365 research outputs found


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    Although it remains a tea consuming nation, both production and consumption of coffee in China has been increasing at double-digit rates and is not expected to slow down (International Coffee Organization (ICO), 2015). With investments and upward trends in production and rapid increases in consumption of coffee in China it is important for producers and retailers of the bean1 in China to understand the new Chinese coffee consumer. Using survey data from Wuhan, China we help understand the Chinese coffee consumer by explaining their consumption using standard OLS regression. Results show that whether or not consumers make/brew their own coffee, how long consumers have been consuming coffee regularly, the size of the coffee cup most often purchased and individuals’ prediction of their coffee consumption in the following year are all important in explaining Chinese coffee consumption. We suggest for long-run success, that Chinese coffee producers and retailers in China focus on the quality of their coffee bean. 1 ‘bean’ refers to coffe

    God and the Machine: A Correlational Study on Mobile Phone Dependence, Religious Coping, and Mental Health

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    Research on the various effects of mobile phones did not begin to be published until after they had already been integrated into society. To date, the results of various studies looking into the relationship between mobile phone use and mental health demonstrate that phones, if used in problematic ways, have negative effects on mental health. Even so, there are no studies looking into problematic mobile phone use and how it correlates with spirituality and positive religious coping as well as mental health. Due to this gap in the research, this anonymous online study was designed to look into correlations between problematic cell phone use, positive religious coping, and mental health. The Adapted Cell Phone Addiction Test (ACPAT) was used to assess problematic cell phone use, the Religious Coping Activities Scales (RCOPE) were used to assess positive religious coping, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-42) were used to assess mental health


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    In this work, we assess the role of a specific type of organized crime in influencing choices on where living within the city territory, and consequently, volatility in house prices. More specifically, we test how organized crime killing may influence house pricing behaviors. Firstly, we show evidences about how organized crime is associated with higher inequality of housing prices for Italian cities in 2011. Then, by collecting and geo referencing data on the city of Naples for the period 2002-2016, we test for the direct influence of homicides on the relevant territory, as on the neighboring districts. Results show a negative and significant impact of killing on the house prices either for sales or for rents and a positive effect in neighboring district, driving increases in within-city inequality

    The Curious Conundrum Regarding Sulfur Abundances In Planetary Nebulae

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    Sulfur abundances derived from optical emission line measurements and ionization correction factors in planetary nebulae are systematically lower than expected for the objects' metallicities. We have carefully considered a large range of explanations for this "sulfur anomaly", including: (1) correlations between the size of the sulfur deficit and numerous nebular and central star properties; (2) ionization correction factors which under-correct for unobserved ions; (3) effects of dielectronic recombination on the sulfur ionization balance; (4) sequestering of S into dust and/or molecules; and (5) excessive destruction of S or production of O by AGB stars. It appears that all but the second scenario can be ruled out. However, we find evidence that the sulfur deficit is generally reduced but not eliminated when S^+3 abundances determined directly from IR measurements are used in place of the customary sulfur ionization correction factor. We tentatively conclude that the sulfur anomaly is caused by the inability of commonly used ICFs to properly correct for populations of ionization stages higher than S^+2.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Employees factors of motivation in Seri Stamford College Kepong

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    Motivation is a set of energetic forces that comes from within and outside of the individual’s being in order to establish work-related behaviours and to determine the form, direction, duration and intensity of these behaviours. As such, it becomes a factor that exerts a driving force on our actions and work and also becomes an important element in the productivity of employees. Therefore, the performance of the employees is highly concerned by the employer to achieve high performance and job commitment. The employees who are demotivated and lack of commitment can bring a negative effect to the learning platform in the education industry. In other words, the employees’ attitudes will bring effect towards the students in the classroom who are in the process of learning. This will impact the future of the children. Therefore, the correlation between the motivation factors of the employees and job commitment and the ranking of the motivation factors of the employees were able to determine and analyse Stamford College’s scenario. This study focused on the employees at Stamford College which is academic and non-academic staff to answer the questionnaire. These questionnaires contained 3 part sections where the first section covered the 6 independent variables, second section covered the job commitment and third section covered the demographic area. The questionnaire distributed to the employees at Stamford College, Kepong on sampling basis. The results from the study showed that the ‘promotion’ factor is the most important factor to motivate the employees. The results also showed that the motivation factors and job commitment have strong positive relationship and the coefficients between motivation factors and job commitment has shown that it is consistent with the hypotheses of having a significant relationship. Even with a positive relationship between motivation factors and job commitment, due to the limitations faced in this research, further research and more population has been included in the future study for better results and may want to focus on other existing types of motivations

