498 research outputs found

    The Family of MapReduce and Large Scale Data Processing Systems

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    In the last two decades, the continuous increase of computational power has produced an overwhelming flow of data which has called for a paradigm shift in the computing architecture and large scale data processing mechanisms. MapReduce is a simple and powerful programming model that enables easy development of scalable parallel applications to process vast amounts of data on large clusters of commodity machines. It isolates the application from the details of running a distributed program such as issues on data distribution, scheduling and fault tolerance. However, the original implementation of the MapReduce framework had some limitations that have been tackled by many research efforts in several followup works after its introduction. This article provides a comprehensive survey for a family of approaches and mechanisms of large scale data processing mechanisms that have been implemented based on the original idea of the MapReduce framework and are currently gaining a lot of momentum in both research and industrial communities. We also cover a set of introduced systems that have been implemented to provide declarative programming interfaces on top of the MapReduce framework. In addition, we review several large scale data processing systems that resemble some of the ideas of the MapReduce framework for different purposes and application scenarios. Finally, we discuss some of the future research directions for implementing the next generation of MapReduce-like solutions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1105.4252 by other author

    Towards Dynamic Composition of Question Answering Pipelines

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    Question answering (QA) over knowledge graphs has gained significant momentum over the past five years due to the increasing availability of large knowledge graphs and the rising importance of question answering for user interaction. DBpedia has been the most prominently used knowledge graph in this setting. QA systems implement a pipeline connecting a sequence of QA components for translating an input question into its corresponding formal query (e.g. SPARQL); this query will be executed over a knowledge graph in order to produce the answer of the question. Recent empirical studies have revealed that albeit overall effective, the performance of QA systems and QA components depends heavily on the features of input questions, and not even the combination of the best performing QA systems or individual QA components retrieves complete and correct answers. Furthermore, these QA systems cannot be easily reused, extended, and results cannot be easily reproduced since the systems are mostly implemented in a monolithic fashion, lack standardised interfaces and are often not open source or available as Web services. All these drawbacks of the state of the art that prevents many of these approaches to be employed in real-world applications. In this thesis, we tackle the problem of QA over knowledge graph and propose a generic approach to promote reusability and build question answering systems in a collaborative effort. Firstly, we define qa vocabulary and Qanary methodology to develop an abstraction level on existing QA systems and components. Qanary relies on qa vocabulary to establish guidelines for semantically describing the knowledge exchange between the components of a QA system. We implement a component-based modular framework called "Qanary Ecosystem" utilising the Qanary methodology to integrate several heterogeneous QA components in a single platform. We further present Qaestro framework that provides an approach to semantically describing question answering components and effectively enumerates QA pipelines based on a QA developer requirements. Qaestro provides all valid combinations of available QA components respecting the input-output requirement of each component to build QA pipelines. Finally, we address the scalability of QA components within a framework and propose a novel approach that chooses the best component per task to automatically build QA pipeline for each input question. We implement this model within FRANKENSTEIN, a framework able to select QA components and compose pipelines. FRANKENSTEIN extends Qanary ecosystem and utilises qa vocabulary for data exchange. It has 29 independent QA components implementing five QA tasks resulting 360 unique QA pipelines. Each approach proposed in this thesis (Qanary methodology, Qaestro, and FRANKENSTEIN) is supported by extensive evaluation to demonstrate their effectiveness. Our contributions target a broader research agenda of offering the QA community an efficient way of applying their research to a research field which is driven by many different fields, consequently requiring a collaborative approach to achieve significant progress in the domain of question answering

    A Static Analyzer for Large Safety-Critical Software

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    We show that abstract interpretation-based static program analysis can be made efficient and precise enough to formally verify a class of properties for a family of large programs with few or no false alarms. This is achieved by refinement of a general purpose static analyzer and later adaptation to particular programs of the family by the end-user through parametrization. This is applied to the proof of soundness of data manipulation operations at the machine level for periodic synchronous safety critical embedded software. The main novelties are the design principle of static analyzers by refinement and adaptation through parametrization, the symbolic manipulation of expressions to improve the precision of abstract transfer functions, the octagon, ellipsoid, and decision tree abstract domains, all with sound handling of rounding errors in floating point computations, widening strategies (with thresholds, delayed) and the automatic determination of the parameters (parametrized packing)

