17 research outputs found

    Spline Based Intrusion Detection in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET)

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    Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) play a crucial role in the identification and mitigation for attacks on host systems. Of these systems, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are particularly difficult to protect due to the dynamic nature of their clients and their necessity for constant interaction with their respective cyber-physical systems. Currently, there is a need for a VANET-specific IDS that can satisfy these requirements. Spline function-based IDSs have shown to be effective in traditional network settings. By examining the various construction of splines and testing their robustness, the viability for a spline-based IDS can be determined

    Knot Flow Classification and its Applications in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET)

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    Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) play a crucial role in the identification and mitigation for attacks on host systems. Of these systems, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are difficult to protect due to the dynamic nature of their clients and their necessity for constant interaction with their respective cyber-physical systems. Currently, there is a need for a VANET-specific IDS that meets this criterion. To this end, a spline-based intrusion detection system has been pioneered as a solution. By combining clustering with spline-based general linear model classification, this knot flow classification method (KFC) allows for robust intrusion detection to occur. Due its design and the manner it is constructed, KFC holds great potential for implementation across a distributed system. The purpose of this thesis was to explain and extrapolate the afore mentioned IDS, highlight its effectiveness, and discuss the conceptual design of the distributed system for use in future research

    Attack Classification and Detection for Misbehaving Vehicles using ML/DL

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    Vehicle ad hoc networks are a crucial component of the next Intelligent Transportation System created to build a reliable and secure connection between various network components to establish a safe and effective transportation network. Because of open nature of VANETs become vulnerable to numerous assaults such forgery, Denial-of-Service (DoS), and false reports, which can ultimately cause traffic jams or accidents The earlier study concentrated on misbehaving vehicles rather than RSUs. Proposed method integrates data from two subsequent BSMs for testing and training by employing machine learning (ML) methods. The framework merges the data from two BSMs in the right manner and utilizes machine learning/Deep learning methodology which identify the running vehicle as a legal or hostile one

    Secure Intelligent Vehicular Network Including Real-Time Detection of DoS Attacks in IEEE 802.11P Using Fog Computing

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    VANET (Vehicular ad hoc network) has a main objective to improve driver safety and traffic efficiency. Intermittent exchange of real-time safety message delivery in VANET has become an urgent concern, due to DoS (Denial of service), and smart and normal intrusions (SNI) attacks. Intermittent communication of VANET generates huge amount of data which requires typical storage and intelligence infrastructure. Fog computing (FC) plays an important role in storage, computation, and communication need. In this research, Fog computing (FC) integrates with hybrid optimization algorithms (OAs) including: Cuckoo search algorithm (CSA), Firefly algorithm (FA) and Firefly neural network, in addition to key distribution establishment (KDE), for authenticating both the network level and the node level against all attacks for trustworthiness in VANET. The proposed scheme which is also termed “Secure Intelligent Vehicular Network using fog computing” (SIVNFC) utilizes feedforward back propagation neural network (FFBP-NN). This is also termed the firefly neural, is used as a classifier to distinguish between the attacking vehicles and genuine vehicles. The proposed scheme is initially compared with the Cuckoo and FA, and the Firefly neural network to evaluate the QoS parameters such as jitter and throughput. In addition, VANET is a means whereby Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has become important for the benefit of daily lives. Therefore, real-time detection of all form attacks including hybrid DoS attacks in IEEE 802.11p, has become an urgent attention for VANET. This is due to sporadic real-time exchange of safety and road emergency message delivery in VANET. Sporadic communication in VANET has the tendency to generate enormous amount of message. This leads to the RSU (roadside unit) or the CPU (central processing unit) overutilization for computation. Therefore, it is required that efficient storage and intelligence VANET infrastructure architecture (VIA), which include trustworthiness is desired. Vehicular Cloud and Fog Computing (VFC) play an important role in efficient storage, computations, and communication need for VANET. This dissertation also utilizes VFC integration with hybrid optimization algorithms (OAs), which also possess swarm intelligence including: Cuckoo/CSA Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Firefly/Genetic Algorithm (GA), in additionally to provide Real-time Detection of DoS attacks in IEEE 802.11p, using VFC for Intelligent Vehicular network. Vehicles are moving with certain speed and the data is transmitted at 30Mbps. Firefly FFBPNN (Feed forward back propagation neural network) has been used as a classifier to also distinguish between the attacked vehicles and the genuine vehicle. The proposed scheme has also been compared with Cuckoo/CSA ABC and Firefly GA by considering Jitter, Throughput and Prediction accuracy

