51,733 research outputs found

    Factors affecting speech intelligibility improvement with exposure to reverberant room listening environments.

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    Speech intelligibility has been found to improve with prior exposure to a reverberant room environment. It is believed that perceptual mechanisms help maintain accurate speech perception under these adverse conditions. Potential factors underlying this speech enhancement effect were examined in three experiments. Experiment 1 studied the time course of speech intelligibility enhancement in multiple room environments. Carrier phrases of varying lengths were used to measure changes in speech intelligibility over time. Results showed an effect of speech enhancement with a time course that varied with the signal-to-noise ratio between the speech and a broad-band noise masker. Additionally, greater speech enhancement was found for reverberant environments compared to anechoic space, which suggests that a de-reverberation mechanism in the auditory system may enhance the temporal processing of speech. Experiment 2 examined the influence of the specific source and listener position within the room environment on speech enhancement. Source and listener configurations in three virtual room environments were altered to create a disparity between the position of a carrier phrase and a following speech target. Results showed robust effects of speech enhancement when the source and listener configuration were mismatched which suggests that speech enhancement relies on the general decay pattern of the room environment and not the specific temporal/spatial configuration of early reflections. Experiment 3 assessed the relationships between room-associated speech enhancement and single-reflection echo suppression by measuring echo thresholds for both a traditional click-based stimuli and with speech materials. Echo thresholds were found to be uncorrelated with the results of Experiment I. This suggests that early reflections have little impact on the de-reverberation aspect of speech enhancement, which is consistent with the results from Experiment II. A two-process hypothesis is proposed to account for the results of these experiments as well as previous research on this topic. Prior exposure to a speech pattern provided via carrier phrases is argued to elicit improved temporal processing of speech that results in speech enhancement. It is also argued that a process of de-reverberation effectively reduces the attenuation of temporal information in room environments

    Complex Recurrent Variational Autoencoder for Speech Enhancement

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    Commonly-used methods in speech enhancement are based on short-time fourier transform (STFT) representation, in particular on the magnitude of the STFT. This is because phase is naturally unstructured and intractable, and magnitude has shown more importance in speech enhancement. Nevertheless, phase has shown its significance in some research and cannot be ignored. Complex neural networks, with their inherent advantage, provide a solution for complex spectrogram processing. Complex variational autoencoder (VAE), as an extension of vanilla \acrshort{vae}, has shown positive results in complex spectrogram representation. However, the existing work on complex \acrshort{vae} only uses linear layers and merely applies the model on direct spectra representation. This paper extends the linear complex \acrshort{vae} to a non-linear one. Furthermore, on account of the temporal property of speech signals, a complex recurrent \acrshort{vae} is proposed. The proposed model has been applied on speech enhancement. As far as we know, it is the first time that a complex generative model is applied to speech enhancement. Experiments are based on the TIMIT dataset, while speech intelligibility and speech quality have been evaluated. The results show that, for speech enhancement, the proposed method has better performance on speech intelligibility and comparable performance on speech quality.Comment: submitted to INTERSPEECH 202

    Developmental refinement of cortical systems for speech and voice processing

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    Development typically leads to optimized and adaptive neural mechanisms for the processing of voice and speech. In this fMRI study we investigated how this adaptive processing reaches its mature efficiency by examining the effects of task, age and phonological skills on cortical responses to voice and speech in children (8-9years), adolescents (14-15years) and adults. Participants listened to vowels (/a/, /i/, /u/) spoken by different speakers (boy, girl, man) and performed delayed-match-to-sample tasks on vowel and speaker identity. Across age groups, similar behavioral accuracy and comparable sound evoked auditory cortical fMRI responses were observed. Analysis of task-related modulations indicated a developmental enhancement of responses in the (right) superior temporal cortex during the processing of speaker information. This effect was most evident through an analysis based on individually determined voice sensitive regions. Analysis of age effects indicated that the recruitment of regions in the temporal-parietal cortex and posterior cingulate/cingulate gyrus decreased with development. Beyond age-related changes, the strength of speech-evoked activity in left posterior and right middle superior temporal regions significantly scaled with individual differences in phonological skills. Together, these findings suggest a prolonged development of the cortical functional network for speech and voice processing. This development includes a progressive refinement of the neural mechanisms for the selection and analysis of auditory information relevant to the ongoing behavioral task

    Kalman tracking of linear predictor and harmonic noise models for noisy speech enhancement