    ACE: A Cliché-based Program Structure Editor

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    ACE extends the syntax-directed paradigm of program editing by adding support for programming clichés. A programming cliché is a standard algorithmic fragment. ACE supports the rapid construction of programs through the combination of clichés selected from a cliché library. ACE is also innovative in the way it support the basic structure editor operations. Instead of being based directly on the grammar for a programming language, ACE is based on a modified grammar which is designed to facilitate editing. Uniformity of the user interface is achieved by encoding the modified grammar as a set of clichés.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laborator

    Accelerating dynamic programming

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 129-136).Dynamic Programming (DP) is a fundamental problem-solving technique that has been widely used for solving a broad range of search and optimization problems. While DP can be invoked when more specialized methods fail, this generality often incurs a cost in efficiency. We explore a unifying toolkit for speeding up DP, and algorithms that use DP as subroutines. Our methods and results can be summarized as follows. - Acceleration via Compression. Compression is traditionally used to efficiently store data. We use compression in order to identify repeats in the table that imply a redundant computation. Utilizing these repeats requires a new DP, and often different DPs for different compression schemes. We present the first provable speedup of the celebrated Viterbi algorithm (1967) that is used for the decoding and training of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). Our speedup relies on the compression of the HMM's observable sequence. - Totally Monotone Matrices. It is well known that a wide variety of DPs can be reduced to the problem of finding row minima in totally monotone matrices. We introduce this scheme in the context of planar graph problems. In particular, we show that planar graph problems such as shortest paths, feasible flow, bipartite perfect matching, and replacement paths can be accelerated by DPs that exploit a total-monotonicity property of the shortest paths. - Combining Compression and Total Monotonicity. We introduce a method for accelerating string edit distance computation by combining compression and totally monotone matrices.(cont.) In the heart of this method are algorithms for computing the edit distance between two straight-line programs. These enable us to exploits the compressibility of strings, even if each string is compressed using a different compression scheme. - Partial Tables. In typical DP settings, a table is filled in its entirety, where each cell corresponds to some subproblem. In some cases, by changing the DP, it is possible to compute asymptotically less cells of the table. We show that [theta](n³) subproblems are both necessary and sufficient for computing the similarity between two trees. This improves all known solutions and brings the idea of partial tables to its full extent. - Fractional Subproblems. In some DPs, the solution to a subproblem is a data structure rather than a single value. The entire data structure of a subproblem is then processed and used to construct the data structure of larger subproblems. We suggest a method for reusing parts of a subproblem's data structure. In some cases, such fractional parts remain unchanged when constructing the data structure of larger subproblems. In these cases, it is possible to copy this part of the data structure to the larger subproblem using only a constant number of pointer changes. We show how this idea can be used for finding the optimal tree searching strategy in linear time. This is a generalization of the well known binary search technique from arrays to trees.by Oren Weimann.Ph.D

