29 research outputs found

    Automatic classification possibilities of the voices of children with dysphonia

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    Dysphonia is a common complaint, almost every fourth child produces a pathological voice. A mobile based filtering system, that can be used by pre-school workers in order to recognize dysphonic voiced children in order to get professional help as soon as possible, would be desired. The goal of this research is to identify acoustic parameters that are able to distinguish healthy voices of children from those with dysphonia voices of children. In addition, the possibility of automatic classification is children. In addition, the possibility of automatic classification is examined. Two sample T-tests were used for statistical significance testing for the mean values of the acoustic parameters between healthy voices and those with dysphonia. A two-class classification was performed between the two groups using leave-one-out cross validation, with support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Formant frequencies, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio (HNR), Soft Phonation Index (SPI) and frequency band energy ratios, based on intrinsic mode functions measured on different variations of phonemes showed statistical difference between the groups. A high classification accuracy of 93% was achieved by SVM with linear and rbf kernel using only 8 acoustic parameters. Additional data is needed to build a more general model, but this research can be a reference point in the classification of voices using continuous speech between healthy children and children with dysphonia

    Betegségek automatikus szétválasztása időben eltolt akusztikai jellemzők korrelációs struktúrája alapján

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    Egyes betegségtípusok különböző módon befolyásolhatják beszédképzésünk összetett mechanizmusait, patológiás beszédet eredményezve. Biomarkerek kinyerése a beszédből megbízható jelzői lehetnek a különböző betegségtípusoknak. A cikk célja egészséges és különböző betegségtípusokban szenvedő bemondók beszédmintáinak különválasztása. A vizsgált betegségtípusok a következők: depresszió, Parkinson-kór, hangképző szervek morfológiai elváltozása, a funkcionális diszfónia és a rekurrens paresis. Az osztályozó bemenetére formánsfrekvenciák (F1, F2, F3), a mel-szűrő sáv energia értékei, a mel-frekvencia kepsztrális együtthatók (MFCCs), az alapfrekvencia (F0) és az intenzitás időben eltolt értékeinek korrelációs mátrixaiból származtatott értékei kerültek. Szupport vektor gépet, valamint k-legközelebbi szomszéd osztályozási eljárásokat használtunk az eredmények összehasonlítására. Hatosztályos osztályozás esetben a legjobb osztályozási pontosság 54.8%-nak adódott, míg négyosztályos esetben 77.6%. Az elért eredmények alapján kijelenthető, hogy egy beszédalapú rendszer létrehozható, amely segít a klinikai személyzetnek a korai diagnózis felállításában

    The implications of intensive singing training on the vocal health and development of boy choristers in an English cathedral choir

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    Boy choristers who sing in UK cathedrals and major chapels perform to a professional standard on a daily basis, with linked rehearsals, whilst also following a full school curriculum. This research will investigate the impact of this intensive schedule in relation to current vocal health and future development.\ud This research reports the findings of a longitudinal chorister study, based in one of London's cathedrals. Singing and vocal behaviour have been profiled on a six-monthly basis across three years using data from a specially designed perceptual and acoustic assessment protocol. The speaking and singing voice data have been analysed using a selection of techniques in current usage in both laboratory and clinical settings. Evaluation and comparison of these methods has enabled a range of effective assessment protocols to be suggested. The behaviour of the voice at the onset of adolescent voice change has been observed using electroglottogram data. The boarding choristers numbered thirty-four in total, eleven of whom were selected for longitudinal analysis. Similar acoustic data have also been collected from three other groups of boys, a total of ninety individuals, for comparative purposes. \ud It has been possible to quantify the possible influence of both school environment and vocal activity on overall vocal health. Significant differences have been noted between the vocal health of the boys in the chorister group and the non-choristers; the boarding choristers, although having the highest vocal loading, have the lowest incidence of voice disorder. This would in itself suggest that either the voice is being athletically conditioned to support such activity, or that the chorister group employs some self-regulation with regard to overusing the voice. The comparison with various other groups of boys implicates the cultural and social influences of peer groups in voice use.\ud The longitudinal observations of the choristers illustrate the development of vocal skills and the impact of increased choral responsibility on the vocal health of the individuals. It has also provided insights into the vocal behaviour during the onset of adolescent voice change with particular information about the vocal skills employed in the upper pitch range; the nature of phonation in the upper pitch range of trained boy singers entering voice change \u

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA) came into being in 1999 from the particularly felt need of sharing know-how, objectives and results between areas that until then seemed quite distinct such as bioengineering, medicine and singing. MAVEBA deals with all aspects concerning the study of the human voice with applications ranging from the neonate to the adult and elderly. Over the years the initial issues have grown and spread also in other aspects of research such as occupational voice disorders, neurology, rehabilitation, image and video analysis. MAVEBA takes place every two years always in Firenze, Italy

