465 research outputs found

    Incremental Unsupervised Training for University Lecture Recognition

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    In this paper we describe our work on unsupervised adaptation of the acoustic model of our simultaneous lecture translation system. We trained a speaker independent acoustic model, with which we produce automatic transcriptions of new lectures in order to improve the system for a specific lecturer. We compare our results against a model that was trained in a supervised way on an exact manual transcription. We examine four different ways of processing the decoder outputs of the automatic transcription with respect to the treatment of pronunciation variants and noise words. We will show that, instead of fixating the latter informations in the transcriptions, it is of advantage to let the Viterbi algorithm during training decide which pronunciations to use and where to insert which noise words. Further, we utilize word level posterior probabilities obtained during decoding by weighting and thresholding the words of a transcription

    A System for Simultaneous Translation of Lectures and Speeches

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    This thesis realizes the first existing automatic system for simultaneous speech-to-speech translation. The focus of this system is the automatic translation of (technical oriented) lectures and speeches from English to Spanish, but the different aspects described in this thesis will also be helpful for developing simultaneous translation systems for other domains or languages

    Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and NMT for Interlingual and Intralingual Communication: Speech to Text Technology for Live Subtitling and Accessibility.

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    Considered the increasing demand for institutional translation and the multilingualism of international organizations, the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in multilingual communications and for the purposes of accessibility has become an important element in the production of translation and interpreting services (Zetzsche, 2019). In particular, the widespread use of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) technology represents a recent development in the attempt of satisfying the increasing demand for interinstitutional, multilingual communications at inter-governmental level (Maslias, 2017). Recently, researchers have been calling for a universalistic view of media and conference accessibility (Greco, 2016). The application of ASR, combined with NMT, may allow for the breaking down of communication barriers at European institutional conferences where multilingualism represents a fundamental pillar (Jopek Bosiacka, 2013). In addition to representing a so-called disruptive technology (Accipio Consulting, 2006), ASR technology may facilitate the communication with non-hearing users (Lewis, 2015). Thanks to ASR, it is possible to guarantee content accessibility for non-hearing audience via subtitles at institutionally-held conferences or speeches. Hence the need for analysing and evaluating ASR output: a quantitative approach is adopted to try to make an evaluation of subtitles, with the objective of assessing its accuracy (Romero-Fresco, 2011). A database of F.A.O.’s and other international institutions’ English-language speeches and conferences on climate change is taken into consideration. The statistical approach is based on WER and NER models (Romero-Fresco, 2016) and on an adapted version. The ASR software solution implemented into the study will be VoxSigma by Vocapia Research and Google Speech Recognition engine. After having defined a taxonomic scheme, Native and Non-Native subtitles are compared to gold standard transcriptions. The intralingual and interlingual output generated by NMT is specifically analysed and evaluated via the NTR model to evaluate accuracy and accessibility

    Acoustic Modelling for Under-Resourced Languages

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    Automatic speech recognition systems have so far been developed only for very few languages out of the 4,000-7,000 existing ones. In this thesis we examine methods to rapidly create acoustic models in new, possibly under-resourced languages, in a time and cost effective manner. For this we examine the use of multilingual models, the application of articulatory features across languages, and the automatic discovery of word-like units in unwritten languages

    Machine Translation Enhanced Automatic Speech Recognition

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    Factoid question answering for spoken documents

