8 research outputs found

    Technology Development Project Plan Phase 2: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) Integrated Aviation Systems Program (IASP)

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    This Phase 2 Project Plan includes the overview and detailed information regarding the areas of Command and Control, Detect and Integrated Test and Evaluation

    Standardization Roadmap for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Version 1.0

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    This Standardization Roadmap for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Version 1.0 (“roadmap”) represents the culmination of the UASSC’s work to identify existing standards and standards in development, assess gaps, and make recommendations for priority areas where there is a perceived need for additional standardization and/or pre-standardization R&D. The roadmap has examined 64 issue areas, identified a total of 60 gaps and corresponding recommendations across the topical areas of airworthiness; flight operations (both general concerns and application-specific ones including critical infrastructure inspections, commercial services, and public safety operations); and personnel training, qualifications, and certification. Of that total, 40 gaps/recommendations have been identified as high priority, 17 as medium priority, and 3 as low priority. A “gap” means no published standard or specification exists that covers the particular issue in question. In 36 cases, additional R&D is needed. The hope is that the roadmap will be broadly adopted by the standards community and that it will facilitate a more coherent and coordinated approach to the future development of standards for UAS. To that end, it is envisioned that the roadmap will be widely promoted and discussed over the course of the coming year, to assess progress on its implementation and to identify emerging issues that require further elaboration

    Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) Project KDP-C Review

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    The topics discussed are the UAS-NAS project life-cycle and ARMD thrust flow down, as well as the UAS environments and how we operate in those environments. NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center at Edwards, CA, is leading a project designed to help integrate unmanned air vehicles into the world around us. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System project, or UAS in the NAS, will contribute capabilities designed to reduce technical barriers related to safety and operational challenges associated with enabling routine UAS access to the NAS. The project falls under the Integrated Systems Research Program office managed at NASA Headquarters by the agency's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. NASA's four aeronautics research centers - Armstrong, Ames Research Center, Langley Research Center, and Glenn Research Center - are part of the technology development project. With the use and diversity of unmanned aircraft growing rapidly, new uses for these vehicles are constantly being considered. Unmanned aircraft promise new ways of increasing efficiency, reducing costs, enhancing safety and saving lives 460265main_ED10-0132-16_full.jpg Unmanned aircraft systems such as NASA's Global Hawks (above) and Predator B named Ikhana (below), along with numerous other unmanned aircraft systems large and small, are the prime focus of the UAS in the NAS effort to integrate them into the national airspace. Credits: NASA Photos 710580main_ED07-0243-37_full.jpg The UAS in the NAS project envisions performance-based routine access to all segments of the national airspace for all unmanned aircraft system classes, once all safety-related and technical barriers are overcome. The project will provide critical data to such key stakeholders and customers as the Federal Aviation Administration and RTCA Special Committee 203 (formerly the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics) by conducting integrated, relevant system-level tests to adequately address safety and operational challenges of national airspace access by unmanned aircraft systems, or UAS. In the process, the project will work with other key stakeholders to define necessary deliverables and products to help enable such access. Within the project, NASA is focusing on five sub-projects. These five focus areas include assurance of safe separation of unmanned aircraft from manned aircraft when flying in the national airspace; safety-critical command and control systems and radio frequencies to enable safe operation of UAS; human factors issues for ground control stations; airworthiness certification standards for UAS avionics and integrated tests and evaluation designed to determine the viability of emerging UAS technology. Five Focus Areas of the UAS Integration in the NAS Project Separation Assurance Provide an assessment of how planned Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) separation assurance systems, with different functional allocations, perform for UAS in mixed operations with manned aircraft Assess the applicability to UAS and the performance of NASA NextGen separation assurance systems in flight tests with realistic latencies and uncertain trajectories Assess functional allocations ranging from today's ground-based, controller-provided aircraft separation to fully autonomous airborne self-separation Communications Develop data and rationale to obtain appropriate frequency spectrum allocations to enable safe and efficient operation of UAS in the NAS Develop and validate candidate secure safety-critical command and control system/subsystem test equipment for UAS that complies with UAS international/national frequency regulations, standards and recommended practices and minimum operational and aviation system performance standards for UAS Perform analysis to support recommendations for integration of safety-critical command and control systems and air traffic control communications to ensure safe and efficient operation of UAS in the NAS Human Systems Integration Develop a research test bed and database to provide data and proof of concept for GCS - ground control station - operations in the NAS Coordinate with standards organizations to develop human-factors guidelines for GCS operation in the NAS Certification Define a UAS classification scheme and approach to determining Federal Aviation Regulation airworthiness requirements applicable to all UAS digital avionics Provide hazard and risk-related data to support development of type design criteria and best development practices Integrated Tests and Evaluation Integrate and test mature concepts from technical elements to demonstrate and test viability Evaluate the performance of technology development in a relevant environment (full-mission, human-in-the-loop simulations and flight tests

