300 research outputs found

    Experimental and computational investigation of turbulent mixing in microscale reactors

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    Flash Nanoprecipitation (FNP) is a promising technique for mass production of nanoparticles for use in various areas. Mixing time is such a crucial factor that it affects the particle size distribution as well as the particle morphology. Turbulent mixing in microscale nanoprecipitation reactors, i.e., the planar conned impinging-jet reactor (CIJR) and the multi-inlet vortex reactor (MIVR), is therefore investigated by means of numerical simulations as well as experimental flow visualization methods. In the process of studying, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models are validated by comparing simulation results with experimental data. One of the experimental visualization techniques developed in this work uses the phenolphthalein as the tracer that characterizes the acid-base neutralization reaction. Mixing is qualitatively and, by applying a special image processing technique, also quantitatively evaluated. Coherent flow structures are also analyzed through spatial correlation and POD. For the MIVR, the microscopic particle velocimetry (micro-PIV or microPIV) is first employed to measure the velocity field. Results from Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations and large eddy simulations (LES) are compared to the micro-PIV results. Comparisons show LES is more suitable for simulating flow field in these reactors. In addition, another experimental method developed in this work is also applied to the MIVR, which couples the confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and the microscopic laser induced fluorescence (micro-LIF). More detailed and quantitatively accurate data are obtained for the CFD model validation. Passive scalar mixing and reactive mixing experiments are both accomplished to quantify the mixing at the maroscale and microscale respectively

    A fundamental investigation of scaling up turbulent liquid-phase vortex reactor using experimentally validated CFD models

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    The production of uniform-sized nanoparticles has potential application in a wide variety of fields, but is still a challenge. One main reason that many lab-scale manufactured nanoparticles have not appeared in industry is because there is lack of control on physical properties and surface functionality of nanoparticles during massive production. Recently, a process called Flash Nanoprecipitation (FNP) has been developed to produce nanoparticles with controlled size and high drug-loading rate. In FNP, fast mixing is required to make sure that solvent and non-solvent mix homogeneously so that competitive precipitation of organics and polymer could result in functional nanoparticles with narrow size distribution. A multi-inlet vortex reactor (MIVR) has been developed to provide fast mixing for the FNP. The MIVR includes four inlets which are tangential to the mixing chamber of reactor. The MIVR has the operational advantage of providing different inlet-flow momentum and configurations compared to other reactors used in the FNP such as confined impinging jet reactor (CIJR). Former studies have already shown its ability of providing fast mixing and successfully producing functional nanoparticles in the FNP. However, until now all previous investigations about the MIVR only focused in its micro-scale (dimensions in millimetre). While the micro-scale MIVR does show great promise in the production of functional nanoparticles, the small dimensions and correspondingly small output of the micro-scale MIVR limit its usefulness to producing functional nanopraticles for applications requiring small production run such as high-value pharmaceutical agents. Some applications such as nanoparticle used in pesticides and cosmetics may require larger production run than the micro-scale MIVR can provide, making it economically unrealistic based on the relatively high capital and operating costs needed for a large number of reactors operating in parallel. For this reason, in the study we are interested in investigating the feasibility of scaling up the FNP process to a macro-scale MIVR capable of generating large quantities of functional nanoparticles, both rapidly and economically, and consequently developing experimentally verified computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models that can be used as design tools for further optimizing reactor design and operation parameters to produce customized functional nanoparticles. To accomplish this investigation, a macro-scale MIVR has been built with optical access. Non-intrusive, optical-based measurement techniques including particle image velocimetry (PIV) and planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) were used to measure flow field and mixing, and related CFD models, specifically turbulence models were validated and developed for optimizing the MIVR and future model development of the FNP process

    River flow monitoring: LS-PIV technique, an image-based method to assess discharge

