4,101 research outputs found

    High performance readout circuits and devices for Lorentz force resonant CMOS-MEMS magnetic sensors

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    In the last decades, sensing capabilities of martphones have greatly improved since the early mobile phones of the 90’s. Moreover, wearables and the automotive industry require increasing electronics and sensing sophistication. In such echnological advance, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have played an important role as accelerometers and gyroscopes were the first sensors based on MEMS technology massively introduced in the market. In contrast, it still does not exist a commercial MEMS-based compass, even though Lorentz force MEMS magnetometers were first proposed in the late 90’s. Currently, Lorentz force MEMS magnetometers have been under the spotlight as they can offer an integrated solution to nowadays sensing power. As a consequence, great advances have been achieved, but various bottlenecks limit the introduction of Lorentz force MEMS compasses in the market. First, current MEMS magnetometers require high current consumption and high biasing voltages to achieve good sensitivities. Moreover, even though devices with excellent performance and sophistication are found in the literature, there is still a lack of research on the readout electronic circuits, specially in the digital signal processing, and closed loop control. Second, most research outcomes rely on custom MEMS fabrication rocesses to manufacture the devices. This is the same approach followed in current commercial MEMS, but it requires different fabrication processes for the electronics and the MEMS. As a consequence, manufacturing cost is high and sensor performance is affected by the MEMS-electronics interface parasitics. This dissertation presents potential solutions to these issues in order to pave the road to the commercialization of Lorentz force MEMS compasses. First, a complete closed loop, digitally controlled readout system is proposed. The readout circuitry, implemented with off-the-shelf commercial components, and the digital control, on an FPGA, are proposed as a proof of concept of the feasibility, and potential benefits, of such architecture. The proposed system has a measured noise of 550 nT / vHz while the MEMS is biased with 300 µA rms and V = 1 V . Second, various CMOS-MEMS magnetometers have been designed using the BEOL part of the TSMC and SMIC 180 nm standard CMOS processes, and wet and vapor etched. The devices measurement and characterisation is used to analyse the benefits and drawbacks of each design as well as releasing process. Doing so, a high volume manufacturing viability can be performed. Yield values as high as 86% have been obtained for one device manufactured in a SMIC 180 nm full wafer run, having a sensitivity of 2.82 fA/µT · mA and quality factor Q = 7.29 at ambient pressure. While a device manufactured in TSMC 180 nm has Q = 634.5 and a sensitivity of 20.26 fA/µT ·mA at 1 mbar and V = 1 V. Finally, an integrated circuit has been designed that contains all the critical blocks to perform the MEMS signal readout. The MEMS and the electronics have been manufactured using the same die area and standard TSMC 180 nm process in order to reduce parasitics and improve noise and current consumption. Simulations show that a resolution of 8.23 µT /mA for V = 1 V and BW = 10 Hz can be achieved with the designed device.En les últimes dècades, tenint en compte els primers telèfons mòbils dels anys 90, les capacitats de sensat dels telèfons intel·ligents han millorat notablement. A més, la indústria automobilística i de wearables necessiten cada cop més sofisticació en el sensat. Els Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) han tingut un paper molt important en aquest avenç tecnològic, ja que acceleròmetres i giroscopis varen ser els primers sensors basats en la tecnologia MEMS en ser introduïts massivament al mercat. En canvi, encara no existeix en la indústria una brúixola electrònica basada en la tecnologia MEMS, tot i que els magnetòmetres MEMS varen ser proposats per primera vegada a finals dels anys 90. Actualment, els magnetòmetres MEMS basats en la força de Lorentz són el centre d'atenció donat que poden oferir una solució integrada a les capacitats de sensat actuals. Com a conseqüència, s'han aconseguit grans avenços encara que existeixen diversos colls d'ampolla que encara limiten la introducció al mercat de brúixoles electròniques MEMS basades en la força de Lorentz. Per una banda, els agnetòmetres MEMS actuals necessiten un consum de corrent i un voltatge de polarització elevats per aconseguir una bona sensibilitat. A més, tot i que a la literatura hi podem trobar dispositius amb rendiments i sofisticació excel·lents, encara existeix una manca de recerca en el circuit de condicionament, especialment de processat digital i control del llaç. Per altra banda, moltes publicacions depenen de processos de fabricació de MEMS fets a mida per fabricar els dispositius. Aquesta és la mateixa aproximació que s'utilitza actualment en la indústria dels MEMS, però té l'inconvenient que requereix processos de fabricació diferents pels MEMS i l’electrònica. Per tant, el cost de fabricació és alt i el rendiment del sensor queda afectat pels paràsits en la interfície entre els MEMS i l'electrònica. Aquesta tesi presenta solucions potencials a aquests problemes amb l'objectiu d'aplanar el camí a la comercialització de brúixoles electròniques MEMS basades en la força de Lorentz. En primer lloc, es proposa un circuit de condicionament complet en llaç tancat controlat digitalment. Aquest s'ha implementat amb components comercials, mentre que el control digital del llaç s'ha implementat en una FPGA, tot com una prova de concepte de la viabilitat i beneficis potencials que representa l'arquitectura proposada. El sistema presenta un soroll de 550 nT / vHz quan el MEMS està polaritzat amb 300 µArms i V = 1 V . En segon lloc, s'han dissenyat varis magnetòmetres CMOS-MEMS utilitzant la part BEOL dels processos CMOS estàndard de TSMC i SMIC 180 nm, que després s'han alliberat amb líquid i gas. La mesura i caracterització dels dispositius s’ha utilitzat per analitzar els beneficis i inconvenients de cada disseny i procés d’alliberament. D'aquesta manera, s'ha pogut realitzar un anàlisi de la viabilitat de la seva fabricació en massa. S'han obtingut valors de yield de fins al 86% per un dispositiu fabricat amb SMIC 180 nm en una oblia completa, amb una sensibilitat de 2.82 fA/µT · mA i un factor de qualitat Q = 7.29 a pressió ambient. Per altra banda, el dispositiu fabricat amb TSMC 180 nm presenta una Q = 634.5 i una sensibilitat de 20.26 fA/µT · mA a 1 mbar amb V = 1 V. Finalment, s'ha dissenyat un circuit integrat que conté tots els blocs per a realitzar el condicionament de senyal del MEMS. El MEMS i l'electrònica s'han fabricat en el mateix dau amb el procés estàndard de TSMC 180 nm per tal de reduir paràsits i millorar el soroll i el consum de corrent. Les simulacions mostren una resolució de 8.23 µT /mA amb V = 1 V i BW = 10 Hz pel dispositiu dissenyat

