52 research outputs found

    Historical introduction to “concrete domains” by G. Kahn and G.D. Plotkin

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    A Non-Standard Semantics for Kahn Networks in Continuous Time

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    In a seminal article, Kahn has introduced the notion of process network and given a semantics for those using Scott domains whose elements are (possibly infinite) sequences of values. This model has since then become a standard tool for studying distributed asynchronous computations. From the beginning, process networks have been drawn as particular graphs, but this syntax is never formalized. We take the opportunity to clarify it by giving a precise definition of these graphs, that we call nets. The resulting category is shown to be a fixpoint category, i.e. a cartesian category which is traced wrt the monoidal structure given by the product, and interestingly this structure characterizes the category: we show that it is the free fixpoint category containing a given set of morphisms, thus providing a complete axiomatics that models of process networks should satisfy. We then use these tools to build a model of networks in which data vary over a continuous time, in order to elaborate on the idea that process networks should also be able to encompass computational models such as hybrid systems or electric circuits. We relate this model to Kahn's semantics by introducing a third model of networks based on non-standard analysis, whose elements form an internal complete partial order for which many properties of standard domains can be reformulated. The use of hyperreals in this model allows it to formally consider the notion of infinitesimal, and thus to make a bridge between discrete and continuous time: time is "discrete", but the duration between two instants is infinitesimal. Finally, we give some examples of uses of the model by describing some networks implementing common constructions in analysis.Comment: 201

    Interactive Model-Based Compilation: A Modeller-Driven Development Approach

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    There is a growing tendency for using domain-specific languages, which help domain experts to stay focussed on abstract problem solutions. It is important to carefully design these languages and tools, which fundamentally perform model-to-model transformations. The quality of both usually decides the effectiveness of the subsequent development and therefore the quality of the final applications. However, as the complexity and safety requirements of modern systems grow, it becomes increasingly burdensome to create highly customized languages and difficult to provide reasonable overviews within these tools. This thesis introduces a new interactive model-based compilation methodology. Compilations for arbitrary model-to-model transformations are themselves described as models. They can be instantiated for particular inputs, e. g. a program, to create concrete compilation runs, which return the result of that compilation. The compilation instance is interactively observable. Intermediate results serve as new inputs and as documentation. They can be used to create highly customized views and facilitate understandability. This methodology guides modellers from the start of the compilation to the final result so that they can interactively refine their models. The methodology has been implemented and validated as the KIELER Compiler (KiCo) and is available as part of the KIELER open-source project. It is used to implement the current reference compiler for the SCCharts language, a statecharts dialect designed for specifying safety-critical reactive systems based on a synchronous model of computation. The interactive model-based compilation approach was key to the rapid prototyping of three different compilation strategies, as well as new language extensions, variations and closely related languages. The results are verified with benchmarks, which are again modelled using the same approach and technology. The usability of the SCCharts language and the KiCo tooling is documented with long-term surveys and real-life industrial, academic and teaching examples

    Computing graph neural networks: A survey from algorithms to accelerators

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have exploded onto the machine learning scene in recent years owing to their capability to model and learn from graph-structured data. Such an ability has strong implications in a wide variety of fields whose data are inherently relational, for which conventional neural networks do not perform well. Indeed, as recent reviews can attest, research in the area of GNNs has grown rapidly and has lead to the development of a variety of GNN algorithm variants as well as to the exploration of ground-breaking applications in chemistry, neurology, electronics, or communication networks, among others. At the current stage research, however, the efficient processing of GNNs is still an open challenge for several reasons. Besides of their novelty, GNNs are hard to compute due to their dependence on the input graph, their combination of dense and very sparse operations, or the need to scale to huge graphs in some applications. In this context, this article aims to make two main contributions. On the one hand, a review of the field of GNNs is presented from the perspective of computing. This includes a brief tutorial on the GNN fundamentals, an overview of the evolution of the field in the last decade, and a summary of operations carried out in the multiple phases of different GNN algorithm variants. On the other hand, an in-depth analysis of current software and hardware acceleration schemes is provided, from which a hardware-software, graph-aware, and communication-centric vision for GNN accelerators is distilled.This work is possible thanks to funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant No. 863337 (WiPLASH project) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under contract TEC2017-90034-C2-1-R (ALLIANCE project) that receives funding from FEDER.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Improving Model-Based Software Synthesis: A Focus on Mathematical Structures

