3,720 research outputs found

    Wireless magnetic sensor network for road traffic monitoring and vehicle classification

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    Efficiency of transportation of people and goods is playing a vital role in economic growth. A key component for enabling effective planning of transportation networks is the deployment and operation of autonomous monitoring and traffic analysis tools. For that reason, such systems have been developed to register and classify road traffic usage. In this paper, we propose a novel system for road traffic monitoring and classification based on highly energy efficient wireless magnetic sensor networks. We develop novel algorithms for vehicle speed and length estimation and vehicle classification that use multiple magnetic sensors. We also demonstrate that, using such a low-cost system with simplified installation and maintenance compared to current solutions, it is possible to achieve highly accurate estimation and a high rate of positive vehicle classification

    MC-DS-CDMA System based on DWT and STBC in ITU Multipath Fading Channels Model

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     في هذه الورقة، تم تحسين أداء النفوذ المتعدد بالتقسيم لرمز السلسلة المباشر متعدد الموجات (MC-DS-CDMA) في تطبيقات MC-DS-CDMA الثابتة والتطبيقات MC-DS-CDMA  المتنقلة باستعمال تعويضات التشفير الزمنية الفضائية وتحويل فورير السريعة المنفصلة (FFT) أو تحويل المويجات المنفصلة DWT. وقد تمت محاكاة أنظمة MC-DS-CDMA  باستخدام ماتلاب 2015a. من خلال محاكاة النظام المقترح، يمكن تغيير المعالم المختلفة واختبارها. ويتم الحصول على معدل خطأ البيانات (BER) لهذه الأنظمة على مدى واسع من نسبة الإشارة إلى الضوضاء. وقد قورنت جميع نتائج المحاكاة مع بعضها البعض باستخدام حجم الموجة الحاملة الفرعية المختلفة FFT أو DWT مع ل STBC 1،2،3 و 4 هوائيات في المرسل وفي مختلف قنوات الخبو في متعددة الممرات ITU ومختلف ترددات دوبلر (fd).In this paper, the performance of multicarrier direct sequence code division multiple access (MC-DS-CDMA) in fixed MC-DS-CDMA and Mobile MC-DS-CDMA applications have been improved by using the compensations of space time block coding and Discrete Fast Fourier transforms (FFT) or Discrete Wavelets transform DWT. These MC-DS-CDMA systems had been simulated using MATLAB 2015a. Through simulation of the proposed system, various parameters can be changed and tested. The Bit Error Rate (BERs) of these systems are obtained over wide range of signal to noise ratio. All simulation results had been compared with each other using different subcarrier size of FFT or DWT with STBC for 1,2,3 and 4 antennas in transmitter and under different ITU multipath fading channels and different Doppler frequencies (fd). The proposed structures of STBC-MC-DS-CDMA system based on (DWT) batter than based on (FFT) in varies Doppler frequencies and subcarrier size. Also, proposed system with STBC based on 4 transmitters better than other systems based on 1 or 2 or 3 transmitters in all Doppler frequencies and subcarrier size in all simulation results

    Sparse-Based Estimation Performance for Partially Known Overcomplete Large-Systems

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    We assume the direct sum o for the signal subspace. As a result of post- measurement, a number of operational contexts presuppose the a priori knowledge of the LB -dimensional "interfering" subspace and the goal is to estimate the LA am- plitudes corresponding to subspace . Taking into account the knowledge of the orthogonal "interfering" subspace \perp, the Bayesian estimation lower bound is de- rivedfortheLA-sparsevectorinthedoublyasymptoticscenario,i.e. N,LA,LB -> \infty with a finite asymptotic ratio. By jointly exploiting the Compressed Sensing (CS) and the Random Matrix Theory (RMT) frameworks, closed-form expressions for the lower bound on the estimation of the non-zero entries of a sparse vector of interest are derived and studied. The derived closed-form expressions enjoy several interesting features: (i) a simple interpretable expression, (ii) a very low computational cost especially in the doubly asymptotic scenario, (iii) an accurate prediction of the mean-square-error (MSE) of popular sparse-based estimators and (iv) the lower bound remains true for any amplitudes vector priors. Finally, several idealized scenarios are compared to the derived bound for a common output signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) which shows the in- terest of the joint estimation/rejection methodology derived herein.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Journal of Signal Processin

    Adaptive 2×2 MIMO employed Wavelet-OFDM-Radio over Fibre Transmission

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    Due to high peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR) and low spectral-efficiency, the conventional Fast Fourier Transform based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is losing its place to the other multicarrier modulation schemes. Alternatively, the wavelet treated multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)-OFDM is gaining its popularity in realization of futuristic 5G networks due to proffering high spectral-efficiency, low-cost and low phase-noise. Subsequently, this work demonstrates a RF transmission system in S-band employing \times 2MIMOOFDMusingorthogonalandbiorthogonalwaveletswithdiversephaseshiftkeyingmodulation(PSK)schemes.AmongtheavailableMIMOconfigurations,theauthorsimplementspatialdiversityasitpromisesgoodreliabilityinnoisylinks[11].However,thedistributionofWaveletOFDM(WOFDM)signalsoveraradiooverfibre(RoF)linkiscriticallyaffectedbytheopticalsubsystemnonlinearity.So,thesimplest×2 MIMO-OFDM using orthogonal- and biorthogonal-wavelets with diverse phase shift keying modulation (PSK) schemes. Among the available MIMO configurations, the authors implement spatial diversity as it promises good reliability in noisy links [11]. However, the distribution of Wavelet-OFDM (W-OFDM) signals over a radio over fibre (RoF) link is critically affected by the optical sub-system non-linearity. So, the simplest \times 2 Alamouti's space-time block code (STBC) is implemented in this work to overcome this non-linearity and to realize a less-complex detection. The work is further extended to realize an adaptive MIMO-RoF system employing W-OFDM scheme to adjust itself to a suitable available phase shift keying strategy as per the link-situation to retain an optimal balance of link-quality and spectral-efficiency