    Perancangan Solar Fish Cooler untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas dan Keberlanjutan Ikan Segar di Pantai Jenu Tuban

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    Jenu Tuban Beach has natural beauty and an abundance of fish which is the source of livelihood for local residents. However, fish catches often experience freshness during trips to the market due to the use of fish coolers that are not optimal. In order to avoid financial losses for fishermen, the development of fish coolers with better technology and automatic cooling rate is indispensable. Currently, the fish cooler used is still ineffective and prone to damage, so it is necessary to develop better technology. This process involves identifying the needs of fishermen through direct interviews and questionnaire design, as well as testing validity and consistency. The results of identification and technical response are designed in the House of Quality matrix, and are processed by determining both relationships by prioritizing Raw Weight results. Solar Fish Cooler can maintain fish temperature for 3 hours with cooling level up to -200C. This tool operates with sunlight energy and is suitable for use in areas that are difficult to reach conventional electricity sources. The main priorities in improving product quality are the duration of long-lasting cooling, the level of temperature stability and ease of product repair. The development was carried out by combining temperature and humidity sensor technology. Research on these tools can contribute to the development of technologies and the reduction of fossil fuel use in the field of sustainable fisheries

    Effects of ingredients on sensory attributes of gluten-free breads available in the UK

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of alternative ingredients in three different gluten-free breads (GFBs) available in the UK market with regard to their quality attributes and consumer preference. Design/methodology/approach Three different GFB samples purchased from a UK retailer were visually assessed. Their quality attributes and consumer acceptability were analysed via an untrained taste panel (n=35) on Day 1. Texture was compared using a texture analyser on Days 1 and 8, to examine the differences between samples and the effects of ingredients towards staling. Findings Results from visual inspection showed that ingredients affected the appearance of samples, in terms of crumb structure, and both crumb and crust colour. Firmness and springiness were significantly different (p<0.05, p=0.007) between samples on Days 1 and 8 although no significant difference existed within each individual sample. Sensory analysis showed no significant differences between samples with respect to denseness, chewiness, crumbliness, dryness and overall preference. Research limitations/implications The ingredient combination in each bread differed, and thus it is not clear if the results are due to the incorporation of individual ingredient or a combination of them. Practical implications Results of this study will help food industry to make an easier decision on gluten-free ingredients. Social implications It will help people with coeliac disease and those who wish to remove gluten from their diets. Originality/value Overall, the study showed that the use of different ingredients affected the appearance, firmness and springiness of three GFBs available in the UK market. However, it did not affect denseness, chewiness, crumbliness, dryness or consumer preference. This indicates that a number of ingredient combinations are possible in the manufacturing of acceptable GFB

    ResearchGate Profiles of Naval Architecture Scientists in India: An Altmetric Analysis

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    This study aims to conduct an altmetrics analysis of researchers on Indian Naval Architecture. The study covered sixty-fourfacultymembersonNaval Architecture discipline from six higher education institutions in India. The profile page of ResearchGate (RG) was visited to collect altmetrics indicators. The study also tried to perform scientometric analysis of publication outputs, citations and H-index of the researchers using the Scopus database. The study further investigated the correlation of altmetrics and scientometric indicators with Pearson correlation test. The study found that the 65 percent of the researchers has an account in RG with their publications being uploaded in RG. Most of them received citations in a range of 1-50 and H-index of 1-5. Their publications have received reads in a range of 1000 to 5000 and obtained RG score of10-15. Naval architecture scientists have relatively low followers, and they are following a limited number of their peers. There is a significant correlation between the range of citations and H-index received by the naval architecture scientists in Scopus and RG. The study also shows the correlation among the range of publications indexed in Scopus and added in RG

    Cross-sectional survey research investigating how medical students use clinical photographs to support their learning