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    This paper presents a speech enhancement method based on the tracking and denoising of the formants of a linear prediction (LP) model of the spectral envelope of speech and the parameters of a harmonic noise model (HNM) of its excitation. The main advantages of tracking and denoising the prominent energy contours of speech are the efficient use of the spectral and temporal structures of successive speech frames and a mitigation of processing artefact known as the ‘musical noise’ or ‘musical tones’.The formant-tracking linear prediction (FTLP) model estimation consists of three stages: (a) speech pre-cleaning based on a spectral amplitude estimation, (b) formant-tracking across successive speech frames using the Viterbi method, and (c) Kalman filtering of the formant trajectories across successive speech frames.The HNM parameters for the excitation signal comprise; voiced/unvoiced decision, the fundamental frequency, the harmonics’ amplitudes and the variance of the noise component of excitation. A frequency-domain pitch extraction method is proposed that searches for the peak signal to noise ratios (SNRs) at the harmonics. For each speech frame several pitch candidates are calculated. An estimate of the pitch trajectory across successive frames is obtained using a Viterbi decoder. The trajectories of the noisy excitation harmonics across successive speech frames are modeled and denoised using Kalman filters.The proposed method is used to deconstruct noisy speech, de-noise its model parameters and then reconstitute speech from its cleaned parts. Experimental evaluations show the performance gains of the formant tracking, pitch extraction and noise reduction stages

    MBTFNet: Multi-Band Temporal-Frequency Neural Network For Singing Voice Enhancement

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    A typical neural speech enhancement (SE) approach mainly handles speech and noise mixtures, which is not optimal for singing voice enhancement scenarios. Music source separation (MSS) models treat vocals and various accompaniment components equally, which may reduce performance compared to the model that only considers vocal enhancement. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-band temporal-frequency neural network (MBTFNet) for singing voice enhancement, which particularly removes background music, noise and even backing vocals from singing recordings. MBTFNet combines inter and intra-band modeling for better processing of full-band signals. Dual-path modeling are introduced to expand the receptive field of the model. We propose an implicit personalized enhancement (IPE) stage based on signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimation, which further improves the performance of MBTFNet. Experiments show that our proposed model significantly outperforms several state-of-the-art SE and MSS models

    Effects of Expanding Envelope Fluctuations on Consonant Perception in Hearing-Impaired Listeners

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    This study examined the perceptual consequences of three speech enhancement schemes based on multiband nonlinear expansion of temporal envelope fluctuations between 10 and 20 Hz: (a) “idealized” envelope expansion of the speech before the addition of stationary background noise, (b) envelope expansion of the noisy speech, and (c) envelope expansion of only those time-frequency segments of the noisy speech that exhibited signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) above −10 dB. Linear processing was considered as a reference condition. The performance was evaluated by measuring consonant recognition and consonant confusions in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners using consonant-vowel nonsense syllables presented in background noise. Envelope expansion of the noisy speech showed no significant effect on the overall consonant recognition performance relative to linear processing. In contrast, SNR-based envelope expansion of the noisy speech improved the overall consonant recognition performance equivalent to a 1- to 2-dB improvement in SNR, mainly by improving the recognition of some of the stop consonants. The effect of the SNR-based envelope expansion was similar to the effect of envelope-expanding the clean speech before the addition of noise

    Single-Microphone Speech Enhancement Inspired by Auditory System

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    Enhancing quality of speech in noisy environments has been an active area of research due to the abundance of applications dealing with human voice and dependence of their performance on this quality. While original approaches in the field were mostly addressing this problem in a pure statistical framework in which the goal was to estimate speech from its sum with other independent processes (noise), during last decade, the attention of the scientific community has turned to the functionality of human auditory system. A lot of effort has been put to bridge the gap between the performance of speech processing algorithms and that of average human by borrowing the models suggested for the sound processing in the auditory system. In this thesis, we will introduce algorithms for speech enhancement inspired by two of these models i.e. the cortical representation of sounds and the hypothesized role of temporal coherence in the auditory scene analysis. After an introduction to the auditory system and the speech enhancement framework we will first show how traditional speech enhancement technics such as wiener-filtering can benefit on the feature extraction level from discriminatory capabilities of spectro-temporal representation of sounds in the cortex i.e. the cortical model. We will next focus on the feature processing as opposed to the extraction stage in the speech enhancement systems by taking advantage of models hypothesized for human attention for sound segregation. We demonstrate a mask-based enhancement method in which the temporal coherence of features is used as a criterion to elicit information about their sources and more specifically to form the masks needed to suppress the noise. Lastly, we explore how the two blocks for feature extraction and manipulation can be merged into one in a manner consistent with our knowledge about auditory system. We will do this through the use of regularized non-negative matrix factorization to optimize the feature extraction and simultaneously account for temporal dynamics to separate noise from speech

