2,117 research outputs found

    Target Point Manipulation Inside a Deformable Object

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    Dynamic grasping of objects with a high-speed parallel robot

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    Underactuated grippers aim to simplify the control strategies for performing stable grasps due to their inherent shape adaptability. While at the beginning, the main research area was focused on developing human-like robotic hands for disabled people, in the last years, a new eld of application appeared with the constant evolution of the industry: the implementation of a single underactuated gripper as a replacement of diverse dedicated fully-actuated grippers. However, two main issues are restraining its use: the stability of the grasp and the speed of performance. The rst is an active topic as all underactuated grippers need to ensure the stability of the grasped object through an adequate kinematic design, while, the latter is not widely treated as there weren't many application elds where high-speed was required and, at the end, the quasi-static analysis must be also ensured. For this reason, the present research work has been focused on the speed of the grasping. In the rst place, an introduction to underactuated hands is made, and is followed by two main stability criteria. Then, the development of a model for an underactuated nger that allows analyzing the complete grasping sequence at high-speed along with a collision model are presented. Following, a design-based analysis to simplify the model is performed, and the graspstate volume tool is introduced in order to inspect the impact of the design variables on the proposed criteria. In the last chapter, an optimization over the design space is performed and a design is chosen, crosschecked with ADAMS software and prototyped. Finally, an overview remarking the strengths and gaps in the research is presented in the form of conclusions, and closing them, future works that could be interesting to develop

    Robot dexterity: from deformable grasping to impulsive manipulation

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    Nowadays, it is fairly common for robots to manipulate different objects and perform sophisticated tasks. They lift up massive hard and soft objects, plan the motion with specific speed, and repeat complex tasks with high precision. However, without carefully control, even the most sophisticated robots would not be able to achieve a simple task. Robot grasping of deformable objects is an under-researched area. The difficulty comes from both mechanics and computation. First, deformation caused by grasping motions changes the global geometry of the object. Second, different from rigid body grasping whose torques are invariant, the torques exerted by the grasping fingers vary during the deformation. Collision is a common phenomenon in robot manipulation that takes place when objects collide together, as observed in the games of marbles, billiards, and bowling. To make the robot purposefully make use of impact to perform better at certain tasks, a general and computationally efficient model is needed for predicting the outcome of impact. And also, tasks to alter the trajectory of a flying object are also common in our daily life, like batting a baseball, playing ping-pong ball. A good motion planning strategy based on impact is necessary for the robots to accomplish these tasks. The thesis investigates problems of deformable grasping and impact-based manipulation on rigid bodies. The work contains deformable grasping on 2D and 3D soft objects, multi-body collision modeling, and motion planning of batting a flying object. In the first part of the thesis, in 2D space an algorithm is proposed to characterize the best resistance by a grasp to an adversary finger which minimizes the work done by the grasping fingers. An optimization scheme is offered to handle the general case of frictional segment contact. And also, an efficient squeeze-and-test strategy is introduced for a two-finger robot hand to grasp and lift a 3D deformable object resting on the plane. Next, an nn-body impulse-based collision model that works with or without friction is studied. The model could be used to determine the post-collision motions of any number of objects engaged in the collision. Making use of the impact model, the final part of the thesis investigated the task of batting a flying object with a manipulator. First, motion planning of the task in 2D space is studied. In the frictionless case, a closed-form solution is analyzed, simulated, and validated via the task of a WAM Arm batting a hexagonal object. In the frictional case, contact friction introduces a continuum of solutions, from which we select the one that expends the minimum kinetic energy of the manipulator. Next, analyses and results are generalized to 3D. Without friction the problem ends up with one-dimensional set of solution, from which optimum is obtained. For frictional case hitting normal is fixed for simplicity. The system is then transferred to a root-finding problem, and Newton\u27s method is applied to find the optimal planning

    Grasp plannind under task-specific contact constraints

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    Several aspects have to be addressed before realizing the dream of a robotic hand-arm system with human-like capabilities, ranging from the consolidation of a proper mechatronic design, to the development of precise, lightweight sensors and actuators, to the efficient planning and control of the articular forces and motions required for interaction with the environment. This thesis provides solution algorithms for a main problem within the latter aspect, known as the {\em grasp planning} problem: Given a robotic system formed by a multifinger hand attached to an arm, and an object to be grasped, both with a known geometry and location in 3-space, determine how the hand-arm system should be moved without colliding with itself or with the environment, in order to firmly grasp the object in a suitable way. Central to our algorithms is the explicit consideration of a given set of hand-object contact constraints to be satisfied in the final grasp configuration, imposed by the particular manipulation task to be performed with the object. This is a distinguishing feature from other grasp planning algorithms given in the literature, where a means of ensuring precise hand-object contact locations in the resulting grasp is usually not provided. These conventional algorithms are fast, and nicely suited for planning grasps for pick-an-place operations with the object, but not for planning grasps required for a specific manipulation of the object, like those necessary for holding a pen, a pair of scissors, or a jeweler's screwdriver, for instance, when writing, cutting a paper, or turning a screw, respectively. To be able to generate such highly-selective grasps, we assume that a number of surface regions on the hand are to be placed in contact with a number of corresponding regions on the object, and enforce the fulfilment of such constraints on the obtained solutions from the very beginning, in addition to the usual constraints of grasp restrainability, manipulability and collision avoidance. The proposed algorithms can be applied to robotic hands of arbitrary structure, possibly considering compliance in the joints and the contacts if desired, and they can accommodate general patch-patch contact constraints, instead of more restrictive contact types occasionally considered in the literature. It is worth noting, also, that while common force-closure or manipulability indices are used to asses the quality of grasps, no particular assumption is made on the mathematical properties of the quality index to be used, so that any quality criterion can be accommodated in principle. The algorithms have been tested and validated on numerous situations involving real mechanical hands and typical objects, and find applications in classical or emerging contexts like service robotics, telemedicine, space exploration, prosthetics, manipulation in hazardous environments, or human-robot interaction in general

