4,260 research outputs found

    Multi-Cycle at Speed Test

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    In this research, we focus on the development of an algorithm that is used to generate a minimal number of patterns for path delay test of integrated circuits using the multi-cycle at-speed test. We test the circuits in functional mode, where multiple functional cycles follow after the test pattern scan-in operation. This approach increases the delay correlation between the scan and functional test, due to more functionally realistic power supply noise. We use multiple at-speed cycles to compact K-longest paths per gate tests, which reduces the number of scan patterns. After a path is generated, we try to place each path in the first pattern in the pattern pool. If the path does not fit due to conflicts, we attempt to place it in later functional cycles. This compaction approach retains the greedy nature of the original dynamic compaction algorithm where it will stop if the path fits into a pattern. If the path is not able to compact in any of the functional cycles of patterns in the pool, we generate a new pattern. In this method, each path delay test is compared to at-speed patterns in the pool. The challenge is that the at-speed delay test in a given at-speed cycle must have its necessary value assignments set up in previous (preamble) cycles, and have the captured results propagated to a scan cell in the later (coda) cycles. For instance, if we consider three at-speed (capture) cycles after the scan-in operation, and if we need to place a fault in the first capture cycle, then we must generate it with two propagation cycles. In this case, we consider these propagation cycles as coda cycles, so the algorithm attempts to select the most observable path through them. Likewise, if we are placing the path test in the second capture cycle, then we need one preamble cycle and one coda cycle, and if we are placing the path test in the third capture cycle, we require two preamble cycles with no coda cycles

    Power supply noise in delay testing

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    As technology scales into the Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) regime, circuit designs have become more and more sensitive to power supply noise. Excessive noise can significantly affect the timing performance of DSM designs and cause non-trivial additional delay. In delay test generation, test compaction and test fill techniques can produce excessive power supply noise. This will eventually result in delay test overkill. To reduce this overkill, we propose a low-cost pattern-dependent approach to analyze noise-induced delay variation for each delay test pattern applied to the design. Two noise models have been proposed to address array bond and wire bond power supply networks, and they are experimentally validated and compared. Delay model is then applied to calculate path delay under noise. This analysis approach can be integrated into static test compaction or test fill tools to control supply noise level of delay tests. We also propose an algorithm to predict transition count of a circuit, which can be applied to control switching activity during dynamic compaction. Experiments have been performed on ISCAS89 benchmark circuits. Results show that compacted delay test patterns generated by our compaction tool can meet a moderate noise or delay constraint with only a small increase in compacted test set size. Take the benchmark circuit s38417 for example: a 10% delay increase constraint only results in 1.6% increase in compacted test set size in our experiments. In addition, different test fill techniques have a significant impact on path delay. In our work, a test fill tool with supply noise analysis has been developed to compare several test fill techniques, and results show that the test fill strategy significant affect switching activity, power supply noise and delay. For instance, patterns with minimum transition fill produce less noise-induced delay than random fill. Silicon results also show that test patterns filled in different ways can cause as much as 14% delay variation on target paths. In conclusion, we must take noise into consideration when delay test patterns are generated

    High Quality Test Generation Targeting Power Supply Noise

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    Delay test is an essential structural manufacturing test used to determine the maximal frequency at which a chip can run without incurring any functional failures. The central unsolved challenge is achieving high delay correlation with the functional test, which is dominated by power supply noise (PSN). Differences in PSN between functional and structural tests can lead to differences in chip operating frequencies of 30% or more. Pseudo functional test (PFT), based on a multiple-cycle clocking scheme, has better PSN correlation with functional test compared with traditional two-cycle at-speed test. However, PFT is vulnerable to under-testing when applied to delay test. This work aims to generate high quality PFT patterns, achieving high PSN correlation with functional test. First, a simulation-based don’t-care filling algorithm, Bit-Flip, is proposed to improve the PSN for PFT. It relies on randomly flipping a group of bits in the test pattern to explore the search space and find patterns that stress the circuits with the worst-case, but close to functional PSN. Experimental results on un-compacted patterns show Bit-Flip is able to improve PSN as much as 38.7% compared with the best random fill. Second, techniques are developed to improve the efficiency of Bit-Flip. A set of partial patterns, which sensitize transitions on critical cells, are pre-computed and later used to guide the selection of bits to flip. Combining random and deterministic flipping, we achieve similar PSN control as Bit-Flip but with much less simulation time. Third, we address the problem of automatic test pattern generation for extracting circuit timing sensitivity to power supply noise during post-silicon validation. A layout-aware path selection algorithm selects long paths to fully span the power delivery network. The selected patterns are intelligently filled to bring the PSN to a desired level. These patterns can be used to understand timing sensitivity in post-silicon validation by repeatedly applying the path delay test while sweeping the PSN experienced by the path from low to high. Finally, the impacts of compression on power supply noise control are studied. Illinois Scan and embedded deterministic test (EDT) patterns are generated. Then Bit-Flip is extended to incorporate the compression constraints and applied to compressible patterns. The experimental results show that EDT lowers the maximal PSN by 24.15% and Illinois Scan lowers it by 2.77% on un-compacted patterns