    Recurrent lateral inhibitory spiking networks for speech enhancement

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    Automatic speech recognition accuracy is affected adversely by the presence of noise. In this paper we present a novel noise removal and speech enhancement technique based on spiking neural network processing of speech data. The spiking network has a recurrent lateral topology that is biologically inspired, specifically by the inhibitory cells of the cochlear nucleus. The network can be configured for different acoustic environments and it will be demonstrated how the connectivity results in enhancement of temporal correlation between similar frequency bands and removal of uncorrelated noise sources. Demonstration of the speech enhancement capability will be provided with data taken from the TIMIT database with different levels of additive Gaussian white noise. Future directions for further development of this novel approach to noise removal and signal processing will also be discussed

    Deep Learning Based Speech Enhancement and Its Application to Speech Recognition

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    Speech enhancement is the task that aims to improve the quality and the intelligibility of a speech signal that is degraded by ambient noise and room reverberation. Speech enhancement algorithms are used extensively in many audio- and communication systems, including mobile handsets, speech recognition, speaker verification systems and hearing aids. Recently, deep learning has achieved great success in many applications, such as computer vision, nature language processing and speech recognition. Speech enhancement methods have been introduced that use deep-learning techniques, as these techniques are capable of learning complex hierarchical functions using large-scale training data. This dissertation investigates the deep learning based speech enhancement and its application to robust Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). We start our work by exploring generative adversarial network (GAN) based speech enhancement. We explore the techniques to extract information about the noise to aid in the reconstruction of the speech signals. The proposed framework, referred to as ForkGAN, is a novel general adversarial learning-based framework that combines deep-learning with conventional noise reduction techniques. We further extend ForkGAN to M-ForkGAN, which integrates feature mapping and mask learning into a unified framework using ForkGAN. Another variant of ForkGAN, named S-ForkGAN, operates on spectral-domain features, which could directly apply to ASR. Systematic evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Then, we propose a novel multi-stage learning speech enhancement system. Each stage comprises a self-attention (SA) block followed by stacks of temporal convolutional network (TCN) blocks with doubling dilation factors. Each stage generates a prediction that is refined in a subsequent stage. A fusion block is inserted at the input of later stages to re-inject original information. Moreover, we design several multi-scale architectures with perceptual loss. Experiments show that our proposed architectures can achieve the state of the art performance on several public datasets. Recently, modeling to learn the acoustic noisy-clean speech mapping has been enhanced by including auxiliary information such as visual cues, phonetic and linguistic information, and speaker information. We propose a novel speaker-aware speech enhancement (SASE) method that extracts speaker information from a clean reference using long short-term memory (LSTM) layers, and then uses a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRN) to embed the extracted speaker information. The SASE framework is extended with a self-attention mechanism. It is shown that a few seconds of clean reference speech is sufficient, and that the proposed SASE method performs well for a wide range of scenarios. Even though speech enhancement methods that are based on deep learning have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance when compared with conventional methodologies, current deep learning approaches heavily rely on supervised learning, which requires a large number of noisy- and clean-speech sample pairs for training. This is generally not practical in a realistic environment. One cannot simultaneously obtain both noisy and clean speech samples. Thus, most speech enhancement approaches are trained with simulated speech and clean targets. In addition, it would be hard to collect large-scale dataset for the low-resource languages. We propose a novel noise-to-noise speech enhancement (N2N-SE) method that addresses the parallel noisy-clean training data issue, we leverage signal reconstruction techniques by only using corrupted speech. The proposed N2N-SE framework includes a noise conversion module that is an auto-encoder that learns to mix noise with speech, and a speech enhancement module, that learns to reconstruct corrupted speech signals. In addition to additive noise, speech is also affected by reverberation, which is caused by the attenuated and delayed reflections of sound waves. These distortions, particularly when combined, can severely degrade speech intelligibility for human listeners and impact applications, e.g., automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speaker recognition. Thus, effective speech denoising and dereverberation will benefit both speech processing applications and human listeners. We investigate the deep-learning based approaches for both speech dereverberation and speech denoising using the cascade Conformer architecture. The experimental results show that the proposed cascade Conformer can be effective to suppress the noise and reverberation