    Systematisches Review und Metaanalyse zur konservativen Behandlung von funktionellen Stimmstörungen und einseitigen Stimmlippenparesen

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    Hintergrund: Die Prävalenz, an einer Stimmstörung zu erkranken, liegt schätzungsweise bei 6,6 % und die Lebenszeitprävalenz bei 29,9 %. Funktionelle Stimmstörungen gehören mit 30 % zu den häufigsten laryngealen Pathologien im Erwachsenenalter. Stimmstörungen haben einen negativen Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität, führen zu Arbeitsausfällen und stellen einen relevanten gesundheitsökonomischen Faktor dar. Im Jahre 2015 wurden in Deutschland 636 Millionen Euro zur Therapie dieser Störungen ausgegeben. Mit dem Ziel des sinnvollen Ein-satzes dieser erheblichen finanziellen Ressourcen erscheint es wichtig zu wissen, inwieweit häufig angewandte Formate der Behandlung dieser Störung als evidenzbasiert angesehen werden können. Ziel: Das Ziel des systematischen Reviews und der Metaanalyse war es, den aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft zu diesem Thema zu untersuchen. Methode: Es wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche unter der Verwendung der Datenbanken MEDLINE, Cochrane Liberary und PsycINFO durchgeführt. Relevante Parameter stellten die Messung der stimmbezogenen Lebensqualität in Form des Vocal Handicap Index (VHI) bzw. der ma-ximalen Tonhaltedauer (MPT) sowie die Art und Dauer der Therapie dar. Mit Hilfe der Me-taanalyse, unter Verwendung des Modells für zufällige Effekte, wurden die Mittelwertsdiffe-renzen und das 95 % Konfidenzintervall (KI) berechnet, um die Heterogenität der Studien zu berücksichtigen. Zusätzlich wurde eine Metaregression durchgeführt, um die Heterogenität der Ergebnisse aufzudecken. Ergebnisse & Schlussfolgerung: Insgesamt wurden 25 Studien in die qualitative und 21 Studien in die quantitative Analyse eingeschlossen. Die Ergebnisse der Metaanalyse zeigen, dass die insgesamt fünf inkludierten Methoden konservativer Stimmtherapien den VHI-Punktewert bei Patienten mit funktionellen Stimmstörungen durch-schnittlich signifikant um -7,66 (95 % KI: -10,14; -5,18) senken. Die Methode der Vocal Function Exercises (VFE) stellte sich als effektivste und einzige Methode heraus, welche die Lebensqualität klinisch relevant erhöht (SMD = -11,17; 95 % KI: -14,17; -8,17). Ähnliche Ergebnisse erzielte diese Art der Therapie bei der Behandlung der Altersstimme (SMD = -14,77; 95 % KI: -23,80; -5,74). Programme zur vokalen Hygiene alleine erzielten keinen sig-nifikanten Effekt (SMD = -1,39; 95 % KI: -4,17; 1,38). Eine Metaregression ergab, dass die angewandte Methode der Stimmtherapie ein signifikanter Faktor für den Therapieerfolg ist, auch wenn für Faktoren, wie das Alter der Probanden, Ausgangswert und Dauer der Therapie kontrolliert werden. Die Ergebnisse einer weiteren Metanalyse zeigen, dass konservative Stimmtherapien die MPT von Patienten mit einseitiger Stimmlippenparese signifikant um 5,80 (95 % KI: 4,50; 7,09) erhöhen. Der Effekt scheint umso größer zu sein, je früher die In-tervention eingesetzt wird.Background: The prevalence of a voice disorder is estimated to be 6.6 % and the lifetime prevalence 29.9 %. Functional voice disorders account for 30 % of the laryngeal pathologies in adulthood. Voice disorders have a negative impact on the quality of life, lead to job losses and represent a relevant health economic factor. In 2015, 636 million euros were spent in Germany to treat these disorders. With the aim of making good use of these significant finan-cial resources, it seems important to know to what extent commonly used forms can be con-sidered as evidence-based treatment of this disorder. Objective: It was the aim of the system-atic review and meta-analysis to investigate the current state of science on this topic. Method: A systematic literature search was conducted using the databases MEDLINE, Cochrane Lib-erary and PsycINFO. Relevant parameters included the measurement of voice-related quality of life in the form of the Vocal Handicap Index (VHI) or Maximum Phonation Time (MPT) as well as the type and duration of therapy. Summary mean differences (SMD) and 95 % con-fidence intervals (95% CI) were derived from random effects meta-analyses to account for possible heterogeneity across studies. In addition, a meta-regression was performed to uncov-er the heterogeneity of the results. Results & conclusion: A total of 25 studies were included in the qualitative and 21 studies in the quantitative analysis. Results from the meta-analysis show that the total of five included methods of conservative voice therapies reduced the VHI scores on average in patients with functional voice disorders by -7.66 (95 % CI: -10.14, -5.18). The Vocal Function Exercises (VFE) method proved to be the most effective and only method that clinically increased the quality of life (SMD = -11.17, 95 % CI: -14.17, -8.17). Similar results were obtained with this type of therapy in the treatment of presbyphonia (SMD = -14.77; 95 % CI: -23.80, -5.74). Vocal hygiene programs alone did not produce a significant effect (SMD = -1.39; 95 % CI: -4.17, 1.38). A meta-regression showed that the method of voice therapy used is a significant factor for the success of therapy, even if the analysis is con-trolled for parameters such as age of the subjects, baseline and duration of therapy. The re-sults of another meta-analysis show that conservative voice therapies significantly increase the MPT of patients with unilateral vocal fold paresis by 5.80 (95 % CI: 4.50, 7.09). The ef-fect seems to be greater the earlier the intervention is used