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    This study explored students’ use of clinical photographs within seven medical schools in England. The design used was cross-sectional survey research. The data collection method was a self-completion online survey. A total of 283 students participated in the study. The proportion of students using clinical photographs was 87%, p = .217. The medical subject discipline in which clinical photographs were considered by students as most useful were dermatology (71%). The proportion for those ‘Very’ or ‘Quite’ likely to access an image library made available through their medical school was 92%. The main barrier to using existing photographic resources was awareness


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    ABSTRACT&nbsp; Dengue cases are increasingly widespread in all parts of Indonesia, but currently, the priority of control is prevention through fogging focus on endemic DHF areas. The purpose of this study was to determine the entomology indicator of dengue vector mosquitoes about the susceptibility status of the Ae aegypti mosquito. The study design was a cross-sectional study and data analysis using Pearson Correlation statistical tests. This research was conducted in seven provinces in Sumatra, which consisted of three districts with three regions endemic to dengue fever centers in each province. The larvae collection was carried out in 100 houses in each selected Puskesmas. The susceptibility test of adult mosquitoes to six types of insecticide active ingredients was carried out by the WHO Bioassay method while the larval susceptibility test used the Elliot method. The results showed that index of entomology at 7 provinces in Sumatra were; HI and CI the highest in Kota. Pematang Siantar (58,60 % and 64 % ) and the lowest in Kabupaten Prabumulih and Palembang ( 22,70 and 0 % ), the highest of BI in Kabupaten Bangka Barat ( 87,40 % ) and the lowest in the Kota Metro ( 31,10 % ); the highest of ABJ in Kota Palembang ( 77,30 % ) and the lowest in Kota Pematang Siantar ( 41,40 %). Malathion 0.8 % still effective as an mosquito control by the presence of strong and moderate relationship was for CI and HI. Whether there are mosquitoes control using chemical insecticides in several locations in 7 provinces of Sumatra show resistant condition, thus controlling by PSN, 3M plus is still a major strategy to be done to break the chain of transmission of dengue fever. Keywords: DHF, Aedes, Correlation, Suceptibility &nbsp; ABSTRAK Kasus DBD semakin meluas di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, namun saat ini prioritas pengendaliannya berupa pencegahan melalui fogging focus pada wilayah-wilayah endemis DBD. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui indikator entomologi nyamuk vektor DBD hubungannya dengan status kerentanan nyamuk Ae. aegypti. Desain penelitian adalah studi potong lintang dan analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Pearson Correlation. Penelitian ini dilakukan di tujuh Provinsi yang ada di wilayah Sumatera yang terdiri dari tiga kabupaten dengan masing-masing tiga wilayah Puskesmas endemis DBD di setiap Provinsi. Pengumpulan jentik dilakukan pada 100 rumah di setiap Puskesmas terpilih. Uji kerentanan nyamuk dewasa terhadap enam jenis bahan aktif insektida dilakukan dengan metode Bioassay WHO sedangkan uji kerentanan jentik menggunakan metoda Elliot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indeks entomologi di 7 Provinsi di wilayah Sumatera yang diperiksa menunjukkan nilai HI dan CI tertinggi di Kota Pematang Siantar (58,60% dan 64%) dan terendah di Kab. Prabumulih dan Kota Palembang (22,70 % dan 0%), BI tertinggi di Kab. Bangka Barat (87,40%) dan terendah di Kota Metro (31,10%), ABJ tertinggi di Kota Palembang (77,30%) dan terendah di Kota Pematang siantar (41,40%). Pestisida Malathion 0,8 % masih efektif sebagai upaya pengendalian nyamuk dengan adanya hubungan yang kuat dan sedang terhadap Container Indeks (CI) dan House Indeks (HI) di 7 Provinsi di Wilayah Sumatera. Pengendalian jentik dengan menggunakan insektisida kimiawi di beberapa lokasi di 7 Provinsi di wilayah Sumatera menunjukkan kondisi resisten nyamuk vektor DBD dengan demikian pengendalian dengan PSN 3M Plus masih merupakan strategi utama yang harus dilakukan untuk memutus rantai penularan DBD. Kata kunci: DBD, Aedes, Korelasi, Suseptibilita
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