    Low Cost Power and Supply Noise Estimation and Control in Scan Testing of VLSI Circuits

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    Test power is an important issue in deep submicron semiconductor testing. Too much power supply noise and too much power dissipation can result in excessive temperature rise, both leading to overkill during delay test. Scan-based test has been widely adopted as one of the most commonly used VLSI testing method. The test power during scan testing comprises shift power and capture power. The power consumed in the shift cycle dominates the total power dissipation. It is crucial for IC manufacturing companies to achieve near constant power consumption for a given timing window in order to keep the chip under test (CUT) at a near constant temperature, to make it easy to characterize the circuit behavior and prevent delay test over kill. To achieve constant test power, first, we built a fast and accurate power model, which can estimate the shift power without logic simulation of the circuit. We also proposed an efficient and low power X-bit Filling process, which could potentially reduce both the shift power and capture power. Then, we introduced an efficient test pattern reordering algorithm, which achieves near constant power between groups of patterns. The number of patterns in a group is determined by the thermal constant of the chip. Experimental results show that our proposed power model has very good correlation. Our proposed X-Fill process achieved both minimum shift power and capture power. The algorithm supports multiple scan chains and can achieve constant power within different regions of the chip. The greedy test pattern reordering algorithm can reduce the power variation from 29-126 percent to 8-10 percent or even lower if we reduce the power variance threshold. Excessive noise can significantly affect the timing performance of Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) designs and cause non-trivial additional delay. In delay test generation, test compaction and test fill techniques can produce excessive power supply noise. This can result in delay test overkill. Prior approaches to power supply noise aware delay test compaction are too costly due to many logic simulations, and are limited to static compaction. We proposed a realistic low cost delay test compaction flow that guardbands the delay using a sequence of estimation metrics to keep the circuit under test supply noise more like functional mode. This flow has been implemented in both static compaction and dynamic compaction. We analyzed the relationship between delay and voltage drop, and the relationship between effective weighted switching activity (WSA) and voltage drop. Based on these correlations, we introduce the low cost delay test pattern compaction framework considering power supply noise. Experimental results on ISCAS89 circuits show that our low cost framework is up to ten times faster than the prior high cost framework. Simulation results also verify that the low cost model can correctly guardband every path‟s extra noise-induced delay. We discussed the rules to set different constraints in the levelized framework. The veto process used in the compaction can be also applied to other constraints, such as power and temperature

    Transition Faults and Transition Path Delay Faults: Test Generation, Path Selection, and Built-In Generation of Functional Broadside Tests

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    As the clock frequency and complexity of digital integrated circuits increase rapidly, delay testing is indispensable to guarantee the correct timing behavior of the circuits. In this dissertation, we describe methods developed for three aspects of delay testing in scan-based circuits: test generation, path selection and built-in test generation. We first describe a deterministic broadside test generation procedure for a path delay fault model named the transition path delay fault model, which captures both large and small delay defects. Under this fault model, a path delay fault is detected only if all the individual transition faults along the path are detected by the same test. To reduce the complexity of test generation, sub-procedures with low complexity are applied before a complete branch-and-bound procedure. Next, we describe a method based on static timing analysis to select critical paths for test generation. Logic conditions that are necessary for detecting a path delay fault are considered to refine the accuracy of static timing analysis, using input necessary assignments. Input necessary assignments are input values that must be assigned to detect a fault. The method calculates more accurate path delays, selects paths that are critical during test application, and identifies undetectable path delay faults. These two methods are applicable to off-line test generation. For large circuits with high complexity and frequency, built-in test generation is a cost-effective method for delay testing. For a circuit that is embedded in a larger design, we developed a method for built-in generation of functional broadside tests to avoid excessive power dissipation during test application and the overtesting of delay faults, taking the functional constraints on the primary input sequences of the circuit into consideration. Functional broadside tests are scan-based two-pattern tests for delay faults that create functional operation conditions during test application. To avoid the potential fault coverage loss due to the exclusive use of functional broadside tests, we also developed an optional DFT method based on state holding to improve fault coverage. High delay fault coverage can be achieved by the developed method for benchmark circuits using simple hardware