    Vocal behaviour as an indicator of lamb vigour

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    The viability and survival of the neonate lamb relies on its ability to communicate and maintain a strong attachment with its dam. To date there has been little concise information available about the role of the lamb's behaviour, and in particular the importance of acoustic cues, in this relationship as greater attention has been focused on maternal attributes important in facilitating the maternal-young bond. In human and rodent neonates, acoustic features of the distress vocalisation are used as indices of neurological deficit and integrity both at birth and in infant acoustic cry analysis. The aim of this thesis was to investigate potential behavioural indicators of lamb vigour, with a particular focus on vocal behaviour, within the first 12 hours of life. Such measures could provide valuable information for development of reproductive breeding objectives, and provide clarity regarding the role of the lamb in failed maternal-young interactions. Delayed vocalisation initiation in response to a separation stimulus was found to be associated with poor vigour-related behaviour reflecting the capacity of the lamb to reunite and follow the dam over 12 hours postpartum. Vocalisation delay was also associated with risk factors related to poor lamb survival including longer parturition duration, male sex, first parity, heavier birth weight and sire-related conformational attributes likely to result in a more difficult birth. Blood assay markers reflecting fetal distress including poor blood oxygenation, and elevated plasma glucose and lactate levels sampled at birth were also demonstrated to be correlated with vocalisation latency. These associations were concluded to reflect impacts on the lamb's neurological system rather than genetic influences because of evidence provided by within-litter comparisons, and to demonstrate neuroregenerative processes over a 12 hour measurement period. An analysis of lamb distress signals modelled on acoustic cry analysis of the human neonate was also undertaken to compare vocalisation characteristics of lambs with delayed responses to those with rapid responses indicating vigour. Signal features of delayed response lambs were more likely to demonstrate acoustic parameters reflecting glottal instability, lower amplitude and reduced repetition rate. These lambs were more likely to emit inefficient or inappropriate signals in the context of isolation. A significantly higher fundamental frequency, an indicator of pathology in the human infant, was not clearly demonstrated to be associated with compromised lambs in this study. It was also found in a two-choice test, where sheep dams were required to demonstrate a preference for signals of their own co-twins, that ewes preferred acoustic signals of lambs correlated with rapid vocalisation response, higher pitch and greater signal stability. The results indicate that delayed vocalisation responsiveness and other acoustic measures are associated with fetal compromise in the neonate lamb, as shown in the human and rodent models. It was concluded that delayed vocal initiation is a marker for poor postnatal outcome characterised by diminished responsiveness to a distress condition. This research has important implications for understanding failed maternal-young relationships and the consequences for survival in mammalian neonates