    Standardization Roadmap for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Version 2.0

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    This Standardization Roadmap for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Version 2.0 (“roadmap”) is an update to version 1.0 of this document published in December 2018. It identifies existing standards and standards in development, assesses gaps, and makes recommendations for priority areas where there is a perceived need for additional standardization and/or pre-standardization R&D. The roadmap has examined 78 issue areas, identified a total of 71 open gaps and corresponding recommendations across the topical areas of airworthiness; flight operations (both general concerns and application-specific ones including critical infrastructure inspections, commercial services, and public safety operations); and personnel training, qualifications, and certification. Of that total, 47 gaps/recommendations have been identified as high priority, 21 as medium priority, and 3 as low priority. A “gap” means no published standard or specification exists that covers the particular issue in question. In 53 cases, additional R&D is needed. As with the earlier version of this document, the hope is that the roadmap will be broadly adopted by the standards community and that it will facilitate a more coherent and coordinated approach to the future development of standards for UAS. To that end, it is envisioned that the roadmap will continue to be promoted in the coming year. It is also envisioned that a mechanism may be established to assess progress on its implementation

    UAV Connectivity over Cellular Networks:Investigation of Command and Control Link Reliability

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    Design, Modelling and Analysis of Satcoms for UAV operations

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    Η ανάγκη για άμεση συνεισφορά, απόκριση και ακρίβεια των αποτελεσμάτων οδήγησε στην είσοδο των drones και ιδιαίτερα των μη επανδρωμένων εναέριων οχημάτων (UAV) ως νέα τεχνολογικά οχήματα. Ωστόσο, η ενσωμάτωση ενός τόσο κολοσσιαίου τεχνολογικού αποκτήματος δεν είναι καθόλου εύκολη υπόθεση. Πολλές απαιτήσεις εμφανίζονται σε διάφορους τομείς όπως τηλεπικοινωνίες, προβλήματα ωφέλιμου φορτίου που πρέπει να φέρει το UAV και σχέδια λειτουργίας, απαιτήσεις που πρέπει να πληρούνται για την αποφυγή προβλημάτων ασφάλειας, αποφυγή σύγκρουσης, ασταθείς συνδέσεις και άλλα. Σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι να μελετήσει όσο το δυνατόν καλύτερα και αποτελεσματικότερα τη συμβολή των δορυφορικών επικοινωνιών στην επίτευξη αξιόπιστων και ανθεκτικών επιχειρήσεων Μη Επανδρωμένων Αεροσκαφών (UAV). Θα παρουσιαστεί μια ανάλυση τριών επιπέδων που θα αφορά τον Σχεδιασμό, τη Μοντελοποίηση και την Ανάλυση δορυφορικών επικοινωνιών σε συνδυασμό με λειτουργίες UAV με τρόπο που η αποτελεσματικότητα της ζεύξης θα είναι μέγιστη εφικτή. Σε τελική ανάλυση, θα πραγματοποιηθεί ένα πείραμα που θα συζητηθούν τα αποτελέσματα και οι παράμετροι που χρησιμοποιούνται προκειμένου να υπολογιστεί η αποτελεσματικότητα του προϋπολογισμού των ζεύξεων. Είναι σημαντικό να γνωρίζουμε ότι οι κυψελοειδείς επικοινωνίες έχουν παίξει μέχρι στιγμής τον πιο σημαντικό και ακριβή ρόλο τόσο στις επίγειες όσο και στις αεροπορικές επικοινωνίες. Αυτό πρόκειται να αλλάξει καθώς οι δορυφόροι υπόσχονται χαρακτηριστικά που δεν μπορούν να ανταγωνιστούν τα επίγεια δίκτυα, με αποτέλεσμα την ενοποίηση των UAV με τις δορυφορικές επικοινωνίες. Ωστόσο, τα πράγματα είναι ασαφή και οι κίνδυνοι που ενέχουν είτε από την άποψη των προσωπικών δεδομένων είτε από την ασφάλεια και την υγεία μπορούν να λειτουργήσουν ως εμπόδιο στην ανάπτυξη και την αναβάθμιση των επικοινωνιών.The need for immediate contribution, response, and accuracy of results has led to the entry of drones and especially Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as new technological vehicles. However, the integration of such a colossal technological acquisition is by no means an easy task. Many requirements appear in various areas such as telecommunications, payload problems that the UAV must carry, and operations plans, requirements that must be met to avoid safety issues, collision avoidance, unstable connections, and so more. The purpose of this thesis is to study as best as possible and most effectively the contribution of satellite communications to achieve reliable and durable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) operations. A three-level analysis will be presented which will concern the Design, Modeling, and Analysis of satellite communications in combination with UAV operations in a way where efficiency of the link will be maximum. After all, an experiment will take place that results and parameters used will be discussed in order to compute the efficiency of the link budget. It is important to know that cellular communications have so far played the most important and accurate role in both terrestrial and air communications. This is about to change as satellites promise features that cannot compete with terrestrial networks, resulting in the integration of UAVs with satellite communications. However, things are unclear, and the risks posed either from the point of view of personal data or from safety and health can act as an obstacle in developing and upgrading communications