    Design and Analysis of a Dual Supply Class H Audio Amplifier

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    abstract: Efficiency of components is an ever increasing area of importance to portable applications, where a finite battery means finite operating time. Higher efficiency devices need to be designed that don't compromise on the performance that the consumer has come to expect. Class D amplifiers deliver on the goal of increased efficiency, but at the cost of distortion. Class AB amplifiers have low efficiency, but high linearity. By modulating the supply voltage of a Class AB amplifier to make a Class H amplifier, the efficiency can increase while still maintaining the Class AB level of linearity. A 92dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) Class AB amplifier and a Class H amplifier were designed in a 0.24um process for portable audio applications. Using a multiphase buck converter increased the efficiency of the Class H amplifier while still maintaining a fast response time to respond to audio frequencies. The Class H amplifier had an efficiency above the Class AB amplifier by 5-7% from 5-30mW of output power without affecting the total harmonic distortion (THD) at the design specifications. The Class H amplifier design met all design specifications and showed performance comparable to the designed Class AB amplifier across 1kHz-20kHz and 0.01mW-30mW. The Class H design was able to output 30mW into 16Ohms without any increase in THD. This design shows that Class H amplifiers merit more research into their potential for increasing efficiency of audio amplifiers and that even simple designs can give significant increases in efficiency without compromising linearity.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201

    Performance optimization of lateral-mode thin-film piezoelectric-on-substrate resonant systems

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    The main focus of this dissertation is to characterize and improve the performance of thin-film piezoelectric-on-substrate (TPoS) lateral-mode resonators and filters. TPoS is a class of piezoelectric MEMS devices which benefits from the high coupling coefficient of the piezoelectric transduction mechanism while taking advantage of superior acoustic properties of a substrate. The use of lateral-mode TPoS designs allows for fabrication of dispersed-frequency filters on a single substrate, thus significantly reducing the size and manufacturing cost of devices. TPoS filters also offer a lower temperature coefficient of frequency, and better power handling capability compared to rival technologies all in a very small footprint. Design and fabrication process of the TPoS devices is discussed. Both silicon and diamond substrates are utilized for fabrication of TPoS devices and results are compared. Specifically, the superior acoustic properties of nanocrystalline diamond in scaling the frequency and energy density of the resonators is highlighted in comparison with silicon. The performance of TPoS devices in a variety of applications is reported. These applications include lateral-mode TPoS filters with record low IL values (as low as 2dB) and fractional bandwidth up to 1%, impedance transformers, very low phase noise oscillators, and passive wireless temperature sensors

    Ultra-low noise, high-frame rate readout design for a 3D-stacked CMOS image sensor