    Survey on model-based manipulation planning of deformable objects

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    A systematic overview on the subject of model-based manipulation planning of deformable objects is presented. Existing modelling techniques of volumetric, planar and linear deformable objects are described, emphasizing the different types of deformation. Planning strategies are categorized according to the type of manipulation goal: path planning, folding/unfolding, topology modifications and assembly. Most current contributions fit naturally into these categories, and thus the presented algorithms constitute an adequate basis for future developments.Preprin

    A Low-Cost Open-Source 3-D-Printed Three-Finger Gripper Platform for Research and Educational Purposes

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    Robotics research and education have gained significant attention in recent years due to increased development and commercial deployment of industrial and service robots. A majority of researchers working on robot grasping and object manipulation tend to utilize commercially available robot-manipulators equipped with various end effectors for experimental studies. However, commercially available robotic grippers are often expensive and are not easy to modify for specific purposes. To extend the choice of robotic end effectors freely available to researchers and educators, we present an open-source lowcost three-finger robotic gripper platform for research and educational purposes. The 3-D design model of the gripper is presented and manufactured with a minimal number of 3-D-printed components and an off-the-shelf servo actuator. An underactuated finger and gear train mechanism, with an overall gripper assembly design, are described in detail, followed by illustrations and a discussion of the gripper grasping performance and possible gripper platform modifications. The presented open-source gripper platform computer-aided design model is released for downloading on the authors research lab website(www.alaris.kz) and can be utilized by robotics researchers and educators as a design platform to build their own robotic end effector solutions for research and educational purposes

    Contemporary Robotics

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    This book book is a collection of 18 chapters written by internationally recognized experts and well-known professionals of the field. Chapters contribute to diverse facets of contemporary robotics and autonomous systems. The volume is organized in four thematic parts according to the main subjects, regarding the recent advances in the contemporary robotics. The first thematic topics of the book are devoted to the theoretical issues. This includes development of algorithms for automatic trajectory generation using redudancy resolution scheme, intelligent algorithms for robotic grasping, modelling approach for reactive mode handling of flexible manufacturing and design of an advanced controller for robot manipulators. The second part of the book deals with different aspects of robot calibration and sensing. This includes a geometric and treshold calibration of a multiple robotic line-vision system, robot-based inline 2D/3D quality monitoring using picture-giving and laser triangulation, and a study on prospective polymer composite materials for flexible tactile sensors. The third part addresses issues of mobile robots and multi-agent systems, including SLAM of mobile robots based on fusion of odometry and visual data, configuration of a localization system by a team of mobile robots, development of generic real-time motion controller for differential mobile robots, control of fuel cells of mobile robots, modelling of omni-directional wheeled-based robots, building of hunter- hybrid tracking environment, as well as design of a cooperative control in distributed population-based multi-agent approach. The fourth part presents recent approaches and results in humanoid and bioinspirative robotics. It deals with design of adaptive control of anthropomorphic biped gait, building of dynamic-based simulation for humanoid robot walking, building controller for perceptual motor control dynamics of humans and biomimetic approach to control mechatronic structure using smart materials

    A New Approach to Dynamic Modeling of Continuum Robots

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    ABSTRACT In this thesis, a new approach for developing practically realizable dynamic models for continuum robots is proposed. Based on the new dynamic models developed, a novel technique for analyzing the capabilities of continuum manipulators to be employed in various real world applications has also been proposed and developed. A section of a continuum arm is modeled using lumped model elements (masses, springs and dampers). It is shown that this model, although an approximation to a continuum structure, can be used to conveniently analyze the dynamics of the arm with suitable tradeoff in accuracy of modeling. This relatively simple model is more plausible to implement in an actual real-time controller when compared to other techniques of modeling continuum arms. Principles of Lagrangian dynamics are used to derive the expressions for the generalized forces in the system. The force exerted by McKibben actuators at different pressure level - length pairs is characterized and is incorporated into this dynamic model. The constraints introduced in the analytical model conform to the physical and operational limitations of the Octarm VI continuum robot manipulator. The model is validated by comparing the results of numerical simulation with the physical measurements of a continuum arm prototype built using McKibben actuators. Based on the new lumped parameter dynamic model developed for continuum robots, a technique for deducing measures of manipulability, forces and impacts that can be sustained or imparted by the tip of a continuum robot has been developed. These measures are represented in the form of ellipsoids whose volume and orientation gives information about the various functional capabilities (end effector velocities, forces and impacts) of the arm at a particular configuration. The above mentioned ellipsoids are exemplified for different configurations of the continuum section arm and their physical significances are analyzed. The new techniques proposed and methodologies adopted in this thesis supported by experimental results represent a significant contribution to the field of continuum robots