    Secure Intelligent Vehicular Network Using Fog Computing

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    VANET (vehicular ad hoc network) has a main objective to improve driver safety and traffic efficiency. The intermittent exchange of real-time safety message delivery in VANET has become an urgent concern due to DoS (denial of service) and smart and normal intrusions (SNI) attacks. The intermittent communication of VANET generates huge amount of data which requires typical storage and intelligence infrastructure. Fog computing (FC) plays an important role in storage, computation, and communication needs. In this research, fog computing (FC) integrates with hybrid optimization algorithms (OAs) including the Cuckoo search algorithm (CSA), firefly algorithm (FA), firefly neural network, and the key distribution establishment (KDE) for authenticating both the network level and the node level against all attacks for trustworthiness in VANET. The proposed scheme is termed “Secure Intelligent Vehicular Network using fog computing” (SIVNFC). A feedforward back propagation neural network (FFBP-NN), also termed the firefly neural, is used as a classifier to distinguish between the attacking vehicles and genuine vehicles. The SIVNFC scheme is compared with the Cuckoo, the FA, and the firefly neural network to evaluate the quality of services (QoS) parameters such as jitter and throughput.http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/electronics804045

    Real-Time Detection of DoS Attacks in IEEE 802.11p Using Fog Computing for a Secure Intelligent Vehicular Network

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    The vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a method through which Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have become important for the benefit of daily life. Real-time detection of all forms of attacks, including hybrid DoS attacks in IEEE 802.11p, has become an urgent issue for VANET. This is due to sporadic real-time exchange of safety and road emergency message delivery in VANET. Sporadic communication in VANET has the tendency to generate an enormous amount of messages. This leads to overutilization of the road side unit (RSU) or the central processing unit (CPU) for computation. Therefore, efficient storage and intelligent VANET infrastructure architecture (VIA), which includes trustworthiness, are required. Vehicular Cloud and Fog Computing (VFC) play an important role in efficient storage, computation, and communication needs for VANET. This research utilizes VFC integration with hybrid optimization algorithms (OAs), which also possess swarm intelligence, including Cuckoo/CSA Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) and Firefly/Genetic Algorithm (GA), to provide real-time detection of DoS attacks in IEEE 802.11p, using VFC for a secure intelligent vehicular network. Vehicles move ar a certain speed and the data is transmitted at 30 Mbps. Firefly Feed forward back propagation neural network (FFBPNN) is used as a classifier to distinguish between the attacked vehicles and the genuine vehicles. The proposed scheme is compared with Cuckoo/CSA ABC and Firefly GA by considering jitter, throughput, and prediction accuracy.http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/electronics807077

    Advances in Intelligent Vehicle Control

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Advances in Intelligent Vehicle Control that was published in the journal Sensors. It presents a collection of eleven papers that covers a range of topics, such as the development of intelligent control algorithms for active safety systems, smart sensors, and intelligent and efficient driving. The contributions presented in these papers can serve as useful tools for researchers who are interested in new vehicle technology and in the improvement of vehicle control systems