    Deep spiking neural networks with applications to human gesture recognition

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    The spiking neural networks (SNNs), as the 3rd generation of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), are a class of event-driven neuromorphic algorithms that potentially have a wide range of application domains and are applicable to a variety of extremely low power neuromorphic hardware. The work presented in this thesis addresses the challenges of human gesture recognition using novel SNN algorithms. It discusses the design of these algorithms for both visual and auditory domain human gesture recognition as well as event-based pre-processing toolkits for audio signals. From the visual gesture recognition aspect, a novel SNN-based event-driven hand gesture recognition system is proposed. This system is shown to be effective in an experiment on hand gesture recognition with its spiking recurrent convolutional neural network (SCRNN) design, which combines both designed convolution operation and recurrent connectivity to maintain spatial and temporal relations with address-event-representation (AER) data. The proposed SCRNN architecture can achieve arbitrary temporal resolution, which means it can exploit temporal correlations between event collections. This design utilises a backpropagation-based training algorithm and does not suffer from gradient vanishing/explosion problems. From the audio perspective, a novel end-to-end spiking speech emotion recognition system (SER) is proposed. This system employs the MFCC as its main speech feature extractor as well as a self-designed latency coding algorithm to effciently convert the raw signal to AER input that can be used for SNN. A two-layer spiking recurrent architecture is proposed to address temporal correlations between spike trains. The robustness of this system is supported by several open public datasets, which demonstrate state of the arts recognition accuracy and a significant reduction in network size, computational costs, and training speed. In addition to directly contributing to neuromorphic SER, this thesis proposes a novel speech-coding algorithm based on the working mechanism of humans auditory organ system. The algorithm mimics the functionality of the cochlea and successfully provides an alternative method of event-data acquisition for audio-based data. The algorithm is then further simplified and extended into an application of speech enhancement which is jointly used in the proposed SER system. This speech-enhancement method uses the lateral inhibition mechanism as a frequency coincidence detector to remove uncorrelated noise in the time-frequency spectrum. The method is shown to be effective by experiments for up to six types of noise.The spiking neural networks (SNNs), as the 3rd generation of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), are a class of event-driven neuromorphic algorithms that potentially have a wide range of application domains and are applicable to a variety of extremely low power neuromorphic hardware. The work presented in this thesis addresses the challenges of human gesture recognition using novel SNN algorithms. It discusses the design of these algorithms for both visual and auditory domain human gesture recognition as well as event-based pre-processing toolkits for audio signals. From the visual gesture recognition aspect, a novel SNN-based event-driven hand gesture recognition system is proposed. This system is shown to be effective in an experiment on hand gesture recognition with its spiking recurrent convolutional neural network (SCRNN) design, which combines both designed convolution operation and recurrent connectivity to maintain spatial and temporal relations with address-event-representation (AER) data. The proposed SCRNN architecture can achieve arbitrary temporal resolution, which means it can exploit temporal correlations between event collections. This design utilises a backpropagation-based training algorithm and does not suffer from gradient vanishing/explosion problems. From the audio perspective, a novel end-to-end spiking speech emotion recognition system (SER) is proposed. This system employs the MFCC as its main speech feature extractor as well as a self-designed latency coding algorithm to effciently convert the raw signal to AER input that can be used for SNN. A two-layer spiking recurrent architecture is proposed to address temporal correlations between spike trains. The robustness of this system is supported by several open public datasets, which demonstrate state of the arts recognition accuracy and a significant reduction in network size, computational costs, and training speed. In addition to directly contributing to neuromorphic SER, this thesis proposes a novel speech-coding algorithm based on the working mechanism of humans auditory organ system. The algorithm mimics the functionality of the cochlea and successfully provides an alternative method of event-data acquisition for audio-based data. The algorithm is then further simplified and extended into an application of speech enhancement which is jointly used in the proposed SER system. This speech-enhancement method uses the lateral inhibition mechanism as a frequency coincidence detector to remove uncorrelated noise in the time-frequency spectrum. The method is shown to be effective by experiments for up to six types of noise