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    The measurement of the river discharge within a natural ort artificial channel is still one of the most challenging tasks for hydrologists and the scientific community. Although discharge is a physical quantity that theoretically can be measured with very high accuracy, since the volume of water flows in a well-defined domain, there are numerous critical issues in obtaining a reliable value. Discharge cannot be measured directly, so its value is obtained by coupling a measurement of a quantity related to the volume of flowing water and the area of a channel cross-section. Direct measurements of current velocity are made, traditionally with instruments such as current meters. Although measurements with current meters are sufficiently accurate and even if there are universally recognized standards for the current application of such instruments, they are often unusable under specific flow conditions. In flood conditions, for example, due to the need for personnel to dive into the watercourse, it is impossible to ensure adequate safety conditions to operators for carrying out flow measures. Critical issue arising from the use of current meters has been partially addressed thanks to technological development and the adoption of acoustic sensors. In particular, with the advent of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs), flow measurements can take place without personnel having direct contact with the flow, performing measurements either from the bridge or from the banks. This made it possible to extend the available range of discharge measurements. However, the flood conditions of a watercourse also limit the technology of ADCPs. The introduction of the instrument into the current with high velocities and turbulence would put the instrument itself at serious risk, making it vulnerable and exposed to damage. In the most critical case, the instrument could be torn away by the turbulent current. On the other hand, considering smaller discharges, both current meters and ADCPs are technologically limited in their measurement as there are no adequate water levels for the use of the devices. The difficulty in obtaining information on the lowest and highest values of discharge has important implications on how to define the relationships linking flows to water levels. The stage-discharge relationship is one of the tools through which it is possible to monitor the flow in a specific section of a watercourse. Through this curve, a discharge value can be obtained from knowing the water stage. Curves are site-specific and must be continuously updated to account for changes in geometry that the sections for which they are defined may experience over time. They are determined by making simultaneous discharge and stage measurements. Since instruments such as current meters and ADCPs are traditionally used, stage-discharge curves suffer from instrumental limitations. So, rating curves are usually obtained by interpolation of field-measured data and by extrapolate them for the highest and the lowest discharge values, with a consequent reduction in accuracy. This thesis aims to identify a valid alternative to traditional flow measurements and to show the advantages of using new methods of monitoring to support traditional techniques, or to replace them. Optical techniques represent the best solution for overcoming the difficulties arising from the adoption of a traditional approach to flow measurement. Among these, the most widely used techniques are the Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LS-PIV) and the Large-Scale Particle Tracking Velocimetry. They are able to estimate the surface velocity fields by processing images representing a moving tracer, suitably dispersed on the liquid surface. By coupling velocity data obtained from optical techniques with geometry of a cross-section, a discharge value can easily be calculated. In this thesis, the study of the LS-PIV technique was deepened, analysing the performance of the technique, and studying the physical and environmental parameters and factors on which the optical results depend. As the LS-PIV technique is relatively new, there are no recognized standards available for the proper application of the technique. A preliminary numerical analysis was conducted to identify the factors on which the technique is significantly dependent. The results of these analyses enabled the development of specific guidelines through which the LS-PIV technique could subsequently be applied in open field during flow measurement campaigns in Sicily. In this way it was possible to observe experimentally the criticalities involved in applying the technique on real cases. These measurement campaigns provided the opportunity to carry out analyses on field case studies and structure an automatic procedure for optimising the LS-PIV technique. In all case studies it was possible to observe how the turbulence phenomenon is a worsening factor in the output results of the LS-PIV technique. A final numerical analysis was therefore performed to understand the influence of turbulence factor on the performance of the technique. The results obtained represent an important step for future development of the topic

    Current methods for characterising mixing and flow in microchannels

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    This article reviews existing methods for the characterisation of mixing and flow in microchannels, micromixers and microreactors. In particular, it analyses the current experimental techniques and methods available for characterising mixing and the associated phenomena in single and multiphase flow. The review shows that the majority of the experimental techniques used for characterising mixing and two-phase flow in microchannels employ optical methods, which require optical access to the flow, or off-line measurements. Indeed visual measurements are very important for the fundamental understanding of the physics of these flows and the rapid advances in optical measurement techniques, like confocal scanning laser microscopy and high resolution stereo micro particle image velocimetry, are now making full field data retrieval possible. However, integration of microchannel devices in industrial processes will require on-line measurements for process control that do not necessarily rely on optical techniques. Developments are being made in the areas of non-intrusive sensors, magnetic resonance techniques, ultrasonic spectroscopy and on-line flow through measurement cells. The advances made in these areas will certainly be of increasing interest in the future as microchannels are more frequently employed in continuous flow equipment for industrial applications

