objetiva e comparativa das duas traduções do poema “Still I Rise”, feitas por Francesca Angiolillo e Walnice Nogueira Galvão. A partir disso, são explicadas as estratégias e escolhas utilizadas por essas tradutoras, com base na teoria da tradução