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    Due to the switch from CCD to CMOS technology, CMOS based image sensors have become smaller, cheaper, faster, and have recently outclassed CCDs in terms of image quality. Apart from the extensive set of applications requiring image sensors, the next technological breakthrough in imaging would be to consolidate and completely shift the conventional CMOS image sensor technology to the 3D-stacked technology. Stacking is recent and an innovative technology in the imaging field, allowing multiple silicon tiers with different functions to be stacked on top of each other. The technology allows for an extreme parallelism of the pixel readout circuitry. Furthermore, the readout is placed underneath the pixel array on a 3D-stacked image sensor, and the parallelism of the readout can remain constant at any spatial resolution of the sensors, allowing extreme low noise and a high-frame rate (design) at virtually any sensor array resolution. The objective of this work is the design of ultra-low noise readout circuits meant for 3D-stacked image sensors, structured with parallel readout circuitries. The readout circuit’s key requirements are low noise, speed, low-area (for higher parallelism), and low power. A CMOS imaging review is presented through a short historical background, followed by the description of the motivation, the research goals, and the work contributions. The fundamentals of CMOS image sensors are addressed, as a part of highlighting the typical image sensor features, the essential building blocks, types of operation, as well as their physical characteristics and their evaluation metrics. Following up on this, the document pays attention to the readout circuit’s noise theory and the column converters theory, to identify possible pitfalls to obtain sub-electron noise imagers. Lastly, the fabricated test CIS device performances are reported along with conjectures and conclusions, ending this thesis with the 3D-stacked subject issues and the future work. A part of the developed research work is located in the Appendices.Devido à mudança da tecnologia CCD para CMOS, os sensores de imagem em CMOS tornam se mais pequenos, mais baratos, mais rápidos, e mais recentemente, ultrapassaram os sensores CCD no que respeita à qualidade de imagem. Para além do vasto conjunto de aplicações que requerem sensores de imagem, o próximo salto tecnológico no ramo dos sensores de imagem é o de mudar completamente da tecnologia de sensores de imagem CMOS convencional para a tecnologia “3D-stacked”. O empilhamento de chips é relativamente recente e é uma tecnologia inovadora no campo dos sensores de imagem, permitindo vários planos de silício com diferentes funções poderem ser empilhados uns sobre os outros. Esta tecnologia permite portanto, um paralelismo extremo na leitura dos sinais vindos da matriz de píxeis. Além disso, num sensor de imagem de planos de silício empilhados, os circuitos de leitura estão posicionados debaixo da matriz de píxeis, sendo que dessa forma, o paralelismo pode manter-se constante para qualquer resolução espacial, permitindo assim atingir um extremo baixo ruído e um alto debito de imagens, virtualmente para qualquer resolução desejada. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de desenhar circuitos de leitura de coluna de muito baixo ruído, planeados para serem empregues em sensores de imagem “3D-stacked” com estruturas altamente paralelizadas. Os requisitos chave para os circuitos de leitura são de baixo ruído, rapidez e pouca área utilizada, de forma a obter-se o melhor rácio. Uma breve revisão histórica dos sensores de imagem CMOS é apresentada, seguida da motivação, dos objetivos e das contribuições feitas. Os fundamentos dos sensores de imagem CMOS são também abordados para expor as suas características, os blocos essenciais, os tipos de operação, assim como as suas características físicas e suas métricas de avaliação. No seguimento disto, especial atenção é dada à teoria subjacente ao ruído inerente dos circuitos de leitura e dos conversores de coluna, servindo para identificar os possíveis aspetos que dificultem atingir a tão desejada performance de muito baixo ruído. Por fim, os resultados experimentais do sensor desenvolvido são apresentados junto com possíveis conjeturas e respetivas conclusões, terminando o documento com o assunto de empilhamento vertical de camadas de silício, junto com o possível trabalho futuro

    Low-Noise Energy-Efficient Sensor Interface Circuits

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    Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a concept of connecting any devices on network where environmental data around us is collected by sensors and shared across platforms. The IoT devices often have small form factors and limited battery capacity; they call for low-power, low-noise sensor interface circuits to achieve high resolution and long battery life. This dissertation focuses on CMOS sensor interface circuit techniques for a MEMS capacitive pressure sensor, thermopile array, and capacitive microphone. Ambient pressure is measured in the form of capacitance. This work propose two capacitance-to-digital converters (CDC): a dual-slope CDC employs an energy efficient charge subtraction and dual comparator scheme; an incremental zoom-in CDC largely reduces oversampling ratio by using 9b zoom-in SAR, significantly improving conversion energy. An infrared gesture recognition system-on-chip is then proposed. A hand emits infrared radiation, and it forms an image on a thermopile array. The signal is amplified by a low-noise instrumentation chopper amplifier, filtered by a low-power 30Hz LPF to remove out-band noise including the chopper frequency and its harmonics, and digitized by an ADC. Finally, a motion history image based DSP analyzes the waveform to detect specific hand gestures. Lastly, a microphone preamplifier represents one key challenge in enabling voice interfaces, which are expected to play a dominant role in future IoT devices. A newly proposed switched-bias preamplifier uses switched-MOSFET to reduce 1/f noise inherently.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137061/1/chaseoh_1.pd