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    In this dissertation, we present a factoid question answering system, specifically tailored for Question Answering (QA) on spoken documents. This work explores, for the first time, which techniques can be robustly adapted from the usual QA on written documents to the more difficult spoken documents scenario. More specifically, we study new information retrieval (IR) techniques designed for speech, and utilize several levels of linguistic information for the speech-based QA task. These include named-entity detection with phonetic information, syntactic parsing applied to speech transcripts, and the use of coreference resolution. Our approach is largely based on supervised machine learning techniques, with special focus on the answer extraction step, and makes little use of handcrafted knowledge. Consequently, it should be easily adaptable to other domains and languages. In the work resulting of this Thesis, we have impulsed and coordinated the creation of an evaluation framework for the task of QA on spoken documents. The framework, named QAst, provides multi-lingual corpora, evaluation questions, and answers key. These corpora have been used in the QAst evaluation that was held in the CLEF workshop for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009, thus helping the developing of state-of-the-art techniques for this particular topic. The presentend QA system and all its modules are extensively evaluated on the European Parliament Plenary Sessions English corpus composed of manual transcripts and automatic transcripts obtained by three different Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems that exhibit significantly different word error rates. This data belongs to the CLEF 2009 track for QA on speech transcripts. The main results confirm that syntactic information is very useful for learning to rank question candidates, improving results on both manual and automatic transcripts unless the ASR quality is very low. Overall, the performance of our system is comparable or better than the state-of-the-art on this corpus, confirming the validity of our approach.En aquesta Tesi, presentem un sistema de Question Answering (QA) factual, especialment ajustat per treballar amb documents orals. En el desenvolupament explorem, per primera vegada, quines tècniques de les habitualment emprades en QA per documents escrit són suficientment robustes per funcionar en l'escenari més difícil de documents orals. Amb més especificitat, estudiem nous mètodes de Information Retrieval (IR) dissenyats per tractar amb la veu, i utilitzem diversos nivells d'informació linqüística. Entre aquests s'inclouen, a saber: detecció de Named Entities utilitzant informació fonètica, "parsing" sintàctic aplicat a transcripcions de veu, i també l'ús d'un sub-sistema de detecció i resolució de la correferència. La nostra aproximació al problema es recolza en gran part en tècniques supervisades de Machine Learning, estant aquestes enfocades especialment cap a la part d'extracció de la resposta, i fa servir la menor quantitat possible de coneixement creat per humans. En conseqüència, tot el procés de QA pot ser adaptat a altres dominis o altres llengües amb relativa facilitat. Un dels resultats addicionals de la feina darrere d'aquesta Tesis ha estat que hem impulsat i coordinat la creació d'un marc d'avaluació de la taska de QA en documents orals. Aquest marc de treball, anomenat QAst (Question Answering on Speech Transcripts), proporciona un corpus de documents orals multi-lingüe, uns conjunts de preguntes d'avaluació, i les respostes correctes d'aquestes. Aquestes dades han estat utilitzades en les evaluacionis QAst que han tingut lloc en el si de les conferències CLEF en els anys 2007, 2008 i 2009; d'aquesta manera s'ha promogut i ajudat a la creació d'un estat-de-l'art de tècniques adreçades a aquest problema en particular. El sistema de QA que presentem i tots els seus particulars sumbòduls, han estat avaluats extensivament utilitzant el corpus EPPS (transcripcions de les Sessions Plenaries del Parlament Europeu) en anglès, que cónté transcripcions manuals de tots els discursos i també transcripcions automàtiques obtingudes mitjançant tres reconeixedors automàtics de la parla (ASR) diferents. Els reconeixedors tenen característiques i resultats diferents que permetes una avaluació quantitativa i qualitativa de la tasca. Aquestes dades pertanyen a l'avaluació QAst del 2009. Els resultats principals de la nostra feina confirmen que la informació sintàctica és mol útil per aprendre automàticament a valorar la plausibilitat de les respostes candidates, millorant els resultats previs tan en transcripcions manuals com transcripcions automàtiques, descomptat que la qualitat de l'ASR sigui molt baixa. En general, el rendiment del nostre sistema és comparable o millor que els altres sistemes pertanyents a l'estat-del'art, confirmant així la validesa de la nostra aproximació

    The case study of SmarTerp

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    Synopsis: Technological advancement is reshaping the ways in which language interpreters operate. This poses existential challenges to the profession but also offers new opportunities. This books moves from the design of the computer-assisted interpreting tool SmarTerp as a case study of impact-driven interpreting technology research. It demonstrates how usability testing was used to achieve an interpreter-centred design. By contextualising the case study within the past and current developments of translation and interpreting technology research, this book seeks to inform and inspire a redefinition of the conceptualisation of interpreting technology research—not just as a tool to understand change but to drive it into a sustainable and human direction

    Robust Automatic Transcription of Lectures

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    Die automatische Transkription von Vorträgen, Vorlesungen und Präsentationen wird immer wichtiger und ermöglicht erst die Anwendungen der automatischen Übersetzung von Sprache, der automatischen Zusammenfassung von Sprache, der gezielten Informationssuche in Audiodaten und somit die leichtere Zugänglichkeit in digitalen Bibliotheken. Im Idealfall arbeitet ein solches System mit einem Mikrofon das den Vortragenden vom Tragen eines Mikrofons befreit was der Fokus dieser Arbeit ist

    The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe

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    Proceedings of the 1st FLaReNet Forum on the European Language Resources and Technologies, held in Vienna, at the Austrian Academy of Science, on 12-13 February 2009
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