    A emergência NRBQ em Portugal – A resposta da Unidade de Emergência de Proteção e Socorro (UEPS) da GNR

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    Umas das principais preocupações de segurança no mundo são os riscos nucleares, radiológicos, biológicos ou químicos (NRBQ), considerando se uma ameaça real e global. Apesar desses acontecimentos serem raros, o risco NRBQ é inegável e permanente, pelo que a possibilidade da ocorrência de uma emergência em Portugal, que envolva agentes NRBQ é real e poderia implicar consequências desastrosas. A necessidade de desenvolver maior capacidade de resposta por parte dos diversos agentes de proteção civil (APC) é fundamental. Este estudo é composto por duas partes, em que a primeira parte, dá resposta aos objetivos gerais, de avaliar se Portugal está preparado para lidar com uma emergência NRBQ, averiguando, o estado atual das capacidades das principais entidades nacionais com responsabilidade direta na resposta às emergências NRBQ. A segunda parte, dá resposta aos objetivos específicos, abordando em caso de estudo a Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR), na sua condição de agente primário de proteção civil, nomeadamente através da sua Unidade de Emergência de Proteção e Socorro (UEPS), que mostra na prática, como a GNR foi capaz de dar uma resposta integrada na resposta operacional ao agente biológico de disseminação natural, o coronavírus SARS-CoV-2, responsável pelo surto que rapidamente evoluiu para pandemia e que abalou o mundo, provocando a morte de centenas de milhares de pessoas em todo o planeta. Partindo de uma reflexão e clarificação do risco NRBQ, em justificação, da necessidade de sustentação de uma capacidade de resposta a este tipo de incidentes ou ameaças em Portugal, passando também, por uma breve apresentação das demais entidades com competências análogas, que conjuntamente com a GNR, incorporam o dispositivo integrado de operações NRBQ, foi elaborado este trabalho, o qual não constitui doutrina oficial, sendo meramente motivado por uma curiosidade pessoal, que incentivou uma investigação básica. Através de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, complementada por uma pesquisa de campo, que se propôs aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o tema em questão e analisá lo à luz de uma abordagem qualitativa, foram identificadas algumas fragilidades no dispositivo integrado de operações NRBQ, concluindo-se existir uma clara falta de preparação para a resposta NRBQ, por parte das entidades que o integram, ao que se propõe um rigoroso apuramento da capacidade e preparação dessas entidades e uma urgente revisão de todo o dispositivo de resposta.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cyber-Human Systems, Space Technologies, and Threats

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    CYBER-HUMAN SYSTEMS, SPACE TECHNOLOGIES, AND THREATS is our eighth textbook in a series covering the world of UASs / CUAS/ UUVs / SPACE. Other textbooks in our series are Space Systems Emerging Technologies and Operations; Drone Delivery of CBNRECy – DEW Weapons: Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD); Disruptive Technologies with applications in Airline, Marine, Defense Industries; Unmanned Vehicle Systems & Operations On Air, Sea, Land; Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations; Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain: Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 2nd edition; and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the Cyber Domain Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 1st edition. Our previous seven titles have received considerable global recognition in the field. (Nichols & Carter, 2022) (Nichols, et al., 2021) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2019) (Nichols R. K., 2018) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2022)https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1052/thumbnail.jp