    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Handbook

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    The Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Handbook: Two-Volume Set comprehensively captures the cross-disciplinary breadth of the fields of micro- and nanofluidics, which encompass the biological sciences, chemistry, physics and engineering applications. To fill the knowledge gap between engineering and the basic sciences, the editors pulled together key individuals, well known in their respective areas, to author chapters that help graduate students, scientists, and practicing engineers understand the overall area of microfluidics and nanofluidics. Topics covered include Finite Volume Method for Numerical Simulation Lattice Boltzmann Method and Its Applications in Microfluidics Microparticle and Nanoparticle Manipulation Methane Solubility Enhancement in Water Confined to Nanoscale Pores Volume Two: Fabrication, Implementation, and Applications focuses on topics related to experimental and numerical methods. It also covers fabrication and applications in a variety of areas, from aerospace to biological systems. Reflecting the inherent nature of microfluidics and nanofluidics, the book includes as much interdisciplinary knowledge as possible. It provides the fundamental science background for newcomers and advanced techniques and concepts for experienced researchers and professionals

    Non-invasive and non-intrusive diagnostic techniques for gas-solid fluidized beds – A review

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    Gas-solid fluidized-bed systems offer great advantages in terms of chemical reaction efficiency and temperature control where other chemical reactor designs fall short. For this reason, they have been widely employed in a range of industrial application where these properties are essential. Nonetheless, the knowledge of such systems and the corresponding design choices, in most cases, rely on a heuristic expertise gained over the years rather than on a deep physical understanding of the phenomena taking place in fluidized beds. This is a huge limiting factor when it comes to the design, the scale-up and the optimization of such complex units. Fortunately, a wide array of diagnostic techniques has enabled researchers to strive in this direction, and, among these, non-invasive and non-intrusive diagnostic techniques stand out thanks to their innate feature of not affecting the flow field, while also avoiding direct contact with the medium under study. This work offers an overview of the non-invasive and non-intrusive diagnostic techniques most commonly applied to fluidized-bed systems, highlighting their capabilities in terms of the quantities they can measure, as well as advantages and limitations of each of them. The latest developments and the likely future trends are also presented. Neither of these methodologies represents a best option on all fronts. The goal of this work is rather to highlight what each technique has to offer and what application are they better suited for

    Mobility of Nano-Particles in Rock Based Micro-Models

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    A confocal micro-particle image velocimetry (C-μPIV) technique along with associated post-processing algorithms is detailed for obtaining three dimensional distributions of nano-particle velocity and concentrations at select locations of the 2.5D (pseudo 3D) Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and ceramic micro-model. The designed and fabricated 2.5D micro-model incorporates microchannel networks with 3D wall structures with one at observation wall which resembles fourteen morphological and flow parameters to those of fully 3D actual reservoir rock (Boise Sandstone) at resolutions of 5 and 10 μm in depth and 5 and 25 μm on plane. In addition, an in-situ, non-destructive method for measuring the geometry of low and high resolution PMMA and ceramic micro-models, including its depth, is described and demonstrated. The flow experiments use 860 nm and 300 nm fluorescence-labeled polystyrene particles, and the data is acquired using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Regular fluorescence microscopy is used for the in-situ geometry measurement along with the use of Rhodamine dye and a depth-to-fluorescence-intensity calibration, which is linear. Monochromatic excitation at a wavelength of 544 nm (green) produced by a HeNe continuous wave laser was used to excite the fluorescence-labeled nanoparticles emitting at 612 nm (red). Confocal images were captured by a highly sensitive fluorescence detector photomultiplier tube. Results of detailed three dimensional velocity, particle concentration distributions, and particle deposition rates from experiments conducted at flow rates of 0.5 nL/min, 1 nL/min, 10 nL/min and 100 nL/min are presented and discussed. The three dimensional micro-model geometry reconstructed from fluorescence data is used as the computational domain to conduct numerical simulations of the flow in the as-tested micro-model for comparisons to experimental results using dimensionless Navier-Stokes model. The flow simulation results are also used to qualitatively compare with velocity distributions of the flowing particles at selected locations. The comparison is qualitative because the particle sizes used in these experiments may not accurately follow the flow itself given the geometry of the micro-models. These larger particles were used for proof of concept purposes, and the techniques and algorithms used permit future use of particles as small as 50 nm