    A survey of scan-capture power reduction techniques

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    With the advent of sub-nanometer geometries, integrated circuits (ICs) are required to be checked for newer defects. While scan-based architectures help detect these defects using newer fault models, test data inflation happens, increasing test time and test cost. An automatic test pattern generator (ATPG) exercise’s multiple fault sites simultaneously to reduce test data which causes elevated switching activity during the capture cycle. The switching activity results in an IR drop exceeding the devices under test (DUT) specification. An increase in IR-drop leads to failure of the patterns and may cause good DUTs to fail the test. The problem is severe during at-speed scan testing, which uses a functional rated clock with a high frequency for the capture operation. Researchers have proposed several techniques to reduce capture power. They used various methods, including the reduction of switching activity. This paper reviews the recently proposed techniques. The principle, algorithm, and architecture used in them are discussed, along with key advantages and limitations. In addition, it provides a classification of the techniques based on the method used and its application. The goal is to present a survey of the techniques and prepare a platform for future development in capture power reduction during scan testing

    One-Dimensional Strain Initiated by Rapid Compaction of a Heterogenous Granular Mixture Consisting of Cu, Fe, SiO2, C, MoS2, and Sn

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    The dynamic compaction of metal powders is of great interest to the metallurgical and military communities. The compaction of a heterogeneous granular mixture consisting of copper, iron, silica, graphite, molybdenum-disulde, and tin predominately used in aviation break-pad creation is presented. The initial density of the material was on average 2.756 g/cm3 . The research also required developing a working projectile velocity measurement system and a proper target assembly for pressure measurements. Manganin gages were used to record the shock wave transit time and the pressure of the transmitted waveform into the powder mixture. An impedance matching technique was utilized to determine the particle velocity at the powder-impact plate interface and the shock velocity was determined from the measured data. The shock velocity and particle velocity were plotted to develop a linear equation of state, Us = SUp + C0. The linear equation of state was determined to have a Hugoniot slope of S = 0.3949 ± 1.2869 and a bulk sound speed of C0 = 0.552 ± 0.188(m/s). The equation of state was then employed in bulk one-dimensional computer simulations to compare to the waveform obtained from the pressure measurement system. The post-impact samples were investigated using a scanning electron microscope and electron dispersive spectroscopy to compare the microstructure of the dynamically compacted samples to the commercially manufactured pressed and sintered sample. The bulk scale simulations proved to recreate the pressure waveform from the pressure measurement system. It was also found that the dynamically compressed samples had minimal evidence of sintered grains, but had significant lateral fractures resulting from release

    High Quality Compact Delay Test Generation

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    Delay testing is used to detect timing defects and ensure that a circuit meets its timing specifications. The growing need for delay testing is a result of the advances in deep submicron (DSM) semiconductor technology and the increase in clock frequency. Small delay defects that previously were benign now produce delay faults, due to reduced timing margins. This research focuses on the development of new test methods for small delay defects, within the limits of affordable test generation cost and pattern count. First, a new dynamic compaction algorithm has been proposed to generate compacted test sets for K longest paths per gate (KLPG) in combinational circuits or scan-based sequential circuits. This algorithm uses a greedy approach to compact paths with non-conflicting necessary assignments together during test generation. Second, to make this dynamic compaction approach practical for industrial use, a recursive learning algorithm has been implemented to identify more necessary assignments for each path, so that the path-to-test-pattern matching using necessary assignments is more accurate. Third, a realistic low cost fault coverage metric targeting both global and local delay faults has been developed. The metric suggests the test strategy of generating a different number of longest paths for each line in the circuit while maintaining high fault coverage. The number of paths and type of test depends on the timing slack of the paths under this metric. Experimental results for ISCAS89 benchmark circuits and three industry circuits show that the pattern count of KLPG can be significantly reduced using the proposed methods. The pattern count is comparable to that of transition fault test, while achieving higher test quality. Finally, the proposed ATPG methodology has been applied to an industrial quad-core microprocessor. FMAX testing has been done on many devices and silicon data has shown the benefit of KLPG test
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