6 research outputs found

    Millimeter-Wave CMOS Digitally Controlled Oscillators for Automotive Radars

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    All-Digital-Phase-Locked-Loops (ADPLLs) are ideal for integrated circuit implementations and effectively generate frequency chirps for Frequency-Modulated-Continuous-Wave (FMCW) radar. This dissertation discusses the design requirements for integrated ADPLL, which is used as chirp synthesizer for FMCW automotive radar and focuses on an analysis of the ADPLL performance based on the Digitally-Controlled-Oscillator (DCO) design parameters and the ADPLL configuration. The fundamental principles of the FMCW radar are reviewed and the importance of linear DCO for reliable operation of the synthesizer is discussed. A novel DCO, which achieves linear frequency tuning steps is designed by arranging the available minimum Metal-Oxide-Metal (MoM) capacitor in unique confconfigurations. The DCO prototype fabricated in 65 nm CMOS fullls the requirements of the 77 GHz automotive radar. The resultant linear DCO characterization can effectively drive a chirp generation system in complete FMCW automotive radar synthesizer

    A built-in self-test technique for high speed analog-to-digital converters

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PhD grant (SFRH/BD/62568/2009

    RF CMOS Oscillators for Modern Wireless Applications

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    While mobile phones enjoy the largest production volume ever of any consumer electronics products, the demands they place on radio-frequency (RF) transceivers are particularly aggressive, especially on integration with digital processors, low area, low power consumption, while being robust against process-voltage-temperature variations. Since mobile terminals inherently operate on batteries, their power budget is severely constrained. To keep up with the ever increasing data-rate, an ever-decreasing power per bit is required to maintain the battery lifetime. The RF oscillator is the second most power-hungry block of a wireless radio (after power amplifiers). Consequently, any power reduction in an RF oscillator will greatly benefit the overall power efficiency of the cellular transceiver. Moreover, the RF oscillators' purity limits the transceiver performance. The oscillator's phase noise results in power leakage into adjacent channels in a transmit mode and reciprocal mixing in a receive mode. On the other hand, the multi-standard and multi-band transceivers that are now trending demand wide tuning range oscillators. However, broadening the oscillator’s tuning range is usually at the expense of die area (cost) or phase noise. The main goal of this book is to bring forth the exciting and innovative RF oscillator structures that demonstrate better phase noise performance, lower cost, and higher power efficiency than currently achievable. Technical topics discussed in RF CMOS Oscillators for Modern Wireless Applications include: Design and analysis of low phase-noise class-F oscillators Analyze a technique to reduce 1/f noise up-conversion in the oscillators Design and analysis of low power/low voltage oscillators Wide tuning range oscillators Reliability study of RF oscillators in nanoscale CMO

    Design and investigation of nanometric integrated circuits for all-digital frequency synthesisers

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    Disertacijoje nagrinėjami daugiajuosčių dažnio sintezatorių blokai, modeliai bei jų kūrimas taikant nanometrines integrinių grandynų technologijas. Iškeliama ir įrodoma hipotezė, kad taikant nanometrines technologijas visiškai skaitmeniniai dažnio sintezatoriai įgalina gauti parametrus, reikiamus daugiajuosčiams belai- džio ryšio siųstuvams-imtuvams. Darbo tikslas – sukurti visiškai skaitmeninio dažnio sintezatoriaus blokus, kuriuos naudojant galima pasiekti reikiamus sinte- zatoriaus, skirto daugiajuosčiams belaidžio ryšio siųstuvams-imtuvams, paramet- rus taikant nanometrines integrinių grandynų gamybos technologijas. Darbe išsp- ręsti tokie uždaviniai: ištirtos dažnio sintezatorių struktūros ir sukurta struktūra, tinkama įgyvendinti taikant nanometrines technologijas, sukurti ir ištirti siūlomos struktūros sintezatorių sudarančių blokų modeliai ir integriniai grandynai. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, naudotos literatū- ros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai ir keturi priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašo- mas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma ty- rimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, gi- namieji teiginiai bei disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje apžvelgiamos dažnio sintezatorių rūšys, aprašomi pag- rindiniai dažnio sintezatorių parametrai ir dažniausiai naudojamos kokybės funk- cijos. Apžvelgiami dažnio sintezatorių modeliai ir jų veikimas fazės ir dažnio sri- tyse. Aprašomi visiškai skaitmeninio dažnio sintezatoriaus triukšmų šaltiniai. Skyriaus pabaigoje suformuluojami disertacijos uždaviniai. Antrajame skyriuje pasiūlyta ir taikoma nauja kokybės funkcija, leidžianti at- likti daugiajuosčių dažnio sintezatorių palyginamąją analizę. Iškeliami reikalavi- mai pagrindiniams sintezatoriaus blokams, nagrinėjami laikinio skaitmeninio kei- tiklio skiriamosios gebos didinimo būdai, sukurtas naujas laikinio skaitmeninio keitiklio modelis. Siūloma dažnio sintezatoriaus struktūra daugiajuosčiams siųs- tuvams-imtuvams. Trečiajame skyriuje pagal iškeltus reikalavimus daugiajuosčio dažnio sinte- zatoriaus blokams, taikant kompiuterinių skaičiavimų ir eksperimentinius meto- dus yra kuriami ir tiriami laikinio skaitmeninio keitiklio, skaitmeniniu būdu val- domo generatoriaus bei skaitmeninio filtro integriniai grandynai. Disertacijos tema yra atspausdinti 7 moksliniai straipsniai: 4 – mokslo žurna- luose, įtrauktuose į Clarivate Analytics Web of Science duomenų bazę, 1 – tarp- tautinių konferencijų medžiagoje, įtrauktoje į Clarivate Analytics Proceedings duomenų bazę, 2 – mokslo žurnaluose, referuojamuose kitose tarptautinėse duo- menų bazėse. Disertacijoje atliktų tyrimų rezultatai buvo paskelbti devyniose mokslinėse konferencijose Lietuvoje ir užsienyje

    RF CMOS Oscillators for Modern Wireless Applications

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    While mobile phones enjoy the largest production volume ever of any consumer electronics products, the demands they place on radio-frequency (RF) transceivers are particularly aggressive, especially on integration with digital processors, low area, low power consumption, while being robust against process-voltage-temperature variations. Since mobile terminals inherently operate on batteries, their power budget is severely constrained. To keep up with the ever increasing data-rate, an ever-decreasing power per bit is required to maintain the battery lifetime. The RF oscillator is the second most power-hungry block of a wireless radio (after power amplifiers). Consequently, any power reduction in an RF oscillator will greatly benefit the overall power efficiency of the cellular transceiver. Moreover, the RF oscillators' purity limits the transceiver performance. The oscillator's phase noise results in power leakage into adjacent channels in a transmit mode and reciprocal mixing in a receive mode. On the other hand, the multi-standard and multi-band transceivers that are now trending demand wide tuning range oscillators. However, broadening the oscillator’s tuning range is usually at the expense of die area (cost) or phase noise. The main goal of this book is to bring forth the exciting and innovative RF oscillator structures that demonstrate better phase noise performance, lower cost, and higher power efficiency than currently achievable. Technical topics discussed in RF CMOS Oscillators for Modern Wireless Applications include: Design and analysis of low phase-noise class-F oscillators Analyze a technique to reduce 1/f noise up-conversion in the oscillators Design and analysis of low power/low voltage oscillators Wide tuning range oscillators Reliability study of RF oscillators in nanoscale CMO