    Reconfigurable nanoelectronics using graphene based spintronic logic gates

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    This paper presents a novel design concept for spintronic nanoelectronics that emphasizes a seamless integration of spin-based memory and logic circuits. The building blocks are magneto-logic gates based on a hybrid graphene/ferromagnet material system. We use network search engines as a technology demonstration vehicle and present a spin-based circuit design with smaller area, faster speed, and lower energy consumption than the state-of-the-art CMOS counterparts. This design can also be applied in applications such as data compression, coding and image recognition. In the proposed scheme, over 100 spin-based logic operations are carried out before any need for a spin-charge conversion. Consequently, supporting CMOS electronics requires little power consumption. The spintronic-CMOS integrated system can be implemented on a single 3-D chip. These nonvolatile logic circuits hold potential for a paradigm shift in computing applications.Comment: 14 pages (single column), 6 figure

    A mixed-signal control system for Lorentz-force resonant MEMS magnetometers

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    This paper presents a mixed-signal closed-loop control system for Lorentz force resonant MEMS magnetometers. The control system contributes to 1) the automatic phase control of the loop, that allows start-up and keeps self-sustained oscillation at the MEMS resonance frequency, and 2) output offset reduction due to electrostatic driving by selectively disabling it. The proposed solution proof-of-concept has been tested with a Lorentz force-based MEMS magnetometer. The readout electronic circuitry has been implemented on a printed circuit board with off-the-shelf components. Digital control has been implemented in an FPGA coded with VHDL. When biased with 1 V and a driving current of 300 µArms, the device shows 9.75 pA/µT sensitivity and total sensor white noise of 550 nT/vHz. Offset when electrostatic driving is disabled is 793 µT, which means a 40.1% reduction compared when electrostatic driving is enabled. Moreover, removing electrostatic driving does not worsen bias instability, which is lower than 125 nT in both driving cases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Actuator Feasibility Study for Active Control of Ducted Axial Fan Noise

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    A feasibility study was performed to investigate actuator technology which is relevant for a particular application of active noise control for gas turbine stator vanes. This study investigated many different classes of actuators and ranked them on the order of applicability. The most difficult requirements the actuators had to meet were high frequency response, large amplitude deflections, and a thin profile. Based on this assessment, piezoelectric type actuators were selected as the most appropriate actuator class. Specifically, Rainbows (a new class of high performance piezoelectric actuators), and unimorphs (a ceramic/metal composite) appeared best suited to the requirements. A benchtop experimental study was conducted. The performance of a variety of different actuators was examined, including high polymer films, flextensional actuators, miniature speakers, unimorphs, and Rainbows. The displacement/frequency response and phase characteristics of the actuators were measured. Physical limitations of actuator operation were also examined. This report includes the first known, high displacement, dynamic data obtained for Rainbow actuators. A new "hard" ceramic Rainbow actuator which does not appear to be limited in operation by self heating as "soft" ceramic Rainbows was designed, constructed and tested. The study concludes that a suitable actuator for active noise control in gas turbine engines can be achieved with state of the art materials and processing

    Biosensors and CMOS Interface Circuits

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    abstract: Analysing and measuring of biological or biochemical processes are of utmost importance for medical, biological and biotechnological applications. Point of care diagnostic system, composing of biosensors, have promising applications for providing cheap, accurate and portable diagnosis. Owing to these expanding medical applications and advances made by semiconductor industry biosensors have seen a tremendous growth in the past few decades. Also emergence of microfluidics and non-invasive biosensing applications are other marker propellers. Analyzing biological signals using transducers is difficult due to the challenges in interfacing an electronic system to the biological environment. Detection limit, detection time, dynamic range, specificity to the analyte, sensitivity and reliability of these devices are some of the challenges in developing and integrating these devices. Significant amount of research in the field of biosensors has been focused on improving the design, fabrication process and their integration with microfluidics to address these challenges. This work presents new techniques, design and systems to improve the interface between the electronic system and the biological environment. This dissertation uses CMOS circuit design to improve the reliability of these devices. Also this work addresses the challenges in designing the electronic system used for processing the output of the transducer, which converts biological signal into electronic signal.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201