    Establishing a mechanistic link between disturbed flow and aneurysm formation in a 3D cerebral bifurcation model

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    The effect of disturbed flow profiles on the endothelium have been studied extensively in systemic vasculature, but less is known about the response of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to these flow regimes. Here we investigate the effect of steady and pulsatile disturbed flow on the integrity of the BBB using a three-dimensional, perfusable bifurcation model consisting of a co-culture of endothelial cells with mural and glial cells. Experimental flow patterns predicted by computational fluid dynamics mimic in vivo flow regimes, specifically the presence of a recirculation zone immediately downstream of the bifurcation reveal periodic changes in the instantaneous shear stress along the channel wall. Dextran permeability assays and immunostaining with markers for tight junctions show that barrier disruption is significantly greater in areas of disturbed flow compared to fully developed regions downstream of the bifurcation. RNA sequencing found differences in gene expression between the disturbed and fully developed regions, and lumican which has been implicated in ECM organization and collagen fibrillogenisis was shown to be significantly upregulated in the fully developed region. Furthermore, the downregulation of the protein is associated with barrier breakdown. Overall, disturbed flow-induced disruption of the blood-brain barrier suggests that flow-mediated mechanisms may contribute to vascular pathologies in the central nervous system

    Computational models for the simulation of turbulent poly-dispersed flows: Large Eddy Simulation and Quadrature-Based Moment Method

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    This work focuses on the development of efficient computational tools for the simulation of turbulent multiphase polydispersed flows. In terms of methodologies we focus here on the use of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Quadrature-Based Methods of Moments (QBMM). In terms of applications the work is finalised, in order to be applied in the future, to particle production processes (precipitation and crystallisation in particular). An important part of the work concerns the study of the flow field in a Confined Impinging Jets Reactor (CIJR), frequently used in particle production processes. The first part is limited to the comparison and analysis of micro Particle Image Velocimetry (μPIV) experiments, carried out in a previous work, and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), carried out in this thesis. In particular the effects of boundary and operating conditions are studied and the numerical simulations are used to understand the experimental predictions and demonstrate the importance of unavoidable fluctuations in the experimental inlets. This represents a preparatory work for the LES modelling of the CIJR. Before investigating the accuracy of LES predictions for this particular application, the model and the implementation are studied in a more general context, represented by a well-known test case such as the periodic turbulent channel flow: the LES model implementation in TransAT, the code used in this work, is compared with DNS data and with predictions of other codes. LES simulations for the CIJR, provided with the proper boundary conditions obtained by the previous DNS/μPIV study, are then performed and compared with experiments, validating the model in a more realistic test case. Since particle precipitation and crystallization often result in complex interactions between particles and the continuous phase, in the second part of the work particular attention has been paid in the modelling of the momentum transfer and the resulting velocity of the particles (relative to the fluid). In particular the possibility of describing poly-disperse fluid-solid systems with QBMM together with LES and Equilibrium Eulerian Model (EEM) is assessed. The study is performed by comparing our predictions with DNS Lagrangian data in the turbulent channel flow previously described, seeded with particles corresponding to a realistic Particle Size Distribution (PSD). The last part of the work deals with particle collisions, extending QBMM to the investigation of non-equilibrium flows governed by the Boltzmann Equation with a hard-sphere collision kernel. The evolution of the particle velocity distribution is predicted and compared with other methods for kinetic equations such as Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM), Discrete Velocity Method (DVM) and Grad’s Moment Method (GM). The overall results of this thesis can be extended to a broad range of other applications of single-phase, dispersed multiphase and non-equilibrium flows