    Viability of Sequence Labeling Encodings for Dependency Parsing

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Computación . 5009V01[Abstract] This thesis presents new methods for recasting dependency parsing as a sequence labeling task yielding a viable alternative to the traditional transition- and graph-based approaches. It is shown that sequence labeling parsers provide several advantages for dependency parsing, such as: (i) a good trade-off between accuracy and parsing speed, (ii) genericity which enables running a parser in generic sequence labeling software and (iii) pluggability which allows using full parse trees as features to downstream tasks. The backbone of dependency parsing as sequence labeling are the encodings which serve as linearization methods for mapping dependency trees into discrete labels, such that each token in a sentence is associated with a label. We introduce three encoding families comprising: (i) head selection, (ii) bracketing-based and (iii) transition-based encodings which are differentiated by the way they represent a dependency tree as a sequence of labels. We empirically examine the viability of the encodings and provide an analysis of their facets. Furthermore, we explore the feasibility of leveraging external complementary data in order to enhance parsing performance. Our sequence labeling parser is endowed with two kinds of representations. First, we exploit the complementary nature of dependency and constituency parsing paradigms and enrich the parser with representations from both syntactic abstractions. Secondly, we use human language processing data to guide our parser with representations from eye movements. Overall, the results show that recasting dependency parsing as sequence labeling is a viable approach that is fast and accurate and provides a practical alternative for integrating syntax in NLP tasks.[Resumen] Esta tesis presenta nuevos métodos para reformular el análisis sintáctico de dependencias como una tarea de etiquetado secuencial, lo que supone una alternativa viable a los enfoques tradicionales basados en transiciones y grafos. Se demuestra que los analizadores de etiquetado secuencial ofrecen varias ventajas para el análisis sintáctico de dependencias, como por ejemplo (i) un buen equilibrio entre la precisión y la velocidad de análisis, (ii) la genericidad que permite ejecutar un analizador en un software genérico de etiquetado secuencial y (iii) la conectividad que permite utilizar el árbol de análisis completo como características para las tareas posteriores. El pilar del análisis sintáctico de dependencias como etiquetado secuencial son las codificaciones que sirven como métodos de linealización para transformar los árboles de dependencias en etiquetas discretas, de forma que cada token de una frase se asocia con una etiqueta. Introducimos tres familias de codificación que comprenden: (i) selección de núcleos, (ii) codificaciones basadas en corchetes y (iii) codificaciones basadas en transiciones que se diferencian por la forma en que representan un árbol de dependencias como una secuencia de etiquetas. Examinamos empíricamente la viabilidad de las codificaciones y ofrecemos un análisis de sus facetas. Además, exploramos la viabilidad de aprovechar datos complementarios externos para mejorar el rendimiento del análisis sintáctico. Dotamos a nuestro analizador sintáctico de dos tipos de representaciones. En primer lugar, explotamos la naturaleza complementaria de los paradigmas de análisis sintáctico de dependencias y constituyentes, enriqueciendo el analizador sintáctico con representaciones de ambas abstracciones sintácticas. En segundo lugar, utilizamos datos de procesamiento del lenguaje humano para guiar nuestro analizador con representaciones de los movimientos oculares. En general, los resultados muestran que la reformulación del análisis sintáctico de dependencias como etiquetado de secuencias es un enfoque viable, rápido y preciso, y ofrece una alternativa práctica para integrar la sintaxis en las tareas de PLN.[Resumo] Esta tese presenta novos métodos para reformular a análise sintáctica de dependencias como unha tarefa de etiquetaxe secuencial, o que supón unha alternativa viable aos enfoques tradicionais baseados en transicións e grafos. Demóstrase que os analizadores de etiquetaxe secuencial ofrecen varias vantaxes para a análise sintáctica de dependencias, por exemplo (i) un bo equilibrio entre a precisión e a velocidade de análise, (ii) a xenericidade que permite executar un analizador nun software xenérico de etiquetaxe secuencial e (iii) a conectividade que permite empregar a árbore de análise completa como características para as tarefas posteriores. O piar da análise sintáctica de dependencias como etiquetaxe secuencial son as codificacións que serven como métodos de linealización para transformar as árbores de dependencias en etiquetas discretas, de forma que cada token dunha frase se asocia cunha etiqueta. Introducimos tres familias de codificación que comprenden: (i) selección de núcleos, (ii) codificacións baseadas en corchetes e (iii) codificacións baseadas en transicións que se diferencian pola forma en que representan unha árbore de dependencia como unha secuencia de etiquetas. Examinamos empíricamente a viabilidade das codificacións e ofrecemos unha análise das súas facetas. Ademais, exploramos a viabilidade de aproveitar datos complementarios externos para mellorar o rendemento da análise sintáctica. O noso analizador sintáctico de etiquetaxe secuencial está dotado de dous tipos de representacións. En primeiro lugar, explotamos a natureza complementaria dos paradigmas de análise sintáctica de dependencias e constituíntes e enriquecemos o analizador sintáctico con representacións de ambas abstraccións sintácticas. En segundo lugar, empregamos datos de procesamento da linguaxe humana para guiar o noso analizador con representacións dos movementos oculares. En xeral, os resultados mostran que a reformulación da análise sintáctico de dependencias como etiquetaxe de secuencias é un enfoque viable, rápido e preciso, e ofrece unha alternativa práctica para integrar a sintaxe nas tarefas de PLN.This work has been carried out thanks to the funding from the European Research Council (ERC), under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (FASTPARSE, grant agreement No 714150)
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