    Localization and Mapping for Self-Driving Vehicles:A Survey

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    The upsurge of autonomous vehicles in the automobile industry will lead to better driving experiences while also enabling the users to solve challenging navigation problems. Reaching such capabilities will require significant technological attention and the flawless execution of various complex tasks, one of which is ensuring robust localization and mapping. Recent surveys have not provided a meaningful and comprehensive description of the current approaches in this field. Accordingly, this review is intended to provide adequate coverage of the problems affecting autonomous vehicles in this area, by examining the most recent methods for mapping and localization as well as related feature extraction and data security problems. First, a discussion of the contemporary methods of extracting relevant features from equipped sensors and their categorization as semantic, non-semantic, and deep learning methods is presented. We conclude that representativeness, low cost, and accessibility are crucial constraints in the choice of the methods to be adopted for localization and mapping tasks. Second, the survey focuses on methods to build a vehicle’s environment map, considering both the commercial and the academic solutions available. The analysis proposes a difference between two types of environment, known and unknown, and develops solutions in each case. Third, the survey explores different approaches to vehicles’ localization and also classifies them according to their mathematical characteristics and priorities. Each section concludes by presenting the related challenges and some future directions. The article also highlights the security problems likely to be encountered in self-driving vehicles, with an assessment of possible defense mechanisms that could prevent security attacks in vehicles. Finally, the article ends with a debate on the potential impacts of autonomous driving, spanning energy consumption and emission reduction, sound and light pollution, integration into smart cities, infrastructure optimization, and software refinement. This thorough investigation aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of the diverse implications of autonomous driving across various domains

    Trajectory planning based on adaptive model predictive control: Study of the performance of an autonomous vehicle in critical highway scenarios

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    Increasing automation in automotive industry is an important contribution to overcome many of the major societal challenges. However, testing and validating a highly autonomous vehicle is one of the biggest obstacles to the deployment of such vehicles, since they rely on data-driven and real-time sensors, actuators, complex algorithms, machine learning systems, and powerful processors to execute software, and they must be proven to be reliable and safe. For this reason, the verification, validation and testing (VVT) of autonomous vehicles is gaining interest and attention among the scientific community and there has been a number of significant efforts in this field. VVT helps developers and testers to determine any hidden faults, increasing systems confidence in safety, security, functional analysis, and in the ability to integrate autonomous prototypes into existing road networks. Other stakeholders like higher-management, public authorities and the public are also crucial to complete the VTT process. As autonomous vehicles require hundreds of millions of kilometers of testing driven on public roads before vehicle certification, simulations are playing a key role as they allow the simulation tools to virtually test millions of real-life scenarios, increasing safety and reducing costs, time and the need for physical road tests. In this study, a literature review is conducted to classify approaches for the VVT and an existing simulation tool is used to implement an autonomous driving system. The system will be characterized from the point of view of its performance in some critical highway scenarios.O aumento da automação na indústria automotiva é uma importante contribuição para superar muitos dos principais desafios da sociedade. No entanto, testar e validar um veículo altamente autónomo é um dos maiores obstáculos para a implantação de tais veículos, uma vez que eles contam com sensores, atuadores, algoritmos complexos, sistemas de aprendizagem de máquina e processadores potentes para executar softwares em tempo real, e devem ser comprovadamente confiáveis e seguros. Por esta razão, a verificação, validação e teste (VVT) de veículos autónomos está a ganhar interesse e atenção entre a comunidade científica e tem havido uma série de esforços significativos neste campo. A VVT ajuda os desenvolvedores e testadores a determinar quaisquer falhas ocultas, aumentando a confiança dos sistemas na segurança, proteção, análise funcional e na capacidade de integrar protótipos autónomos em redes rodoviárias existentes. Outras partes interessadas, como a alta administração, autoridades públicas e o público também são cruciais para concluir o processo de VTT. Como os veículos autónomos exigem centenas de milhões de quilómetros de testes conduzidos em vias públicas antes da certificação do veículo, as simulações estão a desempenhar cada vez mais um papel fundamental, pois permitem que as ferramentas de simulação testem virtualmente milhões de cenários da vida real, aumentando a segurança e reduzindo custos, tempo e necessidade de testes físicos em estrada. Neste estudo, é realizada uma revisão da literatura para classificar abordagens para a VVT e uma ferramenta de simulação existente é usada para implementar um sistema de direção autónoma. O sistema é caracterizado do ponto de vista do seu desempenho em alguns cenários críticos de autoestrad