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    Computer hardware keeps increasing in complexity. Software design needs to keep up with this. The right models and abstractions empower developers to leverage the novelties of modern hardware. This thesis deals primarily with Models of Computation, as a basis for software design, in a family of methods called software synthesis. We focus on Kahn Process Networks and dataflow applications as abstractions, both for programming and for deriving an efficient execution on heterogeneous multicores. The latter we accomplish by exploring the design space of possible mappings of computation and data to hardware resources. Mapping algorithms are not at the center of this thesis, however. Instead, we examine the mathematical structure of the mapping space, leveraging its inherent symmetries or geometric properties to improve mapping methods in general. This thesis thoroughly explores the process of model-based design, aiming to go beyond the more established software synthesis on dataflow applications. We starting with the problem of assessing these methods through benchmarking, and go on to formally examine the general goals of benchmarks. In this context, we also consider the role modern machine learning methods play in benchmarking. We explore different established semantics, stretching the limits of Kahn Process Networks. We also discuss novel models, like Reactors, which are designed to be a deterministic, adaptive model with time as a first-class citizen. By investigating abstractions and transformations in the Ohua language for implicit dataflow programming, we also focus on programmability. The focus of the thesis is in the models and methods, but we evaluate them in diverse use-cases, generally centered around Cyber-Physical Systems. These include the 5G telecommunication standard, automotive and signal processing domains. We even go beyond embedded systems and discuss use-cases in GPU programming and microservice-based architectures

    Evaluation of Distributed Programming Models and Extensions to Task-based Runtime Systems

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) has always been a key foundation for scientific simulation and discovery. And more recently, deep learning models\u27 training have further accelerated the demand of computational power and lower precision arithmetic. In this era following the end of Dennard\u27s Scaling and when Moore\u27s Law seemingly still holds true to a lesser extent, it is not a coincidence that HPC systems are equipped with multi-cores CPUs and a variety of hardware accelerators that are all massively parallel. Coupling this with interconnect networks\u27 speed improvements lagging behind those of computational power increases, the current state of HPC systems is heterogeneous and extremely complex. This was heralded as a great challenge to the software stacks and their ability to extract performance from these systems, but also as a great opportunity to innovate at the programming model level to explore the different approaches and propose new solutions. With usability, portability, and performance as the main factors to consider, this dissertation first evaluates some of the widely used parallel programming models (MPI, MPI+OpenMP, and task-based runtime systems) ability to manage the load imbalance among the processes computing the LU factorization of a large dense matrix stored in the Block Low-Rank (BLR) format. Next I proposed a number of optimizations and implemented them in PaRSEC\u27s Dynamic Task Discovery (DTD) model, including user-level graph trimming and direct Application Programming Interface (API) calls to perform data broadcast operation to further extend the limit of STF model. On the other hand, the Parameterized Task Graph (PTG) approach in PaRSEC is the most scalable approach for many different applications, which I then explored the possibility of combining both the algorithmic approach of Communication-Avoiding (CA) and the communication-computation overlapping benefits provided by runtime systems using 2D five-point stencil as the test case. This broad programming models evaluation and extension work highlighted the abilities of task-based runtime system in achieving scalable performance and portability on contemporary heterogeneous HPC systems. Finally, I summarized the profiling capability of PaRSEC runtime system, and demonstrated with a use case its important role in the performance bottleneck identification leading to optimizations

    Putting the pieces together: the systematic development of a software defined radio toolflow for the Rhino project

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    This dissertation is concerned with the thesis that it is possible for a software defined radio system that has been described in accordance with synchronous data flow theory to be implemented upon a reconfigurable computing platform

    NASA space station automation: AI-based technology review

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    Research and Development projects in automation for the Space Station are discussed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based automation technologies are planned to enhance crew safety through reduced need for EVA, increase crew productivity through the reduction of routine operations, increase space station autonomy, and augment space station capability through the use of teleoperation and robotics. AI technology will also be developed for the servicing of satellites at the Space Station, system monitoring and diagnosis, space manufacturing, and the assembly of large space structures