    Práticas vocais performativas de cantadeiras do Alto Minho

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    Doutoramento em MúsicaPortugal has strong musical traditions, which have been perpetrated by decades through folkloristic activities. In folk groups from Alto Minho (north of Portugal), folk singing is mostly performed by cantadeiras, amateur female solo singers who learn this style orally. Their vocal characteristics are distinctive when compared with other regions of the country; however, deep understanding of these vocal practices is still missing. The present work aims at studying Alto Minho cantadeira’s vocal performance in a multidimensional perspective, envisioning social, cultural and physiological understanding of this musical style. Thus, qualitative and quantitative data analyses were carried out, to: (i) describe current performance practices, (ii) explore existent perceptions about most relevant voice features in this region, (iii) investigate physiological and acoustic properties of this style, and (iv) compare this style of singing with other non-classical singing styles of other countries. Dataset gathered involved: 78 groups whose members were telephone interviewed, 13 directors who were asked to fill in a questionnaire on performance practices, 1 cantadeira in a pilot study, 16 cantadeiras in preliminary voice recordings, 77 folk group members in listening tests, and 10 cantadeiras in multichannel recordings, including audio, ELG, air flow and intra-oral pressure signals. Data were analysed through thematic content analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics, hierarchical principal components, and multivariate linear regression models. Most representative voices have a high pitched and loud voice, with a bright timbre, predominance of chest register without excessive effort, and good text intelligibility with regional accent. High representativeness levels were obtained by few cantadeiras; these sing with high levels of subglottal pressure and vocal fold contact quotient, predominance of high spectrum energy and vocal loudness, corroborating indications of prevalence of pressed phonation. These vocal characteristics resemble belting in musical theatre and share similarities with country (USA) and ojikanje (Croatia) singing. Strategies that may contribute to the preservation of this type of singing and the vocal health of current cantadeiras are discussed, pointing at the direction of continuous education among folk groups, following practices that are already adopted elsewhere in Europe.Portugal é um país com fortes tradições musicais perpetuadas ao longo de décadas através das práticas folclóricas. Nos grupos folclóricos da região do Alto Minho, o canto é maioritariamente praticado por cantadeiras, cantoras amadoras cuja aprendizagem é feita maioritariamente por tradição oral. As suas características vocais diferenciam-se das de outras regiões do país, embora se desconheçam ainda as razões fisiológicas e acústicas responsáveis por tal distinção. O presente trabalho propõe investigar a performance vocal das cantadeiras do Alto Minho numa perspetiva multidimensional, considerando aspetos sociais, culturais, fisiológicos e acústicos associados à prática deste estilo musical. Assim, os dados recolhidos, qualitativos e quantitativos, procuraram: (i) descrever práticas performativas atuais, (ii) explorar as perceções existentes sobre os traços mais relevantes da voz nesta região, (iii) investigar propriedades fisiológicas e acústicas da voz neste estilo, e (iv) comparar o canto folclórico do Alto Minho com outros estilos de canto tradicional. Foram envolvidos: 78 grupos, em questionários telefónicos, 13 diretores em questionários de caracterização performativa, 1 cantadeira num estudo piloto, 16 cantadeiras em gravações áudio preliminares, 77 membros de grupos folclóricos em testes perceptuais auditivos e 10 cantadeiras em gravações multicanal, incluindo sinais áudio, ELG, fluxo de ar e pressão intra-oral. A análise de dados incluiu análise temática de conteúdo, estatística descritiva e inferencial, análise hierárquica de componentes principais e modelos de regressão linear multivariada. As características vocais mais representativas incluem: voz aguda e forte, com timbre estridente, prevalência de registo de peito com nível não-excessivo de esforço, boa inteligibilidade do texto e sotaque da região. Poucas foram as cantadeiras identificadas como detentoras destas características. As que foram apontadas como possuidoras de vozes mais representativas apresentam valores de pressão subglótica e contacto das pregas vocais elevados, predominância de parciais harmónicos superiores e grande intensidade vocal, características que corroboram as associadas a uma fonação “pressionada”. Este padrão vocal, indicativo de esforço fonatório, aproxima-se do descrito em belting, utilizado em teatro musical. Quando comparado com outros géneros tradicionais, as cantadeiras do Alto Minho apresentam alguns traços semelhantes aos dos cantores de country (EUA) e ojikanje (Croácia). Estratégias que poderão contribuir para a preservação deste estilo vocal e para a saúde vocal das cantadeiras apontam para a formação contínua de grupos existentes, à semelhança do que acontece com outros estilos folclóricos europeus

    Broadcast speech and the effect of voice quality on the listener : a study of the various components which categorise listener perception by vocal characteristics.

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    Voice quality is crucial to the art of the broadcast speaker. Acceptable voice quality is a necessity for an acceptable microphone voice and essential therefore for employment as a broadcaster. This thesis investigates the characteristics of the voice which provide that acceptability; and categorises the features which lead the listener to make judgements about their vocal likes and dislikes. These subjective judgements are explored by investigating the psychological, medical, and innate features contributing to the vocal perceptions of the listener. Voice quality is related to the efficiency of the larynx and its importance to voice production; and to the various vocal disorders which can affect the broadcaster. It becomes evident throughout the thesis that each listener receives a clear impression of the personality of the speaker through the features present in the voice. Many of these impressions however are based on stereotypes. The thesis relates these stereotypical judgements to accents, investigating their relationship to the 'BBC' voice, the 'World Service' voice, the 'ILR' voice and the 'reporter's voice' . It is shown that the listener's subjective impression of the voice and the broadcaster personality is formed by the presentational and physical aspects of voice quality. Listener perceptions of voice acceptability are tested and discussed. The data is analysed to provide a set of dominant characteristics from which are drawn voice histograms and frequency polygons. The result is a set of preferred voice characteristics which apply specifically to the broadcast speaker and which can be sought during the selection process