612 research outputs found

    Detection and analysis of single event upsets in noisy digital imagers with small to medium pixels

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    Camera sensors are shrinking, resulting in more defects seen through image analysis. Due to cosmic radiation, camera experience both permanent defects known as hot pixels and temporal defective spikes which are Single Event Upsets (SEUs). SEUs manifest themselves as temporal random bright areas in sequential dark-frame images that are taken with long exposure times. In the past, it was difficult to separate SEUs from noise in dark-frame images taken with DSLRs at high sensitivity levels (ISO) and cell phone cameras at modest sensitivity levels. However, recent software improvements in this research have enabled the analysis of defect rates in noisy digital imagers – by leveraging local area and pixel address distribution techniques. In addition, multiple experiments were performed to understand the relationship of SEUs and elevation. This study reports data from imagers with pixels ranging from 7 μm (DSLR cameras) down to 1.2 μm (cell phone cameras)

    Pulsed thermal NDT in tables, figures and formulas

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    Several reviews and summary papers describing the history and the current status of pulsed thermal nondestructiv

    Thermal Imaging for Enhancing Inspection Reliability: Detection and Characterization

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    Reliable performance of an equipment or structure depends on pre-service quality and in- service degradation of the equipment or structure under operating conditions. The role of non-destructive testing (NDT) is to ensure integrity, and in turn, reliability of equipment or structure. Besides, NDT can also monitor in-service degradation and to avoid premature failure of the equipments/structures and prevent accidents as well as save human life. Up to now, NDT has been used in various fields of applications such as the inspection o


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    Practical implementation of large SPAD-based sensor arrays in the standard CMOS process has been fraught with challenges due to the many performance trade-offs existing at both the device and the system level [1]. At the device level the performance challenge stems from the suboptimal optical characteristics associated with the standard CMOS fabrication process. The challenge at the system level is the development of monolithic readout architecture capable of supporting the large volume of dynamic traffic, associated with multiple single-photon pixels, without limiting the dynamic range and throughput of the sensor. Due to trade-offs in both functionality and performance, no general solution currently exists for an integrated single-photon sensor in standard CMOS single photon sensing and multi-photon resolution. The research described herein is directed towards the development of a versatile high performance integrated SPAD sensor in the standard CMOS process. Towards this purpose a SPAD device with elongated junction geometry and a perimeter field gate that features a large detection area and a highly reduced dark noise has been presented and characterized. Additionally, a novel front-end system for optimizing the dynamic range and after-pulsing noise of the pixel has been developed. The pixel is also equipped with an output interface with an adjustable pulse width response. In order to further enhance the effective dynamic range of the pixel a theoretical model for accurate dead time related loss compensation has been developed and verified. This thesis also introduces a new paradigm for electrical generation and encoding of the SPAD array response that supports fully digital operation at the pixel level while enabling dynamic discrete time amplitude encoding of the array response. Thus offering a first ever system solution to simultaneously exploit both the dynamic nature and the digital profile of the SPAD response. The array interface, comprising of multiple digital inputs capacitively coupled onto a shared quasi-floating sense node, in conjunction with the integrated digital decoding and readout electronics represents the first ever solid state single-photon sensor capable of both photon counting and photon number resolution. The viability of the readout architecture is demonstrated through simulations and preliminary proof of concept measurements

    How to reveal subsurface defects in Kevlar® composite materials after an impact loading using infrared vision and optical NDT techniques?

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    An integrated system between infrared vision and optical non-destructive testing techniques can be considered a viable, robust and reliable approach for both aerospace manufacturing and in-service inspections. In this paper, infrared vision is applied in different spectral bands on two impacted panels made of aramid–phenolic composite by applying two different methods, respectively: (1) near and short-wave infrared reflectography and transmittography, and (2) mid-wave active infrared thermography. Furthermore, optical methods, namely digital speckle photography and holographic interferometry, are used as well to highlight the damages due to the impacts on the samples. Some techniques provide more straightforward detection capabilities than others for different defect types

    Index to 1984 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 9, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1984 Tech B Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes in a 0.16 μm BCD Technology With Sharp Timing Response and Red-Enhanced Sensitivity

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    CMOS single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) have recently become an emerging imaging technology for applications requiring high sensitivity and high frame-rate in the visible and near-infrared range. However, a higher photon detection efficiency (PDE), particularly in the 700-950 nm range, is highly desirable for many growing markets, such as eye-safe three-dimensional imaging (LIDAR). In this paper, we report the design and characterization of SPADs fabricated in a 0.16 mu m BCD (Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS) technology. The overall detection performance is among the best reported in the literature: 1) PDE of 60% at 500 nm wavelength and still 12% at 800 nm; 2) very low dark count rate of < 0.2 cps/mu m(2) (in counts per second per unit area); 3) < 1% afterpulsing probability with 50 ns dead-time; and 4) temporal response with 30 ps full width at half-maximum and less than 50 ps diffusion tail time constant