    Mapping fluid flow in porous biomaterials for tissue engineering

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    Tissue engineering strategies seek to regenerate cartilage tissue in vitro using a combination of cells, scaffolds and cell stimulation via means including bioreactors, as an alternative treatment option to cartilage defects and injuries. There is great interest in capitalising on perfusion and the associated fluid induced forces as a means of providing mechanical stimulation to cells, to ultimately influence desired tissue formation. The use of perfusion bioreactors to introduce such mechanical stimulation has been shown to effectively encourage cartilage regeneration when applied to cells in 3D porous scaffolds. In tissue engineering, cell scaffold constructs are often matured in vitro for extended periods prior to in vivo use so it is vital that the culture environment facilitated by bioreactors enhances tissue formation. Nonetheless, application of excessive perfusion rates can be detrimental to cell attachment, and cause non-desirable changes to differentiation pathways. Therefore, it is imperative that perfusion flow is closely controlled to ensure it provides appropriate levels of mechanical stimulation to cells. However, the relationship between fluid flow and the cellular response to fluid flow in culture, in addition to how far these two influence one another over time needs to be elucidated. To investigate the effectiveness of perfusion bioreactors, research currently relies predominantly on computational models to predict behaviour, and post analysis of scaffolds after perfusion. Experimental real time data to understand how not only does a dynamic culture system change with culture time, but also how the porous architecture influences the fluid pathway would provide a great insight into how scaffold design and subsequent cell proliferation and differentiation effect the flow velocity and fluid induced forces. The optimisation of dynamic culture experiments, bioreactor design and scaffold porous architecture could all benefit from this level of insight. In this thesis, a technique for mapping fluid velocity in porous scaffolds using NMR and MRI is presented. This technique utilises the spin properties of nuclei in proton dense liquids to provide spatially resolved information about the location and physical properties of atom nuclei, and is able to distinguish between atoms with different physical properties, including those atoms experiencing different translational diffusion. All of this information can be obtained non-invasively and in real time making it an ideal tool to study perfusion in porous biomaterial scaffolds for tissue engineering. However, to date there has been very limited use of this technique with respect to tissue engineering, such that the studies in this will seek to validate NMR and MRI techniques in this field and further explore the extent of how it can be used. The impact of obtaining flow velocity profiles within porous scaffolds will undoubtedly inform decisions on scaffold design, bioreactor design and flow conditions. Small variations in flow distributions and velocities could impact cell responses in regards to proliferation, migration and differentiation. Small and unexpected variations in cell behaviour could lead to undesired and inhomogeneous tissue formation. Therefore understanding how variations in flow occur in culture and affect overall cell behaviour and tissue formation can be used to both mitigate for these factors, but also optimise experiments to ensure flow conditions constantly facilitate an environment desirable for tissue regeneration. Firstly, to examine the effects of scaffold porous architectures on fluid flow regimes, 3D printing techniques were used to fabricate cell free scaffolds with varied pore characteristics. 3D printing and computer aided design allow for a high level of control over pore architecture, which dependent on desired flow patterns, can be altered to facilitate such flow patterns. Results demonstrated the effects scaffold architecture has on flow can be mapped using NMR and MRI velocimetry. Secondly, this project further utilised the capabilities of MRI to investigate porous scaffold, which had in this instance been seeded with ihMSC cells. MR imaging was successful in visualisation of both cells that had been labelled with iron oxide nanoparticles, and unlabelled cells within the porous polymer matrix. This imaging method was non-destructive to the scaffold, and therefore could be used to monitor changes in cell densities and migration during cell culture. Finally, this project combined both velocimetry and cell visualisation techniques to link cell location and fluid field patterns. When compared with cell free scaffolds there was significant differences in velocity of fluid in cell-seeded scaffolds, which in some scenarios could be directly linked with cell location
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